字幕表 動画を再生する
hello I'm Chris and I'm Emily and I'm here to see if I can become best friends with anyone
on the street we'll only have five minutes to get to know each other using questions
from this deck of cars before we go head to head in a trivia challenge I'm doing
this because the pandemic has just eliminated my social abilities and we need to rebuild I
know I could anyone like I could move to anyone and become besties all right
so I have about five minutes to find my new best friend on the street let's go foreign
no okay excuse me
sorry to bother you I'm just looking for someone who's going to take five
お邪魔してすみません ただ5人連れてって欲しいんです
minutes to try and become best friends with me on the street
okay I understand I appreciate it though thank you you don't have five minutes to try and become best
わかったわ ありがとう でも5分もかからないわよ
friends with me on the spot okay I appreciate that I'll take that do you have five minutes to
try and become best friends with me right now sure I've only got a few minutes oh yes okay
excuse me do you want to be best friends sure okay cool
失礼します 親友になりたいですか? もちろんです いいですよ
I did it I'm Emily oh my God wait I think where'd you get it the Dr does Dominican
やったわ エミリー... ...待って... ...どこで手に入れたの?
Republic I'm Dominican shut up oh my God I know we are instantly best friends Arthur we have about 30
共和国 ドミニカ共和国 黙れ! 俺たちはすぐに親友になるんだ アーサー 俺たちは30人ぐらい持ってる
questions in only five minutes mathematically it's gonna be a little tight but we need to
get to know each other okay all right ready what is your favorite movie everything everywhere all
仲良くするんだ いいかい お気に入りの映画は?
at once mine is part and Prejudice what is your middle name Adams Adams Russell Adams Russell that
私のはパートと偏見です あなたのミドルネームは? アダムス アダムス ラッセル ラッセルです
should be easy to remember right we'll see we're killing we're moving here we go do you have any
siblings in what are their names Karen Mark Sandy Karen Mark Sandy Kirsten younger sister Kirsten
兄弟姉妹の名前 カレン・マーク サンディ カレン・マーク サンディ キルスティン 妹のキルスティン
what is your most impressive skill aerial arts I can sing a word okay Karen what were your name I
あなたの最も印象的なスキルは何ですか エアリアルアーツ 私は言葉を歌うことができます OK カレン あなたの名前は何でしたか?
won't let myself forget that how are we doing on time I feel like I'm going too slow I'm going to
run out of time what is your most annoying habit I don't know this question is kind of weird next
what is your middle name Rose Carmen okay oh my God I'm not moving fast enough uh what is your
あなたのミドルネームは? ローズ・カルメン OK 大変 動きが鈍いわ
favorite band artist slash musician I'll go Elvis for just a favorite uh I love it
好きなバンド アーティスト スラッシュ ミュージシャン 好きなだけでエルヴィスにします。
let's double up let's double up this isn't cheating we're just already excuse me very
2倍にしよう 2倍にしよう これは不正行為ではありません 私たちはすでに失礼しています とても
aligned what is your biggest goal in life to win an Oscar wait minus win an Academy Award
hey see you there see you there best friend okay what do you do to get rid of stress sex
it's a good answer that's a great answer my family watching maybe I agree uh
それは良い答えだ 素晴らしい答えだ 私の家族が見ている 多分、私は同意する あー
uh the PG answer is watch TV January 20th okay so your birthday's coming generation mine is
ええと、PGの答えは、テレビを見る 1月20日 さて、あなたの誕生日は、私の誕生日と重なりますね。
April 7th April 7th yeah my most impressive skill playing drums okay yeah there you go
4月7日 4月7日 私の最も印象的なスキルはドラムを演奏することです。
okay what is your favorite oh I think I answered everything what was your favorite movie proud
OK 好きなものは何ですか......全部答えたと思うけど、好きな映画は何ですか?
and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice uh everything everywhere all at once yes best friends all right
高慢と偏見 高慢と偏見......すべてが一度に、すべてが一度に......そう、親友たちよ......すべての権利
I think we have a few more here um we barely got to know each other I have uh I trust that we were
just like in sync zoning it yeah it doesn't matter irrelevant we're gonna nail this okay let's do it
"同期" "ゾーニング" "関係ない" "やり遂げよう" "やり遂げよう
uh if you know you know do you know are you guessing no I know I also know Brown
hey good job having brown eyes brown eyes uh
茶色い目をしているのはいいことだ 茶色い目
uh January 5th wow April 7 and I'm an Aries very interesting yeah two to two
1月5日 4月7日 そして私は牡羊座......とても興味深い......2対2
she puts up her fists I don't know I'm hearing a lot of excuse excuses
drums I'm a drummer technically oh so you don't think drums are interesting okay aerial arts
ドラム 私は技術的にはドラマーなのですが、ドラムが面白いとは思わないのですね。
aerial arts three to two no word at all yeah oh I'm trying to think of what I said
航空芸術 3から2へ 全く言葉を発しない ああ、何を言ったか考え中だ
what if I don't remember but I know I agreed with Arthur whatever it was doesn't sound like
覚えてないが アーサーに同意したとしたら... ...それが何であれ... ...そんなことはない
it's a point leaving New York yes an airplane I don't know if I would count that one spiders
それはニューヨークを離れる点です はい、飛行機です 私はそれを数えることができるかどうかわからない スパイダー
oh my God 100 confident in my bestie loser excuse me excuse me uh this is as good as we're gonna
oh my God 100 confident in my bestie loser excuse me excuse me uh this is as good as we're gonna.
get three siblings two sisters one brother Karen Mark Sandy I got two and points shaking their head
3人兄弟になる 2人兄弟になる 1人兄弟になる カレン マーク サンディ 2人兄弟になる 頭を振って指差す
off camera I have a sister named Kirsten and she only had to memorize one his middle name
オフカメラ 私にはキルスティンという妹がいますが、彼女はミドルネームをひとつだけ覚えればよかったんです。
that's what you want obviously I know middle name's middle name my middle name is Russell
ミドルネームのミドルネームを知ってるんだ 僕のミドルネームはラッセルだ
so close Andy so close Razor's Edge Carmen oh man we're ahead by Five Points ten yeah yeah it's like
Andy so close Razor's Edge Carmen oh man we're ahead by Five Points 10 yeah yeah it's like.
I think it's much closer it's much closer the math is not math win or lose what we've built
もっと近いと思う もっと近いと思う 数学は数学じゃない 勝つか負けるか 我々が築いたものだ
is so much more important than this game I just want to let that go on record so true oh dude
hold on a very long year 3 000. I did the far future the year 2700. that is not
only 300 that's that's enough they ever take 300 years the Golden Age of Hollywood
300年あれば十分だ 300年あれば十分だ ハリウッドの黄金時代だ
Golden Era pretty pretty broad pretty broad yeah I mean yeah give or take 300 years yeah
that's fine that's golden age that's nothing of the universe oh my God yeah
That's fine that's golden age that's nothing of the universe oh my God yeah.
show us the shoe old man Reeboks dress shoes
adorable adorable oh oh I want to know what's going on over
adorable adorable oh oh I want to know what's going on over.
here because it's bordering on uh suspicious my dog Bella
oh yeah my sister Kirsten with the heart wow there's like so easy six four I'm guessing
somewhere around six foot four oh what an insane question to get a spot on five three oh wow
I feel like I disappointed you in some moments there though you could never
disappoint me that means right here you can't lose if you've got a best friend
失望させるな それはつまり... ...親友がいれば 負けはないってことだ
now we're not friends anymore thanks for this video we will never be friends ever
今、私たちはもう友達ではない このビデオに感謝している 私たちは決して友達になることはないだろう