字幕表 動画を再生する
this is a day in the life of a Japanese game designer.
This is shoe to 29 years old.
Living in this one LDK apartment in the heart of Tokyo and he's just waking up for work.
東京ど真ん中の この1LDKマンションに一人暮らしてて
He moved in five years ago specifically because it was walking distance to work but the office moved recently.
So now he trains luckily in Japan, it's typical for most companies to pay for the train commute.
5年前、職場が徒歩圏だったから ここに引っ越したんだけど
So right after earning a master's degree in computer science at one of the top schools in Japan, scuba University, he was hired immediately by the company works for today in Japan's gaming industry.
最近、オフィスが引越ししちまったから 今は電車通勤してるんだ
But growing up his dream was originally to become a chef and never imagined what he would be doing today but we'll get into that in just a bit.
You wear makeup.
SHUTAは、日本のトップ大学の一つ、筑波大学の大学院で コンピューターサイエンスを勉強して
When did you start?
I guess he's motivated today.
So for Tokyo standards, the shooter lives in a rather spacious apartment but says he also prefers to keep things simple apparently that goes for breakfast as well since he was a kid shoot a love creating and building systems, whether it was in the kitchen with legos drawing or even on his computer, which ultimately fueled his decision to study engineering at a specialized seven year hybrid high school and university.
During this time, keen to become a creator in the I.
The industry, he eventually discovered a creator's path in the game development which we'll get to see today.
So we're back with another day in the life, this one is going to be super fun.
I'm always interested to see how game development works.
SHUTAが住んでる部屋は、 都内の平均と比べると結構広い方なんだ
Should be coming down the train right now.
Good morning, you sleep well last night directly connected to a punky station.
His office is located inside of Tokyo.
SHUTAは、子供の頃からモノを作ったり、 システムを開発するのが好きだったんだ
Midtown shooter.
それは、キッチンやレゴ、絵描きにPC… いろんなことに当てはまる
Works as a lead game designer in Japanese game planner at one of the largest mobile game developers in Japan popular for making casual mobile games like Shiro Nico project and my own star acres with about 800 employees in the Tokyo office.
そんなこんなで、高専で7年間 エンジニアリングを学ぶことにしたんだ
Their creative teams produce a wide variety of mobile games at the world.
高専っつーのは、大学と高校が合体したような 専門高等学校のことだぞ
Can't seem to put down, oh I guess he's starting off this morning with a healthy banana.
Apparently the company has an all you can eat policy, so healthy them all.
And today is a big day for him since the game has been working on for the last few years, it's supposed to finally be uploaded to the app store but we'll see if things go as planned.
Yo, that text is extremely small, wow, what's a setting that's so tiny.
オラ、ゲーム開発の裏側にスッゲー興味があるから ワクワクしてるぞ
So in typical Japanese game development companies, the job title game designer is rare instead, like in this company, only the job title of game planner really exists though.
The roles are more or less the same maybe because in Japan the designer title is thought of as a person who focuses more on visual aesthetics while a planner is involved in the entire creation process.
Now he's meeting with the game's level and courts planner these days Shooting leads the development team for the game titled Nico Golf, a realistic animated style golf game where players can play each other online.
It's one of the most critical parts of the game As a course, planner must technically design and imagine engaging courses that will keep players continue to attention.
六本木駅直結のミッドタウンに SHUTAの職場はあるぞ
It's part of shooters job to help guide this process to ensure that the courses are in line with the overall games vision.
SHUTAの仕事はリードゲームデザイナー 日本語では「ゲームプランナー」だ
Now she moves on to another quick meeting with effects designer.
職場はここ、コロプラ! 日本でスマホゲームを開発してる大手企業の一つだぞ
Although the initial development cycle for the game is complete and it's scheduled for upload to the app store today.
人気ゲーム「白猫プロジェクト」や 「Meow Meow Star Acres」を作ってる会社だ
The team is far from stopping development as they will continue to improve the game by adding new features, play modes etcetera.
約800人の社員が 世界が熱狂するゲームを作り出してるぞ
While also fixing reported bugs for as many years as the game is popular from here.
A meeting with the games costume designer as a japanese game planner.
He's continually in meetings as he needs to project, manage and help direct all the various team members who designed and developed the game to ensure that it's produced as conceptualized and completed on schedule and working in such a large team, it's crucial to communicate constantly.
A small adjustments are often required.
