字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Our family loves conveyor belt sushi, 回転寿司が大好きです So today we are trying out a new one for us, it's called Sushiro 今日はスシローに行きます So come along and let's see if we like it 楽しみです! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 私たちは回転寿司が好きです We love Japan's conveyor-belt sushi restaurants, or kaiten sushi. 順番待ちです We have to wait for our number to show up. 134番 134 まだ126番 126, we have a little ways... スシローは有名なチェーン店です Today we're trying one of Japan's most famous chains for the very first time. 番号が呼ばれたらスキャンします Once our number was called, we scanned in and got our table number. 自動化が進んでいて Everything in the restaurant is automated, スタッフとのやり取りがほぼありません and from beginning to finish, we didn't interact with any staff. That's impressive. 早速ベッカが食べます Here we go — oh Becca goes right in! ジョシュアも! 美味しそうだね! Oh, and Joshua also! Ooo, it looks good already, huh guys? ベルトから取るか オーダーも出来ます This one you can grab your food off the conveyor belt or you can order on the iPad. 英語です OK- oh, there's English! よかった That's nice. "言語を変更します" "We are now changing the language environment to English." フレンチフライね Look at that French fry! Oh! チキンナゲット? Wow- chicken nuggets? Oh yes. 試してみよう Let's try one of both. Or maybe two of both. 流れてるものも 好きなものも食べれます The way you can order or just eat what passes by is truly fun and unique. サーモンチーズにします Salmon with cheese, let's try one. ジョシュアが食べてます Joshua's just digging in! ベッカも! And Becca! サラ 食前の祈りは? Hey Sarah, can you pray for us? - 私が? - そう! Me? Pray? Yes! Yes! いい? OK ready? イエス様 今日と食べ物に感謝します Dear Jesus, thank you for this wonderful day and for this wonderful food スシローのお寿司を イエス様が祝福してください and help this Sushiro to be really yummy, in Jesus name. アーメン! Amen! スシローはどう? How it compare, Becca? ちょっとビックリしました But right from the start, we were concerned we had made a seriously blunder. ダメ!まだだよ サラ! No no no no, not yet Sarah! 他の人の! That's people's stuff! 間違えてない? Oh! I wonder if you guys got people's stuff?! 他の人の? Did you grab people's stuff? そうかな See, it's special order! 大丈夫だと思う I don't think I grabbed the special order. 私じゃない Welp, good thing it wasn't me! 少し心配です So we're a little concerned... この回転寿司では All of the sushi comes out on this conveyor belt, 普通のネタと オーダーしたもの 両方が流れます But the special orders for our table also come out on this conveyor belt 気を付けて見分けないといけません So we have to watch and look for when our orders come, and then get them. 気を付けて You really have to pay attention. 鉄火巻きをジョシュアとアナに Tuna rolls for Joshua and Anna. どうやら 他の人のは 取っていないようでした Fortunately, we didn't grab anyone else's sushi, and it clearly announces when your sushi is about to arrive. もうすぐ来るよ Your order is coming. - 遂にだね - あれね! That's how we know. There it is right there! パパの! That's daddy's! ベッカ 取って! Right there- get it Becca! ベッカは漢字をよく読めるので 私だったら 取るのを間違えていたかもしれません At this point we almost made another blunder by grabbing the wrong special order, そっちだね! but fortunately for us our Becca reads better Kanji than we do yet! 私のテーブルの注文は "黄色" です Oh! You're right! 食事の時間です So look- ours are the yellow colors that come on these trays. パパはチーズとサーモン And with that, it was finally time to try some sushi. ママのお寿司です Daddy's going to try the cheese and salmon. すごいな! Oh, there comes mommy's. お箸を取って Whoa! Look at that! Whoa! 醤油も Can I have chopsticks, please? Chopsticks! ママとパパで お寿司を交換します A little bit of soy sauce 大変です Mommy's going to try hers and Daddy's going to try his. 美味しい? Oh uh, fumble over there! チーズとサーモンのお寿司です Yummy? 注文のシステムにも慣れてきました This is everything you want from cheese and salmon right here. チキンナゲットがくるよ When the next order came, we knew exactly what to do. すごい! Ah, here comes the chicken nuggets. いいね! Oh baby! お気に入りだね Yes! サラが最初の一口を食べるかな One of our favorite things. Bring it, Sarah. どう? She had to take her portion of the proceeds. ポテトと唐揚げです I guess. 寿司屋さんだけど 美味しいよね? These are some of our favorite — the fries, the karage 「からげ」じゃなくて「からあげ」! It might be a sushi restaurant, but boy is it good, huh? そうだね It's not "Karage" it's "Karaage" 日本語を勉強しながら 新しいネタに挑戦します That's right. サーモンの バジルとモッツァレラは? After my Japanese was corrected, it was time to try something new. おお! Would you like to try salmon basil with and a chunk of mozzarella? ちょっと高いけど Oh! Um hum! アナの巻き寿司 Whoa! It's a little more expensive. サラは働き者だね! Anna, your sushi rolls. アナのお寿司です Sarah's on delivery duty- good job! 1つはジョシュアの Now Anna can eat! 