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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Welcome to just speak,

    Welcome to just speak, ”Just Speak!”にようこそ!

  • the learning tool that helps you

    the learning tool that helps you この動画は英語のスピーキング練習

  • speak better English by actually

    speak better English by actually に役立つツールです。実際に話す練習ができて

  • giving you speaking practice!

    giving you speaking practice! スピーキング力がアップします!

  • I'm going to ask you a load of questions, okay?

    I’m going to ask you a load of questions, okay? 今日はみなさんにたくさん質問をします

  • and they're all today aboutFuture

    and they’re all today about “Future” すべて『未来』のことに関する質問です

  • you are going to have 5 seconds to respond

    you are going to have 5 seconds to respond 回答時間は5秒間

  • in your car maybe at home

    in your car maybe at home 車の中でも、お家でも

  • holding your phone respond to my questions

    holding your phone respond to my questions 携帯を使って答えて下さい

  • then I will ask you another question

    then I will ask you another question 次々と質問します

  • Simple!

    Simple! シンプルです!

  • Episode 1 wasHabit

    Episode 1 was “Habit” シリーズのパート1は『習慣』でした

  • things that you do regularly, okay?

    things that you do regularly, okay? 日常的にしていることです

  • Then, last week we looked atNow

    Then, last week we looked at “Now” 先週は『今』の時制、つまり

  • things you are doing now

    things you are doing now 今進行している事について学習しました

  • today we are going to look atFuture

    today we are going to look at “Future” 今回は『未来』の形を勉強しましょう

  • things you are going to do in the future

    things you are going to do in the future 将来することを話します

  • again, all of these basic tenses in English

    again, all of these basic tenses in English 英語の基本的な時制はすべて

  • have a keyword that is IN the question

    have a keyword that is IN the question キーワードが質問の中にあります

  • listen for the keyword thinkFuture

    listen for the keyword think “Future” キーワードをがんばって聞きとって、

  • and respond using that grammar

    and respond using that grammar 『未来』の形に気がついたら『未来』の文法で答えます

  • forFuture”, that keyword is

    for “Future”, that keyword is 『未来』のキーワードは

  • BE GOING TO” + verb

    “BE GOING TO” + verb “BE GOING TO” + 動詞

  • it helps to remember it like a rhythm

    it helps to remember it like a rhythm リズムで覚えるといいですよ

  • BE GOING TO” + verb

    “BE GOING TO” + verb “BE GOING TO” + 動詞

  • BE GOING TO” + verb

    “BE GOING TO” + verb “BE GOING TO” + 動詞

  • many people studying English

    many people studying English 英語学習者は

  • usewilltoo much,

    use “will” too much, 『WILL』を使いすぎます

  • willisfuture

    “will” is “future” 『WILL』は『未来』ですが、

  • but often sounds a little bit strange

    but often sounds a little bit strange 不自然に聞こえる場合があります

  • BE GOING TO” + verb

    “BE GOING TO” + verb 『BE GOING TO』+『動詞』は『未来』で

  • isfutureand almost never sounds strange

    is “future” and almost never sounds strange 不自然に聞こえることはほとんどないです

  • so please, forgetwill

    so please, forget “will” 『WILL』を忘れて

  • useBE GOING TO” + verb

    use “BE GOING TO” + verb 『BE GOING TO』+『動詞』を常に使って下さい

  • so, of course, we need to start with a "person"

    so, of course, we need to start with a "person" まず、文は「人」から始めます

  • ”I”, ”you”, ”we”, ”they”, orheandshe

    ”I”, ”you”, ”we”, ”they”, or ”he” and ”she” 「私」「あなた」「私たち」「彼ら」「彼」「彼女」

  • after that you need your

    after that you need your 次に来るのは、

  • BE GOING TO” + verb

    “BE GOING TO” + verb 『BE GOING TO』+『動詞』

  • and then you need an object

    and then you need an object それから『目的語』が必要です

  • an noun or an adjective

    an noun or an adjective 名詞か形容詞です

  • and then you needtime”.

    and then you need “time”. 最後は『時間』が必要です

  • For example,

    For example, 例えば、

  • I AM GOING TO watch T.V. tonight

    I AM GOING TO watch T.V. tonight 僕は今夜、テレビを見ます

  • You ARE GOING TO study English tonight

    You ARE GOING TO study English tonight あなたは、今夜、英語を勉強します

  • She IS GOING TO shop tomorrow

    She IS GOING TO shop tomorrow 彼女は、明日、お買い物に行きます

  • if you're watching with subtitles, great,

    if you’re watching with subtitles, great, 字幕でこの動画をご覧になっている方は

  • but please, please, please turn them off now!

