字幕表 動画を再生する
alrighty guys good afternoon how are we all doing noon welcome to the highly anticipated video we
told you we would be giving you a tour of the Chalet the first house we're renovating here on
the property and today is that day today is a day and friends this place hasn't been inhabited since
since the 20th century that sounds very dramatic but the last time I believed to my knowledge that
というのは非常に劇的に聞こえ ます
somebody lived in here it would have been 1999. so it looks well it's interesting to say the least it
が、私の知る限り、誰かがここに住んでいたと最後に信じたのは 1999年だったでしょう。
looks so we're gonna take you in there and show you we've we've some gems to show you inside yes
and you did say it was spooky but the first time I went in there I I it was better than I thought
it would be yeah Sam was like this isn't that bad and I was like oh okay that's very optimistic yes
てい たよりも良かったです サムは、これはそれほど悪くないと思っていました。私は、とても楽観的です。はい
let's go with that it's interesting for sure and so yeah we're gonna give you a full tour
、それで 行きましょう。確かに興味深いので、
yes of a chalet a place that hasn't been lived in for over 20 years here we go let's do it
はい、シャレーの 完全なツアーを提供します。 20年以上住んでいる
so first things first I'll let you guys know that I have been in here before you've been in
here before and I have tidied up uh because I had to have the roofers measuring things and also my
electrician so there were spider webs all over like you would just walk in and they would get
stuck to your face to your arms so what I did I I grabbed this squidgy I don't even know what this
is called in English uh it's for like mopping floors and like you know just pulling the water
ようなもので、あなたが知っている ように
um so I just went around like this just grabbing uh taking dominoes there's still a few but like
、水を引っ張るだけです。 このように、ドミノを取っているだけです。まだいくつかありますが、
this is amazing the first few people who came in here were not very fortunate and yeah I think they
were probably a little bit terrified uh but I also cleaned the the floor area and this is the dirt
that I collected this is 20 years worth of dirt that I just uh kind of gathered into the center
これは私が集め た土 です これは20年分の土です
so we can see the floor quite frankly I didn't know you did that yeah I was working on others
率直に言って床が見えるように 中央に集めました
otherwise it was just it kind of looked like a horror show so oh yeah this is presentable there
あなたがそうしていたとは知りませんでし たホラーショーのように見えたここは
um but well the first room we're in this could you call it a foyer I suppose like an entrance room uh
this would be where you take off your boots maybe leave your coat uh it used to be an area that was
ます。ここはブーツを脱ぐ場所かもしれません。コートを置いたままにするかもしれません。 実際 に
actually open it was like a covered Terrace but there used to be like no door no windows
anything like that so at one point it was closed and a door was put in to have additional living
space but yeah that's kind of what this room is and what do we have here uh it looks like an old
スペースを確保するためにドアが取り付けられましたが、そうです、それがこの部屋です。ここには何がありますか ええと
wooden frame for for a window old chair some some wine bottles a sealed well there's no wine left
、窓用の古い木製のフレームのようです 古い椅子 いくつかのワインボトル 密閉された井戸 ワインは残っ
in it but it does have the cork in vintage yeah vintage we've got some green what we call this
ていませんが、ヴィンテージのコルクはあります はいヴィンテージ 緑のものがありますこの
mold what we call it Moss oh we're gonna we're gonna call it moldy Moss moldy moldy Mossy walls
カビの名前をコケと呼びましょう カビだらけのコケと呼びましょう カビだらけのコケだらけの壁
uh wooden ceiling wooden like planks an old Chandelier so yeah that is the the first room
ええと、木製の天井は板のように木製です 古いシャンデリア そうそう、これ
here the the entrance and I suppose we should open some windows first why don't we open
some windows so you can see a bit more like daylight and we'll take you into the kitchen
we are armed with flashlights we will be needing this so and we go to look at John dude
let there be light there is light let's see if we go like this
光がありますように光があります 。 このように、
oh yes we can see now okay it would help with the still with
that Lantern though so now that we've got light now that we have light and
uh let's come on in to the kitchen so uh right now it's kind of well it is what it is what can
ので、キッチンに行きましょう。まあ、まあまあです 私が言える ことは何
I say let's give you the grand tour here we have one of those old-fashioned Windows to slide food
