字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Our twins Rebecca and Anna are turning thirteen, ベッカとアンナ 13 歳の誕生日を 日本とアメリカの方法で祝います and to celebrate we're combining American and Japanese cultures together for a big celebration. 空いている! No one's lining up! Look at that! 予想外のことも色々ありました But not everything goes as planned and things get a little cracked up at the end. 地震だ Uh, there was an earthquake. 地震で揺れたね! There was an earthquake, everything started shaking! 今週もはじまります It's time for another episode of Life in Japan. Hold on. 友達が来るね [Life in Japan Theme Song] ベッカとアナ You girls have some special visitors coming どうぞ! Becca and Anna 歌が聞こえる Go ahead! Come in! ♪ハッピーバースデー♪ I hear somebody singing... すごい [Singing Happy Birthday] レベッカ! Yea! Oh boy. ティーンエイジャー! Wow! もう10代! Rebecca! ティーンエイジャーなのに開かない! Teenagers! Yea, teenagers! 何? Teenagers, my goodness. マフラー Teenagers can't open bags! 車のあれみたい What is it? 確かに It's a mufura (scarf) 車のマフラーみたいに聞こえる It helps your car run quietly. スカーフだね That's right. 学校で使う? It sounds like "muffler" — it's a scarf! うん It's a scarf. Wow, how nice. ママのみたい That looks great. Can you wear that to school you think? ママのはいらないわね Yea. こうやるの? And it's big like mommy's. すごい! So you don't have to wear mommy's. 毛布にもなる Thank you. Is this supposed to fold this way? 大きい Whoa! Sugoi! 月を見た? Scarf/blanket, that's right. 月食! It is big. 大人だね Did you guys look at the moon coming over? 月食を見ています! Yes, it's eclipsing! みんなで見ます! Let's see Anna. Oh, you look so grown up. 見て! Looking at the full lunar eclipse that's happening up there! 始まった? Everyone's coming to see it, here we go! じきに暗くなるよ Yea, look! 太陽と地球と月 It's going black right now? ハーイ! Isn't it cool? Yea, it's going black right now. 見たい! The sun, the earth and the tsuki (moon) 戻らないと Hi! Hi! 寒い! Wait, I want to see! 足が震える? Oh, I've gotta stand back. 高所は苦手 My legs are shaking! 自然はすごいです Momma chan's legs are shaking? 英語圏で13歳の誕生日は ティーンエイジャーになる節目です Dude, I do not like heights! 語尾に「ティーン」がつく歳です That's just wild how it disappears 日本語での区切りとは異なります Turning thirteen is a big deal in a lot of English-speaking countries, 双子の特別な日をお祝いします because it's the birthday that makes you officially a teenager. サラ どうした? A teenager is anyone who's age ends in a “-teen,” like fifteen or thirteen in the twin's case. ベッカとアンナの誕生日 The Japanese don't have teenagers because they literally count “10, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4” and so on. ベットに朝食を運ぶの Nonetheless, we are celebrating the twins in grand style today, starting with an early-morning surprise. いいね! Sarah, what's going on? アメリカでの祝い方は ベッドでの朝食 Becca and Anna's birthday. 今朝はこたつで朝食 Becca and Anna's birthday! - できたわ - 了解! We're making breakfast for them in bed! ジョシュアも! 一緒に歌うの Oh sweet! OK So one of the traditions in America is breakfast in bed ♪ハッピーバースデー♪ Today we're doing breakfast in kotatsu コーヒー!? OK, we're ready! Let's go. ホットチョコレート Oh, we're ready! 13歳の誕生日おめでとう! Let's go Joshua! We're going to sing Happy Birthday. 13歳!ティーンエイジャー! OK 美人のティーンエイジャー! [Singing Happy Birthday] 本物? Coffee! 誰が選んだと思う? It's hot chocolate. - パパ? - そう Happy 13th birthday girls! サラちゃんからプレゼント Thirteen years old! Teenagers! いいね サラちゃん Beautiful teenagers! Oh my goodness! どういたしまして Is this real? Yes! 何枚の折り紙を使った? Guess who picked them? 12枚! Daddy! Yes. 全部使ったの?! Ohh! And little presents from Sarah chan. 切って使った Nice job Sarah chan. This is amazing! ありがとう You're welcome. カメラ How many origami sheets did you use? 待って Twelve! What?! 今日は学校も半日だね 何をする? You used it all for me?! どうする? Oh well I cut it in pieces よみうりランド Thank you. よ" も" うりランド Ha ha! Pat pat pat. 「うり!」 Boom! これが我が家の新定番? 記念写真のスポット? Camera 最高! Wait - no! Camera ♪祝福がたくさん~♪ And for your birthday, what is going on today? They decided to shorten school, right? 登校前に記念撮影です Then what are we going to do? 帰宅後はお祝いです Yomiurilando 来た! Yomourilando. 