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  • Welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 times.


  • South Park roasted reality tv.


  • Alright everyone?


  • It was a tough decision but based on our time with you all the amusement park we have whittled our choices down to 10.


  • If you receive a rose, please say if you don't please for this list.


  • We'll be looking at episodes of this animated series that poked fun at or imitated popular documentary style television.


  • Do you have a favorite reality tv roast from South Park?


  • Give us the goods in the comments below number 10.


  • Super nanny of all the kids in South Park.


  • Who do you think needs a lesson or two from a nanny Mrs Carmen, we have had it with your son's behavior.


  • Okay, little Billy Turner is now being treated at the hospital.


  • That's right eric cartman.


  • This season 10 jim gave us a double dose of both super nanny and nanny 911 Upon giving up on trying to discipline him herself, cartman's mom turns to reality tv in hopes of calming her son.


  • Hold on Mrs cartman, there are going to be some rule changes around here.


  • First of all, no video games until chores are done.


  • Unlike what these shows depict on camera eric easily gets nanny Stella to cave and quit after insulting her.


  • But the worst comes for nanny jo Frost who only lasts for three days before being committed to an insane asylum.


  • It's a brutal takedown of both shows that's worth every minute, I'm afraid super nanny is in a deep state of mental psychosis.


  • What do you mean?


  • I mean, she spends most of her time sobbing and eating her own excrement number nine cooking reality shows.


  • It starts innocently enough as randy becomes enthralled by the Food Network's programming.


  • Now what I have for you is a nice goat cheese and heirloom tomato frittata and we're gonna top that with a little cream fridge.


  • Oh yeah, soon enough, we're introduced to cartman dressed as Gordon Ramsay and the fight for Best Chef is on from there.


  • We get to see the best kitchen competition show ever.


  • Hell's kitchen nightmares, Iron Top Chef cafeteria throw down, Ultimate cook off challenge, Hell's kitchen nightmares, Iron Top Chef cafeteria throw down, Ultimate cook off.


  • The Ramsey impression is awesome, but throw in a crying Jamie Oliver and a spot on bobby flay and it's the perfect recipe for satire.


  • The episode flawlessly illustrates the often ridiculous extent these cooking shows go to you don't understand Sharon, I've got Gordon Ramsay up my ass bobby flay, about to kick my ask and the whole world's gonna be watching Plus who doesn't love their take on the shake weight number eight, whale wars after 22 minutes of this season 13 episode, there's one thing that's clear, the creators really don't like paul Watson, you know what, he's right, it's time to bring out the big guns, you guys ready?


  • Ready and throw the stinky butter at them.


  • The show holds nothing back as they eviscerate.


  • Both Watson and his popular reality show, whale wars depicted as an overweight lazy protester, Watson bites it in a horrific manner as stan takes his place as captain of the sea shepherd.


  • What follows is an interesting parallel between genuine activism toward the whaling industry and the incessant need for attention and celebrity.


  • Once you became captain, the methods used to stop the japanese definitely became more aggressive.


  • Was that the key to help boost your ratings?


  • Never Is this more prominent than when the crew of deadliest cats show up to block stands real efforts.


  • The show does a grand job of poking fun at these shows all while giving us a real heart filled message.


  • They do know they know everything I've been trying to do for them.


  • Our gentle friends of the sea have saved the day because they know that only we can save them from the Japanese.


  • Number seven Jersey shore.

    7位 ジャージーショア

  • There was a time when it seemed like all we were hearing about were the antics of snooki the situation and the rest of the gang on Jersey Shore.


  • So naturally South Park opted to do their own spin on the reality show.


  • Yeah, so my family and I moved from Jersey to South Park about a week ago so far.


  • I can tell that everyone here really likes me when people from New Jersey start moving to South Park, it doesn't take long before it too becomes entrenched in drama Kyle's transformation into a poly d esque resident is hilarious.

    ニュージャージーからサウスパークに移住し始めると、ここのみんなは本当に私のことが好きなんだなあということがわかります。それもドラマに定着するまでに時間はかかりません。 カイルがポリDエスな住人に変身するのは笑えますね。

  • I know this has to be very upsetting for you, Kyle.


  • What am I mom when I got pregnant with you, Kyle, your father and I were living with my parents in Newark but nothing tops their depiction of Snooki has a mysterious creature willing to dry hump anything that comes near her tactics don't work on me, throw in their own version of Teresa Giudice, famous table flip and you've got a knockout parody number six Here comes honey boo boo.

    私はママよ あなたを妊娠したとき、カイル、あなたの父と私はニューアークの両親と一緒に住んでいた しかし、彼らのスヌーキーの描写に勝るものはない 彼女の近くに来るものは何でも喜んでドライハンプする謎の生き物であり、私には効果がない 彼らの独自のバージョンテレサジュディスを投入する 有名なテーブル反転、あなたはノックアウトパロディ番号6を持っています ここにハニーブーブーが来ています。

  • Here comes honey boo boo, certainly stirred the pot around how the titular character and her family were portrayed where you going with his mind.

    Here comes honey boo boo』は、主人公とその家族がどのように描かれているのか、その辺りをかき回した。

  • We gotta hydrate mama, I'm not guarding anymore.


  • It feels great, but I'll never sneak out the house again regardless of any opinion.


  • However, it was a ripe offering just waiting to be picked on as it always does.


  • South park took what many of us had already seen and amplified it.


  • A 1000%.

    A 1000%.

  • Honey boo boo's gonna do pageants with a pig heart.


  • We want to pick a hog that has pizzazz and knows how to work it.


  • Girl Kyle watches the show for the first time and is immediately horrified at the depiction of mama june and honey boo boo herself.


  • Not only is the episode funny, but it's surprisingly had a meaningful message about how low reality tv has sunk jesus dude.


