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  • Vanessa: Are you ready?

  • "This is the best English lesson."

  • "This is really good.

  • Please make more videos like this."

  • "I loved it.

  • It's a joyful way to learn English."

  • Well, what is it?

  • With 3 million views, come, Cook and Eat in English with Me.

  • Every year for the last four years, I have baked something with my kids and eaten it

  • with my family, and you have been invited to join us.

  • So today you get it all, two hours of joining my family for some meal time.

  • And like always, I've created a free PDF worksheet with all of today's vocabulary, grammar, and

  • pronunciation so that you never forget what you've learned in this lesson.

  • You can click on the link in the description to download the free English worksheet today.

  • All right, let's go back in time to 2017 when my oldest son was not even two years old yet.

  • Come join us for this lovely meal.

  • Let's go.

  • Want to come over to my house for lunch?

  • We're not having anything fancy.

  • I'm just going to make some quesadillas, Vanessa Style.

  • Usually we have leftovers for lunch, but today I thought we'd make quesadillas because I

  • have a lot of cheese here, so I hope that you enjoy it.

  • I'm going to cook some food first, and then you're going to join me at lunch with my husband

  • and my toddler, Theo.

  • I hope that you'll enjoy it.

  • Let's talk about some of the ingredients that I'm going to use.

  • Of course, we need a tortilla.

  • I'm going to make three of these.

  • This is just one tortilla.

  • I'm going to use some butter in the pan.

  • You can use whatever you want.

  • Olive oil, I don't know, this is just what I usually use with a quesadilla.

  • I have some mozzarella cheese and I have some kimchi for a very traditional quesadilla.

  • Just kidding.

  • This is not traditional at all.

  • Usually whenever I make a quesadilla, I just throw in whatever I have in the fridge.

  • So I already sautéed some kale that you can see in here, and I'm just going to kind of

  • push it into the quesadilla.

  • So first things first, got to turn on the burner.

  • And we'll kind of let that warm up a little bit and put my little piece of butter into

  • the pan.

  • Stir it up a little bit.

  • I'm sorry if you come from a country where quesadillas are your traditional food, this

  • is nothing like that.

  • This is purely Vanessa Style.

  • All right, because I already sautéed the kale, the pan's a little bit hot, so I'm just

  • going to put the tortilla into the pan.

  • Kind of mush it around a little bit.

  • Now comes the fun part, grating the cheese.

  • So this is a grater, and we use the verb, which is almost the same thing as the item.

  • I'm going to grate the cheese with a grater.

  • So I am just going to do this.

  • And that looks pretty good.

  • And I'll probably just push it around the pan a little bit because it will evenly melt.

  • If you weren't watching, I would probably use my hands.

  • But because you're watching and this is going to be on the internet, we'll do it a little

  • bit more of a sanitary way.

  • During lunch today, I plan on playing a game called...

  • Or not really a game, just using this item called TableTopics.

  • It's this little box that has a bunch of questions in it, and Dan and I often use these questions

  • just to talk about stuff during a meal because sometimes you don't want to think about your

  • day, or you don't want to just talk about the same things you usually talk about.

  • So we're going to be using these TableTopic questions.

  • If you think it's a good idea, if you like it yourself, you're welcome to use the link.

  • There's a link in the description where you can buy it yourself.

  • I just think it's a cool item because it's got lots of questions in English.

  • All right.

  • The next thing is to push this kale into the quesadilla.

  • And next, I'm going to put some kimchi on this.

  • I don't know if you've ever had kimchi, but whenever I eat it, I feel so refreshed.

  • There's something about it that just makes me feel cleansed inside.

  • And we have a lot of kimchi in our fridge, maybe a little too much.

  • Sometimes I go a little kimchi crazy whenever I see kimchi at an Asian supermarket or here

  • in Asheville we have a Korean food truck.

  • It's like a Korean fusion food truck, but there's a Korean family who run it, and they

  • sell kimchi.

  • This is their kimchi.

  • So whenever we go there, we always buy more jars of kimchi because we go through it pretty

  • fast.

  • All right, I'm going to let that sit there for a second, because usually I like the bottom

  • of the tortilla to get a little bit crispy or hard a little bit so that the inside is

  • nice and melted, and the outside's a little bit crispy.

  • If I had any leftover chicken, I would put that in here.

  • Maybe fish, put it in there.

  • Whatever we have.

  • Broccoli, put it in there.

  • It's a very simple way to make a nice lunch.

  • Because I work from home as your English teacher, I can eat lunch at home, so it's convenient

  • to cook things like this.

  • But I know a lot of people eat lunch at the office or you're not at home when you're eating,

  • so of course you could make something like this for dinner if you wanted.

  • It's a fun way to use your leftovers like kale or just kimchi that you have sitting

  • around.

  • All right, let's check the bottom of this.

  • It looks like it could probably be turned up a little bit.

  • I'm going to do that.

  • I don't want to burn the bottom.

  • I have done that before one too many times.

  • But if you kind of carefully turn up the burner, it's not a big deal.

  • It looks like our patience has paid off.

  • You can see I put the ingredients only on half of it because now comes the important

  • part.

  • We need to fold it in half.

  • I'm going to use my fingers a little bit.

  • Fold it in half so it becomes a nice little shape like that, and I'll just put it right

  • on the plate.

  • All right, That's one.

  • You want to see what we made?

  • Da da da!

  • Nothing super fancy, just a simple lunch.

  • Now I'm going to make two more, and then I'll tell Dan and Theo they can come back inside

  • because Theo is always really loud whenever he plays so they always go outside whenever

  • I film a video.

  • So I'll tell them to come back inside and we can have some lunch together.

  • Well, welcome to lunch.

  • I'm glad you could join us.

  • We're eating the quesadilla that I just made.

  • Dan: Yes, we are.

  • Vanessa: How is it?

  • Dan: It's very good.

  • It has kimchi in it.

  • Vanessa: Yep.

  • Dan: A kimchi quesadilla.

  • That's special.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Fusion.

  • Theo, what do you think about the quesadilla?

  • Is it good?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Good.

  • What do you like about it?

  • Theo: Cheese.

  • Vanessa: Cheese?

  • Okay.

  • Dan: He said cheese.

  • He loves cheese.

  • Vanessa: Good.

  • Well, today, Theo, I have something special.

  • We're going to be talking about some questions.

  • Do you want to talk about some questions with us?

  • Theo: Mm-hmm.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • This is TableTopics.

  • It's like a question, conversation starter box.

  • Dan: Theo wants to ask a question.

  • Vanessa: Oh.

  • Theo, you want to choose a question?

  • All right.

  • What's it say?

  • Can you- Dan:

  • Can you read it?

  • Vanessa: Can you read it?

  • Dan: What's it say?

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: You want me to read it?

  • Okay.

  • It says, "What's your favorite..."

  • Theo, we'll read some more after we finish this one.

  • Why don't you eat your quesadilla?

  • Dan: Yeah, let's do one at a time.

  • Vanessa: What's your favorite song to play in the car?

  • Theo: Rock you.

  • Dan: Look up-

  • Vanessa: What'd you say?

  • Theo: Rock you.

  • Dan: I got-

  • Vanessa: Rock you?

  • Dan: Oh, Theo has a song.

  • Number one for Theo is We Will Rock You by Queen.

  • For me, I like the song I Belong In Your Arms by-

  • Vanessa: Chairlift?

  • Dan: By Chairlift.

  • And two- Theo:

  • Barbara Ann.

  • Dan: He likes Barbara Ann too, by The Beach Boys.

  • You like Barbara Ann?

  • Can you sing it?

  • Theo: Bicycle.

  • Vanessa: Oh, and the bicycle?

  • Dan: Oh, the Bicycle Song.

  • Vanessa: There's a little kid's song about a bicycle.

  • Dan: Yeah.

  • And my second song I like to listen to in the car is by Kero Kero Bonito and it's called

  • Break.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • Dan: Look up the video.

  • It's cute.

  • I like cute music sometimes.

  • Vanessa: Yeah, I feel like I don't really have a favorite

  • song to listen to in the car, but we listen to We Will Rock You a lot, because Theo always

  • requests it.

  • He sits in the backseat and says...

  • What do you say in the backseat?

  • Do you remember?

  • Dan: Can you sing it, Theo?

  • Theo: We will you.

  • Vanessa: (singing) Yeah.

  • He loves that song a lot.

  • Should we go to the next question?

  • Dan: Sure.

  • Let's see if we can make it through all of them before-

  • Vanessa: All of them?

  • Dan: Well, before Theo wants to get up.

  • Vanessa: You want to read it?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • Dan: All right.

  • What's it say?

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: Oh, you don't know how to read yet?

  • It's okay.

  • Theo: Another one.

  • Vanessa: Let's take a new one after we finish this

  • one.

  • Dan: Look at this one.

  • Vanessa: Excuse me.

  • Dan: Bless you.

  • Vanessa: Which piece of land would you preserve forever?

  • Theo: Back.

  • Vanessa: Excuse me.

  • Yeah, we'll put that back when we finish it.

  • We can maybe make a little pile here.

  • Dan: Which piece of land would I preserve forever?

  • Theo: Barbara Ann.

  • Dan: I'm going to go with-

  • Vanessa: Barbara Ann?

  • Dan: I'm going to go with Cinque Terre.

  • Vanessa: Oh, okay.

  • Dan: Just keep it the same as it is right now.

  • So it's in Italy on the coast, in the Mediterranean, and there's five cities.

  • Is it five?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Cinque.

  • Five.

  • Dan: Oh, yeah.

  • Vanessa: Cinque Terre.

  • Dan: Maybe it's recency bias because we went and

  • saw it, but it was so pretty.

  • I just want to keep it how it is.

  • And I love the Mediterranean.

  • Vanessa: My initial reaction is to say the rainforest,

  • but we just watched this- Dan:

  • Of course.

  • Vanessa: Documentary about the water, like coastal

  • waters, and it said that kelp forests are just as valuable as forests with trees, and

  • how a lot of the coastal waters are being overfished.

  • So I kind of feel like I would want to preserve some coastal waters.

  • It's not really land.

  • It says land, but I think that's what I would choose.

  • Dan: The land goes down into the water.

  • Vanessa: Yeah, it's all good.

  • Dan: Yeah.

  • Something coastal.

  • I agree.

  • I'm changing my answer because- Vanessa:

  • Theo, what about you?

  • Dan: The ocean can be in trouble if you fish too

  • much.

  • And many people do.

  • Vanessa: Theo, what piece of land would you preserve

  • forever?

  • Theo: Roar.

  • Vanessa: Oh, that?

  • Really?

  • Okay.

  • Dan: He makes a good point.

  • Vanessa: A good point.

  • All right.

  • Let's go to the next one.

  • Theo, I want to know who taught you how to ride a bike.

  • Theo: Opa.

  • Vanessa: Opa?

  • That's Dan's dad, and Theo- Dan:

  • My dad taught him how to ride a bike.

  • Vanessa: He doesn't know how to ride a bike yet, but-

  • Dan: But he might.

  • Vanessa: He sits on the backseat of the bike-

  • Dan: That's true.

  • Vanessa: With Dan's dad, who we call Opa, so.

  • Dan: Theo, do you like riding on the bike?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Dan: He says, "Yeah."

  • Theo: What.

  • Dan: What?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • It's lots of fun?

  • Theo: High five.

  • Vanessa: High five?

  • Dan: Would you like a high five on the bike?

  • Yeah.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • One time when he was riding Dan high fived him while he was on the bike.

  • Dan: Who taught you?

  • Vanessa: What about you?

  • Who taught you how to ride a bike?

  • Dan: I mean, I don't remember.

  • It's probably my dad.

  • Vanessa: Yeah, probably.

  • Dan: Probably my dad, yeah.

  • I was young.

  • I remember having training wheels.

  • Vanessa: Oh, yeah.

  • Dan: You get the little wheels on the side.

  • And my bike was green.

  • It was leopard print, but it was green.

  • Vanessa: You remember your bike?

  • Dan: Yeah, I loved my bike.

  • Vanessa: But you don't remember who taught you how

  • to ride it?

  • Dan: No, I don't remember who taught, I was a little

  • boy.

  • I cared more about the bike itself.

  • My parents, pft.

  • Who's teaching me?

  • I don't know.

  • Vanessa: Theo, Who's going to teach you how to ride

  • a bike?

  • Theo: Nana.

  • Vanessa: Dan's mom.

  • Dan: His nana.

  • Vanessa: Oh, I know that definitely my dad taught me

  • to ride a bike, because I saw a picture.

  • I don't really have a memory of it, but apparently I ran into my parents' bedroom and said, "Today's

  • the day I'm going to ride my bike."

  • And they're like, "Okay."

  • And we went to tennis court, I think, or a basketball court, and there's a picture of

  • my dad helping me to ride a bike.

  • Dan: Cool.

  • We're all sneezing today.

  • Vanessa: I don't know why.

  • Maybe it's- Dan:

  • You get the real life.

  • Vanessa: Pollen.

  • Theo: Life!

  • Dan: Real life.

  • Vanessa: Theo, I have a very important question for

  • you.

  • Dan: You listening, son?

  • Vanessa: Are you ready?

  • What would you miss most about your home if you moved?

  • Theo: I want more.

  • Vanessa: More questions?

  • We'll ask more questions when we finish with this one.

  • Dan: Theo, what's your favorite room in the house?

  • Theo: We rock you.

  • Vanessa: He's on the "We Will" train.

  • Dan: He said, "We rock you."

  • Vanessa: Are you kissing that card?

  • Dan: I don't know if you can hear him, because

  • he doesn't have a microphone.

  • Vanessa: Theo, I don't want you to eat this card though,

  • because it's pretty- Theo:

  • Read it.

  • Vanessa: It's not tasty.

  • Dan: He's reading it.

  • He says he's reading.

  • Vanessa: Oh, you're reading it.

  • Dan: Are you reading it?

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • "Eat it" and "read it" sound very similar.

  • Dan: What was it saying?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • What about you?

  • What would you miss most about your home if you moved?

  • Dan: Ironically, we probably are moving soon, so.

  • Vanessa: We definitely are moving soon.

  • Dan: We're definitely moving soon.

  • Vanessa: So what would you miss most about this home

  • when you move?