from the kitchen to the dining area a detail I am very keen to keep I think that's super cool
and then over here we've got the sink uh there's like a kitchen cabinet cupboards up there drawers
。ここにシンクがあります キッチン キャビネットのようなものがあります 食器棚があります 引き出し
would there be anything in the drawers look at that there's Cutlery spider webs too there's
があります 引き出しの中に何かありますか 見てみると カトラリー 蜘蛛の巣があります
Cutlery what else we got uh plastic bags yeah oh I can't open that one let's see what else
カトラリーがあります 他に何を持っていますか ええと ビニール袋 ええ 開けられません他に何があるか見てみましょう。
well and also we gonna find there's uh oh wow lone glasses lone cups that's a nice looking
cup to be honest yes I I remember that cup see you yes guys oh spider webs wow [Music]
カップです はい 私はそのカップを覚えています ではまた会いましょう はい 皆さん 蜘蛛の巣 うわー [音楽]
salt behind you gonna try it I don't think so yeah so interesting fact about this house
後ろの塩 試してみます 私はそうは思いません そうです
I lived in it for a while with my family with my parents when we first moved here but then it was
私が住んでいた この家についてのとても興味深い事実 私たちが最初にここに引っ越したとき、両親と一緒に私の家族と一緒に
my uncle my aunt and my two cousins who who lived in here so they were the last um residents of this
house you could say what else do we have here we have old furniture that I'm planning to restore
。 芝刈り機 を復元する予定の古い家具は 芝刈り機を手に入れましたが、これらの椅子にとても興奮し
lawnmower got a lawnmower but I'm super excited for these chairs I'm going to find um somebody
ています木工と室内装飾品をやっているあなたが知っている 誰かを見つけるつもりです
who you know does Woodwork and upholstery the cushions are over here they need some TLC and
クッションはここにあります彼らはTLCと 他に何 が必要ですか
what else we've got another cabinet area like work station I don't even have the right vocabulary to
'ワークステーションのような別のキャビネットエリアがあります キッチンを説明する適切な語彙さえありません
describe a kitchen but that is the kitchen very nice ceilings dark wood ceilings I'd love for you
が、それはキッチンです とても素敵な天井 ダークウッドの天井
to show the Vintage stove a vintage stove which we shall also be uh you know integrating into
ヴィンテージストーブにビンテージストーブを見せて いただきたいです.
the house of course I'd love to actually like get it working not just as decorative but yeah let's
もちろん、家に 統合することも知っています。 装飾的なだけでなく、実際に機能させるのが好きです
use an old-fashioned um we we had we saw one of those when we were in Nova Scotia remember
we did at a museum that was no it was in the in the cabin we stayed at the entire Magoosh
、博物館で見たのを覚えていますが、それはキャビンにありませんでした私たちはMagoosh全体にとどまりました ああああ、
oh oh okay I'm thinking of somewhere else yeah remember I do and then okay back here we've got
私はどこか別のことを考えています はい、覚えています そして、ここに
a door uh an exit to the outdoors and then back here this would be like the pantry um and it's
where we have our water heater our like electric box things like that this is actually a bathroom
ここには給湯器があります電気ボックスのようなものです これは実際にはバスルーム
there's a toilet uh would you like to see sure take my word for it let me come in
and Shine the Light the toilet can you see yeah can you see the toilette there's a sink guys yeah
トイレがあります トイレには 流し台があり
and over here this is a toilet toilet yeah yes so so not so much a pantry more like a utility
room and uh yeah a toilet okay so that is the kitchen shall we go inside to the main part we
should another door another key and we go to the main living area flip that away [Music]
。別のドア 別の鍵 そして私たちはメインのリビングエリアに行きます [音楽]
we're gonna need some light over here let there be light peoples put two it's
私たちはそれを 裏返します ここに明かりが必要だ 明かりが必要だ 2 つ置いて 2 つ置い
neat so let's set this one oh I'm so itchy let's set this here and we'll turn this on
and let's open let me just open some windows first so you guys can see what we're getting
おく ここで 私たちが何をしようとしているのかわかるでしょう
up to in here wow this if you guys could smell what I could smell you could smell
すごいこれ あなたたちが私が嗅ぐことができるものを嗅ぐことができたら あなたは嗅ぐことができます
if we had smell-o-vision guys there's a smell-o-vision it'd be quite interesting oh
もし私たちが嗅覚のビジョンを持っていたら 嗅覚のビジョンがあります それは非常に興味深いでしょう
Tada also I believe we may have a b infestation
so there's that they're definitely inside they're living in the roof I can hear them I can see them
so something to deal with try not to get stung try not to get stung alrighty friends my my director
here says I need a light through my face and another to illuminate what I'm showing you