待って! "URI" 来ました! Wow, is this going to become the tradition do you think? Taking the picture over here? OK 立ちたいの? We are blessed! 子供は電車で 立つのが好きな年頃みたいです [Singing] You're so blessed, you're so blessed! 前から乗りたかったゴンドラで よみうりランドに行きます After breakfast, we took time for a quick picture of the girls before they headed off to school. チケットを買おう When they got back from school, the celebration would resume. 出発! Here it comes! すごく速いね Wait everyone, stay! Stay! I'm going to do something. どれくらい? Here it is! Alright. 家が見える! Trying to show her powers of standing on the train? そうそう! After the kids practiced standing on the train, we soon arrived at Yomiuriland station - バンディットだ! - 中に入る! and headed straight for an entrance to the theme park which we had always wanted to do but had never taken before. 知らなかった? Alright, getting our tickets. いま抜けるよ! Accelerate! すごく大きい Wow, look! We went up fast, didn't we? ゴンドラでの道のりは 素晴らしいです How fast is this?! これから乗り物に乗ります There you can see our place, way over there! 最高の入園手段だね Oh yeah! 間違いない Oh look at the Bandit! We go through the Bandit! 高いけど Yea, you didn't know that?! ライトアップの時期はいいわね Look at this! Going right through! 混む前に行きましょう I didn't know it was this big. 誰も並んでない! Too bad there's not one going. 珍しい! Heading into Yumiuriland by air was a stunning way to enter the park, 楽しい夜の始まりです and everyone got excited about what rides we would do. すごい! This is a super-cool way to come into the park, isn't it? Um hum. OK This is the way to do it. 出発! It's a lot more expensive. 乗り物の前に まずは記念撮影です But it's going to be fun when we come back and it's all lit up and you can see it. 準備は? We need to go on all of these before it gets full! ジョシュアは? No one's lining up! Look at that! うん That never happens! 腕は上げた? And so we descended into a night of fun. 手を上げて Oh my goodness people! まずは登り OK ジョシュア! And we're off! 手をあげて!そのままだよ It was time for us to grab a family photo at the park entrance before heading on to our first adventure. そのまま You guys ready? 行くぞ! Oh, how about you, Dude? Are you ready? サラもできた! Yes? Alright! ジョシュアもすごい! Do you have your arms up? どうだった? Arms up? Arms up! Arms up! 楽しかった! Whoa! Yes! ジョシュア 乗れそう? Oh! OK, it's the hill first. 大丈夫そうだ! Oh! まっすぐ Whoa, Dude! ダメかも You got your arms up! Are you ready? Can you keep them up?! まっすぐ Can you keep them up?! ジョシュア! Here we go! ギリギリ! Look! Sarah's got her hands up! Good job, Sarah! プテラサイクルだ! Good job, Big J! 行くぞ! Whoa! 始まった! What did you think of that one right there? 始まったね Um, that was fun! プテラサイクルだ Oh, Big J, are you big enough?! 頂上だ! I think you are. 行くぞ! Stand up straight. お姉ちゃんたちだ They won't let you... さあ行くぞ! Stand up straight. 夜が深まってきました Oh Dude, Dude! Dude! 次の乗り物に行きます 何かいる! Dude! Just, just barely! 小さくなったみたい Go on the Pteracycle! 小さいね 僕らがミニチュアだね Here we go! Whoa! 引け! Now we're cruising! 出発! Now we're cruising! 水が出る? Oh! 上に行く That's why they call it Pteracycle. 行くぞ! Whoa! まわってる We're at the top! Here we go! まわってる Let's go! Let's go! すごいぞ! Oh! Look! The girls are off already! まわる! What?! 大変だ ママは苦手そうだ We can't let that happen, let's go! どうかな As the night progressed, so did the rides — in intensity that is. ママが来た! We're heading into the next ride and look! Oh! We are little little little. 予想外よ! We're so little! 楽しかったわ We're so little, Sarah! I mean, littler than normal. 本目が回らない? Pull! Pull! 少し Here we go! ママを心配したよ Whoa! Whoa! サラが好きそうです Maybe it makes some water? サラのお気に入り? Whoa. うん We're going up, up, up, up, up. 次は? Whoa! バンディット Here we go! バンディット! Hey, you're spinning me! さっき見たやつ You're spinning me! 誕生日でいいことがあった? You're spinning me! それを貰った? Spin spin spin! 取っちゃった! Oh my goodness! I don't think Mommy's going to like this one! いいね Yea, I don't think so! バンディットは ユニークなコースターです Here comes Momma! How did Momma do? 撮影はできませんが 乗る価値があります! I didn't know it was a ride! 