字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント 2023 is here and I've been asking myself recently — am I ready for what is to come? 2023年は どんな年になるでしょうか? Sarah chan is just tearing it up in Monopoly Deal although look... サラはみんなとモノポリー Anna is doing well アナはいい調子 Sarah is so close to winning! サラも勝てるかも So is Rebecca, and Anna is just... Hanging... ベッカもいいね Kind of with Daddy because Daddy literally has no cards. アナは… ダメかな I've been completely wiped out by Sarah chan. パパもサラに負かされたよ Me too. You too, I know 僕も Dude it's been rough for the boys this time. ダメだったね 8 Million from everybody. 800万出して! Oh my! One, two... 大変だ Life sometimes hits you like a game of monopoly モノポリーと人生は似ています things can be going fine and then all of a sudden, bam! 山あり谷ありで 変化は一瞬です Things are turned upside down. パパは一文無し Daddy is all out. No 8 million. ゲームオーバーかな I'm in the game but not really. ママちゃんは休憩中 Momma chan stays safely out of harms' way. 人の数だけ 人生があります But at the same time, other people in the same game are flying high. サラ 勝てる? Are you going to finally win Sarah? 勝つ! I will. 勝負! Sly Deal その赤いの! Steal it! Bam! That red. 拒めるの? Do you have a "Just Say No"? No. これで決着! Yes! Finally, I'm done. 勝った I won. 新年の抱負は何でしょうか When you start off a new year, you want it to be your best year yet. 人生は予想がつきません But so much of what happens in the year is beyond your control. だからこそ準備が大切です So the real quest is anticipating what could happen and being ready for it. 準備が全てです Those who do that- win. 来日して9年 Life in Japan を始めて4年経ちました [Life in Japan Theme Song] 沢山の事がありました We've been living in Japan almost 9 years and producing weekly Life in Japan episodes for almost 4 years. 好みが分かり 変化も経験しました The whole process has stretched us tremendously. どうした? We've discovered things about ourselves that we love, and other things we'd love to change. バスが来た What's going on, guys? 何のバス? They already see their bus. スキー合宿 There's a bus for what? 見えるよ! For the ski trip! 本当だね Right there! Look! Just look over there. ベッカとアナは 学校のスキー合宿に行きます Oh my goodness, you're right! 中学1年になると 学校で泊りのスキー合宿に行きます Becca and Anna are starting off the year with a Japanese school tradition: 遅れるわよ 1st year junior-high school students all take a multi-day trip to learn to ski, and the busses are parking outside our place. 早く! Go! You have to go! Leave! お姉ちゃん達が スキー合宿に行くんだって You guys have to go! とてもワクワクしてるようです Can you guys believe that big sisters are going on a ski trip?! 何週間も前から 楽しみにしてました To say that the girls are excited would be an under statement. 良い経験になることを願っています We've been planning for this trip for weeks now, 大型バスが見える? and we hope they have everything they need for success. 動いた? See the big bus over there? そろそろ時間よ! Yea, is it moving now? 人生のリハーサルみたいです We've gotta go. They're leaving! We've gotta go! 親として最善を与えて In some ways this is a rehearsal for life — 新しい挑戦が いい経験になるように見守ります as parents we do our best to prepare our kids for the challenges to come, これよね? and then pray they can not only conquer life's challenges, but have a good time and make good friends in the process. ジョシュア お姉ちゃんがいない間 いたずらするの? This goes right? Oh yes it does. もう一人いた! Joshua, who are you going to give a hard time to while your older sisters are gone? いいわね Maybe that big sister. 1・2・3 OK, here you go. OK! 1, 2, 3 主の恵みを! OK go! 楽しんで! Oh, I love you girls! God bless you! じゃあね Have a wonderful trip! 早速騒いでいます Bye! 沢山のバスです It's happening already. 生徒もいます There's a lot of buses lining up here 見たい! Lot of kids going! じゃあね! I want to see! 2023年は素晴らしいスタートを切れました Bye! 家族で富士山に出掛けました 2023 is starting off in a great way, and we've been able to enjoy several things together as a family 見て! like sledding on Mt Fuji 飛び出した! Look at this! 泥に直撃だ! Look out! Oh, wipeout! 