食べます One of them's for him. どうかな She's getting ready. 美味しい? Giving it a try... すごい!パパのだ! The verdict. What is the verdict? すごいポテトだ! Whoa! It's for Daddy to try- ah! アナは? That's a French fry! Oh my! パリパリしてる So Anna? パリパリ?! This is like crunchy! 食べにくい It's crunchy?! パリパリの海苔が アナは好きじゃないようです It's hard to eat. It's big chunks. ジョシュアは好きそう Most prefer big chunks and crunchy seaweed, but Anna does not. 鉄火巻きは? Joshua doesn't seem to mind. 美味しい? How's the tuna roll, Dude? ママちゃん! Good? エビはどう? Whoa momma chan! 美味しい So how's the shrimp there? これはフレンチフライです! Oh, good! Good? ポテトが丸ごと フライになったみたいです Look at this! This is called a French fry! 食べていい? But this is crazy! It's like the whole potato was curled. 美味しいよ Can I try? サラが食べる That's pretty good! Ah! サラは新しいご飯を食べる時 It's Daddy's. Sarah! まず嗅ぎます Sarah's approach to new food is quite unique. よく見て You smell it... もったいぶる You look at it... 最後に食べる Then you tease it... サラ どう? Then you bite it. それはパパのお寿司 How is it Sarah? Good. モッツァレラとバジルのサーモン! Oh, that's ours. That's daddy's! すごい! Mozzarella, basil and salmon! 美味しそう! Oh my goodness! 赤いお皿ね Oh yum yum yum yum yum! 見てください! That's a red one. Yea. 大きなポテトの味は? Look at that! 美味しい Big French fry on a stick, what do you think? 食べにくい Good. ママちゃんは アボカドと玉ねぎとエビ? It's good, huh? 崩れそうだわ But it's hard to eat. モッツァレラチーズとバジルのサーモンです Oh, and Momma chan got another... is that avacado, onion and shrimp? すごく美味しい! Whoa! 音がすごいわね Whoa, it falls apart. モッツァレラチーズとバジルのサーモンは絶品です I'm going to try the mozzarella and basil salmon. ベッカ 全部食べたの? That's really good! うん This thing dings all the time! ベッカが食べた枚数です This mozzarella basil salmon sushi is outstanding. I'm getting more! 黙々と食べています Becca, did you eat all of those plates of food by yourself? 回転寿司は安くて早くておいしいので 家族にうってつけです Yeah. 大家族は助かります Look at how much she's eaten! 食べた枚数で特典がある場合もあります She just goes and hammers it down! くら寿司では 5 枚ごとに 賞品獲得のチャンスがあります Kaiten sushi is perfect for our family because it's inexpensive, quick and tasty. 我が家ではあっという間です For our large family, those are all important things. パパに1枚 ママに1枚 Some families even make a game of how many plates they can stack up. 少し塩が欲しいわ At Kurazushi you win a chance at a prize for every 5 plates you stack up. モッツァレラといい組み合わせ Our family has no problem collecting plates. ‐ これは? - アボカドとエビのタルタルソース Oh! One for Daddy, one for Mommy. 美味しそう! It's good, but it needs a little salt. ベッカ スシローはどう? But it's really good. That mozzarella is good. 美味しい And what is this here? Avocado... Shrimp and tartar sauce. - よかった - サーモンが美味しかったから Wow! Some good stuff here! サーモンは美味しいね OK Rebecca, honestly, how did you like this place? サラは? Good. お気に入りは? It's good. I just really like salmon, that's why. フライドポテト I see, it's good salmon though. How about you Sarah? フライドポテト! What was your favorite here? ジョシュアも沢山食べたね French fries. サーモンと巻き寿司 The French fries! ポテトとからあげ Joshua, I saw you had a bunch of things... 全部食べたの? He had salmon, he had sushi roll, ピカチュウが食べた? And lots of French fries and Karaage. うん Wow Dude, where'd it all go? ママちゃんのお気に入りは? Did Pikachu eat it all? エビとアボカドとタマネギ Yeah. エビとアボカドのタルタルソースも 美味しかった How about you Momma chan? What was your favorite? いいね The shrimp with avocado and onion I just love あとエビの天ぷら And the shrimp with avocado and tartar sauce was very good too. 少し脂がのった感じ Wow. そうだね And the shrimp tempura. Wow! 僕のお気に入りです Although it was a little greasier than my other place. 新しい体験です A little greasier, isn't it? I think so. 今日のお気に入りは? And this right here was my favorite. ポテトと水 Oh! New favorite. 大きなポテト?普通の? What here was your favorite that you had? 普通のやつ French fries and water. 笑って 写真撮るわよ That crazy-curly French fry or the normal ones? セルフィーです The normal ones. お皿の違いは? OK, everyone smile, I'm going to take a selfie. 色ごとに 値段が違うの Oh, selfie time! 黄色は130円 So the plates have meanings, don't they? 