  • Dan: I think everything in the new home is better.

  • On the inside, everything is better.

  • I'll miss this home's location because we live right-

  • Theo: Back.

  • Dan: Next to three grocery stores-

  • Vanessa: I'm going to put it back.

  • Dan: And we live in a very-

  • Theo: More.

  • More.

  • That ones.

  • Dan: Walkable neighborhood.

  • Although the new neighborhood we're moving to, it's also walkable.

  • It's just different because we're used to living in cities, and this is kind of like

  • a- Vanessa:

  • I'm going to put that one back.

  • Dan: City.

  • It's kind of like living in a city right now.

  • Theo: Move it.

  • Dan: But we're going to be living more suburban.

  • Theo: More.

  • Dan: Which is a little bit sad.

  • Vanessa: We'll get another one in just a second.

  • I need to answer that question first.

  • Dan: But the house is much better.

  • Vanessa: Do you want to choose the next one for us?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Can you choose this card right here?

  • There you go.

  • Theo: Back.

  • Dan: Well, what about you?

  • Vanessa: I think-

  • Theo: Ooh.

  • Vanessa: Theo was ready for the next question.

  • I think, oh.

  • Dan: Don't eat it.

  • Vanessa: Theo, I don't want you to eat it.

  • Yeah, let's put it back.

  • It's not food.

  • Theo: There.

  • Dan: Yeah, put it there.

  • Vanessa: Oh, you want us to put this here?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • And open it.

  • Vanessa: Let's save that card so we can read it the

  • next time.

  • Dan: He said, "Open it."

  • Vanessa: Oh, you want to open it and put that card

  • there?

  • Theo: Over there.

  • Vanessa: Over there?

  • Okay, that's a good spot.

  • Theo: There.

  • Dan: I hope people can't hear me chewing.

  • Theo: There.

  • Vanessa: That's the worst sound.

  • Theo: Put it there.

  • Vanessa: You want to put it there?

  • Theo: There.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Well, I think I would miss, what am I going to miss most about this place?

  • I would say the routines- Dan:

  • Location.

  • Vanessa: That we've had in the last four years, going

  • to the same park, walking to the grocery store.

  • We walk to the grocery store a lot, maybe too much.

  • Dan: The location is very, very good.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • We know this neighborhood.

  • We know our neighbors.

  • Dan: It's also kind of fun to live in an apartment,

  • even though you don't get much privacy.

  • The flip side is you get to see a lot of people.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • We got a little situation on our hands over here.

  • Dan: And we have neighbors who can-

  • Vanessa: All right Theo, we're going to choose one.

  • Dan: Help watch our cats and stuff.

  • Vanessa: Let's just choose one.

  • You want to read this one?

  • Theo: That one.

  • Vanessa: That one's a good one for you, Theo.

  • Oh, but I don't want you to eat it.

  • Dan: I think he's confused-

  • Theo: Give it back.

  • Dan: About the purpose of the cards.

  • Vanessa: There.

  • Yeah, Theo, are you done with your lunch?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • No.

  • Vanessa: You going to eat more?

  • Okay.

  • It's a good idea.

  • All right.

  • Next question.

  • Dan: Distract him with food.

  • Vanessa: Next question.

  • What did you get into trouble for when you were young?

  • Theo. Dan:

  • Theo, what do you get in trouble for?

  • Vanessa: Eating paper.

  • Do you get in trouble?

  • Dan: Do you get in trouble?

  • Theo: Mm-hmm.

  • Dan: He doesn't know what trouble is.

  • Vanessa: What did you get in trouble for?

  • Dan: When I was young?

  • Vanessa: Mm-hmm.

  • Dan: I don't know.

  • Probably just fighting with my siblings.

  • I used to tease my sister a lot.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Dan: Yeah.

  • That was probably the main thing.

  • Fighting with my brother or teasing my sister, because my brother was older and he was bigger,

  • but sometimes I would come up to him and, okay.

  • I teased both of them.

  • I'd tease my brother too and try to make him a little angry.

  • And sometimes I would take my sister's dolls and I would take the dolls, and I would say,

  • "I'm going to take it to the bathroom and give it a swirly."

  • Vanessa: Which is putting it in the toilet.

  • So mean.

  • Dan: Putting the head of the doll in the toilet.

  • I didn't really do it.

  • I just threatened.

  • Vanessa: Oh, that's so bad.

  • Theo: Oh!

  • Vanessa: I think that it is the same for me, that-

  • Dan: I was a little bit naughty, I guess.

  • Theo: Wahoo.

  • Vanessa: Yeah, you think that Daddy was naughty when

  • he was little?

  • Dan: Good news for my son.

  • Vanessa: I know.

  • I remember distinctly.

  • Theo: Ha ha.

  • Dan: Whoa!

  • Vanessa: There was one Mother's Day, or for my mom's

  • birthday, some kind of holiday like that.

  • And we asked her, "What do you want us to give you?"

  • I think I was like six years old.

  • So my sister was like three or four.

  • And she said, "All I want is one day when you girls don't fight."

  • Dan: Wow.

  • I guess everybody fights with their siblings.

  • Vanessa: That's so bad though.

  • That means that she must have been so annoyed every day with us fighting.

  • Theo: Barbara Ann.

  • Dan: I can't really imagine-

  • Theo: Barbara Ann.

  • Dan: You and your sister fighting.

  • Theo: Barbara Ann.

  • Dan: Although, her sister can be tough sometimes.

  • Theo: Barbara Ann.

  • Barbara Ann.

  • Dan: Vanessa was a perfect angel, let me tell you.

  • Theo: Barbara Ann.

  • Vanessa: I don't know about that.

  • Theo: Barbara Ann.

  • Vanessa: Theo has something important to tell us.

  • Dan: You know the truth.

  • Vanessa: He wants to tell us about Barbara Ann.

  • Dan: All right.

  • You want to sing the song?

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: Ready?

  • (singing) Okay, now he's not going to sing it.

  • Dan: He just wants to hear it.

  • Theo: Bicycle.

  • Vanessa: Ready, set, go?

  • Dan: No, he said bicycle.

  • Vanessa: Oh, bicycle.

  • Okay.

  • Well, Theo took out a bunch of these cards, so I'll just choose one.

  • Let's do this one.

  • Which historical time period would you most like to visit?

  • Dan: I think we answered this one recently.

  • Vanessa: Oh, yeah?

  • Maybe we already did this card.

  • Dan: It's a good question, though.

  • I think I would say pre-history.

  • I want to see cavemen men, and when they discovered fire, and how stupid were they?

  • Or how smart were they?

  • I don't know.

  • Were they like, "Ug, make fire.

  • Ah."

  • Theo: Ah.

  • Dan: Or were they like, "I believe I have created

  • fire today."

  • Theo: Ah.

  • Dan: Ah.

  • Vanessa: I was going to say something similar.

  • I was going to say, I want to go back to see one of my ancestors.

  • Theo: Ah.

  • Vanessa: Who was a hunter gatherer.

  • Maybe they sounded like Theo sounds right now.

  • And just to see what was their daily life like?

  • What was hunting like and gathering like?

  • And they had to live outside all the time, and they had to fight wild animals and live

  • through thunderstorms and all of that type of stuff.

  • Dan: We really want to go back far.

  • Vanessa: Who did I descend from and what were our lives

  • like?

  • That wasn't that long ago.

  • 15,000 years ago.

  • What was- Dan:

  • Nah.

  • That's just yesterday.

  • Vanessa: I think agriculture was 10,000 years ago.

  • Something like that.

  • Dan: Something like that.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Theo, what about you?

  • What time period do you want to go back to?

  • Theo: Bowl.

  • Vanessa: Bowl?

  • Dan: Bowl?

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • You want to go back and see when bowls were created?

  • Theo: Mm-hmm.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Dan: He wants to see the creation of the first

  • quesadilla.

  • Vanessa: Oh, really?

  • Dan: He wants to see the invention of cheese.

  • Vanessa: I would not doubt that.

  • Dan: Theo loves cheese.

  • Do you love cheese?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Dan: He said, "Yeah."

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • I'm surprised that he has been patient sitting through all of this so far.

  • Let's do a shallow, simple question.

  • Maybe simple.

  • If you knew you wouldn't get hurt, would you rather skydive or view sharks from an underwater

  • cage?

  • Theo: All done.

  • Vanessa: Oh, I spoke too soon.

  • Theo, are you all done?

  • Theo: Meat.

  • Vanessa: You want to eat some meat?

  • Theo: I want meat.

  • Dan: Meat.

  • Vanessa: If you're all done, let's go into the other

  • room and you can wash your hands and then take a nap.

  • Dan: I don't believe I would get-

  • Theo: Nana.

  • Vanessa: You want to go see Nana?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Oh, Nana's coming after you take a nap.

  • That's right.

  • Let's take a little pause and I'm going to help him take a nap.

  • Or maybe we'll just let him play in the other room for a second.

  • You want to go play in the other room for a sec?

  • Dan: Yeah, let's let him go to the other room and

  • wrap it up.

  • Wrap it up.

  • Wrap it up.

  • Anybody remember that?

  • Theo: Hi.

  • Dan: You want to see?

  • Come here.

  • Vanessa: Do you want to sit on Daddy's lap?

  • Dan: Theo, come here.

  • They can't see you.

  • Come right here.

  • You have to be lifted up.

  • Let me pick you up.

  • Vanessa: Oh, yeah.

  • So if you wouldn't get hurt, would you like to skydive or see sharks underwater?

  • Dan: I feel like seeing sharks underwater isn't

  • even that dangerous, so.

  • Vanessa: Oh, yeah?

  • Dan: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Theo, if you want them to see your truck book,

  • you got to come over here and sit on Daddy's lap.

  • Dan: Yeah, I have to show them.

  • All right, ready?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • They can't see you over there.

  • Dan: You want to show them your truck book?

  • Vanessa: This is Theo's favorite book.

  • Dan: You going to show them the truck?

  • You see the camera up there?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Dan: Show them the truck book.

  • Vanessa: You like that truck book?

  • Dan: You like trucks?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Dan: He does love trucks.

  • Vanessa: You can read that book if you like.

  • Dan: You want to sit here for a minute and look

  • at the trucks?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • That's a good idea.

  • Dan: So I guess I would, well, skydiving would

  • scare me even if I knew I was going to survive.

  • Vanessa: You know what?

  • When I first saw this question a couple seconds ago, my instinct was sharks.

  • Dan: Really?

  • Vanessa: Yeah, because I feel like I would be, it's

  • not often that you can go deep under the water and see cool things.

  • Theo: Wow.

  • Vanessa: You like that book?

  • Dan: He wants me to point at all the trucks.

  • Vanessa: This is what happens when you have dinner,

  • or try to have a conversation with a toddler.

  • Dan: Yeah.

  • We're probably going to have to cut this conversation short.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Well, I think that's a good question to end on.

  • Dan: Let's ask Theo.

  • Theo, would you rather skydive or see sharks?

  • Vanessa: See sharks.

  • Theo: That.

  • Vanessa: He wants to ask-

  • Dan: You want to skydive?

  • Skydive!

  • Theo: No, no.

  • Vanessa: You want to get back here?

  • Dan: He wants to come back.

  • Vanessa: Well, thank you so much for joining us for

  • this lunch.

  • I hope it was an eyeopening experience.

  • Dan: Nope, nope.

  • Vanessa: If you have had kids, you know exactly what

  • this is like.

  • If you have never had kids, it is a joyful experience.

  • Do you want to wave goodbye?

  • Dan: Look at the camera.

  • Say bye bye.

  • Vanessa: Bye.

  • See you later.

  • Dan: You want to say bye bye into this?

  • Say bye bye.

  • Theo: Bye bye.

  • Dan: Bye bye!

  • Vanessa: Bye.

  • A couple months ago, I made this video talking about 120 kitchen items, and I showed you

  • my kitchen.

  • A lot of you asked, "Can you make a cooking video?"

  • And I thought, this might not be that interesting, but I know a way to make it a little bit more

  • interesting.

  • I wanted to combine this with another video that I've been wanting to make for a while,

  • which is how to talk to kids in English.

  • So if you have kids and you would like to speak with them in English, I hope you'll

  • enjoy this lesson because I'm going to be making these muffins.

  • These are some broccoli cornbread muffins from this toddler cookbook.

  • I just got this cookbook and we've made a lot of stuff from it already.

  • I love cooking with Theo.

  • It's my two year old.

  • It's fun to make things with him, see how he focuses on the tasks.

  • It's just a bonding moment, and we're also doing something useful.

  • We're making food, so we're going to be making these things today, and I'm also going to

  • be talking about what we're doing.

  • So even if you don't have kids, I hope that you'll be able to learn some cooking expressions,

  • things that we're doing.

  • You'll see some of the items.

  • This is not a professional cooking show, so I am quite unorganized.

  • All of the ingredients are all around the kitchen.

  • Yes, so there's a lot going on, but I hope that you'll enjoy it.

  • If you would like to make this, feel free to, you can check out the link.

  • I'll put an Amazon link in the description if you want to make the same muffins that

  • we're making.

  • They're not sweet.

  • They're kind of a savory cornbread, broccoli muffin.

  • You're going to also see my two year old using a knife in this video.

  • Don't worry.

  • These knives are toddler knives, so they cut pretty well, but because they're made of silicon,

  • it's like a type of plastic, and they're serrated, so they have those little ridges on them.

  • They cut pretty well, but they don't cut fingers.

  • If you cut yourself with it, you feel it a little bit, but it never breaks your skin.

  • It's a great thing for a child.

  • So you'll see him using that, but never fear.

  • He's fine.

  • He's used them a lot, and he loves cutting things.

  • That's like his dream come true.

  • He wakes up in the morning and wants to chop things.

  • All right.

  • Let's get into our cooking video.

  • I hope that you'll enjoy the process.

  • I hope that you'll enjoy some of the things that, some of the expressions that you learn.

  • My child, Theo, doesn't say that much during this video because he's so focused.

  • He wants to stir.

  • He wants to chop.

  • He is very focused, but I hope you'll still be able to have some good language that you

  • can use as well in your daily life.

  • All right, Let's get cooking.

  • Theo: You're all done?

  • Vanessa: I am all done.

  • But do you know what we need to do?

