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GPT four has finally arrived.
GPT 4がついに登場しましたね。
It leaves Chat GPT in the dust.
Chat GPTを置き去りにしてしまうのです。
It can convert a drawing on a napkin into a functional website.
It can even explain to you a joke from a series of images.
So let's find out exactly what GPT four actually is open.
A I ran a developer live stream that not only introduced this multimodal AI, they also ran a demo to demonstrate how it's one of the most powerful artificial intelligence engines to this day.
A 私は、このマルチモーダルAIを紹介するだけでなく、今日まで最も強力な人工知能エンジンの一つであることを実証するデモを、開発者ライブストリームで実施しました。
It's no surprise that the whole internet Twitter especially has gone insane hearing this news Chat GPT was only released recently with being A I following in this video, I'm going to cover what GPT four actually is how it's different from previous GPT versions such as GPT three, GPT 3.5 and I've also gained access to test it out.
このニュースを聞いて、インターネットやTwitterが大騒ぎになったのは当然です。 チャットGPTは最近リリースされたばかりですが、私はこのビデオで、GPT4とは何か、GPT3やGPT3.5といったこれまでのGPTバージョンとどう違うか、また実際にアクセスして試してみたことを説明します。
So I'll demo some of its use cases to let's start off with GPT four.
そこで、その使用例をいくつかデモして、まずはGPT 4から始めてみましょう。
In comparison to its previous models, it's multimodal.
This simply means that unlike previous versions of GPT, which were only text based GPT four can accept and process images as well as text, I wouldn't be surprised if there's an audio component to this as well.
これは簡単に言うと、テキストベースだけだったこれまでのGPTと違い、GPT 4ではテキストだけでなく画像も受け入れて処理できるということで、これにはオーディオの要素も含まれていても不思議ではありませんね。
But for the time being open AI simply did a demonstration showcasing a few examples of their image to text processing.
しかし、当面はopen AIが画像からテキストに変換する例をいくつか紹介するデモを行っただけです。
The first one is on their website where they gave A I the difficult task of explaining a joke based on a series of images.
最初は、彼らのウェブサイトで、一連の画像をもとにジョークを説明するという難題をA Iに課したものです。
This image is of an iphone, but it's charging with a V G A cable and GPT four accurately was able to identify all the elements in the photo as well as explain the context of the joke.
この画像はiphoneですが、V G Aケーブルで充電しており、GPTの4人は正確に写真のすべての要素を識別し、ジョークの文脈も説明することができました。
While this sounds pretty simple, this is something that's almost unheard of in previous versions of AI.
And I guess that recapture will now have a run for its money trying to detect not just spots but artificial intelligence.
The second demo is where the real magic happened.
Open A I showed how you could draw a picture of a website on a napkin or maybe a piece of paper.
Open A ナプキンや紙切れにホームページの絵を描く方法を紹介したんだ。
Then you can take a photo of it and send it to GPT four.
そして、それを写真に撮ってGPT fourに送ればいいのです。
You can ask it to produce a functional website.
In this case, it was a joke website in just 10 to 20 seconds.
GPT four produced all the HTML CSS and javascript code to reproduce the website.
GPT fourは、Webサイトを再現するためのHTML CSS、javascriptのコードをすべて制作しました。
And then it was copy pasted into an editor and a showcase as a functional product as a developer.
I have to say, I'm very impressed with this.
This is something not very easily done and I've seen some really cool examples already on Twitter, like Pet Trio, who is able to create the Game Pong within 60 seconds of using GPT for Open AI have also showcased some of the companies that are already working with them to be able to use GPT four in their products.
これはなかなかできることではありません。Twitterでは、GPT for Open AIを使って60秒以内に「Game Pong」を作ることができたPet Trioのような、本当にクールな例をすでにいくつか見ました。また、GPT fourを自社製品で使用できるように、すでに協力している企業のいくつかを紹介しています。
These companies have integrated it into service is one of them is Khan Academy.
They've integrated it very similar to Chat GPT.
Chat GPTとよく似た統合をしたそうです。
But with more customization to work as a personal tutor.
For those people who are low learning educational content, maybe in the future, all our Children will be taught by AI but at least for the short term, it looks like it's definitely a great assistant to have on hand, whether you're doing any type of learning.
There were lots of statistics that showcased how GPT four performs better than any other model today, including it being able to pass the L stat and the bar and being in the top quarter percentile.
