字幕表 動画を再生する
[Caine] Saying goodbyes?
- ケイン)お別れの挨拶ですか?
[John] Saying hello.
- ジョン)こんにちはと挨拶する。
[Caine] You think your wife can hear you?
- 奥さんに聞こえるとでも思っているのか?
- いいえ。
Then why bother?
- では、なぜ悩むのか?
Maybe I'm wrong.
- もしかしたら、私が間違っているのかもしれません。
You're going to die.
- 死んでしまうんですね。
Maybe not.
- そうでないかもしれませんね。
♪ Goodbye to you my trusted friend ♪
♪ Goodbye to you my trusted friend ♪
A new day is dawning.
- 新たな1日が始まる。
New ideas, new rules, new management.
♪ We've known each other since we were nine or ten ♪
Who is this?
- これは誰なんでしょう?
The Marquis de Gramont.
- グラモン侯爵が
Challenge him to single combat.
Win or lose, it's a way out.
I don't sit at The Table.
- 私はThe Tableには座らない。
Your family does.
- あなたの家族がそうです。
♪ Please pray for me ♪
♪ Please pray for me ♪
♪ I was the black sheep of the family ♪
♪ I was the black sheep of the family ♪
A man has to look his best when it's time to get married...
- 男は結婚するときこそ、最高の状態で臨まなければならない...。
or buried.
I'm going to need a gun.
- 銃が必要なんだ。
♪ Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die ♪
♪ Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die ♪(銃声) (ドラマチックな音楽が続く) (銃声)
If you win, The Table will honor it's word.
- もしあなたが当選したら、The Tableはその約束を守ります。(犬の鳴き声) (犬の鳴き声)
You will have your freedom.
♪ It's hard to die ♪
♪ It's hard to die ♪
Under the old laws, only one can survive.
- 旧法では、一人しか生き残れない。
Failure to meet at sunrise...
♪ It's hard to die ♪
♪ It's hard to die ♪
will result in execution.
[John] Last words, Winston?
- 最後に一言、ウィンストン?
Just have fun out there.
- とにかく楽しんでください。(バワリー笑) (銃声)
♪ We had joy ♪
♪ We had joy ♪
♪ We had fun ♪
♪ We had fun ♪
♪ We had seasons in the sun ♪
♪ We had seasons in the sun ♪
I want you to find your peace.
- 安らぎを見つけてほしい。
But a good death only comes after a good life.
You and I left a good life behind a long time ago, my friend.
- あなたと私は、良い人生を残しました遥か昔、友よ。 (銃声)
♪ It's hard to die ♪
♪ It's hard to die ♪