    but please, please, please turn them off now! どうか字幕を消してください

  • this is a speaking test, not a reading test

    this is a speaking test, not a reading test その方がスピーキング力がアップします

  • please turn off subtitles now!

    please turn off subtitles now! 字幕を消して下さいね

  • OK, here we go, “Future”,

    OK, here we go, “Future”, では始めましょう!『未来』です

  • 30 questions,

    30 questions, 質問は30問あります

  • 5 seconds to reply for each question,

    5 seconds to reply for each question, 答える時間は5秒間

  • please reply with full grammar, okay?

    please reply with full grammar, okay? フルセンテンスで答えて下さい!

  • Are you ready? Let's go!

    Are you ready? Let’s go! 準備はいいですか?はじめましょう!

  • Number 1!

    Number 1! ナンバーワン!

  • 1. What are you going to do tomorrow?

    1. What are you going to do tomorrow? 1. 明日は何をしますか?

  • I am going to work tomorrow.

    I am going to work tomorrow. 明日は仕事を します

  • 2. Where are you going to go tomorrow?

    2. Where are you going to go tomorrow? 2. 明日はどこへ行きますか?

  • 3. How are you going to go there?


  • I'm going to go there by car.

    3. How are you going to go there? 3. どうやって行きますか?

  • 4. What time are you going to sleep tonight?

    I'm going to go there by car. 車で行きます

  • I'm going to sleep at about 11.

    4. What time are you going to sleep tonight? 4. 今夜は何時に寝ますか?

  • 5. What time are you going to wake up tomorrow?

    I'm going to sleep at about 11. 今夜は11時くらいに寝ます

  • I'm going to wake up at 7:30 tomorrow.

    5. What time are you going to wake up tomorrow? 5. 明日は、何時に起きますか?

  • 6. What are you going to eat for breakfast tomorrow?

    I'm going to wake up at 7:30 tomorrow. 明日は7時半に起きます

  • I'm going to eat toast for breakfast tomorrow.

    6. What are you going to eat for breakfast tomorrow? 6. 明日は朝食に何を食べますか?

  • 7. Where are you going to eat lunch tomorrow afternoon?

    I'm going to eat toast for breakfast tomorrow. 明日は朝食にトーストを食べます

  • I'm going to each lunch at work tomorrow afternoon.

    7. Where are you going to eat lunch tomorrow afternoon? 7. 明日のランチはどこで食べますか?

  • 8. What are you going to eat for lunch?

    I'm going to each lunch at work tomorrow afternoon. 明日は職場でランチを食べます

  • I'm going to eat a sandwich and a banana.

    8. What are you going to eat for lunch? 8. 明日のランチは何を食べますか?

  • 9. What are you going to drink?

    I'm going to eat a sandwich and a banana. 明日はサンドイッチとバナナを食べます

  • I'm going to drink lemon tea.

    9. What are you going to drink? 9. 明日のランチで何を飲みますか?

  • 10. Who are you going to eat lunch with?

    I'm going to drink lemon tea. レモンティーを飲みます

  • I'm going to eat lunch with a friend from work.

    10. Who are you going to eat lunch with? 10. 明日は誰とランチを食べますか?

  • 11. What is he/she going to eat?

    I'm going to eat lunch with a friend from work. 同僚と一緒に食べます

  • I don't know. He is maybe going to eat a rice ball.

    11. What is he/she going to eat? 11. その人は何を食べますか?

  • 12. What are you going to do after lunch?

    I don't know. He is maybe going to eat a rice ball. 分かりません。多分、おにぎりを食べます

  • I'm going to work after lunch.

    12. What are you going to do after lunch? 12. ランチの後は何をしますか?

  • 13. What is your best friend going to do tomorrow?

    I'm going to work after lunch. ランチの後は仕事します

  • He is going to work tomorrow.

    13. What is your best friend going to do tomorrow? 13. 明日、あなたの友人は何をしますか?

  • 14. Where is he/she going to go tomorrow?

    He is going to work tomorrow. 彼は明日仕事します

  • He is going to go to work tomorrow.

    14. Where is he/she going to go tomorrow? 14. その人は明日どこへ行きますか?

  • 15. Is your best friend going to use his/her phone tomorrow?