ここ数年、開発に取り組んでたアプリを ついにアプリストアに申請する日なんだ
So it looks like she is going to be here for just a little bit longer.
So while he's doing that, let's look around and see what develops, wow, there's just so much stuff, Look at all of these books here.
So it's interesting with all the books on the walls, you can rent them out and the company actually has their own rental system right here that they developed themselves.
In fact, the complete library is spread out through the entire office and let's see what's going on over here, in addition to these vending machines right here, they have these frozen gourmet meals ready to go, wow, those meals look rather balanced.
Okay, cool, let's see what's over here.
日本のゲーム開発の会社では 「ゲームデザイナー」って職業は珍しい
Oh wow.
SHUTAの会社みてぇに、 「ゲームプランナー」って呼び方をするのが一般的なんだ
So check this out.
They have all of these mobile devices, they have phones, they have tablets and it looks like they even have all the doctors right there, That's pretty convenient.
日本語では「デザイナー」が職業名に入ると、 ビジュアルに関する職種ってイメージがあるからかもな
Okay, so we're in the office area right now.
で、「プランナー」だと、 ゲーム作り全体が連想しやすいんだろうな
Let's go talk to that guy over there.
Excuse me.
What are you doing right now?
Oh really?
このゲームで特に大切なコースのプランニングを 今やってるってわけ
So what do you do?
ユーザーが遊び続けてくれるように、 うまいこと面白くすんだな
Cool, what infrastructure do you use here?
ゲーム全体のビジョンからハズレねぇように 確認・調整するのがSHUTAの仕事だ
You guys have maintenance?
ゲームは今日アプリ申請できるところまで 出来上がってっけど
He says that it's sad when users can't play because of maintenance so they can figure the system in a way that there's never any user downtime.
So how long have you been with the company?
新しい機能やモードを追加し続けなきゃいけねぇし、 同時にバグ改善もするからな
So you're the only one on the team?
Well, thanks to him and his team, you can literally play forever.
Hi, what are you doing right now?
日本の「ゲームプランナー」って仕事は、 とにかく打ち合わせが多い
Oh balls?
異なる職種のデザイナーや開発の人たちの 管理するのが仕事だからな
He's the program where the codes of golf balls behavior like how it moves through the air and how it pounces on different services.
コンセプトに沿って作られてるか スケジュール通りか…とかな
You need some sort of science background.
チーム自体が大きいから 頻繁に微調整を入れることが大切なんだな
So how long have you been with the company?
I see.
So what's the most challenging part?
Hey, the code is in english, Do you speak also in Japan?
It's typical for programmers to use standard english code while most of the comments and documentation are in japanese.
Now, shooters attending the weekly all team project meeting for them to share updates and report on their current work progress and it's confirmed the game will be uploaded today.
Where are they going?
What's going on?
So what happens if you find bugs?
ここにある自販機に加えて、 冷蔵庫には冷凍グルメが入ってる
The entire team plays together for about an hour to make sure the final version has no bugs before it gets released to get to this point.
It's been a long seven year stretch.
But she says that he's enjoyed the journey working with such a talented team from the coders to the music composers.
He appreciates that they can all come together to create one beautiful game.
How did it go?
Yeah, lunchtime today.
He's eating in the cafeteria with some of his coworkers?
And I guess they're all getting stuff from the vending machine.
Mhm Can I ask you some questions?
メンテナンスのせいで ゲームで遊べないのは悲しいから
What do you do you?
メンテナンスを入れなくていいような システムを作って、ユーザーダウンタイムを無くしてるんだって
When's it coming out?
What kind of game is it?
You're not going to give me anything are.
彼と彼のチームのおかげで オラたちはゲームを遊び続けれるんだな
So how long have you been working on this project?
Well I guess I'm looking forward to your new game.
すげー!ゴルフボールの弾道の コーディングをしてるプログラマーだ
What do you do?
つまり、空中のボールの動きや 異なる表面に着地する動きとか作ってるんだな
What game are you making anything that's difficult.
Sounds a bit stressful.
At least after lunch they can chill a bit and play some games together.
What are you guys playing?
Did you help make it?
日本では、英語でスタンダードコードを 書くのが一般的なんだ
She says that the key to being a successful game planner is exposing yourself to all kinds entertainment, which of course includes different styles of games, anime, manga movies, even theme parks, the experiences he has and the knowledge of those experiences are reborn into the games he creates.
