字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! I just got back inside from doing my 日本で食料品の買い物 私の冷蔵庫の中 weekly grocery shopping trip and I thought I would share it with you guys 皆さんこんにちは、チャンネルへようこそ。私はついさっき because if you're anything like me you're probably really interested to see 毎週の食料品の買い物から帰宅したところ。なのでそれを皆に見せることができればと思って what kind of products they have here in Japan that I'm eating on a weekly basis 多分皆、私が日本で毎週どんな品を食べているか興味あると思うし and maybe how much things cost here because it's probably a little different そしてどのぐらいの値段か。それは多分あなたの住む場所とは違うだろうからね than where you live! So there are two grocery shops in my town that I frequent この街では私が頻繁に行く食料品店が2つあって 両店は置いてある物が結構違うのよね a lot they both carry a very different range of products so I find that I kind だから両店に週1回は行かないと、私の欲しい全ての品が揃わないのよ of have to go to both of them once a week to get everything that I want. The 私の近所にある方のお店は全ての必需品が揃って、それだけでも十分なのだけど one that's close to my house does carry all the necessities and I could get by 離れた方のお店には輸入品店があって、それで海外のお菓子や食材が手に入るの just by going there but the one that's a little further has an import shop so I 私はこのどデカイ袋を使って買い物に行くのよ can get like foreign snacks and foreign cooking ingredients. I use this huge bag 結構な品を買う趣向があって、最近は家で自炊することが多いから、室内にいることが多くなってきたしね when I go shopping I tend to buy a lot of food I do a lot of cooking at home これらは私が普段買うのと同じぐらいの量ね especially now that I'm inside all the time but this is pretty similar to what 作物だと、今週はブロッコリー(248円)とバナナ(178円)を買ったよ I would buy on a normal basis as well. Produce wise I just got some broccoli and 本来ならもっとバナナを買いたかったのだけど、残念ながら私は運転しなくて some bananas this week. I wanted to get some more bananas but unfortunately I 盛岡に来てから自転車も買っていないから、買った物を家に全て運べるようにしないといけないのw don't drive and I haven't purchased a bicycle since I moved to Morioka so I 結構歩くから4本のバナナしか買わなかった、通常はもっと買うのだけど、冷凍してスムージーとかに使用するから need to make sure that the amount of groceries that I buy I'm able to carry 日本のスーパーとかでの1つの大きな違いは果物のセクションがとても季節的ってことね home! It's quite a long walk so I only got four bananas normally I would 今はイチゴが旬なのだけど、3列ものイチゴがあってw 違う種類のものが日本の北部から並べられていて get a lot more because I like to freeze them for smoothies. One of the major それに比べて旬じゃない果物は今見つけるのが大変ね differences that I find at Japanese grocery stores is that the fruit section それがカナダなら大体全ての物が年中手に入る。だから日本に慣れるのに時間がかかった is very seasonal. At the moment strawberries are in season so there are でも、楽しい一面もあるよね。イチゴが旬な時期を待っていて、イチゴが戻ってきた、やったー! like three rows of strawberries, different types of strawberries from all だって年中手に入らなかったからね?だから楽しいことよ over northern Japan but other fruits that aren't in season at the moment are あっ、そしてもちろんアボカド(178円) very difficult to find, whereas back in Canada I found that we kind of had a 私の食料品店はアボカドの値段がかなり変わっていて、かなりの上げ下げがあるのよね little bit of everything all year round. So that's something I've had to get used 私が考えるに平均的な値段が175円で、それは195円まで上昇する to in Japan. It's kind of fun though because you're always looking forward to いい日には98円で見つけることができて、結構買いだめするの strawberry season. Oh the strawberries are back, awesome! Because 今日は通常の値段だったから1つ買ったよ you couldn't get them all year right? So it's kind of fun. 