他にも予想外がありました That was a fun ride. バンディットに並んでいて 何があった? You liked it? You didn't get too dizzy? 地震があった Just a little. 地震で揺れたね! I was like "Uh oh, I hope Mommy does well." 安全確認がありました It seems like a very "Sarah" place. その後に乗ったね Is this a very "Sarah" place? 最高だった! Ah, yea. 本当です What time is it? Tell me. バンディットは最高です Bandit. 次は?ゴーカート? Bandit time! ゴーカートに行く? The ride we can see from our house. レベッカ! Have you had any special treatment because it's your birthday? ベッカ! Happy birthday! 13歳の運転です Yeah, is that what they do? 次はアナの番 There it is— oh! You took it off. アナ! Yeah? Oo, nice. レベッカ! The Bandit is one-of-a-kind rollercoaster that races through the hills of Tokyo, 来た! and I wish I could show it to you, but you'll just have to take our word: it's awesome. 上手! But that wasn't the only thrill the ride offered this time. あれに乗った? We were in line for the Bandit and what happened? すごい Uh, there was an earthquake. おなかが痛くなった There was an earthquake, everything started shaking! おなかが痛い? And so they had to send another car around to make sure it was alright よみうりランドは楽しいですが イルミネーションも素晴らしいです And then ours was the next one, but how was the ride? ジョシュアも踊ってる? Fun. It was amazing. 本当だ It's so good. 夜の最後はゴンドラに乗ります The Bandit, oh the Bandit is such a good ride. バンディットも最後です Whose ready? Go carts? Go carts? 今夜最後の乗り物 Anybody? Go carts? Go carts? Oh yea. さあ帰るよ! Here goes Rebecca! 楽しい一日の最後に 最高の景色 Becca! Becca! Becca! Becca! 家が見える? She's thirteen and going to drive all by herself, huh? 向こうだね And now Anna's turn. あの向こう Alright Anna! 電車が来た! 待ってはくれないね Alright Rebecca! 次のに乗ろう Oh, here they come! 終電までまだあるよ Oh yes! Alright! 帰り道に悲しい事があったね Whew! 電話が割れた You guys did that? 電話が?! Oh my goodness. 落とした? Yea, my tummy hurt so bad after that. よみうりランドは最高だった Your tummy hurt so bad? I believe it. That looks nuts. 今の気持ち Yomiuriland is a really fun park, but in the winter, with the illuminations, it becomes magical. 愛してる Dude, you're dancing too? でも 誕生日おめでとう! I guess so. 誕生日にスマホが割れる?! With the night drawing to a close, we had one last epic ride to take. The gondola at night. いいこともあるよ But not before waving bye to the last ride of the Bandit. 買い替えれるよ The last ride of the night. Well let's go. 優等生のアナ Ok, it's the return trip. Here we go. 明日漢字のテストがある It was a fun day. And now we get the beautiful view for the win. 漢字のテスト? Oh. Wow. 9時? Look at that, What a glorious way to say "bye bye," huh guys? もう9時半 Can we see our house? いい誕生日だったね It would be back that way. うん You have to look over that way. 13歳の特別な日になった? The train's arriving at the station! It's not going to wait for us. うん We'll get the next one. テスト勉強のアナ Now we just got a couple of trains to get home. 新しいのもある So something kind of sad happened on the way back. What happened, Becca? 新しいお気に入りはどれ So, I cracked my phone. すごい顔だね You cracked your phone?! 泣いてない ただの携帯だし Dropped it, huh? I was having a very wonderful time at Yomiurilando. This is how I feel right now. Current mood Ahh. I still love you. Happy birthday to you girls anyway. Happy birthday?! How could this be a birthday present?! Well you never know, maybe something good will come from this. Maybe that means you get the next one [phone]. Wow, look at the good student Anna I need to study, I have a kanji test tomorrow. You have a Kanji test tomorrow? It's like 9:00 right now. No, it's like 9:30 It was so worth it for your birthday, wasn't it? It is. Was that a great way to turn 13 or what? Yep. This is Anna's feelings having to do the Kanji test. Show me! There's a new one. I think my favorite is the one where you're just like... This? It's like you couldn't hold it anymore. I didn't cry though. It's just a phone anyway.
B1 中級 日本語 ジョシュア 誕生 アナ サラ ティーンエイジャー ランド Teenagers in Japan (This is New Territory) | Life in Japan Episode 186 8 0 Summer に公開 2022 年 09 月 18 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語