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  • I came in like Welcome to Watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 smash hit songs rejected by other artists.

    Welcome to Watch mojoみたいな感じでやってきて、今日は他のアーティストにボツにされたスマッシュヒットソングTOP20をカウントダウンしてみました。

  • She's for this list.


  • We're looking at the most popular tracks that went on to become major hits even though they were initially written for and or passed on by other musicians.


  • Do you think any of these songs would have been successful if they were released by a different artist?


  • Let us know in the comments number 20 Call me blondie offered to Stevie Nicks, legendary italian producer Giorgio Moroder composed the music of Call Me as part of the soundtrack for the american gigolo movie.

    コメントで教えてください 20番 コール・ミー・ブロンドリー スティーヴィー・ニックスに提供した、伝説のイタリア人プロデューサー、ジョルジオ・モロダーは、映画『アメリカン・ジゴロ』のサウンドトラックの一部として、コール・ミーの音楽を作曲しました。

  • Once done, Georgia needed a leading artist to bring the song to life and he turned to Fleetwood Mac vocalist Stevie Nicks sadly knicks turned down the offer reportedly to avoid a contractual breach.


  • The song then landed in the lap of Debbie Harry whose band blondie was experiencing one of the highest points of their career.


  • The group released Call Me in 1980 it became an unstoppable hit, topping the charts in the US Canada and the U.


  • K.


  • Number 19.


  • Think about you frank Ocean offered to Bridget kelly frank Ocean's modern classic debut studio album.

    フランク・オーシャンがブリジット・ケリーに提供した「Think about you」は、フランク・オーシャンのモダン・クラシックなデビュー・スタジオ・アルバム。

  • Channel Orange established him as one of the most ingenious musicians of his generation.


  • Its lead single.


  • Thinking bout you received widespread critical acclaim and was nominated for the Grammy for record of the year but it's crazy to think that all of that may have never happened.

    Thinking bout "は広く批評家の称賛を受け、グラミー賞のレコード・オブ・ザ・イヤーにノミネートされましたが、そのすべてが実現しなかったかもしれないと思うと、気が狂いそうです。

  • The song was initially written by Ocean for Roc Nation.

    この曲は当初、オーシャンがRoc Nationのために書き下ろしたものだった。

  • Signees Bridget kelly.

    署名者 Bridget kelly.

  • However he ended up posting his own recording online before ultimately fine tuning it and featuring it on his album.


  • But if you want to hear the Kelly version, just check out her 2011 ep every girl and play thinking about forever, remember how could I forget how you feel number 18 don't you?

    しかし、あなたがケリーバージョンを聞きたい場合は、ちょうど彼女の2011年EP Every Girlをチェックアウトし、永遠に考えて再生すると、私はどのようにあなたが感じる番号18を忘れることができた覚えていないですか?

  • The pussycat dolls featuring busta rhymes offered to paris Hilton, the song that we've all come to know as the pussycat dolls smash debut hit was actually first released by singer Tori Allen.


  • That version failed to achieve much success and it was refurbished as the hit single for the pussycat dolls but before it became the number two billboard hit that launched the group into the celebrity stratosphere don't She was offered to paris Hilton Hilton turned down the song as she reportedly didn't care for it, but according to the billionaire heiress, she wouldn't have hesitated to take the song if she'd heard the version we all jam along to Now Boy don't you think she wishes she could turn back time, number 17, wrecking Ball.

    このバージョンはあまり成功せず、プッシーキャットドールズのヒットシングルとして改修されたが、ビルボード2位のヒットとなる前に、グループはセレブの成層圏に突入した。しかし、億万長者の相続人によると、彼女は我々が一緒にジャムするバージョンを聞いていたならば、この曲を取ることを躊躇しなかっただろう Now Boyは、彼女が時間を戻せると願っていると思わないか、17番、レッキングボール。

  • Miley Cyrus written for Beyonce, what could we say about the song that you aren't already aware of?