最近は結構パスタを食べる機会が多くて 普段はこういったスパゲッティ(220円)のパックを買う Oh and I got an avocado of course. So my grocery store is really weird with the もうすでに1人前の量でパッケージされていて、すごく便利よね pricing of avocados, it fluctuates like crazy. I would say probably the average そしてこのトマトとニンニクの、ラグーソース?(248円)みたいな感じかな price is about 175 yen sometimes that goes up to 195 and on a really good day これに少し野菜を足して、ピーマンや玉ねぎとかを。素早い夕飯よね、やる気が起こらない時わ I can find them for 98 yen and I'll stock up on a whole bunch of them. It was これは新商品で、本当に見つけて興奮したわ。 麻婆豆腐(249円)は私の大好きな料理の1つよ just a regular price today so I got one. I've been eating a lot of pasta recently. 辛い豆腐で、通常はひき肉が入っているのだけど、見た目はひき肉だよね normally I just buy these packs of spaghetti they're like already packaged でもこれは大豆肉を使用しているの! into one serving size bundles, it's very convenient. And then I get this tomato かなり珍しいよね、こういった料理でレトルトの商品に大豆肉が入っているのは and garlic, it's like a ragu sauce. I'll usually add some veggies like peppers or 私がしないといけないことは豆腐を切って、それにこのソースを加えれば夕飯が出来上がりね onions. Makes a really quick dinner for when I'm feeling super lazy. This is a 最近気付いたのだけど、日本には擬似肉が増えてきている気がするの brand new product that I was super excited to see because Mabo tofu is one 徐々にだけど、こういったレトルト商品でそういった物が増えてきている of my favorite dishes! It is like a spicy tofu and it normally has ground meat in おっけー、これを買ったのは今まで作ったことのない新しいレシピを試すためで it you can see it looks like ground meat. But this one is made with soy meat! It これは春雨(184円)で、これで作りたいのは酢の物サラダね is very rare to find a dish like this prepared with soy meat in like a premade もしカナダの日本料理屋さんに行ったら、必ず酢の物サラダがメニューに載っていると思うけど sauce like this. So all I have to do is cut up tofu and add the sauce to it and 簡潔に言えば、この麺と酢にキュウリ、エビやトマトがあって。それが通常の材料ね I'll have a spicy tofu dish for dinner! I've noticed that recently Japan is 面白いのが、私は日本で食べたことがないの、見たことすらない。ここでのトレンドではないのかな really getting into the fake meat scene. Slowly I'm seeing more products でも本当に大好きで恋しいから、この春雨を使って自分で作ってみようかと思っている arise, especially like pre-made things like this. Okay I got this to try out a 君たちはここ数週間で私の人生において、1番の進展を聞く準備ができている? brand new recipe that I've never made before. These are harusame noodles 日本はついに美味しそうなシリアルを開発したよ、しかも北アメリカで買えるような物よw and what I want to make with this is sunomono salad! So if you go to a 数週間前のエマとの動画で、日本のシリアルを紹介したけど、とても興味深いセレクションだったのよ Japanese restaurant in Canada they always have sunomono salad on the menu こちらのスーパーに行くと、多分70%から80%のシリアルは、グラノーラの味違いなのよ it's basically these noodles with like a vinegar and maybe some cucumbers or some 私の地元のスーパーでは10以上、多分15種類ぐらいのグラノーラがあるのよね shrimp and tomato. Those are usually the basic ingredients. What is funny is I've でも今日は、なんとこのユニコーン果物ループ(248円)があったの! never had that dish in Japan, I've never seen it in Japan, it's just not a thing. But 日本でこういったジャンキーな大量の砂糖が入ったシリアルを見るのは珍しいことで I love it so much and I kind of miss it so I'm going to attempt to make it どうしても買わなければならなかった、なぜならこういった朝食シリアルは私の弱点だからね myself with these harusame noodles! Are you guys ready for probably the 私自身、普段はかなり健康にいい食生活をしていると思いたい most exciting development of my life in recent weeks? でも、これがあるからそれは変わるねw Japan has come out with a cereal that actually looks really good, and like ケロッグ社が作っているからカナダにある果物ループと似たような味ね something you would get in North America! Now if you saw my previous Japanese よっしゃー、そして200円ほどだったのよ、かなり安いわよね cereal video that I put out a couple weeks ago with Emma, they have a very 私が普段食べているシリアルも買ってきたわ、この玄米フレーク(289円) interesting selection of cereals here. If you go to the supermarket you'll see これを試そうと思って買ったのよね、うどんあげ(98円) that about 70 to maybe even 80% of the cereal row is different flavours of そして後はきしめん(78円)を買ったのよね、うどんの代わりにこれを加えようかなって思っていて granola. There are probably over ten maybe even fifteen flavours of granola at my うどんが平らにされたものね。 