字幕表 動画を再生する
here's how we made these transitions from our Apple Watch Ultra review.
Apple Watch Ultraのレビューから、これらの移行をどのように行ったかをご紹介します。
So we used a 3 60 camera on a drone.
そこで、ドローンに3 60のカメラを搭載して使用しました。
It is called the insta 3 60 sphere and it is incredibly cool.
インスタ3 60スフィアと呼ばれるもので、とてつもなくカッコイイんです。
You simply attached to the drone hit record and take off.
Once I capture the footage.
I said adjustment is one of the video directors here at the verge.
I imported it into instant 3 60 studios, a free app which is pretty much mandatory for these type of videos And from there it's all about key framing and we did a bunch of these and never got tired of it.
この種のビデオには欠かせない無料アプリ「instant 3 60 studios」に取り込み、そこからはキーフレームがすべてです。
Okay maybe a little.
But once you're happy with your movements you can then export your footage, combine the clips in premiere pro and that's it.
しかし、自分の動きに満足したら、映像をエクスポートして、premiere proでクリップを結合すれば完了です。
You have your transitions.
So the steering when it came out was around $440.
But now you can get it for under 400 around 383 $190 because they're on sale.
The only thing that I don't like about this camera is that it can only fit the D.
Jazz air to us in the air to and that is it.