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Welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10, awesome 2000 songs we still listen to For this list will be looking at the most memorable singles from the years.
2000-2009, did we forget another musical highlights from the 2000s?
Let us know in the comments below Number 10, hips Don't Lie.
以下のコメントで教えてください。 10番、腰は嘘をつかない。
Shakira featuring Wyclef john, one of the queens of Latin Pop, is forever known for this international smash hit.
She brings a bright sound and a reggaeton beat to this famous track.
It only takes the opening horns to get people excited signaling the fun loving energy to follow.
Such as exciting additions from Wyclef john.
Wyclef johnのエキサイティングな追加など。
The artist proves the title, hips don't lie in a production that encourages listeners to dance along with Boy, I can see your body moving topping the charts around the world.
このアーティストは、タイトルの通り、hips don't lieを証明し、Boy, I can see your body movingと共にリスナーのダンスを促すプロダクションで、世界中のチャートの上位を占めています。
The peace crossed international barriers In its initial release to this day, there's arguably no other number that captures the spirit of Shakira stardom.
ピースは世界の壁を越えた 初公開から今日に至るまで、シャキーラのスターダム・スピリットを表現するナンバーは他にないと言っても過言ではないだろう。
Number nine Yeah.
9番 うん。
Usher featuring lil Jon and ludacris.
Usher featuring lil Jon and ludacris.
Usher is one of the best singing dancing, double threats of his generation.
A claim that's only bolstered by this artistic masterstroke.
His song yeah, is built around an insanely catchy groove in a hook that keeps people coming back after all these years.
The inclusion of the two featured artists only increases the fun factor, lil Jon in particular only needs to yell a few words to get his point across while ludacris gets his own verse to shake things up in the club.
特にLil Jonは、自分の主張を伝えるために少し叫ぶだけでよく、Ludacrisは自分のバースでクラブに揺さぶりをかけているのです。
All these ingredients come together for a hip hop track that infuses all the finest elements of the burgeoning crunk genre.
Number eight.
Mr Bright side.
The Killer's alternative rock received a major boost in the early two thousand's with bands like the Killers riding the wave with hits like mr Bright Side and just this debut single from the group captures everything that's great about their sound.
2000年代初頭、キラーズのようなバンドが「MR Bright Side」のようなヒット曲で波に乗り、キラーズのオルタナティブ・ロックは大きな盛り上がりを見せました。
From the notable guitar riff to Brandon flowers vocals.
The song establishes a high bar for the genre.
The lyrics recount a scandalous sighting of a partner with another man in a visceral tale that gives the entire piece an emotional hook.
Those looking for a nostalgic trip to the best rock of the early century can return to this single for its intriguing vibes.
Number seven, Welcome to the Black Parade, My Chemical Romance.
7位 ブラックパレードへようこそ、マイケミカルロマンス。
While they weren't the first or the last emo band, My Chemical Romance arguably defined the genre.
In 2000, when I was a young boy, my father took me into the city.
Some consider their greatest achievement to be Welcome to the Black Parade.
彼らの最大の功績は「Welcome to the Black Parade」だと考える人もいます。
An assembly of all their best features rolled into one singer.
Gerard way guides the production along with poetic lyrics and incredible vocal ability.
The songwriting still holds strong with a richly painted tapestry of serious themes.
There are multiple sections to this well paced song, each of which display their hold on, complex instrumentation using rocking guitars and a wicked beat.
The second half takes on a punk style that doesn't quit Number six in the end, Lincoln Park.
後半はパンク調になり、最後にはNumber sixを辞さない、Lincoln Park。
Not everyone expected new metal bands from the early 2000s to survive changing music trends.
It starts with Lincoln Park, not only capitalized on the genre, but they also stayed in the public's consciousness because of hits like in the end, combining the best of rap and metal.
リンカーン・パークに始まり、このジャンルに資本参加しただけでなく、ラップとメタルの長所を組み合わせたin endなどのヒットで、一般の人々の意識に留まりました。
This multi genre release encapsulates the fury of a modern anthem.
Both mike Shinoda and Chester.
Bennington provides stirring performances to this song.
Sonoda versus Elevate detention until Bennington lays down one of the most celebrated vocal parts of his entire career together with an eclectic mix of instruments.
This track hits hard with a nuanced set of words that continue to influence generations of fans.
Number 57 Nation Army, the white stripes, sometimes all you need is a steady beat and a simple riff to create an iconic release, Seven nation army counts as one such example being one of the most well known rock songs in the 21st century meg White's drums create a strong foundation for Jack White to deliver a memorable guitar line the ladder then turns the lick into a solo, which gives the track one final push to the finish line, proving that two people can rock out just as hard as a four or five piece act.