前に1回レストランで食べてすごく気に入ったから、それを再現してみようかなと local supermarket. But today they had these unicorn fruit loops! It is so rare to これは私のお気に入りのお菓子の1つ! see like a really sugary junk cereal like this in Japan and I have to get it サッポロポテト(98円)で、野菜スティックで、小さなポテトスティックに野菜が入っていて because crappy breakfast cereals are one of my weaknesses. I like to think I have 決して健康的ではないけど、だって揚げ物で、ポテトチップスみたいな感じだからね a relatively healthy diet, I eat pretty well most of the time. But now that this でもパッケージがサクラで、可愛いと思ったから is available things are gonna change. It's made by Kellogg's so it probably 普段はジャンクフードを食べることは少ないのだけど、この可愛いパッケージに惹かれてしまった tastes really similar to the Froot Loops back home in Canada. Heck yeah and it was 盛岡では桜の花の蕾が開いて、今日初めてそれに気付いたわ。だから来週か2週間後には満開になるね! only like $2, it was so cheap. I also got a bag of my usual cereal that I そしてやっと寿司を作るための海苔(178円)を買ったよ get these are genmai flakes. Genmai is brown rice. I thought I would try this. これで近場の食料品店で購入した物は全てね I've actually never made this at home myself. These are the little tofu pouches, そしてその後は輸入食料品店に行ってきたのよ、面白い物があるかなって思って行ったのだけど.. they're like deep-fried tofu pouches and then I got some kishimen to put them そうしたら初めてレンズ豆(498円)を見つけたのよ! on top instead of udon. They're basically udon that has been これは普通のスーパーで見つけられるものではなくて、残念ながら輸入食料品店に行かないとないわね flattened out. I've had them at one restaurant so far and I really enjoyed それと、このバターチキンカレーペースト(229円)を発見したわ them so I'm gonna try making that. These are one of my favourite snacks! 説明部分を見たところ、これにバター、牛乳とチキンを自分で追加するから乳製品は元々入っていないの They're called Sapporo Potato and they're a vegetable stick, a little 美味しい響きのインドスパイスが入っているから、私はこれに豆乳バターと豆乳、それに豆腐を加えて、ライスの上のバター豆腐カレーを作るのが楽しみよ potato stick with chunks of veggies in them. They're not healthy at all they're 最後になるけど、マイクロウェーブで出来るポップコーン(98円)を見つけた like a deep-fried, basically like a potato chip, but the package was sakura 普通のスーパーで簡単に見つけられるものではないから、この輸入食料品店で手に入れたわ I thought it was so cute. Normally I don't get much junk food like this but I これは1ドルぐらいしかしなかったから、輸入された商品って考えたら安いよね was attracted to the really pretty packaging. The Sakura have finally 普段はもっと生鮮品を買うことが多いのだけど、今はなるべく買い物に行く機会を減らしているから started to bloom here in Morioka, like just starting today was the first time 多めに冷凍野菜を食べているわ。 冷凍庫も冷凍食品がかなりある that I've noticed them. So probably within the next week or two they should でも、うん、皆に私の冷蔵庫の中のミニツアーをしようかと思って be in full bloom! And finally I got some nori to make some sushi rolls. That's it 冷蔵庫の扉に何を貼っているかを伝えなくて、ちゃんとした冷蔵庫ツアーとは言えないね for my regular grocery store, and then I went to the import store to see what カンディーと撮ったプリクラが数枚 they had, to see if I can find anything fun. And I found lentils for the first これは私の食のアイデアシート time ever! But this is not a product that you would normally be able to find in a 私は朝食、昼食と夕飯、全く同じ物を繰り返し食べるのを全く苦にしないタイプなの