  • We need to get all of the ingredients ready.

  • Theo: You did it for me to put them.

  • Vanessa: Let's see.

  • Okay, we got to open to the right page.

  • It's page 90.

  • There it is.

  • Okay, this is the ingredient page.

  • Okay, it says we need broccoli.

  • Do we have broccoli out here?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: We do?

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: Not yet?

  • Okay, so I got to get broccoli, milk, apple cider vinegar, cornmeal.

  • All right, let's get the broccoli.

  • Theo: I'm going to put in the broccoli.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Can you put that on the counter?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • We have cornmeal.

  • Can you put this on the counter too?

  • There we go.

  • What else did it say?

  • We need milk.

  • Okay, we got milk.

  • I'm going to take this with me while I look for the ingredients.

  • We need apple cider vinegar, which is up here.

  • Theo: I'm going to open that.

  • Vanessa: We need some flour.

  • Theo: I need to open that broccoli.

  • Vanessa: You need to open that broccoli.

  • Theo: We need the cutting board.

  • Vanessa: We do need the cutting board.

  • You're right.

  • Theo: What's that?

  • Vanessa: That's the apple cider vinegar but I'm going

  • to put this over here because it's a glass container.

  • We need some baking powder.

  • Baking soda.

  • Theo: You think that's a glass container too?

  • Vanessa: That's not a glass container.

  • That's probably made of paper or cardboard.

  • Right, we got those things.

  • Theo: It's too strong.

  • I can't open that.

  • Vanessa: Is that a little bit tough to open?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Yeah, that's because we haven't opened it

  • yet.

  • It's new, so I probably should do it.

  • All right.

  • We're going to need some butter.

  • Theo: Why we need cow milk in there?

  • Vanessa: Why do we need cow's milk in there?

  • Because that's part of the ingredients.

  • It's going to make it tasty.

  • We need some eggs.

  • Wow, there's a lot of ingredients for this, you think we're going to be able to do this?

  • Theo: Rubber.

  • Vanessa: And we need some cheese.

  • Theo: That's a rubber band.

  • Vanessa: You found a rubber band?

  • Yeah, that rubber band is keeping the corn.

  • Oh, where did it go?

  • It's keeping the cornmeal in, so I'm going to put this over here.

  • That could be a big mess.

  • All right.

  • I think we have everything.

  • Are you ready to get started?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay, let's take a look at the first ingredient.

  • The first thing, first instruction says preheat the oven.

  • So we have to preheat the oven to 375.

  • Is that something you do or I do?

  • Theo: Me do.

  • Vanessa: You do that?

  • I think that's something that I do.

  • I'm going to preheat the oven.

  • Bake, 375, start.

  • Okay, so that's going to be starting.

  • Fill muffin tins with paper cupcake liners.

  • Well, we're not going to do that, but we can use our muffin tins.

  • All right.

  • The next thing says, "Ask Theo if he wants to cut the broccoli."

  • Do you want to cut the broccoli?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay, so I'm going to help you do that.

  • Let's put the cutting board.

  • Theo: Why you going to help me?

  • Vanessa: Because the broccoli's a little bit hard,

  • so we have to use an important tool first.

  • Your hands.

  • Theo: We going to-

  • Vanessa: Let's open this up.

  • Can you help me rip it?

  • Rah.

  • There you go.

  • Theo: Going to take off the rubber band.

  • Vanessa: Good idea.

  • Can you get that?

  • Pull it off.

  • All right.

  • Let's leave the rubber band here.

  • I'm going to put the cutting board, actually, I'm going to move your chair.

  • Theo: Why?

  • Vanessa: This way a little bit closer.

  • Theo: Why?

  • Vanessa: To the cutting board, and we have your special

  • kid-safe knives.

  • All right, I'm going to take off some of these pieces and do you know what I need you to

  • do?

  • This one is a little bit more tough to cut.

  • I need you to.

  • Vanessa: More tough to cut.

  • I need you to...

  • Oh, good.

  • Yeah.

  • Cut it like that.

  • Cut it like a saw, like you're sawing a tree.

  • Nice.

  • Is that okay?

  • Nice.

  • All right.

  • And those knives, it's almost impossible to cut your fingers, so we're all good.

  • I'm going to break off the little stalks and you can cut them for me.

  • Wow!

  • That one went flying.

  • All right this is the stalk, Theo.

  • This part, this is the stalk, and we don't need that part for the muffins, so we're going

  • to put that part on the plastic bag.

  • But these parts, we're going to keep.

  • All right, keep cutting them.

  • Oh, nice.

  • You know what that's called?

  • That's called a top chop, because you're putting your hand up here to chop it.

  • Good.

  • All right.

  • So we need about three fourths of a cup of broccoli.

  • That's probably about three fourths of a cup, if you cut all of this.

  • Do you think you can keep cutting it?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: All right, keep cutting.

  • I'm going to get our measuring cups and let's see what we need here.

  • We need milk and vinegar together.

  • Oh, we don't have a bowl.

  • Do you remember where we keep our bowls?

  • They're up high.

  • I'm going to get one.

  • Okay let's use this bowl and it says, "Pour the milk and apple cider vinegar together".

  • I bet that that is going to curdle.

  • What do you think?

  • Theo: You think the big cup is going to put down?

  • Vanessa: Oh, we're probably going to put the broccoli

  • in there in a little bit, but let's cut a little bit more first.

  • So this is the one that you finished down here.

  • Let's see.

  • We have to fill up this cup.

  • Can you fill up this cup with broccoli?

  • Theo: Yeah, I'm-a do it.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • We need some little pieces, like these little pieces.

  • That's great.

  • Let's cut this big piece one more time.

  • All right it says "Finely chop it".

  • Probably going to need some really small pieces.

  • Don't worry, these knives are very safe.

  • You're good at using that knife, bud.

  • All right I'm going to rip this up into little shreds.

  • Good work.

  • Theo: Pushing down is a little bit hard.

  • Vanessa: It is a little bit hard.

  • Is it too hard for you?

  • Do you need some help?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Theo: I'll cut it.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Why don't you cut these little ones here and I'll cut this big one with my hands.

  • I'll break it up.

  • Theo: Why?

  • Why you not cut it?

  • Vanessa: Well, I think I can use my hands probably

  • just as effectively.

  • There you go.

  • Okay, you want to put that one in the measuring cup?

  • I think we probably have just enough broccoli and we'll save this broccoli for another time.

  • Oh, I think that's probably all we need.

  • We probably don't need that one unless you really want to cut it.

  • You want to put that in here?

  • Thank you.

  • Okay, can you put those little pieces in there?

  • Right here.Can you put those little pieces inside the cup?

  • Good work.

  • Okay, let's set that aside.

  • We're going to set that right there while we wait for the other ingredients to be finished.

  • I'm going to clean off this cutting board.

  • Theo: And we have one more cups.

  • Vanessa: We do have more cups, and we're going to need

  • to use them, too.

  • So let me put the cutting board back down.

  • Can you lift that up?

  • All right the next ingredient, it says we need to pour the milk and the vinegar together.

  • So can you hold a cup really carefully?

  • Let's see.

  • What does that measurement say?

  • This says half a cup.

  • Let's see.

  • How much milk do we need?

  • We need one cup.

  • Do you think you can use a one cup?

  • We need to use the big one.

  • All right, we need to use this milk.

  • So let's open it up.

  • Okay hold it really carefully on top of the bowl.

  • Good.

  • All right, pour it in.

  • Good work.

  • All right, now we need to put a tablespoon.

  • So not very much.

  • Let's use this tablespoon.

  • Can you hold that?

  • We need to put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

  • What do you think is going to happen?

  • I think the milk is going to look really funny.

  • It's probably going to curdle because this is like an acid.

  • Can you hold it over the bowl?

  • There you go.

  • Hold it carefully.

  • Okay, pour it in.

  • Whoa.

  • All right, it says we need to just do that and set it aside for five minutes.

  • So let's set this over here for five minutes.

  • Oh yeah, let's just leave that cup there.

  • All right, time to turn the page.

  • Are you ready?

  • "Measure cornmeal, flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a large bowl".

  • Okay, we need our large bowl.

  • Are you ready for that?

  • We're not going to put the broccoli in yet.

  • We got to mix the other things first.

  • We need our cornmeal.

  • So let's see how much cornmeal we need...

  • One cup.

  • Can you use a big cup?

  • There you go.

  • Okay, hold it over the bowl.

  • Okay, dump it in, hoo-rah.

  • Let's see how much flour we need.

  • We need one cup flour.

  • Good news, we probably have one cup flour.

  • Can you hold that cup again?

  • Okay, dump it in.

  • Good work.

  • Okay, now we need baking powder and baking soda.

  • That's probably really small increments.

  • Teaspoons, oh yeah.

  • So you're going to need to use this one.

  • Okay it says we need one-and-a-half teaspoons baking powder.

  • I always mess this up.

  • So we're going to do it well this time.

  • One-and-a-half teaspoons.

  • So what I want you to do is I want you to dip it in here like that, good.

  • And then we're going to slide it.

  • Good, okay dump it in.

  • Good work.

  • Now we're going to use a half one.

  • So we're just going to kind of put half a one in there.

  • Good, dump it in.

  • Good work.

  • Now we need to use the baking soda.

  • And it says just a half a teaspoon.

  • So we're going to use half of that.

  • If we put too much of this in, Theo, it's going to be really yucky.

  • So let's be careful how much we put in.

  • Theo: I'm 'a get it.

  • Vanessa: Okay can you dump that in?

  • Good work.

  • Yeah, those are really tricky ingredients.

  • Okay, we need some salt.

  • You love salt.

  • Let's put some salt in.

  • How much salt?

  • Theo: I'm 'a put salt in there.

  • Vanessa: Yeah, can you give me that teaspoon right

  • there?

  • We've got to use that teaspoon.

  • You can dump it in.

  • We need the little one.

  • That's the teaspoon, there we go.

  • Okay, hold it over the bowl.

  • All right dump it in.

  • Good work.

  • Oh, we need to mix them together.

  • So I'm going to get you a special tool called a whisk.

  • Are you ready to use it?

  • Okay.

  • Theo: Where is it?

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • This is the whisk.

  • Can I show you how to use it?

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: No, you think?

  • Let me see how you use it.

  • Okay make sure that the whisk touches the bottom of the bowl all the time.

  • Yeah, there you go.

  • That way the ingredients don't fly out of the bowl, because these are all dry and powdery.

  • Theo: This is all done.

  • Vanessa: Do you think you can do it a couple more times?

  • Okay, let's see.

  • While you're doing that, I'm going to read what happens next.

  • "In another bowl, makes the butter, eggs, and honey".

  • Wow, how many bowls do they think we have?

  • Okay, so it wants us to add this mixture.

  • So what I'm going to do- Theo:

  • Dump it in.

  • Vanessa: Dump it in, you're right.

  • But we're not going to dump it in quite yet.

  • I'm going to put this in another bowl and we're going to melt our butter, because it

  • says we have to melt the butter first.

  • But I did not do that.

  • So we're going to take a little pause.

  • I'm going to melt the butter.

  • Oh, that's fine.

  • I thought that was baking soda.

  • Yeah, you can put all of this in there if you want.

  • You want to work on that while I melt the butter?

  • All right, let's do it.

  • We're going to put that in in just a moment, but first we have to mix these wet ingredients

  • together.

  • Theo: Do you think it's time to cut it again?

  • Vanessa: Is it time to cut again?

  • I think we already finished all the cutting because you cut that broccoli.

  • I think you like cutting?

  • Theo: Do you think the broccoli is next?

  • Vanessa: I don't think the broccoli is next, but it's

  • coming soon.

  • So if you leave it over there, it'll be all ready soon.

  • We need to get the eggs and the honey.

  • Do you think you can help me with the eggs?

  • Let's see how this is doing, if it is ready.

  • See that butter?

  • I melted it in the microwave.

  • Theo: And you put it in there?

  • Vanessa: Yeah, we're going to actually put the other

  • ingredients in this little bowl.

  • Theo: And we need the broccoli next?

  • Vanessa: Not next, it's really close though.

  • Next we're going to put in the eggs.

  • Can you help me with the eggs?

  • The eggs are a little bit fragile, so we have to be careful with them.

  • We need two eggs.

  • So let's open our egg carton.

  • Theo: No, I'm 'a open the egg carton.

  • Vanessa: Alright I want you to put your hand on mine

  • like this?

  • Yeah, and we're going to crack it together.

  • Ready?

  • 1, 2, 3.

  • All right, and open it.

  • Done.

  • You help me crack it.

  • We have to do one more.

  • Okay can you put your hand on mine?

  • I want you to put your hand on the top of my hand.

  • There you go.

  • We're going to smash it.

  • 3, 2, 1.

  • Great.

  • Oh, do you know what that timer means?

  • What's that beep?

  • Is it ready?

  • It means that the oven is hot and we can put all of our stuff in there when we're all done.

  • All right it said we need to put the eggs and the honey.

  • Let's find the honey.

  • Two tablespoons honey.

  • Well, I don't want to measure that, so we're just going to pour it in.

  • Do you want to tell me when it's enough?

  • Theo: I try some.

  • Vanessa: Is that about enough?

  • Theo: I try some.

  • Vanessa: You want to try some of this honey?

  • Here, why don't you try it from my finger?

  • Ooh, how does that taste?

  • Theo: Good.

  • Vanessa: Good yeah, honey is really good.

  • These are savory muffins, but they're still going to have a little bit of sweetness in

  • them.

  • Okay I'm going to mix this up.

  • Theo: I'm 'a mix it with my whisk.

  • Vanessa: With your whisk?

  • When we put all of this together, then you can help me mix it.

  • We're almost there, almost there.

  • Okay, "Add the milk and whisk".

  • Okay, this is the part where you can help.

  • So we are going to pour this into here, and then do you think you can mix all of these

  • wet ingredients together?

  • All right now it's your turn.

  • Mix.

  • Good, yeah mix them gently so that they don't fly out of the bowl.

  • Theo: Do you think it all done?

  • Vanessa: It's almost done.

  • Can I do it a little bit or are you still going?

  • Theo: You do it.

  • Vanessa: Okay do you want to put your hand on mine

  • and we can do it together?