that's right so basically I am now in the living dining area so this right here where you see all
ここにいる 私のディレクター は、私の顔と、私があなたに見せている
these boxes it's just pillows blankets towels boxes with old magazines dating back as far
もの を照らすために別のライトが必要だと言ってい ます 80年代 までさかのぼる古い雑誌
as the 80s yeah we're gonna show one of those magazines yeah we'll find one there's cooking
ええ、それらの雑誌の1つを紹介しますええ1つ見つけます 調理用の
pans I found one oh yeah there's a magazine you found the other day look at this yeah
フライパンがあります 1つ見つけました ああ、あなたが見つけた雑誌があります この
fashion magazine look we're it's it says the date here somewhere oh look right here October
ファッション雑誌の外観を見てください ああ、ここのどこかに日付が書かれています
10th 1987. there you this this oh yeah you're right and then what else do we have here we have
like old old stoves that used to run on kerosene so not necessarily something you'd want to be
?灯油で動いていた古い古いストーブのようなものがあるので、必ずしも 今使い たいとは限りません
using right now I'll show you over here I think one of the last people that was looking after
.ここでお見せしましょう.家の 世話をしていた最後の人々の
the house oh I'm losing my flashlight uh knew that there was a leaky roof so they put a whole
ああ、懐中電灯をなくしてしまいました 雨漏りのする屋根があることを知っていたので、彼ら
bunch of buckets there on the ground to collect the water that was coming in I don't know if you
は地面にたくさんのバケツを置いて、入ってくる水を集めました わかりませんもしあなた
can see that very well yeah no I mean let me go here with this one should we go there all right so
a phone flashlight because our batteries and our flashlights are actually dying as I was saying one
たち が最後にいた人の 一人だと私が言ったように、バッテリーと懐中電灯が実際に死んでいる
of the last people I guess who was looking after this house knew there was a leaky roof so they
からです。 この家の世話をしていた人は、雨漏りする屋根があることを知っていたので、彼ら
left a whole bunch of buckets to collect water uh so this is what has happened to the roof but were
はたくさん残しました水を集めるためのバケツ ええと、これが屋根に起こったことですが、屋根葺き
we not the roofers have been here this will be replaced we are getting a new roof in so there's
that by the way that phone is a much better light is a much better light yeah we have old books oh
、電話の方がずっと良いライトですはるかに良い光 ええ、私たちは古い本を持っています ああ
look at that oh nice I wonder whose books these
、それを見てください ああ、これは誰の本なのだろう
are if they were my grandmas if they were my cousins encyclopedia
か それらが私のおばあちゃんだった場合、私のいとこの百科事典だった場合
we do have the Encyclopedia Britannica I believe an illustrated encyclopedia um old doormats
百科事典 ブリタニカ百科事典があります 私は図解百科事典と古い玄関マットだと思います
some not Geo magazines that thankfully survived the oh they look in good condition the water
Geo 雑誌ではないものもありますありがたいことに、彼らは良好な状態で生き残りました。水
leakage and what else more heaters uh a broken bed with uh old mattresses I believe will have
to dispose of and just bags full of uh bed sheets and duvets that is essential heater that is an
処分する必要があると思います。ベッドシーツと羽毛布団でいっぱいのバッグだけです。 古い ヒーターは不可欠です。
old heater yes this one's an electric heater look at that guys a base for a Christmas tree
ヒーター はい、これは電気ヒーターです クリスマス ツリーのベースを見て
you get the vibe it is very very random I suppose things that just didn't sell things that weren't
worth taking back to Canada and yeah things that have just been sitting here for a while so that
。カナダに持ち帰る価値 のないものを販売しなかったものだと思います。 しばらくここに座っていたので、そこ
is the main living area and then this is kind of like uh like a second bedroom or maybe you
がメインのリビング エリアで、これはセカンド ベッドルームのようなものです。
could call it an office or a study because there is no door it's just like an arched doorway that
leads to this bedroom when I lived in this house it was the bedroom that my sisters and I slept in
私がこの家に住んでいたとき、それはこの寝室につながっています。それは私の姉妹と私が寝ていた寝室でしたが、 それ
um but it would make a nice little office no a study oh yeah I like it I like the the
arch that detail and while it will continue to the master bedroom and the bathroom next
let there be light peoples okay so we are now in the main bedroom you could call it a master
bedroom doesn't have an ensuite or anything these were different times it's an 80 year
old house uh but yeah it would be the main room what is left in here we have a closet we have a
前の家ですはい、ここに残っているのはメインルームでしょう クローゼットがあります
painting of the Virgin we actually have a lot of paintings uh just scattered around uh the room
聖母の絵があります 実際にはたくさんの絵があります 部屋に散らばっているだけ