regular supermarket here, you have to go to an import shop to get it だから こうやって違う物を調理するように貼ってあるのよ unfortunately. I also found this butter chicken curry paste and when I looked at これはテイラーとの80年代の写真シュートのものね the instructions you actually add the butter and the milk and the chicken ファン・ゴッホのマグネット yourself, so the sauce itself doesn't have any dairy products or chicken or 更になつきと撮ったプリクリと、これは去年の私の誕生日会にレストランでもらったメッセージね anything in it. It's just a bunch of really yummy sounding Indian spices so 比較的小さめ冷蔵庫、日本の冷蔵庫は大体このぐらいの大きさかしら I'm gonna make this with my soy butter and my soy milk and add some tofu to it まあ、大家族で子供がたくさんいたらもっと大きいけど and make like a butter tofu curry to go on rice really excited to try that! 最上段が私のお気に入りよ、なぜなら今はプリンでいっぱいだからね! Last but not least, I found microwaved popcorn it's not really a common thing 日本は最近、植物ベースのプッチンプリンがリリースされて。日本での1番有名なプリンよね you would find in the supermarket so I picked these up from the import shop. 定番のカスタードプリンで、底にカラメルソースがあって。これは全て植物からできているのよ! They were only like a dollar each which is a score for a product that comes from そして最近この豆乳からできているマンゴプリンを発見したのよ。これは近頃、デザートの1番手ね outside of Japan. I would say normally I would buy a lot more fresh produce but 次に豆乳ヨーグルトが奥に。普通の豆乳ヨーグルト、これにはアロエも入っている because I'm trying to go to the grocery store as few times as possible まだ試してないから、どんなものか分からないけど throughout the month I've been eating a lot more frozen vegetables than usual so 日本は大豆関連の商品が増えてきている気がする、それは乳製品を食べない私からしたら喜ばしいことよね my freezer is packed with frozen goods. But yeah I thought I'll give you guys a これは豆乳ベースのマーガリン、食パンとかに塗ったりするわ little tour of my fridge! Alright it wouldn't be a proper fridge tour without そして奥には私の大好きな豆乳、チョコレートとアールグレイ(紅茶)味! showing you what I've got going on on my fridge door. So I've got some purikura that 次の段には特に何もないわね。普段の調理で使うシラチャーソースとケチャップ I took with Candie! This is my meal ideas sheet. I'm the type of person that will リングジュース、そしてハンガリー料理で使うトマトペースト eat the same thing for breakfast and the same thing for lunch and dinner like 半分のアボカド、今朝の残りね。あとは豆腐と味噌ペースト over and over again throughout the week. So I try to encourage myself to try some 次の段にはまだ試していない面白い商品があるわ more variety with my cooking. This is one of the shots from my 80s photo shoot これはジャージャー麺、砂糖ゼロで低カロリーのものだけど、実はジャージャー麺は盛岡の名物なの with Taylor! Some more purikura with Natsuki and それで有名で。通常ジャージャーメンは肉が入っているのだけど the message I got at the restaurant from my birthday party last year! これはソースに肉が入っていなかったから試してみようかと思って。その感想はまた追々皆に知らせるね It's quite a tiny fridge, fridges in Japan are in general this size I would そしてこちらには揚げ出し豆腐 say. Unless you're like a big family with kids. The top row is my favourite because この小さなタッパーには残り物の野菜があるわね、上には緑のピーマンとにんじん at the moment it is stocked full of pudding! Japan just released a 下には不明瞭な飲料コレクションね。いつも面白そうな飲み物を店で見つけたら買っちゃうの、もはや癖よね plant-based pudding by the pucchin pudding company. This is probably Japan's 炭酸飲料は飲まないのだけど、このイチゴコーラを見て、どうしても試さなければと思った I would say most famous pudding. The typical custard pudding with a これは炭酸酒、そこまでアルコールは入っていなくて、何か酒の味で結構甘い感じね caramel sauce on the bottom. This is made all from plants! And recently I found これは樹液ドリンクのようなもので、お土産としてもらったもの。