  • Well, probably that it wasn't even intended to be performed by the one and only Miley Cyrus just walked away wrecking Ball, which appeared on her Bangerz album was actually penned during a songwriting session for Beyonce, but apparently the writers could immediately tell it wasn't right for her, So it was promptly offered to Cyrus who was in the process of transforming her public image from teen idol to mature pop star.


  • Instead, could we see Beyonce on a wrecking ball and licking a sledgehammer?


  • Not quite so we guess some songs eventually end up with the artists, they were destined for number 16.


  • Danger Zone, Kenny Loggins offered to Toto bryan Adams, R.


  • E.


  • O, Speedwagon, jefferson, Starship and Corey Hart.


  • The wild success of the hit soundtrack to 1980 six's Top Gun is largely attributed to the popularity of its single Danger Zone.


  • The song, which was composed by Giorgio Moroder, was offered to a slew of artists before reaching Kenny Loggins, they reportedly included rock bands Toto R.

    ジョルジオ・モロダーが作曲したこの曲は、ケニー・ロギンズに届くまでに多くのアーティストにオファーされ、その中にはロックバンドのTOTO R.B.C.も含まれていたと言われています。

  • E.


  • O Speedwagon and Jefferson Starship as well as singers bryan Adams and Corey Hart.


  • But all these folks either exited the project or turned it down for Various reasons.


  • So logins, who had recorded the number one soundtrack hit Footloose just two years earlier, stepped in as a last minute replacement.


  • He managed to strike gold again, sending danger zone to the number two spot on the Billboard Hot 100 and creating a long lasting legacy for the top gun franchise.

    そして、「Danger Zone」をビルボードホット100の2位に押し上げ、「トップガン」シリーズに長く残る伝説を残すことに成功した。

  • Number 15.


  • Alive.


  • CIA rejected by Adele SIA's songwriting skills are second possibly only to her vocal prowess.

    CIAはAdeleに拒否された SIAのソングライティング能力は、おそらく彼女の歌唱力に次ぐものです。

  • I was born understood.


  • The Australian artist has become known as one of the 21st century's most prolific songwriters, having crafted tunes for everyone from Rihanna to Beyonce and even Adele for the latter's third album, 25 C.

    リアーナ、ビヨンセ、そしてアデルのサードアルバム『25 C』にも楽曲を提供し、21世紀で最も多作なソングライターの一人として知られています。

  • A Co wrote this synth pop power ballad.

    A Coが書いたシンセポップ・パワーバラードです。

  • Adele, another one of the tunes writers ultimately turned it down when putting together her 2016 album, This Is Acting, which featured song she had penned for different artists.

    アデルもまた曲の書き手の一人で、彼女がさまざまなアーティストのために書き下ろした曲を収録した2016年のアルバム『This Is Acting』をまとめる際、最終的にそれを断っています。

  • SIA decided to include Alive and we couldn't be more grateful that she did her raw and rousing vocals perfectly communicate the emotions of the song and it's hard to imagine anyone else singing it.


  • Number 14 Holiday.

    14位 ホリデー

  • Madonna offered to Mary Wilson in the early eighties, Curtis Hudson and lisa stevens, both from the band.


  • Pure Energy wrote a song titled Holiday, which ended up being pitched to other artists.


  • The song was presented to mary Wilson, one of the founding members of the Supremes, but she chose to pass on it.


  • It then found its way into the hands of a young Madonna who was still very much in search of a breakout hit in Holiday.


  • She found what she was looking for.


  • The track which was rearranged to fit her style, became a huge success and made an international star out of her.


  • It was a chart success in multiple countries and even snagged the number one spot on billboard's dance club songs chart number 13, It's Raining Men.

    複数の国でチャートインし、ビルボードのダンスクラブソングチャート13位「It's Raining Men」でも1位を獲得した。

  • The Weather Girls offered to Donna Summer.


  • Diana Ross Cher and Barbra Streisand after penning it's raining Men in just a matter of hours, paul, Jabara and paul Shaffer offered the song to the disco queen herself.