GPT fourがLスタとバーをパスできること、トップクォーターパーセンタイルであることなど、現在のどのモデルよりも優れたパフォーマンスであることを示す統計がたくさんありました。
Whereas previous versions of GPT three were in the lower quarter of that, other than the difference of being able to also take in visual inputs.
It can also produce and handle over 25,000 words of text, which is much larger than previous models.
It's also much more creative, being able to edit as well as modify and iterate over technical tasks and writing task way more accurately than previous models as well as an example, you could ask Chat GPT or GPT three to summarize Cinderella and while it could do so, it wouldn't be able to do complex tasks such as being able to summarize it where every sentence of each word begins with the next letter of the alphabet A to Z.
例えば、チャットGPTやGPT 3にシンデレラの要約を依頼すると、要約はできても、各単語の文が次のアルファベットのAからZで始まるように要約するような複雑な作業はできないでしょう。
This is a much more complex task and yet GPT four can do this quite easily.
これはもっと複雑な作業ですが、それでもGPT 4は非常に簡単にこれを行うことができます。
GPT four also surpasses chat GPT in advanced reasoning capabilities.
GPT 4は、高度な推論能力においてもチャットGPTを凌駕しています。
This means that if you're trying to book an appointment between two peoples calendars with different availabilities, GPT four can better reason and figures a time that works for both of them.
つまり、2人のカレンダーにそれぞれ異なる予定がある場合、GPT fourは、2人の都合の良い時間を推論して割り出すことができるのです。
It's also safer and less prone to making errors.
Open AI said that they spent six months making sure that GPT four is 82% less likely to create requests for disallowed content and 40% less likely to produce fake news or at least factually inaccurate responses.
Open AIは、GPT 4が許可されないコンテンツのリクエストを作成する可能性を82%減らし、フェイクニュースや少なくとも事実と異なる回答を作成する可能性を40%減らすために、6ヶ月間かけて確認したと述べています。
If you're interested in using it right now, you can do so on chat GPT plus, which is the paid version of chat GPT.
今すぐ使ってみたいという方は、chat GPTの有料版であるchat GPT plusでご利用ください。
And if you want to get access to the API, you'll need to join the A P I wait list.
また、APIへのアクセスを希望する場合は、A P Iのウェイティングリストに参加する必要があります。
I went onto the chat GPD website where I've got the new model available GPD fall.
It also showcases the difference between each model with the differences showing in reasoning speed and conciseness.
Version 3.5 has average reasoning, low conciseness, but quite high speed.
The legacy version is less used and its speed is a bit lower but GPT four has very high reasoning and high conciseness.
レガシーバージョンはあまり使われていないので、スピードは少し落ちますが、GPT 4は非常に高い推論力と高い簡潔性を持っています。
But the speed is a little bit lower.
I'd say it's because it's still being pushed down.
So it's currently limited to 100 messages every four hours.
I first asked it to showcase three different things that Chat GPT four can do that.
Chat GPT 4ができることを3種類紹介してほしいと最初にお願いしました。
Chat GPT three couldn't, it technically is still trained on the same data all the way up to September 2011.
Chat GPT 3は、技術的には2011年9月までずっと同じデータでトレーニングしているのですが、それができませんでした。
And what I found surprising is that it still thinks it's a version of GPT three, which maybe it was trained against, but it did have have the correct answers, which means that it is better at comprehension and understanding it is better at reasoning.
And it's also better as a language model supporting more languages more accurately as well.
In my last video, I tricked Chat GPT into thinking nine plus 10 is actually equal to 20 and not 19.
I tried to apply the same trick to GPT four, but it didn't work, which means that technically speaking, it gave the correct answer consistently.
GPT 4にも同じ仕掛けを施してみましたが、うまくいかなかったので、厳密に言えば、安定して正解を出すことができたということでしょう。
Each time I tried to trick the A P I is not quite available yet.
その都度、A P I を騙そうとしたのですが、まだなかなか使えません。
I've applied for the wait list and hopefully I'll be accepted soon and I'll showcase how you can use it for your own business as well as replacing Chat GPT 3.5 in the future.
キャンセル待ちを申し込んだので、早く受かるといいのですが、今後、Chat GPT 3.5を置き換えるだけでなく、自分のビジネスにどう活用できるかを紹介します。
With GPT four being better almost across the board.
In all instances, it'll be interesting to see what happens to the old version of GPT 3.5.
いずれの場合も、旧バージョンのGPT 3.5がどうなるかは興味深いところです。
Now that we have this available, I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
If you did, don't forget to hit like and subscribe.
Thank you.