ナンバー57 Nation Army, the White Stripes, 時に必要なのは安定したビートとシンプルなリフだけで、象徴的な作品を生み出すことができる。Seven nation armyはその一例で、21世紀で最も有名なロックソングの1つだ。メガ・ホワイトのドラムが、ジャック・ホワイトが印象深いギターラインを奏でるための強い土台となり、その後リックをソロに変えて、トラックに最後の一押しをして、4人や5人の演奏と同様に2人でロックできることが証明されている。
The single has taken on a life of its own in stadiums around the world.
Number four Poker face, Lady gaga among lady gaga.
4位 ポーカーフェイス、レディー・ガガの中のレディー・ガガ。
As many early singles, Poker face stands as a crowning achievement from the fame album type.
初期のシングルの多くがそうであるように、『Poker face』は名声アルバムタイプからの冠曲として存在している。
It's synth pop intro is just one high point in a memorable production gaga used an almost futuristic style to design an elaborate musical statement, showing off her impressive vocal range.
Gaga establishes one of her many strengths in this popular track.
The song won a Grammy and sold millions of copies for its effective spin on the genre.
Anybody who heard this in its first run will never forget the market man on the following decade of music Number three Hey outcast, Hey wasn't the first hit from outcast, but it was among their most popular releases.
これを初回に聴いた人は、その後の10年間の音楽人生のマーケットマンを忘れることはないだろう。 3番 ヘイ アウトキャスト、ヘイ」は、アウトキャストの最初のヒット曲ではないが、彼らの作品の中でも最も人気のある作品であった。
The crossover appeal of the song meant that pop and rap stations both embraced the track.
This contributed to its longevity as a cultural and musical Touchstone.
Polaroid Pictures might have gone out of fashion decades ago, but they're known to younger audiences almost exclusively because of these lyrics.
Andre 3000 also proves himself as a singer, showing that he's a multi talented vocalist as well as a great rapper.
In the end, a simple group of companies, a timeless feel good anthem.
Number two, toxic Britney Spears with many worthy releases throughout the two thousand's Britney Spears more mature era was punctuated by the electric single, toxic can't just the string arrangement helps set a much different tone than her earlier work.
2位 有毒なブリトニー・スピアーズ 2000年代を通して多くの価値ある作品を発表したブリトニー・スピアーズがより成熟した時代は、エレクトリック・シングル「toxic can't just the string arrangement」が彼女の初期の作品とは大きく異なるトーンを設定するのに役立った。
Many devoted fans argue over the best song in her catalog, but this particular one is in serious contention for its revolutionary pops out Spears fierce performance works perfectly for the material in a production that's much more complex than people acknowledge.
She's successfully evolved as an artist with this enduring hit, earning her place alongside the genre's leading singers with this classic.
Before we unveil our topic here are a few honorable mentions since you've been gone, kelly Clarkson, Clarkson's greatest single has a raw energy and a catchy rock book like no Other Bring Me To Life evanescence.
お題を発表する前に、あなたがいなくなってからの佳作をいくつか紹介しましょう。ケリー・クラークソンです。クラークソンの最高傑作シングルは、他にはない生のエネルギーとキャッチーなロック本です。ブリング・ミー・トゥ・ライフ エヴァネッセンスです。
The Gothic masterpiece features a career defining performance from Amy lee in the band, Crazy in Love Beyonce featuring jay Z, the exciting solo debut of one of the great artists of her generation.
このゴシック様式の傑作は、エイミー・リーのキャリアを決定づけたバンドでのパフォーマンス、クレイジー・イン・ラブ、ビヨンセ featuring ジェイ・Z、彼女の世代の偉大なアーティストの刺激的なソロデビューが収録されています。
One more time, daft punk and electronic dance class at courtesy of the greatest duo in the genre's history complicated Avril Lavigne, an early single from the Canadian artist on the cusp of superstar status Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
もう一回、ダフト・パンクとエレクトロニック・ダンス・クラスの礼儀で、このジャンルの歴史の中で最も偉大なデュオが複雑なアヴリル・ラヴィーン、スーパースターの地位の尖端にあるカナダのアーティストからの初期のシングル 私たちが続ける前に、チャンネルを購読してベルを鳴らして最新のビデオについて通知を受けるようにしてください。
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Number one, lose yourself Eminem released in 2002, Eminem won an Oscar for this song off of the eight mile soundtrack.
1位 lose yourself エミネム 2002年リリース、エミネムはこの曲でオスカーを受賞した。
These weak arms are heavy.
This, They're already spaghetti, it's both an anthem and a unique entry in the hip hop genre, implementing rock elements such as a cool guitar riff.
この、They're already spaghettiは、アンセムであると同時に、クールなギターリフなどのロック要素を取り入れた、ヒップホップというジャンルの中では異色の作品です。
Eminem's track reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100 and confirmed his cultural staying power in the 2000s.
The universal message at the heart of the single adds to its appeal as an undisputed and inspirational release in a career of brilliant rhymes and vs.
The performer lays it all on the line in an unforgettable creation.
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