    ダイアナ・ロス、シェール、バーブラ・ストライサンドがわずか数時間でit's raining Menを書き上げた後、ポール、ジャバラ、ポール・シェイファーがディスコの女王本人に曲を提供したのです。

  • Donna Summer as a born again christian Summer fell.


  • The track conflicted with her beliefs, viewing it as quote blasphemous and turned it down, Jabbar and Schaefer also apparently pitched it to share Diana ross and Barbra Streisand and got resounding knows from all of them, but in the hands of the weather girls, all of that was washed away, although they initially disliked it.


  • The duo ended up recording It's Raining Men for their third album success and indeed that is exactly what it was charting extremely well in both the United States and abroad.


  • Number 12.


  • Rock your body.


  • Justin timberlake offered to Michael Jackson.


  • Justin timberlake joined forces with chad Hugo and Pharrell Williams to write Rock your body, which was meant for Michael Jackson, but not every song can make the cut and this was among those that was rejected by the King of Pop when he was putting together his Invincible album, likely not wanting to waste such a well written track, timberlake included it on his first solo album, justified, but I don't mind rock your body peaked at number five on the billboard Hot 100 was an international hit as well.

    ジャスティン・ティンバーレイクはチャド・ヒューゴ、ファレル・ウィリアムスと共同で、マイケル・ジャクソンのためにロック・ユア・ボディを作曲した。しかし、すべての曲がカットできるわけではなく、キング・オブ・ポップがアルバム『インヴィンシブル』を制作した際にこの曲は却下された。これほどよくできた曲を無駄にしたくないティンバーレイクは、彼の最初のソロ・アルバム『ジャスティファイ』にこれを収録したが、アイ・ドント・マインド ロック・ユア・ボディはビルボード・ホット100で5位に入り世界的ヒットとなった。

  • While timberlake's version is extremely groovy in its own right, We can't help but imagine what heights Jackson would have taken the song too.


  • Number 11 God is a woman.

    11位 神様は女性です。

  • Ariana Grande offered to Camila Cabello.


  • Ariana Grande's 2018 pop hit God is a woman was almost recorded by somebody else.

    アリアナ・グランデの2018年のポップヒット曲「God is a woman」は、ほとんど他の誰かによって録音されたものだった。

  • The pop star only got the chance to perform the song after it was passed on by Camila cabello, cabello said she was given the song when it only had a chorus.


  • She then added her own verses and recorded it but ended up not really feeling the result.


  • So she decided to give it up.


  • It was then given to Ariana Grande who fleshed it out with different verses and put her signature sultry spin on it.


  • The track hit the top 10 in almost 20 countries and earned a Grammy nomination for best pop solo performance.


  • Number 10.


  • What's Love Got to do with it?

    What's Love Got to do with it?

  • Tina Turner offered to Cliff Richard, Phyllis, Hyman and Donna Summer After a tumultuous period in her career, Tina Turner made a phenomenal comeback when her 1984 single, What's Love got to do with it, hit the top of the charts, but as synonymous as the song now is with Turner's name, it went on quite the journey before getting into her hands.

    ティナ・ターナーがクリフ・リチャード、フィリス、ハイマン、ドナ・サマーに提供したもの 激動のキャリアを経て、1984年のシングル「ホワッツ・ラブ・ガット・トゥ・ドゥ・イット」がチャート上位に入り、驚異的なカムバックを果たしたティナ・ターナーだが、この曲がターナーの名を表すように、彼女の手に渡るまでにはかなりの道のりがあったのである。

  • It was reportedly presented to Cliff Richard, but the british singer decided not to move forward with it.


  • The writers are then said to have passed it on to Phyllis Hyman and later Donna Summer, But neither of those options panned out either, thankfully Turner eventually got her hands on the track and the rest is pop music history.


  • Number nine, Let's Get Loud, Jennifer Lopez rejected by Gloria estefan.

