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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Nothing's coming out of your closet to scare you anymore, right?

  • Yeah.

  • Goodbye, Boo.

  • Kitty!

  • Kitty has to go.

  • Boo!

  • Kitty?

  • Tarzan.

  • Kerchak.

  • Forgive me.

  • No...

  • Forgive me for not understanding...

  • That you have always been one of us.

  • Our family will look to you now.

  • No. Kerchak.

  • Take care of them...

  • ... my son.

  • Take care of them...

  • Shang! Hang on.

  • It - it won't hold us both!

  • It will! It will Shang!

  • Mulan?

  • I'm sorry.

  • Shang!

  • Shang!

  • Shang!

  • Koda?

  • I did something very wrong.

  • I don't like this story.

  • Your mother is not coming.

  • No...

  • No!

  • Koda!

  • You're...

  • You came back...

  • Of course I came back...

  • ... I couldn't let them...

  • This is all my fault.

  • If only I had gotten here sooner.

  • Maybe...

  • .... it's better -

  • it's better this way.

  • Don't talk like that.

  • You'll be alright.

  • We're together now, everything's going to be fine, you'll see.

  • At least...

  • I got to see your...

  • ... one last time.

  • No...

  • No!

  • Please...

  • Please!

  • Please don't leave me...

  • I love you.

  • We made it!

  • We made it, Mother!

  • Wait...

  • Mother?

  • Mother?!

  • Mother, where are you?!

  • Mother?

  • Mother...

  • Mother?!

  • Mother....!

  • Mother?

  • *sobs*

  • Noooooo!

  • Daaaad?

  • Dad?

  • Dad?

  • Dad, come on...

  • ... you gotta get up.

  • Dad?

  • We gotta go home.

  • Heeeeelp!

  • Somebody!

  • Anybody!

  • Help...

Nothing's coming out of your closet to scare you anymore, right?


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A2 初級

ディズニー(と一部のピクサー)の最も悲しい瞬間トップ10 (Top 10 Saddest Disney (and Some Pixar) Moments)

  • 1555 93
    謝宜臻 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日