    He is going to go to work tomorrow. 彼は仕事へ行きます

  • Yes, he is.

    15. Is your best friend going to use his/her phone tomorrow? 15. その方は明日携帯を使いますか?

  • 16. What are they going to do on their phone?

    Yes, he is. はい、使いますよ。

  • They are going to use Facebook, Instagram and watch YouTube.

    16. What are they going to do on their phone? 16. その人は携帯で、何をしますか?

  • 17. When are you going to see your best friend?

    They are going to use Facebook, Instagram and watch YouTube. Facebookやインスタ、YouTubeも見ます

  • I'm going to see him this weekend.

    17. When are you going to see your best friend? 17. あなたの友人と今度いつ会いますか?

  • 18. What are you going to do with your best friend?

    I'm going to see him this weekend. 友人には週末に会います

  • We are going to go to a bar and drink beer.

    18. What are you going to do with your best friend? 18. 友人と何をしますか?

  • 19. Where are you going to go with your best friend?

    We are going to go to a bar and drink beer. バーへ行って、ビールを飲みます

  • We are going to go to a bar called "Surgis".

    19. Where are you going to go with your best friend? 19. 友人とどこへ行きますか?

  • 20. How are you going to go there?

    We are going to go to a bar called "Surgis". 『Surgis』というバーへ行きます

  • I'm going to go by bike.

    20. How are you going to go there? 20. どうやって行きますか?

  • 21. Are you going to play basketball tomorrow?

    I'm going to go by bike. 自転車で行きます

  • No, I'm not.

    21. Are you going to play basketball tomorrow? 21. 明日はバスケをしますか?

  • 22. What are you going to do this weekend?

    No, I'm not. いいえ、しません

  • I'm going to see my friend, then I'm going to relax.

    22. What are you going to do this weekend? 22. 今週末は、何をしますか?

  • 23. Where are you going to go next weekend?

    I'm going to see my friend, then I'm going to relax. 友人に会います。その後はゆっくりします

  • I'm going to go to Osaka to see my friend.

    23. Where are you going to go next weekend? 23. 来週末は、何をしますか?

  • 24. Who are you going to go there with?

    I'm going to go to Osaka to see my friend. 友達に会うために、大阪へ行きます

  • I'm going to go there by myself.

    24. Who are you going to go there with? 24. 誰と行きますか?

  • 25. What are you going to wear?

    I'm going to go there by myself. 一人で行きます

  • I don't know. I'm maybe going to wear my new t-shirt.

    25. What are you going to wear? 25. 何を着ますか?

  • 26. Are you going to wear a hat?

    I don't know. I'm maybe going to wear my new t-shirt. 分かりません。多分新しいTシャツを着ます

  • No, I'm not.

    26. Are you going to wear a hat? 26. 帽子をかぶりますか?

  • 27. Are you going to watch T.V. tonight?

    No, I'm not. いいえ、かぶりません

  • Yes, I am.

    27. Are you going to watch T.V. tonight? 27. 今夜はテレビを観ますか?

  • 28. What are you going to watch?

    Yes, I am. はい、観ます

  • I'm going to watch the news.

    28. What are you going to watch? 28. 何を観ますか?

  • 29. What time is it going to finish?

    I'm going to watch the news. ニューズを観ます

  • It's going to finish at 10.

    29. What time is it going to finish? 29. その番組は何時に終わりますか?

  • O.K.!!

    It's going to finish at 10. 10時に終わります

  • Well done, everybody, great work!


  • BUT

    Well done, everybody, great work! みなさん、よくできましたね!

  • let's mix things up

    BUT よくできましたが・・

  • Let's try and mix upFuturewithNow

    let’s mix things up もうちょっと勉強しましょうね!

  • (which was last week's episode)

    Let’s try and mix up “Future” with “Now” ここからは『未来』と『今』

  • AND "Habit"

    (which was last week's episode) (先週のお題でした)

  • which was the first episode

    AND "Habit" そして『習慣』

  • if you haven't seen last week's episode

    which was the first episode (最初のお題でしたね) その3つをあわせて練習します

  • please, go back and watch that episode now

    if you haven’t seen last week’s episode 前回の『今』を観ていない方、

  • if you haven't seen the first episode, “Habit

    please, go back and watch that episode now 先に観た方がいいですよ!

  • go back watch that episode now

    if you haven’t seen the first episode, “Habit” 最初の『習慣』をまだ観ていない方、

  • it's very important

    go back watch that episode now 先に観た方がいいですよ!