    9位 Let's Get Loud ジェニファー・ロペス グロリア・エステファンに振られる。

  • These days, we all know Jennifer Lopez as a successful dancer, actress, singer and businesswoman.


  • It all began with projects like Selena and this salsa infused song featured on her very first studio album, Let's Get Loud was co written by none other than Gloria estefan though estefan was reportedly going to use the song for herself at the start, she ultimately decided to go in a different artistic direction.


  • So Lopez got it of course, it earned her a Grammy nomination and remains one of her most beloved works, curious fans can still check out estefan's take on the song on the target version of her Miss Little Havana album though.


  • Number eight.


  • What do you want from Me?


  • Adam Lambert, rejected by Pink co written by Pink alongside Swedish hit makers max martin and Shellback.


  • What do you Want from Me was originally intended to appear on Pink's funhouse album.


  • In fact, she had already recorded the song but it was ultimately scrapped from the track list.


  • Instead, it was handed over to Adam Lambert who was fresh off his american idol run and was putting together his debut studio album for your Entertainment.


  • What do you want from me became a huge success for Lambert cracking the top 10 in many areas and receiving a Grammy nomination.

    What do you want from me』は、多くの地域でトップ10入りを果たし、グラミー賞にノミネートされるなど、ランバートにとって大成功を収めた。

  • Pink's version still appears on select releases of her compilation album, greatest hits so far.

    ピンクのバージョンは、彼女のコンピレーションアルバム「Greatest hits so far」の一部のリリースに収録されています。

  • Number seven How Will I know Whitney Houston offered to Janet Jackson.

    7位 ホイットニー・ヒューストンからジャネット・ジャクソンへのオファー How Will I know Whitney Houston offered to Janet Jackson.

  • This song which has been highlighted as one of Whitney Houston's standout tracks very nearly wasn't recorded by her, How Will I Know was penned by George Merrell and Shannon Rubicam and the intended recipient wasn't Houston, but Janet Jackson, the songwriters, presented the material to Jackson and her team but they rejected it, leaving the duo rather disappointed.

    ホイットニー・ヒューストンの代表曲として脚光を浴びているこの曲は、危うく彼女がレコーディングすることはなかった。How Will I Knowはジョージ・メレルとシャノン・ルビカムが書いたもので、作曲したのはヒューストンではなく、ジャネット・ジャクソンだったのだが、ジャクソンと彼女のチームにこの曲を提示したところ拒否され、二人はかなりがっかりしたそうだ。

  • Still, all hope was not lost.


  • The track eventually found its way into the hands of Aristo Records executive Jerry Griffith who was crafting Houston's first album.


  • It was then reworked to suit Houston style, becoming a smash hit that climbed to the very top of the Billboard Hot 100.


  • Following its release number six, gold digger Kanye West featuring Jamie Foxx offered to Shawna Believe It or not, Kanye West's award winning collaboration with Jamie Foxx was initially written to be sung from the female perspective, West had co produced the beats and crafted the chorus for rapper Chyna's debut album Worth the Wait.

    そのリリース番号6に続いて、ゴールドディガーKanye West featuring Jamie FoxxはShawna Believe It or Notにオファーしました。Kanye WestとJamie Foxxの受賞したコラボレーションは、当初女性の視点から歌われるように書かれており、WestはラッパーChynaのデビューアルバムWorth the Wait用にビートを共同制作しコーラスを作りました。

  • But after Shawna decided not to use the song, West kept it for himself and made some tweaks to tell the story from a male point of view.


  • Upon its release, Gold Digger became a critical and commercial success.


  • It was heavily praised by music critics and reached what was then a record breaking number of digital downloads in one week.


  • West scored a number one single on the Hot 100 with this track and earned a grammy for best rap solo performance.


  • Number five Umbrella.

    ナンバーファイブ アンブレラ

  • Rihanna featuring jay Z offered to Britney Spears back in 2007 Britney Spears was going through a heavily publicized rough period in her personal life when songwriters Tricky Stewart the dream and cockerel received the song Umbrella, they intend tended to secure the pop star's next big hit.


