字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi there. My name's Ronnie, and I have a question for you. Do you like traveling? I do. And
let's play a fun little game. I'm going to spin the globe - this thing's called a globe
楽しいゲームをしましょう。地球儀を回します - これは地球儀と呼ばれるものです
- and wherever my finger lands, I shall go there next. I can close my eyes, too, to make
- そして、この指がとどくところに、次は私が行く。目をつぶっていても、その場にいるような気分になれる。
it also more dramatic. Oh, it looks like I'm going to South America. Wow. Looks like I'm
going to Brazil again. Thank you, spin the globe. I'm going to Belém, Brazil. So, all
of you people watching in Belém, Brazil, I'll be seeing you soon. You kind of live
on the equator. But let's get down to this lesson. The basic English of "do". We talk
about everyday actions, and we also talk about opinions. So, my first question to you was
do you like traveling? Or I can say, do you like to travel? Now, the thing that you have
to remember about this verb is, even though we're talking about everyday actions or opinions,
we have to be careful with your subject. So, if it is "I", "you", "we" - meaning "we's
going to include myself and more people", or "they" - now, "they" means other people
over there. Those - they, they, they, they. Okay? We have to use - for the question form
あそこであの...あの...あの...あの...いいですか?質問形式には - を使わなければならない
"do". So, I have to say, for example, "Do you like traveling?" Okay? "Do I want a beer?"
"do "です。だから例えば "旅行が好きですか?" と言わなければならないのです。いい?"ビールを飲むか?"
Yes. Now, you're thinking, "Ronnie, why are you talking to yourself?" Oh, sorry. Oops.
そうだ今、あなたはこう思った "ロニー、なぜ独り言を言ってるんだ?"ああ、ごめんおっと
Because everyone talks to themselves, and it's natural, it's normal, and you have to
have an inner dialogue. One really cool thing about learning English or learning another
language is, if your internal dialogue - that means the one voice in your head, just the
one - if it speaks to you in another language, or the language you're trying to learn, that's
a really good thing. If you can think in English, that means that you're on your way to becoming
bilingual or fluent in the language. Congratulations. That's amazing. So, of course, you're going
to have your native language in your head, but if you can get yourself to even think
in English, like, "Oh, do I want to go to the store now? Do I want to ride my bike?"
If you can think to yourself in English, that's going to be really cool, and it'll help you.
We and they, okay? Well, I've said that already. Look at me repeating myself. Do we, do I,
do you, and do they, and then we're going to put a verb, okay? These are everyday actions,
do you, and do they, それから動詞を入れるんだ、いいね?これらは日常の動作です。
and it's in the present tense because they're things that we do and all that stuff. It's
not the past yet, but we have to be careful if we have "he", "she", and "it". Now, I like
まだ過去ではありませんが、"he"、"she"、"it "がある場合は気をつけなければいけませんね。さて、私が好きなのは
to say, "He shit", so we have to say "does". So, you can remember this, "Does he shit?"
を言うと、"He shit "となるので、"does "と言う必要があります。だからこう覚えればいいんです "Does he shit?"
Yes, he does. He's a human. So, "does he" plus the base verb, "does she" plus the base
そうです、彼はそうです。彼は人間なんです。つまり "does he" + 基底動詞、 "does she" + 基底の
verb, "does it" plus the base verb, and "it". Hmm. You could talk about something like an
動詞、「does it」+基幹動詞、そして「it」。ふむ。のような話ができるんですね。
inanimate object, like, "Oh, this globe, does it spin?" Spin means turn around. Yes, it
does spin, or if you talk about an animal, you say, "Oh, no. Does it bite?" Yes, it does.
Watch out. So, be careful in the question form. You have to say "do" plus the subject
"I", "you", "we", and "they" plus the verb. If the subject is "he", "she", or "it", you
"I"、"you"、"we"、"they "に動詞を加えたもの。主語が "he", "she", "it" の場合は
need to say "does". So, let's look at some example questions. As I said before, "Do I
は "does "と言う必要があります。では、質問例を見てみましょう。先ほども言ったように、「Do I
want a beer?" Beer, beer, beer. Okay. "Do you like traveling?" "Do we have fun?" You
ビールを飲むか?ビール、ビール、ビールよし "旅は好き?""楽しいか?"あなた
better say yes. If you don't, I'll come over there and kick your ass. "Do they smell good?"
Yeah, maybe. I don't know. Now, when we use "he", "she", and "it", we have to replace
"do" with "does". So, we have to say, "Does he want a beer?" "Oh, that guy over there,
"do "を "does "にする。だから、"彼はビールを飲みたいのか?"と言わなければならないのです。"あ、あそこの人。
does he want a beer?" "Hey, buddy, you want a beer?" That's how we say it really fast
in English. "Do you want a beer?" But, duh, that's terrible grammar. "Does she like traveling?"
So, if it was "you", "I", or "we", we'd say "do you", but because it's a singular human,
だから、「あなた」「私」「私たち」だったら「do you」と言うんだけど、単数の人間だから、「do you」。
we'd say "does she like traveling?" And if there's only one dog, we would say "Does it
とか、「この子は旅行が好きなのかな?そして、もし犬が一匹だけなら、"Does it "と言うでしょう。
smell good?" Or if there's one thing, if it's singular. So, "they" can mean one or more
の香りがするのか?"あるいは、ひとつだけなら、単数なら。つまり、"they "は1つまたは複数の意味になります
people or one or more things. "It" is going to be a singular thing or person that we don't
人または1つ以上のもの。"それ "は、私たちが知らない一個の物や人になります。
know if it's a man or a female. That's cool. But, "Does it smell good?" That's the important
thing we want to know.