I don't know who these paintings belong to someone in the family uh we have machetes we have uh axes
です これらの絵が誰のものかはわかりません家族 ええと、私たちはマチェーテを持っています。ええと、斧
we have uh this for the horses I don't know the name in English
を持っています。これは馬の名前です 英語での名前はわかりません
we have maybe some old documents there's some pictures there are pictures there
古い文書がいくつかあるかもしれません 写真がいくつかあります 写真があります 絵が
are paintings paintings I should say beautiful painting by Lugoff
um yeah you know it's just like old family heirlooms I would imagine things that have
probably been passed down we have uh some old suitcases uh covered in in mold and then a
おそらく受け継がれてきたものでしょう カビに覆われた古いスーツケースがいくつかあります そして、
night table a lamp an ax and a laundry basket with folded clothes I imagine clean clothes
ナイトテーブル ランプ 斧 そしてたたんだ服が入った洗濯かご 20年前に誰かが洗濯したきれいな服を想像
somebody did laundry 20 years ago random collection and check out the views here yes
します ランダムなコレクションとビューをチェックしてくださいはい
actually a lot of progress is being made out there this they couldn't even see yeah like we
we actually we cut through that when we first came here yeah but our gardener our landscaper has been
busy he's been doing an awesome job awesome job he's cleared all around the house so the
roofers will be able to come in and I suppose now I should take you to the bathroom but first let's
look at the ceiling we're trying to to salvage the ceiling as much as we can I'll replace the
planks that need to go but yeah the idea with this renovation I want to keep it as a authentic
as as close to the original as possible in every regard so that's this room questions do you have
questions so far let us know in the comments if you have questions oh I'm sure there are
これまで に質問はありますか 質問がある場合は、コメントでお知らせください。私たちが
to the bathroom we go follow along so
it's a pretty pretty standard bathroom for Argentina you've got your toilet your bidet
bathtub with shower got the window there the little medicine cabinet a sink uh nice do you
シャワー付きのビデバスタブがあります。小さな窓があります。薬棚 シンク ええと、
call these Subway tiles I think Subway tiles on the floor they're in great shape actually yeah
これらのサブウェイ タイルと呼んでいいですか 床のサブウェイ タイルは素晴らしい形だと思います 実際、そうです
honestly I thought we were gonna have to do the bathroom all over but I really like the Retro
feel it has and like the tiles are in good shape I wouldn't mind changing the toilet oh yeah sure
sure like that's a little updated yeah toilets per day and maybe the the lavatory the the sink yeah
確かにそれは少し更新されているようです。ええ、トイレは 1 日あたりで、おそらく洗面所、流し台は
that can be changed you shower head we're good yeah but the bathroom isn't going to be like a lot
変更可能です。シャワーヘッドは大丈夫です。バスルームは私になるつもりはありません まだ たくさん
of work still gonna bring a plumber to have a look at everything make sure you know the pipes are all
good gotta see the situation with the septic tank and all that but overall I'm pretty happy with
the bathroom situation and right now it's just being used as a storage room for old kerosene
バスルームの状況にかなり満足しており、今のところ ホテルで使用されて いた古い灯油ヒーターの保管室として使用されているだけ
heaters that were used in the hotel not a great method I know I know but it's what was used at the
time it would make the rooms smell and the guests would complain but like that was the way people
当時使用されていたもので、部屋が臭くなり、ゲストは文句を言うでしょうが、それは 90年代に 人々
were heating around these parts back in the 90s uh so yeah that is the bathroom shall we go do some
concluding thoughts outside yeah so that was the tour what did you guys think yeah we're curious to
know I'm thrilled with these new scissors Sam found some new treasure they're considerably
これらに興奮していることを知りたいです 。 新しいはさみ サムは新しい宝物を見つけ
better than the ones I've been using I've just been practicing with some sarsa yeah I can't wait
た 今まで使っていたものよりもかなり優れている サルサを使って練習しているところです はい
to use them on that note like speaking of scissors I would like to clarify on the channel That We're
はさみについて話すように、その音符でそれらを使うのが待ちきれません 明確にしたいと思います私たちが
not clearing you can come over we're not clearing like seven hectares seven hectares of land using
クリアしていない チャンネルで7 ヘクタールほどの土地を切り開いているわけではありません。
little snipping scissors like this is something that we do at the end of the day and it's kind
小さなハサミ を使って 7 ヘクタールの土地を
of like fun gardening but we do have professionals with real machines coming in because I feel like a