  • Okay the next instruction says that we need to take this out.

  • Can you put that on the counter?

  • And we need to pour it into the dry mixture.

  • That's all of our dry ingredients, so we're going to get our spatula.

  • This is a very prepared cooking show, and we're going to pour the liquid into the dry

  • and mix together.

  • Okay I'm going to pour this in, and do you think you can mix in here?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay, there we go.

  • Here let's try to get all the last little bits out.

  • Can you scrape in there a little bit?

  • Okay let's scrape it out.

  • Good work.

  • Okay, now let's mix.

  • Oh, is that kind of hard?

  • You got it.

  • Good work.

  • Theo: Your thing is all done?

  • Vanessa: It's almost all done.

  • Oh, there's some bubbles forming.

  • That's good.

  • I bet that that's the vinegar that's kind of reacting with all the other ingredients.

  • Good, good.

  • Okay I'm going to mix it a little bit and then you can put the broccoli in, but I'm

  • going to mix it a little bit first.

  • Okay can you get the broccoli ready?

  • This is your chance.

  • Are you ready?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay dump it in.

  • Awesome.

  • Okay can you mix the broccoli in?

  • You can mix that up.

  • Oh, we need to put some shredded cheese in which I am also not prepared for.

  • All right, get the grater, get the cheddar cheese.

  • Okay we also need to put some cheese in here.

  • How much cheese does it say?

  • A fourth of a cup.

  • Oh, okay.

  • All right I'm going to put some of this in there.

  • And can you help me keep mixing?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay let's grate it in there.

  • Should I put a little bit more, or should I stop?

  • Theo: Stop.

  • Vanessa: I should stop?

  • Okay.

  • Theo: I make a little hole.

  • Vanessa: Nice.

  • Can you mix all of that together?

  • The cheese, the broccoli, and the ingredients for the muffins?

  • Yeah.

  • Theo: Do you think the muffins are almost ready?

  • Vanessa: Is that your favorite question?

  • Is it almost ready?

  • Yeah, they're almost ready.

  • That was one of the last steps.

  • Can I mix it a little bit when you're finished?

  • Theo: Now you mix it.

  • Vanessa: You want to mix it now?

  • Okay.

  • All right let's mix all together.

  • Theo: Do you think we can still cut?

  • Vanessa: You want to keep cutting stuff?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Oh, I know.

  • Well, we have a lot more food in the fridge, so maybe you can cut some more for lunch and

  • for dinner.

  • You want to be our official chopper?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Let's just make sure that we used all the ingredients.

  • Looks good.

  • Okay now comes kind of a messy part.

  • Are you ready?

  • Let's put all the cups away and we're going to bring the muffin tins over.

  • Hoo-rah.

  • Let's see, do you have a spoon?

  • I don't think you have a spoon.

  • Why don't you use this spoon, and we're going to put this mixture...

  • Here, I'll do it like this.

  • Into the muffin tins.

  • It says to fill it three-quarters full.

  • There you go, good work.

  • Okay can you fill another one?

  • That's a good amount for that one.

  • I'm going to get a spoon too, and help.

  • If you use your fingers a little bit that's okay.

  • I wonder how these are going to taste.

  • We've never made these before.

  • Oh, why are you wiping it on your shirt?

  • Theo: Because I don't want it.

  • Vanessa: Oh, you don't want it in the tin?

  • Here you want me to give you a little towel?

  • Why don't you use this towel instead?

  • There you go.

  • Okay, if there's some on your shirt that's okay.

  • That's kind of the effects of cooking.

  • Let's put some in another hole.

  • Can you put some in that muffin tin?

  • Because we want to make a lot of muffins so that we can eat these for

  • a long time, or at least today.

  • There you go.

  • I like how focused you are when you do this.

  • Two year olds are not often focused, but when it's something they want to do, they can focus.

  • Okay, thank you.

  • I'm going to put a little bit more in these.

  • Do you think you can fill them up a little bit more too?

  • Theo: I'm all done.

  • Vanessa: You're all done?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: All right I'm going to use the rest of this

  • batter so that we don't waste it.

  • Do you think your baby brother is going to like these muffins?

  • Are you going to give some to him?

  • All right it's almost finished.

  • We used almost all of the batter.

  • Good work.

  • Which one are you going to put that one in?

  • Theo: That one.

  • Vanessa: That one?

  • Okay I'm just going to top these ones off.

  • And that's all of the batter.

  • Great, which one should I put this in?

  • That one.

  • That one looks a little bit lonely.

  • It needs some more.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • So the last step is I'm going to try to kind of clean off the top so those parts don't

  • burn too badly.

  • Theo: I'm going to mix it?

  • Vanessa: We already mixed it, so we're done mixing.

  • Where do we put this now?

  • Theo: I'm 'a cut the dinner stuff.

  • Vanessa: You're going to cut the dinner stuff.

  • You're ready to cut for dinner already?

  • Where can we put this, Theo, where's a good place for this?

  • Theo: There.

  • Vanessa: Over there?

  • It's going to going to bake over there.

  • Where can this bake.

  • Theo: In there.

  • Vanessa: In there, in the oven?

  • Yeah?

  • Okay I'm going to put it in the oven and it says we need to set the timer

  • Theo: I cut the dinner stuff.

  • Vanessa: You're ready to cut the dinner stuff?

  • Here, why don't you keep cutting this broccoli?

  • That's a great idea.

  • Let's move some of this dough.

  • Go at it, my boy, go at it.

  • All right, we're going to put this in here.

  • Actually, I'm going to put this on a cookie tray because it's a little bit flimsy.

  • Okay I'm going to put this in here for...

  • Let's use this timer for 15 minutes.

  • Wow, that's not very long at all.

  • All right, and that's it.

  • Wow, we just have to wait 15 minutes and then it's all done.

  • What happened?

  • Did you cut yourself a little bit?

  • Oh, you cut yourself a little bit with that knife.

  • Do you need a kiss?

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: No, it's okay?

  • There's no blood.

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: It's okay.

  • All right what should we do while we wait for the muffins to finish?

  • Theo: Play Legos.

  • Vanessa: Play Legos, okay.

  • All right let's wash your hands off.

  • I'm going to pull the chair over to the table so you can wash your hands off.

  • Come on over here.

  • Wash your hands and then you can go play Legos.

  • And I'm going to put all this stuff away.

  • Great work.

  • Okay, you got broccoli in your hair.

  • All right, we've got to check on our muffins.

  • And let's see what it said.

  • It gave some instructions for how to know when they're finished.

  • It said until you can insert a toothpick into the center and it comes out clean.

  • Well, we don't have a toothpick, so we're going to have to use the next best thing,

  • which is...

  • Theo: It's a toothpick.

  • Vanessa: A chopstick.

  • Okay, I'm going to do something, this is going to be really hot, so we're going to put aside

  • your apples.

  • Theo has been busy cutting all of these apples.

  • I'm going to give you that chopstick, Theo, and watch.

  • I'm going to put the muffins right here, but it's going to be pretty hot.

  • So I want you to stand back a little bit.

  • Can you do that?

  • All right here's the hot pad.

  • We're going to set them right there.

  • I'm going to use this hot pad to get them out.

  • Theo: Do you think it's all done?

  • Vanessa: Let's see.

  • I'm going to bring this over.

  • Okay, step back.

  • Thank you.

  • Okay, I want to make sure you don't touch it.

  • All right I want you to help me, but I'm going to hold you so that you don't get hurt.

  • Can you step a little bit closer?

  • Okay.

  • We're going to put this inside here and let's see if it comes out clean.

  • Oh, it still has a little bit on it.

  • Let's try another one.

  • Oh, that one still has some dough on it.

  • That means it's not finished yet, so we can put that chopstick right here.

  • Okay can you step back?

  • All right I'm going to put it back in the oven for a couple minutes and then it will

  • hopefully be finished.

  • Theo: Do you think it's all done?

  • Vanessa: Do I think it's all done yet?

  • Theo: I see it with the light.

  • Vanessa: You want to see it with the light?

  • Should I turn on the oven light for you?

  • Okay.

  • Can you see down there, there's a little light.

  • Wow, can I try some of your apple?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: You cut this apple really well into lots of

  • little shreds.

  • Is that a piece I can have?

  • Okay, thank you.

  • Theo: Now I have two knives.

  • Vanessa: You do have two knives.

  • What are you going to do with them?

  • Ah, you can't chop with two at the same time.

  • Whenever you use these knives, you have to be really careful.

  • So it's good to use only one at a time.

  • Which one do you want to use first?

  • Theo: That one.

  • Vanessa: That one?

  • Theo: No that one.

  • Vanessa: Okay, I'll put this one over here.

  • Theo: Unicycle.

  • Vanessa: That's a unicycle?

  • Is that the man?

  • You really like unicycles, don't you?

  • You've been talking about them for a while.

  • Cool.

  • Theo: I was finding the unicycle with the girls.

  • Vanessa: I'm sorry, what did you say?

  • Theo: What were the girls' names?

  • Vanessa: Oh, those two girls that came over?

  • Emmy and Lucy.

  • Theo: Emmy and Lucy, we were trying to find a unicycle.

  • Vanessa: Oh, where were you trying to find a unicycle?

  • Theo: The cars and things that go book in my playroom.

  • Vanessa: Oh, the cars and things that go book?

  • Yeah, did you find it?

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: Oh, maybe we can look another time for that

  • unicycle?

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: All right, Theo, I want to make sure that

  • you don't hurt yourself with that chopstick, so I can't let you walk around while you're

  • eating from it.

  • But you can stand here and eat from it.

  • I just don't want you to stab your throat.

  • Theo: Whoa.

  • Vanessa: Whoa.

  • Well, let's give it a try again.

  • I'm going to try to set them here again.

  • And remember they were really hot last time, so this time what I need to do is push this

  • over a little bit and I want you to take a step back.

  • Thank you, because I want you to be safe.

  • I'm going to put the really hot muffin tin here.

  • Are you ready?

  • Okay.

  • Theo: And I'm 'a...

  • Vanessa: I'm going to hold you so that you don't touch

  • it.

  • And together we're going to stab it.

  • Theo: Mom, I stab it by myself.

  • Vanessa: You think you can do that?

  • I'll make sure you're careful.

  • Okay, pull it up.

  • Going to stab another one, pull it out.

  • Let's check it.

  • Let's check the chopstick.

  • Do you see anything on the end of the chopstick?

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: Let's try one more.

  • How about that one?

  • Okay, put it all the way down, pull it up.

  • Oh, what is that?

  • It seems like you just grabbed a little crumb.

  • I think they're finished.

  • All right, are you going to stab all of them?

  • This is not for a gourmet dinner, so it's all good.

  • Okay.

  • All right they're all finished.

  • So now what we need to do is we have to set a timer.

  • Careful, I don't want you to touch it.

  • I'm going to set a timer.

  • Oh, watch out that pan is really hot.

  • Okay I'm going to set a timer for five minutes, and then after five minutes when they cool

  • down, we can eat them.

  • You ready to eat them?

  • Theo: Cool them down there.

  • Vanessa: I don't want you to touch that with your finger.

  • This here is really hot.

  • Remember Opa's pancake pan and you burned your finger on that?

  • If you touch this, you'll also get burned, so I want to make sure you don't touch it.

  • Yep, stay over there.

  • I'm going to put this out here a little bit to cool for five minutes, and then we're ready

  • to eat it.

  • Are you ready?

  • You want to eat it?

  • Yum.

  • Okay let's wait for a couple minutes and then we'll eat it.

  • Theo: Why do we need two?

  • Vanessa: Probably one plate is fine.

  • Can we share a plate together?

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: Okay, you want to have two?

  • Do you think Daddy's going to want one?

  • Should we bring one to him?

  • Theo: Yeah, now.

  • Vanessa: Now?

  • Theo: I bring.

  • Vanessa: All right don't touch the pan.

  • Theo: You bring one to him.

  • Vanessa: You want me to bring one to him?

  • Maybe I'll use this plate?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Can we share this plate together?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay, let's wait just a moment.

  • What can we do while we're waiting?

  • Theo: Play Legos.

  • Vanessa: Play Legos?

  • Always play Legos.

  • Theo: *drumming on plates*

  • Vanessa: It's kind of like a drum.

  • All right I think the muffins are ready.

  • Can you turn over the plates?

  • We're going to try to carefully get these out.

  • Maybe I'll use this fork.

  • Which, let's pull this a little bit closer so everyone can see.

  • Can you tell me which one do you want?

  • Theo: I want that one.

  • Vanessa: That one?

  • Okay I'm going to take it out.

  • Thank you for pointing so carefully so that you don't get hurt.

  • Wow, that looks great.

  • Now it's going to be pretty hot.

  • Do you think you can cut it open with your knife?

  • Cut it in half and let all the steam out.

  • Okay, that's good.

  • We don't want to cut it too much.

  • What does that smell like?

  • This smells good?

  • Okay, it smells like broccoli to me.

  • I'm going to eat this one.

  • Theo: Why?

  • Vanessa: Wow, and which one should we give to Daddy?

  • Theo: That one.

  • Vanessa: That one?

  • Okay.

  • All right, I'm going to put Daddy's right there.

  • Okay.

  • Theo: You think it (is) all done?

  • Vanessa: Well, let's see.

  • You don't need to cut it more though, because it's probably just going to crumble into pieces.

  • Do you want to take a piece and try to eat it?

  • I'm going to cut mine open too, cause it's pretty hot still.

  • Can you blow on it?

  • Theo: Who is that?

  • Vanessa: That one's mine.

  • That one's for Daddy.

  • I didn't cut his open yet.

  • Okay I'm going to blow on it.

  • Oh, you're going to cut it?

  • Okay.

  • Let's just- Vanessa:

  • Oh, you're going to cut it?

  • Okay.

  • Let's just cut it that one time.

  • That's fine.

  • Did you eat it?

  • Oh, what do you think about it?

  • Oh, it's good.

  • Oh, it is good.

  • Kind of tastes like cornbread with broccoli.

  • Theo: I'm going to try another piece.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Try another piece.

  • Good idea.

  • Taste like a cornbread muffin.

  • You want to take that one to daddy?

  • What about mine?

  • Don't give him mine.

  • Okay.

  • Can you take that plate to daddy?