大変! Whoa! Into the mud! パスチャーチに集い Oh man! 日曜礼拝です! enjoying life together at Paz Church, 満員です Here we go, church is happening! いいね! And it is full! さぁ! Whew! Alright guys! 子供達は おじいちゃん おばあちゃんから お小遣いを貰いました Here we go! ママ これ… 200円だ and even getting money from Vovó and Vovô, Ruth's parents, that the kids got to spend at Daiso. あと1個かしら Mommy, I got this. Wait, this is a 200 thing. アナ それは? Yeah, so he gets one more 100 thing. うんちペン What did you find, Anna? ボタンを押すと動くのかも A poop pen. A poop pen?! すごい I think this goes up—this goes up if I flip the switch. - 買っていい? - 500円まで That's cool. おやつ! Can I buy it? Yea, you get ¥500 to spend. おかしだね Snacks! And what did you find? これ動くの Snacks, you're going to do snacks? 変なペン! It can go up, it can go up. ルースも100円ショップで 色々な資材を購入しました No way! Poop pen! 今年の抱負に関する 工作をします Ruth made a couple of inexpensive purchases at the 100 yen shop, but don't let these purchases fool you. OK! They have incredible potential for making this new year our best one yet. ここに目標を書くの Ok! 今年は "ビジョン・ボード" を作ります Now I'm going to write my main — oh that's going to be perfect, just perfect. 目標や抱負を 見えるようにします We're trying something new this year called a vision board, 目標は簡単に作れますが "正しい" かが問題です and it involves making some goals and putting a visual representation of them on a board in a visible place. 今年は 目標が具体的な気がしています For me, the hardest part is not making goals, but making the right goals. 1月といえば 抱負を立てますよね But this year, our goals seem to be coming together more clearly than ever. 自分が好きなことがあれば 伸ばしていきたいです One thing I really like about January is that fresh start, 苦手なことは嫌なことは? Are there things in my life that I really like? 時には距離を取りながら 家族や友人を大事にすることも必要です Let's reinforce those things. ボードには何を書くの? Are there things in my life that I don't like? 今年やり遂げたいこと Well let's minimize those things and work to continually improve my family, my lifestyle, my work situation 読書とか All those things. 旅行もしたい So what kinds of things are going on your vision board? 自分の YouTube チャンネルも Things I want to accomplish this year, goals I have うそ?! Like I want to do a lot of reading, 私も始めたい! I want to travel... Yea buddy! サラも YouTube 始めるの? I want to start my own YouTube channel... 何? What?! ジョシュアとサラのライブ配信 You know what channel I want to start? ジョシュアとサラがライブ配信?! You? You want to start a YouTube channel, Sarah? すごいね! Yeah! What is it? Life in Japan にも出るよ It's the Joshua and Sarah livestream. そうなの? Joshua and Sarah livestream!? このカット使うね! Does that sound cool, Dude? ライター家の末っ子組と マクドナルドに来ています Yeah, there's going to be one on Life in Japan soon. サラがジョシュアのライブ配信をしています Oh, guess what? It's going to be in this episode! ジョシュアが最後のポテトを食べます! I'm out with the little Reutter's... the not-so-little littles, having some McDonalds and a good time, huh guys? 完食! Sarah is live-streaming Joshua eating McDonalds... 完食です! Joshua's going to eat his last french fry and he chomps it! すごい! He ate it! ジョシュア 見せて He ate it! Oh my! ポテトを食べます Joshua, show him the fry now — that one... 食べてる! This is the fry that he will eat ナゲットも4個食べた! And then he will eat it... he eats it! ポテト! He ate almost 4 of the chicken nuggets, 飲み物も沢山! And lots of the fries, あと… Lots of the drink, もっと飲みます And, yea... 大食いジョシュアの マクドナルド・ライブでした Now he will drink more drink. ライブ配信です Yes, this is a livestream about Joshua eating lots of McDonalds, ありがとう! So we'll do more livestreams, so please watch it on YouTube. 私たちを良い成長に導くような 目標が大切です Thank you. 連絡来た? Whatever our goals are, they should help point us towards success, and keep us away from pitfalls. サービスエリアを出たから 3時半ごろには到着するみたい [Reading in Japanese] よかった! Well, you just got a message? どうだったかな? I did, they left the service station, wherever that is, and should be arriving at 3:30 楽しかったでしょうね And they should be arriving here about 3:30. 