切り開いています。これは私たちが 1 日の終わりに行うもので、一種
lot of people think we're just like snip snipping across seven hectares and okay admittedly we did
clear a lot of the land around the house when we first got here with scissors if we were gonna do
多くの人が私 たち が7ヘクタールを切り裂くようなものだと思っている ように感じ ます
that we'd be here for 20 years so how long yeah it would take a while I get what you're saying but
. ここに20年間いるので、どれくらいの時間がかかりますか。あなたの言っていることはわかりますが、
um yeah I mean the heavy duty stuff is being taken care of we've created but we've done a
reasonable amount of work with these little things believe me they we put in some time they work but
、これらで合理的な量の作業を 行いました ちょっとしたことですが、私たちは彼らが働く時間を費やしていると信じていますが、
uh they work great and it's just it's nice to be here and putting in the work because to be
honest it just it makes you feel more connected with the project yeah so I mean I we like to be
here every day doing a little bit of stuff yeah whether it's puttering around in this place or out
with the scissors or you know coordinating things you've been doing a lot of that yeah there's a lot
ええ 、それがこの場所でパタリングしている
of coordinating contractors electricians roofers all that stuff landscapers right and just random
場合でも、はさみで外に出ている場合でも、調整を行っていることを知っている場合でも 、調整を行う請負業者
jobbers um but yeah I'm I'm curious to think I'm curious to think I'm curious to hear what
がたくさんいます。 私は考えることに興味があります 私は考えることに興味が あります 私は
you guys thought of the inside for me I see a lot of potential like when I go in there surprisingly
あなたが私のために内部についてどう思ったかを聞くことに興味があります 私はそこに行くときのように多くの可能性を見てい
I do not feel overwhelmed or horrified or oh my gosh what have I gotten myself into yeah me too
ます オーマイゴッ私は何に夢中になったのですかええ 私も
the condition of the place is great the only thing that I don't love is all the stuff I I'm like a
super anti hoarder these days Sam's a minimalist I want to get a lot of stuff removed yeah but I
I will do the Sorting job because I know what was what what's what and like what might be valuable
to certain relatives what might have more of like a an emotional or personal connection so I need to
特定の親戚にとって何が価値があり、感情的または個人的なつながりのようなものを持っている可能性がある かを知っ て いるからです。
go through every item we're not going to get rid of anything that would have sentimental value but
I it's going to be nice when the place is clean yeah we can see what we need to do exactly and
um it's just gonna be like an iceberg where it can chip away eventually it'll be uh honestly it'll be
livable it'll be livable so I'll put it out there now we are hoping to make this place livable by
やすい 住みやすいので、今から公開し
end of March April yeah we'll see if we're able to keep that deadline I'm hopeful like things are
ます 3月末までにこの場所を住みやすくしたいと思っています 4月 はい、その期限を守れるかどうか見ていきます
falling into place I'm meeting the right people it's just these people are very busy so I'm
この小さな村のスペシャリスト なら、私が必要として
waiting for everybody to finish finish a previous job ahead of what I need them that's the thing if
いる 仕事よりも先に、前の仕事を終わらせるのを待っている
you're a specialist in this little village here in high demand yeah and there are new people moving
だけ です。 ここでは需要が高いです。ええ
in all the time and they want all kinds of work done so we're lucky to have found some good people
yes and uh yeah there's no pressure just chipping away chipping away if progress is being made then
はい、そうです。進歩があれば、少しずつ削っていくだけのプレッシャーはありません 。 それから
then we're both happy yeah we're both like very calm and relaxed about this I mean if you came
in here with a with a hyper like attitude it would be a nightmare so we're just coming in
relaxed make a little progress see what happens right yeah that's the thing I think that's all
we've got to say well if you want to see how this whole project unfolds and the rest of the houses
and the hotel and the Landscaping you know what to do give it a like hit that subscribe button
little bell we'll let you know when there's new videos we'll also be doing travel video
videos we haven't forgot about the supermarket tour either so let me try to keep some variety
スーパーマーケットツアーも忘れていない 旅行ビデオ ビデオを作っているので
on the channel yeah but we'll have yeah lots of lots of updates from the house as well so that's
what we're up to and uh hope you guys have a great weekend great weekend enjoy enjoy until next time