この中にはお土産が多いわね these mango puddings which are made with soy milk, so those have been my like これもそう、イチゴ牧場のイチゴサイダー go-to desserts recently. Next we have soy yogurt at the back there, that's just もっとお土産の酒が後方に見えるわね like a regular plain soy yogurt and this one has aloe pieces in it. Haven't これは私のお気に入りのビタミン飲料。これは数少ない人工甘味料が入っていないもの! tried that one yet, not sure how it is. But again Japan seems to really be だから私みたいに、あなたも人工甘味料を避けたい人ならば、これは数少ないゼリーのビタミン飲料だから、ぜひ目を光らせておいて increasing their amount of soy products which is very exciting as someone who ハウスの商品で、パーフェクトビタミンという商品名よ。グレープフルーツ味とても美味しい doesn't like eating dairy. This is my soy milk-based margarine, I use that ここにレタス on toast and stuff. And in the back we've got my favourite soy milk flavours of 今度はドア付近で、ここには生姜ペーストね、それに砂糖とレモンの皮が入っていてお湯に加えると最高、特に風邪とかの場合はね chocolate and earl grey tea! Not much going on on the next shelf. Got some 寿司のためのわさびペースト、これはラッシュのオイルマッサージバー、溶けないために冷蔵庫に入れておいたのかな sriracha sauce and some ketchup that I use in cooking a lot. Some apple juice, 下にはメープルシロップね、実は私はカナダの本物のメープルシロップがあんまり好きではなくて this is a tomato paste that I use in Hungarian cooking. Got half an avocado でも調理には使う、パンケーキの上にではなくてね left over from this morning, some tofu and miso paste. On the next shelf I've サラダドレッシングに、チリソース、これらは調理用のソースたちね got some fun products that I haven't tried out yet. This one here is a jyajyamen これは私の1番のお気に入りの肌用のしょう液よ、ビタミン入りで肌のためにね made with noodles that are sugar free basically just a lower calorie 私は酸化防止のために冷蔵庫に入れているの よりフレッシュに保てるね noodle but jyajyamen is actually the specialty of my town here in Morioka. 下には豆乳と、あとは調理酒ね。これはみりん We're famous for noodles. Jyajyamen is usually made with meat but this one here あとは液体アミノ、お好み焼きソース、酢、マヨと更にスイートチリペースト it didn't have any meat in the sauce so I thought I would give it a shot. I'll これで冷蔵庫の中は終わりかな let you guys know how that goes when I eventually get around to trying it! 下には冷凍庫があって、そこにはスムージー用にバナナのパックが冷凍中 Here we've got some agedashi tofu it's tofu fried in like a tempura batter, so 枝豆、すぐ温められるし、付け足しとしては便利よね good. In these little Tupperware containers I've got some leftover 冷凍ほうれん草、これも付け足しとしては早く調理できて便利 veggies, some green peppers up top, and some carrots. Down on the bottom this アスパラ、インゲン、そして冷凍マンゴ is like my obscure drink collection. Every time I find an interesting drink 日本では普通のマンゴを手に入れるのは難しくて、手に入っても500から600円ぐらいすることも、かなり高いよね at the grocery store I have to buy it, it's like an obsession of mine. Like I だから冷凍の物しか買えないわ don't drink soda but I saw this strawberry coke and I just had to get そしてこれもスムージ用のブルーベリー one so I can try it. This is a sparkling sake, it's not very alcoholic at all そしてここには氷キューブ用の小さなトレーがあって it's more just like the flavor of sake and it's pretty sweet. This is like a これは冷凍された豆乳、結構面白い味よ tree sap drink that I got as an omiyage (souvenir) from someone. Lots of these are ラムレーズン、チョコミント、甘酒、そしてこれは何かな?きな粉餅 omiyage. This as well, this is a strawberry cider from a strawberry farm. この中にあるのはカキ氷機を持っていて、この豆乳牛乳のためにあるのよね some more omiyage sake in the background there. 上のラップを外して、機械の中に入れたらかき氷が好きな味でできるの。