So, asking these questions are very important in starting even small conversations with
the people that you meet. Because you're practicing and learning English, you really don't know
what to say to people when you meet them, right? You say, "Hi, nice to meet you. What's
your name? Ronnie, okay, yeah, good. God, what can I say? Oh, no, I got one. Do you
like..." So, if you ask people about their opinions, it's going to start a conversation.
Or if you ask people about everyday actions or activities, it's going to help you. "Oh,
hey, oh, I like swimming. Do you like swimming? Yes, you do? Cool." And then you can find
something in common with people. Or maybe the person doesn't like what you like, and
that's fine too, but with the positive comes the negative. And I must teach you the negative
form because sometimes, "I just do not want a beer." So, very formal grammar, we would
というのは、"I just don't want a beer "ということがあるからです。ですから、非常にフォーマルな文法で、私たちは
have to write "do not". "I do not want a beer." But we don't say that, we usually
は "do not "と書かなければならない。"ビールはいらない"でも、私たちはそんなこと言わずに、普通
always use the contraction. Contraction means it goes from two words to one with an apostrophe.
This guy has an apostrophe. We would say, "I don't want a beer." And in really fast
こいつはアポストロフィがあるんだ。私たちはこう言います "ビールはいらない"そして、本当に速いスピードで
English, we'd say, "I don't wanna beer." Wanna, wanna. Do you wanna beer? I don't wanna beer.
英語では "I don't wanna beer. "と言うんだ。Wanna, wanna.ビールを飲みたい?ビールはいらない
But don't worry about that right now because that's a little bit up there. "I don't want
a beer." Hey, do you like traveling? And if you answered, "No, Ronnie, no." I would say,
a beer."なあ、旅は好きか?もし君が "いいえ、ロニー、いいえ "と答えたら私は言うだろう。
"Wow, you don't like traveling?" This is the answer to a question, but I'm surprised. Do
we have fun? Do you know what? No, we don't have fun. And do they smell good? Mmm, guess
what? Yep, yep. They don't smell good. So, maybe they should take a shower. Yeah, a shower.
That'd be a good thing, wouldn't it? Mm-hmm.
So, the negative of "do" is "don't". When we use "I", "you", "we", and "they", the negative
つまり、"do "の否定は "don't "です。私」、「あなた」、「私たち」、「彼ら」を使うときの否定語は
is always going to be "don't". And very formally, "do not". But we usually never say that, especially
when we're talking normally to our friends, or casually, or even at a job interview in
a formal situation, we wouldn't say "do not", usually, unless you're super formal, and that's
weird. But do what you want to do, that's fine.
Now, remember when I told you that "he", "she", and "it", "he shit", we have to be careful
with? Well, the negative is no exception, okay? If I say, "Does he want a beer?" and
で?まあ ネガティブも例外ではありませんよ?もし私が「彼はビールを飲みたいですか?」と言ったら
the answer's no, we would say, "He doesn't want a beer." Maybe he's had too many beers,
and he says, "No, he doesn't want a beer." And "doesn't" is just the short or the natural
"ビールはいらない "と言うんです"doesn't "はまさにその略で、自然な表現です
form of "does not". Very formally, "He does not want a beer, Ronnie. Stop offering him."
は "doesn't "の形です。非常に正式には、「彼はビールを欲しがっていないよ、ロニー。勧めるのをやめなさい。"
I'll drink it, that's fine. It's okay. "She doesn't". Question, "Does she like traveling?"
飲むからいいんだよ。いいんだ"She doesn't".質問だ "彼女は旅行が好きか?"
No. "She doesn't like traveling." So, again, you have to be very careful. "He", "she",
いや、"彼女は旅行が嫌いだ "と。だから、繰り返すが、非常に注意しなければならない。"彼" "彼女"
and "it", so many times I hear people say, "Oh, she don't like traveling." It hurts my
brain. Even native English speakers say, "Oh, she don't like traveling." Ronnie gets a little
脳英語を母国語とする人たちでさえ "ああ 彼女は旅行が嫌いなんだ" と言うんですロニーは少し
bit itchy when people use bad grammar like that. But that's fine. Just don't make me
itchy, okay? Just use it properly. And sometimes you're going to make a mistake. You're going
かゆいところに手が届く、でしょ?ちゃんと使えばいいんだよ。そして、時には失敗することもあるでしょう。You're going
to say, "She don't", and Ronnie will go, "No, don't say that. She doesn't." Okay? And "it",
と言うと、ロニーは「いや、そんなこと言うなよ。She doesn't."いいかい?そして "it"。
like I said, it is a singular thing. It could be a dog, a cat, but there's only one of them.
And we can say, "It doesn't smell good." Does it smell good? It doesn't smell good. So,
そして、"いい匂いがしない "と言うことができる。良い匂いですか?いい匂いではありませんだから
the negative form of "does" when we use "he", "she", or "it" is going to be "doesn't". Remember,
very formally, "does not", but we don't say that. So, here's your challenge. I want you
というのは、正式には「does not」ですが、私たちはそうは言いません。そこで、あなたの挑戦です。あなたには
to talk to people in English. You can talk to me. Yeah. I have online private English
classes at englishwithronnie.com. You can talk to me. You can practice with me and ask
me these questions, or you can ask the people around you, and you can practice using "does",
という質問をしたり、周りの人に聞いてみたり、"does "の使い方を練習したりすることができます。
"doesn't", "do", and "don't". Till next time. I'll see you later. Bye-bye.
"doesn't"、"do"、"don't "です。次回まで。またね。バイバイ。