  • All right.

  • Thanks for your hard work.

  • High five.

  • Yeah.

  • Theo: I'm a fan.

  • Vanessa: Which one's yours?

  • This one's yours.

  • Yep.

  • That one's yours.

  • Do you like it?

  • Good.

  • I'm glad.

  • We worked hard for that.

  • You focused a lot.

  • You mixed a lot.

  • Good work.

  • And now we get to eat the results.

  • Success.

  • Today I'd like to invite you to join me on a special baking adventure.

  • My three year old son Theo and I are going to be baking chocolate chip cookies, mixing

  • the ingredients, putting them in the oven, eating them, dunking them in milk.

  • It will be a long journey.

  • I hope you will enjoy it.

  • But along the way, I'm going to be using a lot of phrasal verbs for daily conversation

  • that we often use for baking, cooking, eating, and drinking.

  • So you can use these phrasal verbs in the kitchen, but also in a lot of other situations.

  • I hope that this natural setting will be a great way for you to remember the phrasal

  • verbs and also be able to use them yourself.

  • So make sure you check out all the phrasal verbs that I put up here on the screen, and

  • enjoy this wonderful baking time.

  • All right, we're going to make chocolate chip cookies.

  • Do you remember the first thing we got to do?

  • Theo: What?

  • Vanessa: Got to suit up.

  • You got to put your apron on.

  • Can I help you?

  • All right.

  • All right.

  • Turn around.

  • I'm going to tie it on.

  • Here we go.

  • Make sure you don't trip on it.

  • What about me?

  • Should I wear mine too?

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • The first thing we got to do is check out our recipe.

  • What kind of things do you think we need on here?

  • Can you tell me what it says?

  • Yeah.

  • We need flour.

  • We need corn starch.

  • I forgot to get that.

  • I'll have to get it off the shelf.

  • We need baking powder, baking soda, salt, butter, eggs, brown sugar, regular sugar,

  • vanilla and chocolate chips.

  • Theo: Whoa.

  • Vanessa: That's a lot of stuff, isn't it?

  • Now I already got out the butter.

  • We had to soften it up first, and I got out all of the ingredients, except I forgot to

  • get the corn starch.

  • Do you know where it is?

  • Theo: Where?

  • Vanessa: I'm going to have to take it off the shelf.

  • All right, before we do anything, we got to look at the first step, preheat the oven to

  • 350 degrees and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

  • Theo: With parchment paper.

  • Vanessa: Where's the parchment paper?

  • Theo: Down here.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • Well, why don't you get that out while I heat up the oven.

  • Theo: This one?

  • Vanessa: Yes, that's right.

  • Can we bring it up to the counter?

  • Theo: Is it this big?

  • Vanessa: Why don't we try to measure it out?

  • Can you set it up here, please?

  • Theo: In there.

  • Vanessa: That's right.

  • All right.

  • Climb on up.

  • Let's measure it out.

  • Is that a good length?

  • All right, I got to tear it off.

  • Okay.

  • Theo: It's a really good length.

  • Vanessa: That's good?

  • All right, we're going to set that aside.

  • Theo: And then we're going to open the thing?

  • Vanessa: Now we got to see what the next step is.

  • Sift together the flour, corn starch, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

  • All right, so we're going to put that in here.

  • The first thing is the flour.

  • Oh, that's a nice loud sound, isn't it?

  • It says we need three cups.

  • Wow.

  • These are going to be a lot of cookies.

  • Yep.

  • Scoop it up.

  • And what we got to do?

  • Level it off.

  • Okay.

  • Dump it in.

  • Good.

  • You want to pat it a little bit to make sure that you got it all out?

  • Great work.

  • Okay.

  • Scoop it out.

  • Remember what the next thing is.

  • Level it off.

  • That's right.

  • How's that feel?

  • Theo: Good.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Make another scoop.

  • Oh, make sure it's all full.

  • Otherwise, we're not going to make good cookies.

  • There you go.

  • Okay.

  • Level it off.

  • Whoa.

  • An important part about leveling it off is that you don't want to pad it down.

  • You just want to push it.

  • Whoa.

  • There you go.

  • Otherwise, you might get too much flour.

  • Okay.

  • Dump it in.

  • Okay.

  • It says the next thing we need is the corn starch.

  • How much corn starch do we need?

  • Two tablespoons.

  • All right.

  • Can you scoop?

  • This one is a very...

  • Oh, we got lots of it.

  • Here, let's put a little extra bonus flower.

  • All right.

  • This is very important that we don't take too much.

  • So do you remember what to do?

  • Scoop it and then try to level it off in there.

  • Theo: Like the flour?

  • Vanessa: That's right.

  • Okay.

  • Dump it in.

  • That's one.

  • This is going to help make them extra fluffy.

  • All right.

  • Level it off.

  • There you go.

  • Theo: I level off when I scoop it.

  • Vanessa: That's right.

  • Okay.

  • Let's see what the next thing says.

  • Baking powder.

  • We need one and a half teaspoons.

  • All right.

  • This is one teaspoon, and we're going to do baking powder first.

  • Now, do you know what this one has?

  • It has a little piece of metal here to help you level it off.

  • Why don't you get a good scoop, and I'll show you how it works.

  • Almost.

  • Let's get a bigger scoop so that it's all full.

  • There you go.

  • Theo: I think we almost used all of it.

  • Vanessa: You did it.

  • Yeah, you're right.

  • There's not much left.

  • Right now we need a half scoop.

  • Theo: Of this?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • How can we get just a half?

  • Theo: This.

  • Vanessa: Hmm.

  • Yep.

  • Let's try to dump half a bit back.

  • That's good.

  • All right.

  • You level it off?

  • How is that?

  • Theo: Good.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Now we have baking powder or baking soda.

  • We're going to only get half a teaspoon.

  • So can you do a half of one of those again?

  • Theo: This?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • The small ones, but this time, oh, it doesn't fit in there.

  • You know what we can do?

  • We have another one that's thin.

  • So why don't you stick it in, scoop and then you can level it off, but we only need half.

  • Oh, that's great.

  • Great.

  • Good work.

  • I'm all right.

  • Now we need a little salt.

  • Theo: I'm flattening it out with this.

  • Vanessa: We're going to do this the scientific way

  • and just do a couple twists.

  • You want to help me twist it?

  • Squeeze and turn really hard.

  • There you go.

  • One more time.

  • There we go.

  • Don't want them to be too salty, huh?

  • All right.

  • Now I have an important job for you.

  • I need you to mix it up.

  • Stir it very gently, and put your hands here to hold it steady.

  • There you go.

  • Mix, mix, mix.

  • Theo: Are we going to do the chocolate chips?

  • Is that the last thing?

  • Vanessa: Yep.

  • The chocolate chips are the last thing.

  • All right.

  • I'm going to clean off some of this.

  • Here, bonus.

  • Okay, next we're going to set this aside.

  • Theo: And then we're going to do this bowl?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Do you know what goes in this bowl?

  • Theo: What?

  • Vanessa: The wet ingredients.

  • You know what was in that bowl?

  • Theo: Dry.

  • Vanessa: That's right.

  • The dry ingredients.

  • So it says in a separate bowl...

  • Theo: We can put the eggs in here?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Do you want to help me crack them?

  • Theo: I'm going to get this one.

  • Vanessa: But first, we have to do the butter first.

  • So can you feel this butter?

  • Does it feel hard?

  • It's a little hard.

  • So we need to squash it in our hands.

  • You think you can do that?

  • Because it said it needed to soften up a little bit, but I don't think I let it soften up

  • enough.

  • So let's do this.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Squeeze it Theo:

  • To make it melt?

  • Vanessa: That's right, to make it melt a little bit

  • so that it's not too hard.

  • All right.

  • That's probably good.

  • It's just going to be really hard to mix it.

  • This is a lot of butter.

  • Good for fattening you up.

  • Theo: Right?

  • Vanessa: Wow.

  • Theo: Let me take it all out.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • You want to take it out?

  • Can you take off the wrapper?

  • Hold the wrapper and shake it in.

  • Plop it in.

  • There you go.

  • Theo: Next the eggs.

  • Vanessa: Next we have sugar.

  • There's two different types of sugar.

  • We have brown sugar, which is just regular sugar with a little bit of molasses in it.

  • Yum.

  • And this sugar.

  • Which one should we do first?

  • Theo: That.

  • Vanessa: The brown one?

  • Okay.

  • Let's see.

  • It says one third cup.

  • Can you give me that big cup over there?

  • Theo: This one?

  • Vanessa: The big white one.

  • Theo: This one?

  • Vanessa: No.

  • Theo: This one?

  • Vanessa: That's right.

  • Theo: Can I scoop it?

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • I'm going to dump it in there.

  • And what I want you to do is to pack it down.

  • Theo: I want you to.

  • I want to dump it in.

  • Vanessa: You want to dump it in while I hold this?

  • Theo: No, I want to hold it.

  • Vanessa: You're going to hold it.

  • Okay.

  • Theo: And I'm going to dump it in too.

  • Vanessa: Really?

  • Here.

  • Why don't you help me with it?

  • There we go.

  • Whoa.

  • Okay.

  • Now, what I want you to do is use your fingers and pack it down.

  • That's the thing about brown sugar.

  • When it says three-fourths of a cup, it always means pack down really hard.

  • Push it really hard.

  • This is different than the flour.

  • Oh, that's a good amount.

  • All right.

  • Let's try to wipe it off your fingers.

  • Theo: Dump it on the butter.

  • Vanessa: Dump it on the butter.

  • That's right.

  • Hold on tight to this.

  • I'm going to pour it in.

  • Are you ready?

  • Oh, you got a little bit of stuff on your face.

  • Ready?

  • Ooh.

  • Okay.

  • Dump it in.

  • This one, we don't need to pack down.

  • You can just dump it in.

  • Theo: In the sugar?

  • Vanessa: That's right.

  • Theo: And the brown sugar?

  • Vanessa: Yep.

  • I'm going to put this butter in here.

  • We're not professional chefs.

  • It's okay.

  • I'm going to throw it in the microwave for a couple seconds, and then it'll be nice and

  • soft for us.

  • Theo: We're good chefs.

  • Vanessa: We're what?

  • Theo: We're good chefs.

  • Vanessa: We're good chefs.

  • Wow.

  • All right.

  • Now our butter is a little bit soft, maybe a little too soft.

  • So they might not be super fluffy cookies, but it's still going to be a little bit easier.

  • Theo: Is it going to be really good still?

  • Vanessa: It is going to be really good still.

  • And when you're baking together, sometimes you just have to make concessions.

  • All right.

  • I'm going to pour this in, and it can be your job to mix them together.

  • You think you could do it?

  • Okay.

  • Theo: Maybe we should make banana cookies with it.

  • Vanessa: Banana cookies.

  • How do you make banana cookies?

  • Theo: You put bananas in it.

  • Vanessa: Oh well, of course.

  • That makes sense.

  • I'm going to scrape out the last little bits of butter.

  • And now, can you use that spatula or the fork to mix it up?

  • Theo: I'll do this.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Theo: Whoa.

  • Vanessa: We're going to still mix that in.

  • Theo: We'll be mixing with it?

  • Vanessa: Yeah, you can just...

  • You want me to mix it a little bit?

  • Okay.

  • Do you want to put a hand on mine while I do it?

  • Okay.

  • We'll do it really fast.

  • How is that?

  • Theo: Good?

  • Vanessa: Oh, do you know what that is?

  • What?

  • The oven is ready.

  • It's heated up enough, but we have to finish making our cookie batter first.

  • All right.

  • The next thing is we got to put in our eggs.

  • Crack the eggs.

  • Can you help me with it?

  • Ready?

  • Wait.

  • You want to put your hand down?

  • Mine.

  • 3, 2, 1.

  • Crack.

  • Whoa.

  • That was a pretty big crack, wasn't it?

  • Theo: I'll get the rag.

  • Vanessa: Oh, here.

  • All right.

  • Thank you.

  • We're going to do a big crack this time.

  • Whoa.

  • Whoa.

  • Watch out.

  • I got to do it first.

  • Ready?

  • Three.

  • So what?

  • Oh, you did it.

  • Whoa.

  • That was a kind of good crack.

  • All right, next.

  • There's one other thing we have to add, and that's some vanilla.

  • Theo: Quick, quick, quick.

  • Vanessa: I never measure out vanilla.

  • I always just eyeball it.

  • Theo: When are we ready?

  • Vanessa: Well, it's going to be ready in just a moment,

  • because remember that other bowl with the dry ingredients?

  • We got to mix them together.

  • So now I'm going to scrape down the sides.

  • Everything looks mixed together really well.

  • Blend until smooth and fluffy.

  • Does it look smooth and fluffy to you?

  • Good.

  • Okay.

  • The next thing is to add the flour mixture to the butter mixture.

  • You think you can help with that?

  • Theo: I'll dump it, right?

  • Vanessa: Let's see.

  • It says a little at a time.

  • You think you can dump a little bit at a time?

  • Okay.

  • Theo: Why dump it?

  • Vanessa: Well, the recipe says a little at a time.

  • That will probably help it to not be too hard.

  • Okay.

  • Let's mix this in and then we'll do it again.

  • Thank you.

  • Okay.

  • You want to do it?

  • Theo: No you can.

  • Vanessa: You want me to do it?

  • Theo: I want to scrape.

  • My job is to scrape the batter off with the fork.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • You can do it when I have it on the spatula.

  • All right.

  • Theo: We're good chefs.

  • Vanessa: We are good chefs.

  • Thank you for scraping that off.

  • Ready?

  • Mix.

  • Theo: Really fast?

  • Vanessa: Well, I want to make sure that the flour is

  • incorporated before I go too fast so it doesn't fly away into the air.

  • Theo: Fly away to North Carolina.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • I mean, we are in North Carolina, but I know what you mean.

  • All right.

  • Let's pour in the rest.

  • Do you want to dump the rest in?

  • Good work.

  • You bought two different kinds of chocolate chips.

  • So, which one do you think we should use?

  • Theo: First we're going to make two of them.

  • We're going to put two of the kinds of chocolate chips in.

  • Vanessa: Oh, okay.

  • Two different types of chocolate chips in.

  • Oh, that's one way to open it.

  • Let's see how many it says to put in.