So as part of his job to regularly seek out new experiences.
So in this game area, I was actually kind of wondering what's inside the boxes below.
They've got an old school family calm.
We Dreamcast.
And even as Zelda controller, what are you doing now by the way, did you start as a game planner?
How was it when you just started as a japanese game planner?
チーム全員で1時間位ゲームで遊んで、 申請前に最終版にバグがないか確認するんだ
It's important to have strong management and communication skills.
It's not enough to be creative and come up with ideas.
エンジニアから音楽コンポーザーまで 才能溢れるチームメンバーと力を合わせて
But a planner must also be able to organize these ideas, create proposals and specification documents in order to effectively communicate their ideas to their team.
一つの美しいゲームを作り上げるのは 本当にやりがいがあるってSHUTA が教えてくれたぞ
Plus it doesn't hurt that she's even as a kid has been comfortable speaking in front of an audience.
Oh, he's using one of the test phones, Although the company has simulators, sometimes the team needs to test and verify bugs on physical phones, luckily the company has a wide range of phones that they can use to thoroughly test?
What's tempura testing sometimes must be like a kick in the golf balls.
Where are you going?
Apparently all employees get one free massage per week, which they usually use working in japanese game development.
It's no surprise that the staff spend many hours sitting at their desk in front of the computer screens.
So the company tries to promote healthier habits and encourage them to take care of their bodies as much as possible.
So it looks like shooter is going to be getting this massage for just a little bit longer.
So while he's doing this, let's go put around this place.
Okay, so we're just past the entrance area here.
Let's see what's going on over here.
I think there's actually a meeting room over here.
Mhm Hi, what are you two doing?
What do you do?
You did you come up with the idea nickel Project is a mobile action RPG, one of the company's biggest titles produced eight years ago now with over 100 million downloads and they were just playing the game together to discuss future plans.
How is it?
In the beginning?
He says that when he first developed the app, many people internally who played the, I didn't think it would do well but as a creator, he didn't allow that deter him and was pleased when the game became ultra popular.
ゲームプランナーとして成功するためには 色んなエンタメにいっぺー触れることが大事なんだって
So what do you do?
様々なスタイルゲームはもちろん、 アニメ・漫画に映画、テーマパークも入るぞ
So you're the one who decides what games get made.
その経験や経験から得た知識が 作るゲームに反映されるんだな
How long have you been with the company?
So how was it back then?
オラ、ここのゲームエリアにある ボックスの中身が気になってんだ
What are you planning next?
No doubt shooters back at his desk already.
Wiiもあるし、ドリームキャスト、 ゼルダのコントローラーなんてやつもあるぞ
Are you going somewhere?
Everything is going to plan first, upload ever compared to pC games.
Mobile games must be approved first by google and apple before it's available to the public.
So uploading to the app store for review is the last step.
日本のゲームプランナーは、マネージメントスキルと コミュニケーションスキルが必要とされる
Just before it's finally available for public download.
クリエイティブで新しい企画を 考えられるってだけじゃ不十分
For many playing the game will probably never truly understand how much time went into creating it, but prosciutto and his team, I'm sure there's a great sense of accomplishment today.
各メンバーに、効率的に説明するための コミュニケーションスキルが必須なんだぞ
Finally done this evening, shooter has plans to go out with his coworkers.
SHUTAは、元々人前で話すのが好きだから そこんとこはよかったな!
So where are you guys headed to?
He says that they often go to an actual golf course on the weekends, but during the week, this is where they hang out since the office is located in which is filled with all sorts of entertainment, they never have trouble finding a place to go after work.
シュミレーターも使うけど、時には異なる携帯を使って バグ検出をすることもあるんだ
That's one nice thing about working in one of Tokyo's popular nightspots.
あらゆる種類のスマホが用意してあるから そこはじっくりテストできるな!
So what do you do?
Do all of you go out often?
なんと社員は週一回、誰でも 無料でマッサージが受けられるんだ
You brought your own golf club Right, You must love golf.
So what do you do?
ゲーム開発をしてる会社だし デスクで座りっぱなしの社員が多いから
So it looks like shooter and his friends are going to be here until nine o'clock and then after that he'll go home?
会社として健康的な生活習慣を推進してて、 できる限り体調管理のサポートをしてるんだ
Probably take a bath and then play some games, watch Youtube and then go to sleep around probably midnight.
But that's pretty much a day in the life of a japanese game planner.
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