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Hi everyone! Welcome back to my channel.
Today I'm here again with Eline
Last time we were here we tried some milk tea together.
Do you have good memories about that?
I don't think so.
This time we're gonna try something completely different and super exciting
because actually, it's someone in Taiwan who sent me that so I'm super excited!
Look at this. Wow, it's quite heavy
It's very dramatic, look at all the the post stamps
So this is a box that arrived in the post for us to try
so we're really really really excited to see what's inside
but we have an idea because on top there's one thing written on it. Can you see?
I invited Eline because that's something that we're both very interested in
so let's take a look what's inside the box.
I sent a picture to the friend who sent me this package
and he said that it was obvious that the package has gone through a lot.
Okay, I think it's open. Are you ready?
Three two one...
Oh my God! Wow it's really filled until the top.
Whoa look at this! It's so pretty!
I think the best way to go might be to quickly take everything out
so you can quickly see everything
because there's so much inside it's unbelievable it's never ending, this box
I don't know how everything fits so let's take everything out to show you
You can start.
No, you go first!
Okay, I think this is the nicest looking box on top look at this
This is traditional sun cakes
They're masks they're really nice black masks
It looks like limited edition it's written on it
It says that "we need backup"
We do need backup! Thank you for your help from Taiwan
This is... I don't know what it is. It looks like there's little green beans inside?
I think it might be something with wasabi but I'm really not sure.
There's Okinawa brown sugar milk tea
Yaaaay! Brown sugar milk tea!
I'm pretty sure this one is gonna be much better than the one we tried before
Yeah sure! It looks nice
"King select nougat"
It looks really fancy. This is such a fancy box and if we open it...
Can I already show it or not?
Look at this! It looks so so pretty!
Because we only know the white kind of nougat
Yeah, we don't have different flavors
but here there are so many
and my mother also really loves nougat. We can give her one too
Some other tea: oolong tea. I really like oolong tea
We're both tea lovers and this looks like a very traditional one
yeah it looks really nice
here are some super pretty masks
We have like the single use ones here are the blue ones. We don't have ones with colours or patterns.
No I never saw these pretty ones here. It's really nice
I know this.
It looks like sesame?
Yeah, I think they're like sesame balls. I know I like the steamed version.
I don't know the crunchy ones.
It looks good. It's very light, right?
Here is something very similar? oh yeah
But it looks like it's with almonds and maybe honey? This one looks so good!
Then we have this with some mountains on it.
What do you think it is?
I don't know. Seaweed? Or tea?
I think it might be seaweed. What do you think?
Oh, what is this?
Peanut soup?!
What?? I didn't know something like that existed. Can you see?
That's really impressive... "peanut soup"?
I really want to try that one. For us, it's a bit strange.
What is it? Look at the picture! It's just soup and there are peanuts inside?
And they're whole peanuts, not even a paste.
I'm really really curious. I never saw that ever!
Me neither
okay, it has a fish on it. What do you think?
Maybe some fish snacks that people eat like that next to some beer or alcohol?
Really? I don't know that. I only know fish noodles. Are these fish noodles?
Fish noodles? So you wouldn't eat it like that?
No, I would put them in boiling water.
You're probably right.
I don't know. We'll see.
yeah, we'll see. It looks good though
what is this?
oh it's uh... Noodles?
Vegetarian ones!! Mushroom and artificial cuttlefish noodles for vegetarians.
That's so nice, because it's hard to find noodles that don't contain meat
so that's really cool.
there's so much in here
we said already that this box is never ending. you'll see why
it's rice seasoning. do you know it?
oh like the seaweed you can put on top?
and some wasabi flakes
oh that's really really nice
yeah it looks really good if you make some white rice and you put this on top
yeah that's nice
this one looks like another traditional kind of snack
but it looks dark. do you think it's chocolate?
probably not. maybe it's with plum
or like some fruit paste. oh that must be good, if you're right
oh it's another soup. I think it's sweet.
"Instant cereal"
But I think it's like a sweet soup with uh
I tried some sweet desserts in Taiwan and they had some rice cakes inside and it was cold soup
do you think it's that?
I don't know, I think it's like with rice and maybe goji and peanuts?
I don't know but it looks less weird than this soup I have to say
this is really the weirdest soup I ever saw in my life "peanuts soup"
okay so next one is
another kind of noodle. I wonder what the taste will be.
I have no idea
there's only written "instant noodles".
probably it says it here but we can't read
let's see...
oh some other fish noodles
or fish snacks. I don't know what it is.
we will look it up. Ithink they're noodles.
because maybe it's dangerous if you're supposed to cook them but I'm just eating them like that
maybe that's not good
we'll see
This looks like some kind of chocolate snack, but it looks like there's peanuts inside
do you know this one?
no but it looks really nice. I like chocolate.
I've never seen that one but it looks good. it can't go wrong.
some other instant noodles?
"veggie flavor"
nice, that's great
oh this is a cute package!
"morinaga milk caramel"
sounds good. I have no idea what it is.
me too. there's just a cow on the front but caramel sounds great
what is this? I think also a sweet snack
I can see peanuts. maybe peanuts and honey or something?
wow, I really love them. that looks good. it's gonna be so hard to choose where to start.
yeah there are so many things oh my god
oh there's one last one
wow what is this?
I have no idea
do you know what this is?
it has a very weird texture
is it like meat? vegetables?
maybe some kind of seaweed?
but seaweed is not so thick
that must be fun. I really want to try it because I have no idea what this is
there's no indication of what this can be. let's try it soon
okay that was it. look the box is empty! we took them out really quickly but wow...
you have no idea how many things are on the floor
oh maybe we should just show them
okay we'll show you how many things were in this box it's incredible!
I want to try them all
yeah, but maybe it's better if we don't open them all on the same day
because some of them can go bad
but some of them are in separate packages inside
so this one is really easy to open but others like this one...
if we open it we should probably finish it quickly
yeah, I think so too.
let's think about which ones we can try today
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