  • Two cups.

  • That's so many.

  • What if we do one cup of this kind and one cup of that kind?

  • Okay.

  • Can you put them in this cup first so we can measure it?

  • Theo: First I'm going to scoop it out.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • That's the exciting part.

  • You want to gobble up a couple?

  • Theo: This one.

  • Vanessa: Whoa.

  • Okay.

  • That's going to be your secret stash.

  • Okay.

  • Theo: And I'm a get a little bit of this one too.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Theo: A little bit of each.

  • Vanessa: You can eat a little bit of each.

  • All right.

  • Let's try to measure out one cup of that.

  • I'll eat a couple, too.

  • Let's pour them in.

  • Theo: A little bit.

  • Those are better.

  • Vanessa: Those are better?

  • Which one do you think is best?

  • These ones or those ones?

  • Theo: Those ones.

  • Vanessa: Those ones?

  • Hmm.

  • They're both chocolate.

  • Theo: Now, I have to get another one.

  • Vanessa: Oh.

  • Cause I took some from your pile?

  • That's fair.

  • Theo: Now I need some water.

  • Vanessa: I agree.

  • That was really a lot.

  • The recipe says that we can't just mix the chocolate chips in here.

  • We have to fold them in.

  • Do you know what that means?

  • Theo: What?

  • Vanessa: Is it like folding your clothes?

  • We got to fold this like our clothes.

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: No.

  • You're right.

  • We're not going to fold it like clothes, but we have to do it gently.

  • That's the idea.

  • We have to mix it gently, kind of like you fold your clothes gently.

  • So I'm going to fold this, scraping the outside and carefully tenderly our precious little

  • chocolate chips.

  • Are you okay in there?

  • Theo: Mm-hmm.

  • Vanessa: Is that what they said?

  • They said yes?

  • Wow.

  • I didn't even know they could talk.

  • What else did chocolate chips say?

  • Theo: Eat the chocolate chips that are right here.

  • Vanessa: Oh, they're telling us to eat more?

  • Oh my goodness.

  • That's a silly chocolate chip.

  • All right, now that we've added in all the ingredients, next we got to use our tray.

  • We need to line them up on the tray.

  • Theo: And then this scoop with that?.

  • Vanessa: And what?

  • Theo: Scoop with that?

  • Vanessa: Oh, they scoop them out with that?

  • You know what?

  • I was just thinking we could use this.

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: Because this will make gigantic cookies that

  • might not cook very well.

  • They might be kind of raw on the inside, so it's good to use one little spoon.

  • Theo: No, do this one.

  • Vanessa: That giant...

  • This one?

  • Theo: No, this one.

  • Vanessa: That one.

  • Okay.

  • That's a great idea.

  • Why don't I put this a little bit closer so you can get it over there.

  • Theo: Whoa.

  • Vanessa: Now it says to keep them two inches apart

  • because these are going to kind of fluff up.

  • Theo: I'm going to make that big one.

  • Vanessa: That's going to be yours?

  • Theo: I'm going to make lots of big ones.

  • Vanessa: Are you going to eat that one too?

  • I bet.

  • Theo: Whoa.

  • Vanessa: Wow.

  • That might be a little big bud.

  • Theo: No.

  • Vanessa: Let's tone it down just a bit.

  • Theo: Just smash it down with my thing.

  • Vanessa: Well, I was thinking you could break off a

  • little piece.

  • Theo: No, smash.

  • Vanessa: Just smash it down.

  • Well, let's see what happens.

  • Usually the first batch is kind of an experiment anyway.

  • All right.

  • Theo: I watch.

  • Vanessa: You want to watch?

  • All right.

  • That's a good idea to stand back like that because the oven's really hot.

  • Thank you for doing that.

  • All right.

  • Okay.

  • Now I got to turn on the timer.

  • Theo: I need some more wrapping paper.

  • Vanessa: Wrapping paper.

  • Oh, you mean the parchment paper?

  • Okay, let's do that.

  • Theo: Now I'm going to make a little foot, a little

  • fingerprint in there to make fingerprints.

  • Vanessa: Fingerprint cookies.

  • Wow.

  • Right.

  • I don't want you to smoosh down all of these because the more you touch it, probably the

  • flatter and the harder and the crispier they're going to be.

  • And these are supposed to be fluffy and light cookies.

  • Theo: Look at this.

  • I'm poking the hole in that.

  • Vanessa: Is that a volcano cookie?

  • Theo: This is the volcano one, too.

  • Vanessa: All right, Well, something we need to get

  • ready so that when the cookies are done, we can eat.

  • We can drink some milk with the cookies.

  • That's kind of a classic combination as you get your chocolate chip cookie and you dunk

  • it in the milk.

  • Have you ever done that before?

  • Theo: No.

  • We can put some milk in a bowl.

  • Vanessa: In a bowl.

  • Oh, not a cup?

  • Oh, we could do that too.

  • All right.

  • We could put some in a bowl and then we can share it together.

  • Okay.

  • Usually you put it in a cup.

  • But I'm up for a bowl.

  • Do you have a bowl on your shelf that we can use?

  • Okay.

  • Theo: There's certainly lots of bowls.

  • You got those two bowls.

  • Vanessa: There are certainly lots of bowls.

  • Theo: Look, there's two bowls.

  • Vanessa: Two bowls.

  • Certainly lots of bowls.

  • What was I thinking?

  • You know what that is?

  • Theo: Cookies.

  • Vanessa: Cookies.

  • All right.

  • I got to clean off the dry rack or the cooling rack.

  • All right.

  • I'm going to take them out of the oven.

  • You want to take a look and see if they're ready?

  • All right, Theo.

  • You know what?

  • I think these are not done.

  • They need to be brown and crispy on the edges.

  • So let's put them in for two more minutes.

  • All right.

  • I heard the timer go off.

  • Let's check on our cookies.

  • Theo: And put these ones in.

  • Vanessa: You know what?

  • Our cookies are kind of bigger than what they called for, so let's just give it a try.

  • I need you to step back for a second.

  • And can you pick up your book?

  • Because I'm going to put these cookies on this tray.

  • I'm sure there are better ways to do this.

  • Theo: But mine are really big.

  • Vanessa: Your cookies are ginormous.

  • We're going to get a bowl of milk.

  • We're going to give them a try.

  • Are you trying them with your fork?

  • Can you go get a bowl from your shelf, please?

  • Theo: I'm going to use that fork and a spoon.

  • Vanessa: Wow.

  • Have you ever met a three year old who eats chocolate chip cookies with a fork and a spoon?

  • I guess that's you.

  • Theo: I just got it?

  • Vanessa: Oh, I got the milk right here.

  • Theo: Why?

  • Did you get already?

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • I got it ready.

  • All right.

  • Usually you dunk them in a cup of milk, but you want to use a bowl?

  • That's fine.

  • We can share it together.

  • All right.

  • Can you choose one cookie?

  • Choose which one you want?

  • Theo: This one.

  • Vanessa: That one.

  • All right.

  • I'm going to choose this one.

  • Theo: It's really big.

  • Vanessa: Oh, it is big.

  • Oh, it's melting.

  • Chocolate chip's melting on my fingers.

  • All right.

  • I poured in the milk.

  • Now it's time to dunk them.

  • Theo: Well, we can eat them here.

  • Vanessa: They are so fluffy.

  • Theo: Whoa.

  • Vanessa: Wow.

  • So that's your last cookie.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • I'm going to eat your little mini cookie.

  • Oh, whoa.

  • It just jumped into the milk.

  • Theo: I can taste it.

  • Vanessa: Wow.

  • How's it taste?

  • I'm going to dip this little mini cookie in.

  • That is great.

  • You want to cheers our cookies?

  • Cheers.

  • Theo: Cookies and milk.

  • That's the best.

  • Vanessa: Cookies and milk.

  • That's the best?

  • That is right.

  • Thank you so much for joining us on this baking adventure, all of the ups and downs of baking

  • with a toddler.

  • And now I have a question for you.

  • What kind of cookies or desserts do you like?

  • I hope you have a chance to try out baking these cookies sometime soon.

  • It is extremely simple and fun and tasty.

  • Theo: I'm just touching it with my fork.

  • This is really fun touching in with my fork.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Does that feel good?

  • Theo: I'm trying to see what the temperature is

  • and see if it's done.

  • Vanessa: Oh, what's the temperature?

  • Theo: It's good.

  • Vanessa: Good.

  • Okay.

  • Today I invite you to my home to make some pancakes with me and my four year old son,

  • Theo.

  • We're going to be mixing the ingredients, making the pancakes, and then we'll be sitting

  • down at the table as a family and attempting to eat them together.

  • It's a little bit chaotic.

  • I have a four year old and a one and a half year old.

  • As you can imagine, meal times are a little bit chaotic, but that's daily life.

  • And that's what I want to show you is real life English.

  • All of the English that you hear while we're baking and while we're sitting at the table

  • is what real American speakers use.

  • All right.

  • Are you ready to bake some pancakes with me?

  • Well, first things first, we have to go to the chicken coop and collect the eggs.

  • Let's go.

  • Dan: Oh my goodness.

  • We got four.

  • Vanessa: Whoa.

  • Dan: Nice.

  • Vanessa: Thank you, chickens.

  • Theo: There are our eggs.

  • Vanessa: Oh, nice.

  • Theo: Look what you got.

  • Look what you made.

  • Vanessa: Thank you, chickens.

  • Theo: Thank you, chickens.

  • Dan: Thank you, chickens.

  • Freddie: Thank you, chickens.

  • Vanessa: What'd you say?

  • Thank you, chickens?

  • Dan: Can you say, "Thank you, chickens?"

  • Freddie: Thank you, chickens.

  • Vanessa: Thank you, chickens.

  • That's right.

  • Theo: Do you think they'll know it's a bowl?

  • Vanessa: Well, you can tell them.

  • You think that would be helpful?

  • Theo: It's a bowl.

  • Vanessa: It is a bowl, yes.

  • So today Theo and I are going to be making pancakes.

  • And the first step is I got to turn on this skillet.

  • It's called an electric griddle.

  • Do you know what this is going to be?

  • Theo: What?

  • Vanessa: Super hot?

  • Theo: Yeah, it's going to be super hot.

  • Vanessa: Yep.

  • So we got to push it to the side.

  • And I think I have all the ingredients for us.

  • So let's look at our recipe.

  • Mix the milk and vinegar.

  • Do you know which one of these is milk and vinegar?

  • Theo: Milk and vinegar.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • Milk and vinegar.

  • So we're going to put it in the biggest bowl.

  • We need three fourths of a cup.

  • Can you hold that out?

  • Theo: That's milk?

  • Vanessa: And we're actually going to double our recipe,

  • so we need a cup and a half.

  • Yep.

  • That's milk.

  • Hold it really tight.

  • It's going to be heavy.

  • We're going to fill it all the way up.

  • All right.

  • And then we're going to do a little bit more, a half.

  • We're going to eyeball it.

  • That means that we don't use the measuring cup perfectly.

  • Okay.

  • And the next thing, it says vinegar.

  • So we're going to need this.

  • It's a tablespoon.

  • We're going to have to use four of those.

  • So can you help me count them?

  • Theo: One.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • Hold it a little bit closer so it doesn't splash.

  • Theo: Two.

  • Three.

  • Four.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • And now it says we have to set that aside because this is going to curdle.

  • Theo: What's curdle?

  • Vanessa: Curdle means that it's going to kind of become

  • clumpy.

  • Usually you don't want milk to become clumpy, but in pancakes, it's going to make it great.

  • It's going to ferment it a little bit.

  • Theo: I need to mix it.

  • Vanessa: Let's set that aside because we have another

  • bowl we got to fill.

  • Are you ready?

  • It says mix the eggs and oh, mix the dry ingredients.

  • Okay.

  • So we got to mix the dry ingredients, which is flour.

  • You want to be the scooper?

  • Oh, there's milk in there.

  • Let me get a dry one for you.

  • Theo: Oh.

  • I dumped it on there.

  • Vanessa: That's okay.

  • Okay, let's use two full cups of flour.

  • Good job leveling that off.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • Level it off before we use it.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • Pancakes are very forgiving, so even if you have a little bit too much or not enough,

  • and that's okay.

  • You know what I realized we forgot?

  • Your apron.

  • I'll tie it.

  • Theo: Because you have your apron?

  • Vanessa: I have my apron, so I bet you can have an

  • apron too.

  • There we go.

  • All right.

  • Next is the baking soda and baking powder.

  • This one, we're going to use the tiny scoop.

  • We're going to use two of those.

  • Theo: These?

  • This?

  • Vanessa: Yeah, it's kind of clumpy in there, so can

  • you smash up the clumps a little bit with that scooper?

  • Kind of just smash in there?

  • Yeah.

  • Do you kind of have a funny feeling in your mouth when you use this?

  • Theo: Huh?

  • Vanessa: You kind of taste it in the air?

  • All right.

  • Yeah.

  • Level it off.

  • One more scoop.

  • Okay.

  • That will make one full.

  • Okay.

  • Actually, I think...

  • No, that's good.

  • You're supposed to use baking powder and baking soda, and I only have baking soda, but I'm

  • afraid to use too much of this because it will make the pancakes yucky.

  • So let's just use that.

  • All right, salt.

  • We need two of two scoops of that too.

  • Before we use it, I'm going to wipe this off, or maybe you can wipe it off because it has

  • some that baking soda on it, which is really yucky.

  • Yeah, that's good.

  • Clean it off first.

  • Theo: Is that enough?

  • Vanessa: That looks great.

  • Okay.

  • One.

  • Two.

  • Okay.

  • And then we have one more dry ingredient, and it's back here.

  • Ooh, I feel it getting hot.

  • Do you feel that?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • Now we need some sugar.

  • So let's use this bigger scoop.

  • Can you dry it off a bit?

  • Put it in here.

  • We used that for...

  • Oh, we used that for vinegar.

  • And we definitely don't want vinegar in our sugar.

  • Vanessa: ... used that for...

  • Oh, we used that for vinegar, and we definitely don't want vinegar in our sugar.

  • Yuck.

  • Hm.

  • Okay.

  • Theo: Is that enough?

  • Vanessa: That looks great.

  • Can you get two?

  • Theo: It's still wet.