双子が帰宅する頃です Oh boy! 合宿から帰ってきたね! Yea! I'm interested to see how it went. - どうだった? - 楽しかった Me too. I'm sure they had fun. 転んだりした? [Reading Japanese] 激しくは転んでない We wouldn't have to wait long to see how the trip went. 5回くらいかな Girls, you're back from your trip! I'm so excited! 5回? So, how did it go? Fine, good. 本格的な雪山は? Good? Did you fall majorly? 気に入った Uh, ha... Not majorly リフトに10回くらい乗った Not majorly? 次はパパと一緒に行く? I fell like 5 times もちろん Like 5 times? パパも楽しみ Did you just get on the bunny hill, did you like go up the mountain? マイナス7度になった! Yea, we did. 食堂まで外を歩くの We went on the ski lift like ten times. 薄い上着を着て So are you excited to go with Daddy now? Um hum. 味噌汁こぼしちゃった Yeah? Definitely 部屋に戻って 臭ったらごめんって言ったの Oh, I'm excited too. We won't have to wait for people anymore. ジョシュア どうした? It went down to minus seven degrees! Whew! 誰だ? And we were out there to go eat we need to go outside and walk to the place. ジョシュア!悲しそうな顔! Like this—with just a light coat on. お尻が痛かった I spilled misoshiro [soup] on my jacket お尻が? So I told all my roommates "If it smells like misoshiro, I'm sorry." ジョシュアも ビジョンボードに夢中です Joshua, what's going on here, huh? 剣を作ってるの? What do we see here? マスターソード? Oh my goodness! What is that sad, sad face for there, Joshua?! 本当? That my butt was hurting. 本当だ! Your butt was hurting?! 夢を立てた時 脆くて現実的でないと感じることもあります Joshua's been busy making a vision board of his own — the sword and shield of his dreams. ジョシュアのトルネードアタック! Are you making the Hylian sword? 短剣だ! Or the Master Sword? Yea. すごい! You are?! 真剣に向き合う時 夢が現実になるのが見えてきます Oh sure enough! Look at that! ジョシュアの誕生日もそうでした When we first start visualizing our dreams, they can seem weak and ineffective, like using a paper sword or play shield. ♪ハッピーバースデートゥーユー♪ Joshua, coming in full force with the tornado attack. 少しずつ成長していきます Oh wow, the throwing dagger! Whoa! 3・2・1 おじいちゃん おばあちゃんのプレゼント Whoa, wow! Intense! すごい! But the more we can focus on a desired future, the more we can see our dreams become reality, すごいな! like what happened for Joshua when we celebrated his birthday together with Ruth's family. ベッカ ありがとう! [Singing Happy Birthday] みなさんの目標は? In a small way, we could see what is possible when we dare to envision the future. その目標は 実現すると思いますか? 3, 2, 1 Present time from Vovó and Vovô ビジョンボードは 目標を視覚化します Oh my! 目標が見えていると 毎日具体的に向き合うことができます Oh my goodness! 2023 年は いつもと違う年になるかもしれません Wow! 世界で何が起きようとも 人生は自分次第です Becca thanks! 何してるの? What do you envision for your life? 今日は特別 Can you imagine your desired future and come up with a visual representation, a picture of it? 女子はみんなでお泊り会だね Make your own vision board and tack it up where you'll see it. うん A vision is most effective when it's right in front of you, challenging you on each day. 僕らも楽しいことをするんだよね? 2023 doesn't have to be another year of going along with the flow. カービィだよ! You can make it the best year yet, no matter what is happening in the world. カービィをしています What are we doing tonight, Dude? ワドルディだよ! We're having a special time. ポップコーンができたよ! We're having a special time because the girls have their sleepover tonight, huh? 準備はできた? Yea. 飲み物もあるよ So the boys are having some boy time. What are we going to do? 冷えているよ Kirby- look! Kirby and the Forgotten Land いいね! So we're playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land and I'm Kirby and you are? Waddle Dee, for the Waddle Dee town. The popcorn looks done and glorious, Dude! Are you ready for some popcorn? Probably our drinks are ready. I think our drinks are nice and cold! Oh yea! Oh yea!
A2 初級 日本語 ジョシュア サラ 目標 ライブ スキー ベッカ Future Prospects: What Will You Be in 2023? | Life in Japan Episode 193 19 1 Summer に公開 2022 年 11 月 15 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語