面白いよね! These are one of my favourite vitamin drinks. These are one of the only ones これにて冷蔵庫ツアーと日本での食料品店の買い物は終了 that don't have artificial sweeteners in them! So if you're like me and you try to 皆が面白いと思ってくれたら嬉しい avoid artificial sweeteners this is one of the only jelly vitamin drinks もし今後の動画に活かせるいい案があったら教えてね that you can get that doesn't have them in it, so look out for this one. It's House 今は結構どういった動画が撮れるか制限されていて brand, it's called perfect vitamin. It's a grapefruit だから家からでも撮影できるいい案があったらぜひコメント欄で教えて欲しい flavour, really good. Lettuce there. All right now over in the door, I've got this 皆の提案を楽しみにしています it's like a ginger paste mixed with sugar and lemon peel and it's great to 皆、動画を見てくれてありがとう。 また次の動画で会いましょう! バイバイ! add to boiling water when you've got a cold, super tasty. Some wasabi paste for sushi, this is like a lush oil massage bar I think, I keep it in the fridge so it doesn't melt. Down here I've got some maple syrup, I actually really don't like Canadian real maple syrup like this but I do use this in cooking, not on my pancakes. Some salad dressings, chili sauce, these are basically just like cooking sauces. This here is my favourite skin serum, it's like a vitamin serum for your skin. I keep it in the fridge so that it doesn't oxidize. Keeps it nice and fresh. Down at the bottom I've got my soy milk and these are all things like cooking sake. This is mirin it's like a sweet liquid that's used in lots of Japanese recipes. Liquid aminos, okonomiyaki sauce, vinegar, mayo and some more sweet chili paste. So that was about it for inside the fridge and then down below is my freezer and I've got a pack of bananas that I'm freezing for smoothies. I've always got a bunch of bananas in there. Some edamame these are super convenient to just heat up and have as like an extra side dish for dinner or a good snack throughout the day. Frozen spinach something else that's really easy to make a little side dish with. Asparagus, green beans, and some frozen mango. it's really hard to get fresh mango in Japan and when it is available they're like 5-6 dollars each it's crazy. So I can really only afford the frozen stuff. And also some blueberries for smoothies. And then there's this little tray here I really like this where I keep my ice cubes and these are frozen soy milk packages in really interesting flavors. Rum raisin chocolate mint, amazake, and what's this one kinako mochi, it's like a Japanese dessert flavour. They're in the freezer because I have this kakigori machine, this like shaved ice machine, that's made specifically for these little soy milk packets. You just like take off the wrapper stick it in the machine and you can make shaved ice in any flavour you like! That's pretty fun. And that completes my fridge tour and my grocery shopping haul here in Japan! I hope you guys found that interesting. Do you let me know if you have any ideas for videos you would like to see from me. Obviously I'm pretty limited at the moment to things I can film, so if you can think of anything exciting or interesting that I can film from home here in Japan do let me know down in the comments. I would really appreciate your suggestions! Thanks so much for watching guys and I will see you very soon! Bye for now!
B1 中級 日本語 日本 冷凍 冷蔵 イチゴ 豆腐 食料 Life in Japan ??Grocery Store Haul + What's in my Fridge! 11 0 Summer に公開 2022 年 11 月 07 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語