  • Vanessa: It's a little bit wet.

  • Yeah.

  • That's okay.

  • Could you get two scoops?

  • That's two tablespoons.

  • You know what?

  • Freddie put some banana pieces on this griddle earlier before it was turned on.

  • I can kind of smell them burning a little bit on there.

  • Oh, I see it steaming too.

  • Theo: Look.

  • Vanessa: Oh.

  • Okay.

  • That's great.

  • Is that the first one?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Let's do two.

  • That looks great.

  • And now- Theo:

  • Can I try some sugar.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • A little pinch.

  • Theo: This is so both of us can have some.

  • Vanessa: Oh, I don't really want any, but could you

  • eat it over the bowl so we don't get ants?

  • That's a dream come true for any kid right there.

  • A pinch of sugar.

  • You'll mix that up.

  • Can you just wipe it on this towel?

  • Theo: Oh, yeah.

  • Vanessa: We don't want to gross out our students too

  • much.

  • Theo: What does that mean?

  • Vanessa: Well, usually it's not a good idea to lick

  • your fingers when you're cooking.

  • But you know what?

  • You're only four years old.

  • That's okay.

  • If I did it, it probably would be not a good idea.

  • There you go.

  • Can you help stir that the rest of the way?

  • And then we will go on.

  • Theo: Will you mix it with this, and I'll mix it

  • with this?

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Now that one can kind of thwack the ingredients all over the place like that.

  • So let's use it really gently.

  • Okay.

  • It says the next thing is to mix.

  • Oh, Freddie did get a bunch of stuff on here.

  • Let's see if I can rinse it off.

  • Oh.

  • Usually the griddle does not steam so much, but there's burnt banana on it.

  • Yum.

  • Okay.

  • So what are we doing next?

  • We did the milk and vinegar, the dry ingredients.

  • Mix the egg and the butter into the milk.

  • So let's set aside the dry ingredients, and let's check on our milk.

  • Ooh.

  • It's looking thick.

  • So usually when you bake pancakes, you use buttermilk, which is already thick, but this

  • is a good way to kind of make it at home.

  • Ready?

  • Theo: Good.

  • Oh.

  • Vanessa: Woo.

  • Good save.

  • All right.

  • Let's put those in here.

  • Theo: (singing)

  • Vanessa: And we need one more.

  • Theo: (singing)

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • All of our chickens lay slightly different colored eggs.

  • All shades of brown.

  • But one of them, the black copper maren, has really dark eggs like this, which is super

  • cool.

  • Some of them are really light, and some of them are kind of medium.

  • All right.

  • Theo: Could we do three eggs?

  • Vanessa: This is the kind of recipe where we can't

  • add more eggs.

  • Okay.

  • Now comes an important job.

  • Oh, the butter.

  • We got to add butter.

  • Theo: Can I do it?

  • Vanessa: Yep.

  • Okay.

  • I'm going to scrape the last bits out.

  • And can you use that fork to break up the yolk in there?

  • Theo: This fork?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • I think this might be our most prepared cooking show, because when we made broccoli cornbread

  • muffins, and when we made chocolate chip cookies, I had the ingredients all scattered around

  • our kitchen in every place.

  • But this time I put them all on the counter.

  • All right.

  • I think the next step after you mix this is to add the dry mixture to the wet mixture.

  • But there's a special note in our recipe book.

  • Theo: What is it?

  • Vanessa: It says, "Don't over mix."

  • Do you know what over mix means?

  • Theo: What?

  • Vanessa: It means mix it too much.

  • Theo: Okay.

  • Vanessa: Because if you mix it too much, you're going

  • to have rubbery pancakes.

  • And we want fluffy pancakes.

  • So I'm going to pour this into here.

  • Theo: Can I do it.

  • Vanessa: Just a little bit at a time.

  • There you go.

  • Okay.

  • Let's mix that in.

  • I'm sure some professional bakers will be upset at us for using a fork, because you're

  • supposed to use other tools.

  • But I like to use a fork.

  • All right, go ahead.

  • If you pour it a little bit closer to the bowl, then it won't explode like that.

  • Okay.

  • A little bit more, Chef Theo.

  • All right.

  • Usually recipes say, "Mix just until combined."

  • That means when all the ingredients are just combined and not afterwards, that's when you

  • stop mixing.

  • Okay.

  • Let's add all the rest.

  • Even the bowl.

  • Do you think this bowl would be tasty?

  • Theo: No.

  • That's an little accident.

  • Vanessa: That was a little accident.

  • Theo: That was a big accident.

  • Vanessa: Well, you know what a big accident would be?

  • If I dropped all of this on your head.

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: That would be a super big accident.

  • And then what would we teach our students?

  • We teach them that to make pancakes, you dump it on your head.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • Is that flour?

  • Theo: Yes.

  • Vanessa: Oh, okay.

  • Okay.

  • Theo: It's yummy.

  • It's yummy.

  • Vanessa: Don't eat the flour like that.

  • Do you think it's combined, Theo?

  • Does that look good?

  • Theo: Uh-huh.

  • Vanessa: I think it looks good.

  • What do you guys think?

  • This looks just combined.

  • Okay, now it's time.

  • Theo: Is your students real combined?

  • Vanessa: The word combined?

  • What do you think the word combined means?

  • Can we teach them?

  • Theo: Uh-huh.

  • Vanessa: What's it mean?

  • Theo: Teach them.

  • Vanessa: You want me to teach them?

  • Yay.

  • Yay.

  • Yay.

  • Yay.

  • Yay.

  • It means till everything is mixed together.

  • So I'm going to get a cup.

  • But you know what?

  • We're going to have to wash your hands before we make it.

  • Theo: Why?

  • Vanessa: Because you were licking your hands.

  • Theo: My cup.

  • Vanessa: So let's take a little break.

  • Theo: What cup?

  • Vanessa: The cup measurement to scoop into here.

  • So let's take a little break and wash your hands, and then-

  • Theo: Could you-

  • Vanessa: ... we'll make the pancakes.

  • That's the microphone.

  • Don't touch that.

  • All right.

  • Can you go to the bathroom really quick and wash your hands?

  • Theo: My sponge!

  • My sponge.

  • Vanessa: Here.

  • Theo: My sponge.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • So we're back.

  • And we're going to make the pancakes on the hot griddle.

  • Okay.

  • Theo: Could you make snowflakes and stuff?

  • Vanessa: You want me to try to make shapes?

  • Theo: Like snowflakes?

  • Vanessa: How about I try to make a snowman?

  • Theo: Make a snowman.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • All right.

  • Here we go.

  • I'm going to make the head and the body.

  • Oh boy.

  • Oh boy.

  • And then, once we let it cook, we'll put some chocolate chips on it.

  • Theo: That looks like snow angel.

  • Vanessa: Ooh.

  • There's some videos of people online making really fantastically shaped pancakes, but

  • I think they have a different type of batter.

  • This batter makes really fluffy pancakes.

  • Theo: With glee.

  • Vanessa: Do you know how to tell when we should flip

  • it over?

  • Cover your mouth.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh.

  • There you go.

  • Baking with children is an exercise in teaching.

  • Teaching many things, cooking, patience and hygiene.

  • Those are special chocolate chips that were made in Asheville where we live.

  • Theo: They were from, what's that called?

  • Vanessa: French Broad Chocolate Lounge.

  • So it's this really amazing chocolate shop that-

  • Theo: I want to put some in.

  • Vanessa: ... gets cocoa beans.

  • You can put them on top.

  • And they have a bean to bar factory, basically.

  • Theo: I want to try my chocolate for the afternoon,

  • some of these.

  • Vanessa: You can try a couple pieces and you can have

  • chocolate bars, hot chocolate, sipping chocolate.

  • And this is the kind of chocolate I got for- Theo:

  • I think daddy got it.

  • Vanessa: Daddy bought it for me.

  • Yep.

  • For Mother's Day.

  • And it's chai masala milk sipping chocolate.

  • So you can melt this and make it into like drinkable chocolate.

  • Theo: Hot chocolate.

  • Vanessa: Hot chocolate.

  • Theo: Let's make this to our hot chocolate tomorrow.

  • Vanessa: Oh, okay.

  • Well, we're pretty excited because tomorrow is going to be the first snow of winter.

  • And at first they said, we're only going to get this much.

  • And then we looked this morning.

  • Okay.

  • That's enough.

  • That's enough.

  • Theo: I'm putting them on the pancake now.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • And then they said this morning, we're going to get this much about 6 to 10 inches.

  • And that's a lot for us where we live in North Carolina.

  • So it's quite exciting.

  • Dan: Here he comes.

  • Nice.

  • There he goes.

  • Whoa.

  • You want to try to do it by yourself, Freddie.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • I think this one is ready.

  • Let's check underneath.

  • Looks good.

  • Theo: Lift them.

  • Vanessa: Oh.

  • That one's the perfect color.

  • Okay.

  • Theo: How much is that?

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • That one's looking good, too.

  • That one's looking good.

  • I think we're going to try this giant chocolate chip one.

  • Ready?

  • Theo: Uh-huh.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • That one probably could use some more time.

  • I am curious what's going to happen with this snowman.

  • Do you think I can flip him without him breaking?

  • Theo: Do you think?

  • Vanessa: I hope so.

  • I'm not sure, because these two parts might fall apart.

  • But I'm going to hold onto the spatula really well, and we're going to try.

  • Theo: That one probably will not break.

  • That one you're holding now.

  • Vanessa: Oh, I kind of smooshed it.

  • Whoopsies.

  • Theo: (singing)

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • I'm going to give it a try.

  • Theo: (singing)

  • Vanessa: Are you ready?

  • Theo: Don't tell ne,

  • Vanessa: Can you count down?

  • Three, two- Theo:

  • Don't tell me what happens.

  • Vanessa: Oh, okay.

  • You worried about your precious snowman?

  • All right.

  • I'm going to try to use a little thing to help him get on.

  • Here it goes.

  • Oh, I did it.

  • Theo: Yay.

  • Vanessa: Okay, now we just got to wait a moment and

  • we are going to put them on here and finish making these.

  • And when daddy comes back, we are going to eat them.

  • Theo: But I want to eat one while he's gone.

  • Vanessa: Maybe one of these small ones you can.

  • See if it's good.

  • Theo: It's good.

  • I'll flip one.

  • Vanessa: I'll see if they're done.

  • You want to peek under one peek?

  • Peek under that one.

  • I think it could go for just a moment longer because they're pretty thick and fluffy and

  • looking great.

  • But I have one other thing on the stove over here that I'm making for these.

  • Theo: Tell me.

  • Vanessa: It is a syrup.

  • Now you can use a regular maple syrup, that's fine too.

  • But I'm also making a syrup with blueberries.

  • Raspberries.

  • Theo: I need syrup.

  • Vanessa: Blueberries, raspberries, and banana that

  • Freddie cut up.

  • That he burnt onto the skillet.

  • All right.

  • Ready?

  • Theo: No stop.

  • Vanessa: You going to do it?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Let me get you your plate really quick.

  • Oh, it's a lucky day.

  • We get so many chocolate chips in here.

  • Usually, we get like 10 chocolate chips and mix them into the batter.

  • And it's kind of like a mystery which pancake will have chocolate chips?

  • Maybe one will have five, maybe one will have none.

  • But this one, hmm, has a lot.

  • Maybe it's a special occasion.

  • Theo: Maybe it's a special occasion for Christmas.

  • Maybe we're celebrating the day before snow.

  • Vanessa: The day before snow.

  • Snow eve.

  • The eve of the first snow.

  • That's right.

  • We're celebrating that.

  • Whoa.

  • It's all gone.

  • Tell me, how was it?

  • Theo: Yum.

  • I want another one.

  • Vanessa: Well, that's a good sign.

  • I guess it was good.

  • Let's check on your snowman.

  • All right.

  • He's so cute.

  • Hi, Theo, are you going to eat me?

  • Theo: Put him on my plate.

  • Put him on.

  • Vanessa: Aww.

  • I think you need some syrup.

  • Do you think you need some syrup?

  • Theo: Uh-huh.

  • Vanessa: Yeah?

  • Okay.

  • Theo: I put some syrup in here.

  • Vanessa: Well, we have three different types of sweetener

  • you can put on.

  • Excuse me.

  • You could put syrup, maple syrup, from Vermont.

  • Very exciting.

  • Oh, it's from Canada.

  • Or you could use my berry syrup.

  • It has no sugar in it.

  • It's just berries.

  • So you could do both if you wanted, or you could put half.

  • Theo: I'll do that and this.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Sounds like a good time.

  • Theo: Pour some on mine.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • We're going to put on his head.

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Whoa.

  • That's a lot.

  • Okay.

  • Usually we're a little conservative with the syrup in our house, but I guess it's a special

  • occasion.

  • You're a licking machine today.

  • All right, there you go.

  • Can you wipe your hands off on this, Theo?

  • Yeah.

  • Theo: Yum.

  • Vanessa: I know it's yummy, but it's not a good idea

  • when you bake or when you cook, especially when you cook food for other people.

  • Theo: We're not cooking it for other people.

  • Vanessa: Well, what about me?

  • Am I going to eat it?

  • Theo: Are you?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • What about daddy?

  • Theo: Daddy is.

  • Vanessa: What about Freddie?

  • Theo: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: So that's other people.

  • When you're making something only for you, that's when it's probably okay to lick stuff.

  • But if other people are going to eat it, they might not want you to lick it.

  • We make pancakes maybe once a month.

  • And it's a special occasion sometimes for breakfast, sometimes for brunch, sometimes

  • for lunch like today, depending on how busy our morning was.

  • All right.

  • Well, all our pancakes are done.

  • Theo: Is that mine.

  • Vanessa: Whoa.

  • Well, even yours, because you ate it.

  • And we're going to go sit down at the table with daddy and eat them.

  • Theo: Now.

  • Vanessa: Now.

  • I just saw Daddy come back with Freddie.

  • Let's go.

  • So here we are with our pancakes.

  • Dan: Hurray.

  • Vanessa: Yay.

  • Thank you, Theo, for helping me make these pancakes.

  • We are going to put some goodies on them.

  • Dan: Thank you for making them, dears.

  • Theo: Dear.

  • Vanessa: Dear.