  • What's happened?


  • It's like something's lowered the bar to the point that nobody feels any shame anymore.


  • Number five my super sweet 16 on Halloween, we shall open the gates of hell rise up to the Earth and we will rent out the entire W hotel for an awesome party and invite a bunch of celebrities who doesn't love a good old fashioned costume party turns out even satan himself loves it so much he decides to throw a massive party.

    5位 ハロウィンのスーパー・スウィート16 地獄の門を開けよう 地球に昇るんだ Wホテルを貸し切って 最高のパーティを開くんだ 昔ながらの仮装パーティが嫌いな人はいないさ サタンも大好きだから 大規模なパーティを開くことにしたんだ

  • The entire planning execution and celebration itself are massive digs at M.


  • T.


  • V.


  • S mice.


  • Super Sweet 16.


  • I can't believe that we didn't have a dress rehearsal.


  • If my core messes up I will kill them and then cry all the typical tropes from the show are here we've got the oversized cake, ridiculous demands a tightly controlled guest list and even a massive thrown for a hugely entitled Satan.


  • It all reeks of the spoiled behavior from the original.


  • It also for featured a highly controversial depiction of steve Irwin shortly after his untimely death, somebody showed up in a crocodile hunter costume, it's really offending some of the other guests.


  • Number four, I shouldn't be alive.


  • Have you seen the show?


  • I shouldn't be alive when a plane carrying a newlywed couple crashes into a mountain, the survivors are left stranded.


  • It's one of the reality based programming that takes stories of survival and reenacts them with heavy narration all for dramatic effect.


  • It's that effects that sometimes seems to be a little heavier than what's needed for the narrative and so South Park played on that and gave us this hilarious spoof, Kyle, four young boys in Colorado are on a trip from hell, I can't take it.


  • The episode plays out much like the show, it's parodying, but instead of surviving a near death experience, it's an over the top depiction of the boy's boredom.


  • When they try zip lining, it's made even better with the original narrator, Erich Myers supplying the voice of the storyteller.


  • It's a devastating blow for Kyle, It's almost too much to bear his brain is already lacking excitement.


  • Plus some of the reenactments feature live actors portraying the boys.


  • Number three dog, the bounty hunter.


  • If there's one thing cartman loves as much as money, it's having authority to, if anyone doesn't, you have the authority to bring them to me blessed with becoming the new hall monitor at the school, eric goes all out sporting a mullet, a fake goatee, black clothes and bear spray fans of dog.

    カートマンがお金と同じくらい愛しているものがあるとすれば、それは権限を持っていることです。誰もがそうでない場合は、私にそれらをもたらす権限を持っている 学校で新しいホールモニターになることに恵まれて、エリックはボラ、偽あごひげ、黒い服や犬の熊スプレーファンのスポーツを全力疾走。

  • The bounty hunter would recognize cartman's get up easily.


  • The show perfectly mocks the antics of the original by having ERIC so serious about an otherwise mundane job.


  • Now let me see your pass, it's right here, all right, cool brah go with christ, you can't just push me up against the so when Kyle's brother goes missing.

    パスを見せてくれ、ここにある よし、落ち着けよ、キリストと一緒に行けよ カイルの弟が行方不明になったときに俺を突き飛ばすことはできんぞ

  • This parody goes into overdrive assisting cartman with his search our Leroy and Earl and Beth the latter of whose assets bear a striking resemblance to beth chapman, the real dog, the bounty hunter's wife, number two dog whisperer with cesar Milan.


  • Of all the entries on this list.


  • This one is unique in that it's the only one with a target of the parody posted his own reaction video on Youtube praising the show's depiction of him and I love you and South Park episode after the previously mentioned reality tv nannies can't get cartman under control.


  • Eric's mom calls on Cesar Milan a.

    Ericの母親がCesar Milan aを呼び出す。

  • K.


  • A.


  • The dog whisperer to help take name cartman's attitude.


  • I'm not looking at the child, I'm not acknowledging the child, I'm just letting the child know.


  • I'm not interested in him, not interested in treating him like a literal dog.


  • Milan eventually gets cartman to conform and become a mildly well adjusted child.


  • We love the fact that although it's a parody, you can clearly feel the love from the riders towards Milan.


  • I'm so happy you're back.


  • How is the child doing?


  • Oh, he's amazing.


  • I think the change in personality happened before.


  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.


  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.


  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.


  • Number one every reality show ever what the chef, we're gonna repeat a repeat carbon was visited by aliens again last night and now it's like we're living a repeat of a previous day.

    1位 すべてのリアリティショー、シェフ、リピート、カーボンが昨夜再びエイリアンに訪問され、今は前日の繰り返しを生きているようなものです。

  • Dude, I hate repeat.


  • There was a time in reality Tv wasn't such a fixture on western television, but here in the 21st century, it's hard to go a day without catching a glimpse of some documentary style program either on Tv or through a streaming service.


  • Given the popularity, it was a comedic stroke of genius by South Park to give us an episode that showed how the entire planet earth was In fact one big reality show for the universe to watch this gentleman at eight o'clock.


  • It's everyone's favorite show.


  • It's been 100 gal Ghimire since we first took species from 17 different planets and put them all together.


  • It's the boys who learned the truth and how the show is about to be canceled, resulting in the earth's imminent destruction.


  • It's a fun spin on the reality trope and come on.


  • Who doesn't love an alien taco.


  • That craps ice cream.


  • Well you kids can go back to Earth if you want, but I'm afraid it won't be there for long.


  • The show has been canceled.


  • What?


  • Who canceled this?


  • Universal network heads?


  • They say the earthlings have become aware of the show so it won't be funny anymore.


  • Did you enjoy this video?


Welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 times.


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