赤は190円 黒は370円 The colors have meanings 黄色も赤も食べたね They're different colors, they're different prices. ベッカは黄色が沢山 The yellow is? ¥130 ママちゃんがお皿を集めます The red is ¥190 and the black is ¥370 どれくらい食べたか計算します Well we have lots of yellow and lots of red here, アメリカといえばファーストフードですが 日本は回転寿司ですね And Becca has a stack of yellow 計算が得意な人は? So now Momma chan is organizing all the plates いいね We are going to see just what kind of damage we did here. 130円を15で掛けて America has fast food, but Japan has Kaiten Sushi Restaurants. 190円が8皿 Who's good at math? Me! 3470円 Alright. 4613円 130 times 15 この人数ならいいね 190 times 8 お寿司で満腹になったら 最後に会計を済ませて出発します That's 3470 我が家の定番 くら寿司と比べて どうでしょうか? ¥4613 お寿司は美味しかったです That's not too bad for all of us. 唐揚げも美味しかったです Having filled our stomachs with sushi, くら寿司では 注文したものが 直接席まで来るので we paid at the door without emptying our wallets and were on our way. 取り間違いがありません So the big question is how does it compare to our current favorite, which is Kurazushi? 楽です Well, for me I think the sushi was better, 子供が楽しめるゲームもあります The karaage was definitely better, the fries maybe not as good. お皿をスロットに入れると At Kurazushi, everything comes out on a separate conveyor belt just for you when you're ordering something, 5皿毎にゲームができます So that's really cool You don't have to pay attention. 子供が好きな仕掛けです You don't have to pay attention 視聴者が気になっていること And also you have the amazing game that you can play くら寿司と どっちがいい? Where you can put your old dishes into that slot 美味しい And when you put 5 dishes in you get to play the game and maybe win a prize. くら寿司とスシローだったら? That is also really cool. くら寿司 Life in Japan, they want to know... What? だって… How did you like this like compared to Kurazushi? 近いから! Good. お寿司が来るとき スシローだと 毎回すぐ取らないといけないから If you could choose between this a Kurazushi, where would you go? 忙しい感じ Kurazsuhi. Oh yea? Why's that? そうだね Because... It's closer サラは取る係だったね It's kind of closer and when the computer makes a noise, - ベッカは? - くら寿司 Like in the middle when you're eating, くら寿司? You got to put your chopsticks down, you have to get the bowl システムが楽だし オーダーが簡単だから So that's really a constant bother 探すのが大変じゃないから Yea, you had to get it, didn't you? そうだね What about you Becca? Kurazushi. くら寿司とスシローを比べると? Kurazushi, why? スシロー Because like the video (game), どうして? And the conveyor belt you can get anything from there and there's tons of options 流れてるのがカッコいい And that when you order it, you don't need to be looking, it just comes and you get it. すぐにお寿司が来るし ゲームは興味ないから I see. 食事中はゲームしないね If you could go to here or Kurazushi, where would you go? ゲームは家でするからね Here. Here? アナはあまり寿司が好きじゃないよね Oh, what did you like about here? - くら寿司とスシローを選ぶとしたら? - くら寿司 It says when your food is coming, it's really cool どうして? You don't need to wait too much — the game and stuff — because it's really boring just waiting. 味の好み So you like that you don't have to play the game, huh? 巻き寿司がダメだったかな Yea. You don't have to play the game at the other place 気に入らなかったかな Anna is the one who least likes sushi in our family, そうだね So Anna, if you had to choose between this and Kurazushi... Kurazushi. ママちゃんは? Oh, why's that? スシローはいいわね Because I don't like the sushi here. 配膳のシステムは独特だけど She only eats sushi rolls... And the sushi rolls— not good お寿司は美味しい And you didn't like them as much as Kurazushi. 少し高いけど その分 美味しいわね Alright. くら寿司も値上げしたよ Momma chan - how about you? そうなの? I like this place. I thought it was pretty good. 今度 くら寿司と比べましょう I didn't care to have to pay attention when my food was coming because we start talking and get distracted. そうだね The food itself tasted very good お気に入りの回転寿司を コメントで教えて下さい! But it's a little pricier than Kurazushi so maybe the quality is better? チャンネル登録もお願いします! I think Kurazushi also went up in price though too. また次回会いましょう! Oh maybe, we haven't been there in awhile. さようなら! We'll have to go to Kurazushi again now and compare. チャンネル登録! That's right. お願い! Well is there a favorite sushi place we should go check out? Let us know in the comments. チャンネルを登録お願いします! And don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel And until next time, we'll see you on Life in Japan Bye!! Subscribe! Subscribe, with a b! Subscribe to the channel please!
B1 中級 日本語 寿司 美味しい ベッカ サーモン サラ 食べ Comparing 2 of Japan's Most Famous Conveyor Belt Sushi Restaurants | Life in Japan Episode 192 14 0 Summer に公開 2022 年 11 月 27 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語