  • Some of them have more chocolate chips than others.

  • Dan: Ooh, surprise chocolate chips.

  • Theo: I do them.

  • Dan: That's exciting.

  • Vanessa: This one has a lot.

  • Yep.

  • But while we're eating, I also have some questions to ask you guys.

  • Theo: I want some questions.

  • Freddie: I want some.

  • Dan: Oh, boy.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Dan: I want some.

  • Vanessa: You want some, Freddie?

  • Dan: You want some questions?

  • Vanessa: In case you're wondering?

  • Yes.

  • Freddie has a black eye.

  • He fell and he hit a chair with his face.

  • Dan: If you can see it.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • So anyway, it's not syrup in his eye.

  • It is a black eye, but it's getting better.

  • This is day two, so probably in two days it will be gone.

  • Dan: It actually almost looks worse.

  • Vanessa: I know, it's getting black.

  • Dan: Because it's getting darker.

  • Vanessa: Okay, I have a question.

  • This is from a game called Table Topics, and we did this when Theo was one and a half.

  • Theo: I want to do it.

  • Freddie: Want some.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Are you ready?

  • My question is, what was your favorite game to play as a child?

  • Theo: Right now, my favorite game is the Dinosaur

  • Escape.

  • Freddie: Breakfast.

  • Vanessa: The Dinosaur Escape game.

  • Dan: Dinosaur Escape.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • Dan: You are a child.

  • Vanessa: Yep.

  • So that's what he likes now.

  • Freddie: Dino gape.

  • Vanessa: The Dinosaur Escape game.

  • Dan: What's your favorite game?

  • You like the Dinosaur Escape game?

  • Freddie: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Yeah?

  • Okay.

  • Dan: Freddie likes it too.

  • Vanessa: What about you, hun?

  • What was it your favorite game as a kid?

  • Dan: I don't know for sure, but the game that just

  • came to my mind was Twister.

  • Vanessa: Twister.

  • Okay.

  • Dan: Remember Twister?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • So you put your hands down and you try to step on the stuff.

  • Dan: You spin a wheel, and there's a color, and

  • you have to put your hand on the color or your foot.

  • Vanessa: Oh, yeah.

  • Dan: Isn't that called Twister?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • I kind of like that game, but I feel like every time we played it, it was with people

  • I didn't really want to play with.

  • Dan: Oh, yeah.

  • Vanessa: So I didn't really play it with my best friends.

  • Dan: Well, I had two other siblings and a family

  • of three kids that were our best friends.

  • So we were all comfortable with each other.

  • Vanessa: Yeah, I think you should tell them about the

  • alligator game.

  • Don't give our kids any ideas.

  • Dan: Well, that's not an official game.

  • Vanessa: It doesn't have to be an official game.

  • Freddie: I get game.

  • Theo: What's that?

  • Dan: The alligator game was when you stacked two

  • mattresses on top of each other.

  • Vanessa: Oh boy.

  • Dan: And then the little kids get in between the

  • mattresses and the big kids jump on top.

  • Theo: I do that?

  • Vanessa: You want to do it?

  • Oh, Freddie, that's the microphone, we don't touch that.

  • Dan: You need at least six children though, so

  • we don't have enough.

  • Vanessa: Oh, boy.

  • Would you be a little kid inside the mattress, or would you be jumping on the mattress?

  • Theo: I would be jumping on the mattress and Freddie

  • would in it.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Freddie would be in it.

  • Dan: I was a middle child, so I got to be both

  • in the mattresses and on top.

  • Vanessa: Oh, boy.

  • I think when I was little, my favorite game was just playing in the backyard, digging.

  • I think we dug in the backyard for half of my childhood, which is always fun.

  • Dan: What about a real game?

  • Theo: Howdy.

  • Dan: Like a board game?

  • Theo: How deep-

  • Vanessa: A board game?

  • Theo: How deep did you dig?

  • Vanessa: Well, we dug lots and lots and lots of holes,

  • shallow holes.

  • I think my favorite official game was Uno.

  • Dan: Uno.

  • Vanessa: We played Uno all the time.

  • And Uno's a really great way to learn English too, because we've got numbers and letters-

  • Dan: Definitely.

  • Vanessa: ... and simple game.

  • Dan: Very simple.

  • Vanessa: We used to play that at the swimming pool-

  • Dan: That's a good game.

  • Vanessa: ... with our friends.

  • Dan: I think Theo might be ready for Uno.

  • Vanessa: Yeah, I think we could play Uno.

  • Theo: Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • That's right.

  • You can count a little bit in Spanish.

  • All right.

  • I have one other question.

  • Are you ready?

  • Dan: Yep.

  • Vanessa: If you could have any view from your back

  • porch, what would it be?

  • Dan: This one?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • This is your dream view?

  • Dan: No.

  • But it's pretty good.

  • Theo: This one.

  • Dan: Well, we did one time, see a bear running

  • in the neighbor's lawn.

  • That's pretty special.

  • Vanessa: That's a good view.

  • Freddie: See you.

  • Dan: Well, I already answered this in another video,

  • but not this one.

  • I would take the ocean from a cliff.

  • Vanessa: Oh, so there'd be a cliff outside your door

  • or somewhere out there.

  • Dan: Yeah.

  • I love ocean views from a high vantage point.

  • Vanessa: That would be nice.

  • I think I would like- Dan:

  • I like that more than the beach.

  • Vanessa: Oh yeah.

  • I think I would still like the mountains, like a big mountain view, where it's like

  • the mountains just open up in front of your window.

  • But I don't want to be isolated.

  • I still would like to live in a community, but maybe like a mountain community.

  • What about you, Theo?

  • Theo: I like a cow.

  • Dan: Well, here you go.

  • We could have an ocean view from the back and a mountain view from the front.

  • Vanessa: Wow.

  • Dan: Who can make this happen-

  • Vanessa: What country can make this happen?

  • Dan: ... for us?

  • Vanessa: A lot of countries.

  • Dan: Korea.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • A lot of countries have mountains.

  • Dan: California, probably.

  • Places in California.

  • Vanessa: Oh, yeah.

  • Lots of places have mountains.

  • Dan: And oceans.

  • Vanessa: What about you, Theo?

  • Theo: Lots of places have mountains?

  • Vanessa: Do you want to live near the beach or the

  • mountains?

  • Freddie: The towel.

  • Dan: Paper towel.

  • Theo: Beach.

  • Vanessa: The beach.

  • We did have a good time at the beach this year, didn't we?

  • All right, I have another question.

  • Oh, what would you most like to do for someone if you had the money and time?

  • Theo: Share my water bottle.

  • Vanessa: Share your water bottle with Freddie.

  • Dan: If you had money in time, you'd share your

  • water bottle with the world.

  • Vanessa: So Theo's New Year's resolution is to share

  • his water bottle with Freddie, which he often doesn't like to do.

  • But you said this year you're going to try to learn to be okay with it.

  • Okay.

  • That's very, very generous of you.

  • Dan: If I had all the money in the world and time.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • What would you like to do for someone else?

  • Dan: For somebody else?

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Freddie: Yummy syrup.

  • Vanessa: Maybe while you're thinking-

  • Dan: I would probably-

  • Vanessa: Oh, go ahead.

  • Freddie: All done.

  • Vanessa: You're all done?

  • Dan: You're all done?

  • Freddie: Yeah.

  • Dan: You want to just sit there or do you want

  • to go for a run?

  • Vanessa: Go play?

  • Freddie: Run.

  • Run.

  • Dan: Yeah, let's wipe your hands off.

  • Vanessa: Our kids go for a run around our house when

  • they're done eating.

  • Freddie: Done eating.

  • Dan: That's a lot of syrup on your fingers.

  • Freddie: Done.

  • Dan: You sure you're all done?

  • Freddie: More syrup.

  • Dan: More syrup?

  • No, you got enough syrup right there.

  • You can dip your pancake in it.

  • Theo: Do you want to run with me, or run by yourself,

  • Freddie?

  • Dan: Okay.

  • He's going to eat that.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Dan: So yeah, I would probably-

  • Freddie: I'm done.

  • Dan: ... start a bunch of schools.

  • Freddie: I'm done.

  • Dan: Kind of like with Theo goes too.

  • Vanessa: Oh.

  • Like nature schools?

  • Freddie: I'm done.

  • Dan: Nature schools, or even nature schools for

  • kids who are not very little, all the way through elementary.

  • Better schools than we have now.

  • Freddie: All done.

  • Dan: Because I think school, controversial take,

  • I think most schools have kids- Freddie:

  • I'm done.

  • Dan: You're done.

  • Okay.

  • Uh-oh.

  • I think most schools have kids sitting around too long.

  • Vanessa: Especially little kids.

  • Dan: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Yeah.

  • Dan: And it doesn't seem like the public schools

  • are going to change anytime soon, at least in our country.

  • Vanessa: So I would fund-

  • Dan: I would fund and...

  • Yeah.

  • But then I'd probably have to do a ton of research to really make sure that that's exactly

  • what kids that age need.

  • Vanessa: Well, I think that's a noble cause though,

  • because- Dan:

  • It's a noble.

  • Vanessa: ... usually in the US, outdoor schools are

  • pretty expensive and a lot of people can't afford that, but-

  • Dan: Or they just barely exist.

  • Vanessa: Maybe there's not many of them.

  • Yeah.

  • So if they were cheaper, because they had an angel donor, Daniel.

  • Dan: Maybe just an angel.

  • Vanessa: Maybe an angel, Daniel, then that would be

  • nice.

  • Yeah.

  • I think if I had all the money and time in the world, I think I would add one more thing

  • here.

  • And power- Dan:

  • Oh.

  • Vanessa: ... and influence.

  • Dan: President Vanessa.

  • Please, America.

  • Might be pretty well off, I think.

  • Vanessa: I don't know about that.

  • Dan: I'd vote for you.

  • Freddie: This.

  • This.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Well, thank you.

  • You did vote for me.

  • Freddie: This.

  • Vanessa: You married me.

  • Freddie: This.

  • This.

  • Vanessa: Freddie wants to water our plants with-

  • Dan: Go ahead.

  • Squeeze it.

  • Vanessa: All right.

  • We took a little pause so our children can spray our ferns.

  • Nothing better than kids and spray bottles.

  • Freddie: Spray ferns.

  • Spray ferns.

  • Vanessa: And I wanted to answer this question before

  • we said goodbye.

  • Freddie: Spray.

  • Vanessa: I feel like if I could help someone else and

  • had all the money and time and power in the world, my first thought for this.

  • Freddie: Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Dan: Oh, someone else.

  • I thought it was grander.

  • Just one person.

  • Vanessa: Well, it could be anyone else.

  • Freddie: Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Vanessa: You're spraying Freddie?

  • Freddie: Yeah.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • Freddie: Spray.

  • Vanessa: Is I would like to free North Korea.

  • Freddie: Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Vanessa: Oh, I was thinking about right now-

  • Freddie: Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Vanessa: ... we already...

  • He's spraying.

  • Yeah.

  • Dan: You don't need to do it too much.

  • Vanessa: We donate to a charity every month-

  • Dan: That's probably fine.

  • Vanessa: ... that helps North Koreans-

  • Freddie: Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Vanessa: ... who have escaped North Korea to kind of

  • reintegrate into daily life- Freddie:

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Vanessa: ... wherever else they are.

  • Freddie: Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Vanessa: He's very into spray.

  • Dan: Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • It doesn't work unless you say spray.

  • Freddie: Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Spray.

  • Vanessa: That's the magic word.

  • Anyway, I feel like that's something that's a cause that's very close to my heart, and

  • I feel passionate about.

  • Freddie: Mine.

  • Mine.

  • Vanessa: So yes, I would like to help people in North

  • Korea.

  • That'd be awesome.

  • Yeah.

  • Well, thank you so much for joining us today for our slightly hectic, but-

  • Dan: A normal-

  • Vanessa: ... very normal-

  • Dan: ... meal at our house.

  • Vanessa: Making pancakes and children spraying plants

  • while we try to eat.

  • Theo: Bye.

  • Vanessa: Bye.

  • Freddie: Bye.

  • Theo: Bye.

  • Vanessa: All right, Theo, are you ready to make some

  • pancakes?

  • Theo: Yes.

  • Vanessa: Okay, I'm going to get our measurements.

  • Do you think that Freddie's going to be ready to help make pancakes soon?

  • Theo: Do you think may?

  • What's after one?

  • Vanessa: Two.

  • Theo: He's going to be two after he's one?

  • Vanessa: Yes.

  • Theo: May when he's two he could help.

  • Vanessa: Oh, okay.

  • Yeah.

  • Theo: What's after two?

  • Vanessa: Three.

  • Theo: Probably when he's three or four.

  • Vanessa: Okay.

  • In the south, where we live, some people make chicken and waffles.

  • There's restaurants called Chicken and Waffles.

  • And there was a restaurant I used to go to when I was in college called Gladys Knight's

  • Chicken and Waffles.

  • And you have a waffle and they put fried chicken on it.

  • You think that would be good?

  • A lot of people think so.

  • Personally, I think I like my waffles and my chicken separate.

  • Maybe waffles for breakfast and chicken for lunch or dinner.

  • But put them all together and it's a southern delicacy.

  • Thank you so much for cooking and eating with my family.

  • Now you are part of our English family.

  • I have a question for you now.

  • What is something that you like to cook or eat at home?

  • Let me know in the comments.

  • And I can't wait to hear about Amazing Food from around the world.

  • And don't forget to download the free PDF worksheet with all of today's vocabulary,

  • grammar, and pronunciation, so that you never forget what you've learned.

  • And you can also speak real English, just like you saw in this lesson.

  • You can click on the link in the description to download that free PDF worksheet today.

  • Well, thanks so much for learning English with me and I'll see you again next Friday

  • for a new lesson here on my YouTube channel.

  • Bye.

  • But wait, are you ready for more?

  • I recommend watching this video next, where you will hear another real English conversation

  • between my husband, Dan and I, and we talk about nine important questions for getting

  • to know someone better, including our most embarrassing moments.

  • Click on this video to continue improving your English skills and growing your confidence.

  • I'll see you there.

Vanessa: Are you ready?


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Real English Conversation: Eat With Us

  • 41 2
    amandpmcc に公開 2022 年 11 月 23 日