  • you need that study to be able

    it’s very important 大事ですよ!

  • to complete this next series of questions

    you need that study to be able 前回の勉強が終わらないと

  • remember, listen to the keywords in the question

    to complete this next series of questions 次のシリーズの質問に正しく答えられません

  • choose the correct grammar

    remember, listen to the keywords in the question 質問の中のキーワードをしっかり聞き取ったら、

  • and respond properly, okay?

    choose the correct grammar 同じ時制で

  • the keyword forHabitisdoanddoes

    and respond properly, okay? 答えてください

  • When do…”, “Why do…”, “What does…”

    the keyword for “Habit” is “do” and “does” 『習慣』のキーワードは『Do』と『Does』

  • the keyword forNowisBE + verb + ING

    “When do…”, “Why do…”, “What does…”

  • What ARE you doING?”

    the keyword for “Now” is “BE + verb + ING” 『今』のキーワードは『BE』+『動詞』+『ING』

  • and the keyword for future is

    “What ARE you doING?” 『今、何をしていますか?』

  • BE GOING TO” + verb

    and the keyword for future is 『未来』のキーワードは

  • What ARE you GOING TO do tonight?”

    “BE GOING TO” + verb 『BE GOING TO』+『動詞』

  • Are you ready?

    “What ARE you GOING TO do tonight?” 『今夜は何をしますか?』

  • 5 seconds for each

    Are you ready? 準備はいいですか?

  • please respond with full sentences

    5 seconds for each それぞれ回答時間は5秒

  • Let's go!

    please respond with full sentences フルセンテンスで答えて下さい

  • Number one!

    Let’s go! 始めましょう

  • 1. What are you doing?

    Number one! ナンバーワン!

  • I'm speaking English.

    1. What are you doing? 1. 今、何をしていますか?

  • 2. How often do you watch YouTube?

    I'm speaking English. 英語を話しています

  • I always watch YouTube. I watch YouTube 5 times a day.

    2. How often do you watch YouTube? 2. YouTubeはどのぐらい見ていますか?

  • 3. Are you going to watch YouTube tomorrow?

    I always watch YouTube. I watch YouTube 5 times a day. いつも観ていますよ。1日に5回ぐらいです。

  • Yes, I am.

    3. Are you going to watch YouTube tomorrow? 3. 明日はYouTubeを観ますか?

  • 4. Do you watch YouTube on your phone?

    Yes, I am. はい、観ますよ。

  • Yes, I do.

    4. Do you watch YouTube on your phone? 4. いつも携帯で見ていますか?

  • 5. What do you eat for breakfast?

    Yes, I do. はい、観ますよ。

  • I always eat eggs on toast.

    5. What do you eat for breakfast? 5. 朝食にいつも何を食べますか?

  • 6. How often do you eat cereals for breakfast?

    I always eat eggs on toast. いつもトーストと卵を食べます

  • I never eat cereals for breakfast.

    6. How often do you eat cereals for breakfast? 6. シリアルはどのくらいの頻度で食べますか?

  • 7. What do you do for work?

    I never eat cereals for breakfast. 決して食べません

  • I teach English for work.

    7. What do you do for work? 7. お仕事は何ですか?

  • 8. Are you working now?

    I teach English for work. 私は英語を教えています

  • No, I'm not.

    8. Are you working now? 8. 今は仕事中ですか?

  • 9. Where do you work?

    No, I'm not. いいえ、仕事中ではありません

  • I work at "Tonari no Tony" in Kanazawa.

    9. Where do you work? 9. どこで仕事しますか?

  • 10. When do you have a day off?

    I work at "Tonari no Tony" in Kanazawa. 私は金沢市の『となりのトニー』で働いています

  • I have a day off on Sundays.

    10. When do you have a day off? 10. お休みの日はいつですか?

  • 11. What are you going to do on your next day off?

    I have a day off on Sundays. 日曜日が休みです

  • I'm going to watch T.V.

    11. What are you going to do on your next day off? 11. 次の休みは何をしますか?

  • 12. What are you holding?

    I'm going to watch T.V. テレビを観ます

  • I'm holding my phone.

    12. What are you holding? 12. 今、何を持っていますか?

  • 13. How often do you use your phone?

    I'm holding my phone. 携帯を持っています

  • I always use my phone. I use my phone everyday.

    13. How often do you use your phone? 13. 携帯はどのくらい使いますか?

  • 14. What are you going to do tomorrow night?

    I always use my phone. I use my phone everyday. いつも使っていますよ。毎日です。

  • I'm going to relax.

    14. What are you going to do tomorrow night? 14. 明日の夜は何をしますか?

  • 15. Do you take a shower every morning?

    I'm going to relax. ゆっくりします

  • Yes, I do.

    15. Do you take a shower every morning? 15. 毎朝、シャワーを浴びますか?

  • 16. What time are you going to take a shower tomorrow?

    Yes, I do. はい、浴びます

  • I'm going to take a shower at about 7:45.

    16. What time are you going to take a shower tomorrow? 16. 明日は何時にシャワーを浴びますか?

  • 17. Where does your best friend work?

    I'm going to take a shower at about 7:45. 7時45分くらいにシャワーを浴びます

  • He works at Panasonic.

    17. Where does your best friend work? 17. 友人はどこで仕事をしていますか?

  • 18. What is he/she doing now?

    He works at Panasonic. パナソニックに勤めています

  • I don't know. He is maybe working now.

    18. What is he/she doing now? 18. 友人は今、何をしていますか?

  • 19. What is he/she going to do this weekend?

    I don't know. He is maybe working now. 分かりません。多分仕事をしています

  • He is going to meet me in Katamachi.

    19. What is he/she going to do this weekend? 19. 友人は今週末何をしますか?

  • 20. How often do you see your best friend?

    He is going to meet me in Katamachi. 片町で私に会う予定です

  • I sometimes see my best friend. I see him twice a month.

    20. How often do you see your best friend? 20. 友人とはどのくらいの頻度で会っていますか?

  • Well done, everybody!!

    I sometimes see my best friend. I see him twice a month. 時々会います。月に2回です

  • Now, please, go back to the start of these questions

    Well done, everybody!! よくできましたね、みなさん!

  • turn on the subtitles and

    Now, please, go back to the start of these questions 質問の最初に戻って

  • please look at the examples

    turn on the subtitles and 字幕をONにして

  • I've given you down here, okay?

    please look at the examples 字幕の中にある

  • if you didn't know how to respond

    I’ve given you down here, okay? 例文を見て下さい

  • check my examples

    if you didn’t know how to respond 質問や答え方などが分からなかったら

  • and learn from those examples

    check my examples 例文を見て

  • if that was difficult don't worry

    and learn from those examples 復習して下さい

  • please don't worry

    if that was difficult don’t worry 難しくても

  • go back watch the videos again

    please don’t worry 心配しないで下さい!

  • you can watch this many, many times

    go back watch the videos again 最初に戻って練習して下さい!

  • get quicker get more comfortable and "Just Speak!"

    you can watch this many, many times この動画は何回観てもいいので、

  • so today we did 3 vital tenses

    get quicker get more comfortable and "Just Speak!" スピードについていけるようにチャレンジ!

  • Habit”, “NowandFuture

    so today we did 3 vital tenses 今日は3つの重要な時制を勉強しました

  • if you can mix these 3 tenses comfortably

    “Habit”, “Now” and “Future” 『習慣』、『今』、『未来』

  • you are well on your way to speaking beautiful, natural, English

    if you can mix these 3 tenses comfortably 時制を上手に変えられたら、

  • Next week we are going to look atPast

    you are well on your way to speaking beautiful, natural, English すぐにきれいで自然な英語を話せるようになりますよ!

  • I'll give you 30 “Pastquestions

    Next week we are going to look at “Past” 来週は『過去』を勉強します

  • then I'll give you 20 mixed questions

    I’ll give you 30 “Past” questions 『過去』について、30の質問をします

  • it's getting really, really difficult now!

    then I’ll give you 20 mixed questions いろいろな時制が混ざった質問も 20問たずねます

  • Anyway, thanks for watching

    it’s getting really, really difficult now! 難しくなってきましたね

  • remember tolikeand subscribe

    Anyway, thanks for watching 観てくれてありがとうございます!

  • tell your friends about this amazing speaking tool

    remember to “like” and subscribe 「いいね」とチャンネル登録もよろしくお願いします

  • and remember

    tell your friends about this amazing speaking tool 友達にもこの動画のことを教えてあげてください

  • If you want to speak English,

    and remember そして、忘れないで

  • I'm right by your side

    If you want to speak English, 英語を話したいなら、

  • Thank you guys, see you next time!

    I’m right by your side いつも僕がとなりにいます!

Welcome to just speak,

Welcome to just speak, ”Just Speak!”にようこそ!


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