  • However, Spears's Team turned it down.


  • Apparently they felt adding another track to her upcoming Blackout album was unnecessary.


  • The demo floated around for a bit until it eventually reached Rihanna who connected to the song almost instantly she recorded it for her Good Girl Gone Bad album and the result was a worldwide chart topper and a Grammy winning tune.

    このデモは、リアーナのもとに届き、彼女はすぐにこの曲をアルバム「Good Girl Gone Bad」に収録し、世界的なチャートの上位に入り、グラミー賞も受賞したのです。

  • Number four.


  • Happy Pharrell Williams offered to ceelo.


  • Green Pharrell Williams scored one of the most successful songs of the 2000 tens with the up tempo happy, which topped the charts in over 20 countries around the world.


  • The extremely catchy song also won two Grammy awards and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best original song.


  • All of this Glory could have easily slipped from William's hands.


  • Had the song been recorded by the intended artist Cee Lo Green Williams had crafted the number earlier for Green who recorded his own version but was prevented from releasing it.


  • Apparently Greens label wanted to focus their energy on his upcoming holiday album.


  • Instead we bet they aren't so happy with that decision now.


  • Number three.


  • Since you've been gone kelly, Clarkson offered to Pink and Hilary Duff.


  • Everyone's favorite breakup song.


  • Had to pass through.


  • Not one but two rejections before it landed in the right hands.


  • Right from the point of inception, max martin and dr luke had intended to give since you've been gone Too Pink.

    このプロジェクトが始まったときから、MAX MARTINとDr LUKEは、あなたがいなくなってからToo Pinkを贈るつもりだったんです。

  • But when the pop rock goddess passed on the track for unknown reasons, they decided to offer it to Hilary Duff instead.


  • However, it ended up not being the right fit for her vocal range, so nothing concrete came of that.


  • After some deliberation, the track finally found its home with kelly Clarkson.


  • She made it her own by amping up the rock elements, turning it into a phenomenal anthem.


  • Number two, I don't want to miss a thing.


  • Aerosmith intended for Celine Dion, veteran songwriter Diane Warren penned this rousing ballad for the 1998 blockbuster movie Armageddon conceptually she intended for it to be sung by a woman.


  • She's named Celine Dion, who at the time was writing the Tide of My Heart will go on from Titanic as a vocalist she had in mind.


  • Of course, things ended up going in a different direction as Aerosmith recorded the track.


  • It couldn't have hurt that frontman Steven.


  • Tyler's daughter live was one of the movies leads, the band made the track fit their style but retained all of the raw emotion.


  • Warren had written into it.


  • I don't want to miss a thing was a resounding hit, promptly snagging the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100.

    I don't want to miss a thing」は、ビルボードホット100で1位を獲得する大ヒットとなった。

  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.


  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.


  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.


  • Number one, Baby one more time, Britney Spears offered to TLC, a widely popular music group passed on baby one more time before it was recorded by a then unknown Britney Spears.

    1位のBaby one more timeは、ブリトニー・スピアーズがTLCにオファーし、当時無名だったブリトニー・スピアーズがレコーディングする前に、広く人気のある音楽グループがbaby one more timeを通したものです。

  • Oh indeed!


  • After writing the lyrics to the song max martin offered it to TLC.

    この曲の歌詞を書いた後、MAX MARTINはTLCにこの曲を提供した。

  • They however, declined to take it on a few other names were reportedly considered, but the track was ultimately given to Spears who immediately loved it and jumped at the opportunity to record it as her debut single, still a teenager.


  • She was launched onto the global stage with the release of the song, which was a hit, not just in the States but internationally too.


  • It wouldn't be the only time a rejected song became a Britney Spears classic either Just ask Kylie Minogue, how she feels about toxic.


  • Now, did you enjoy this video?


I came in like Welcome to Watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 smash hit songs rejected by other artists.

Welcome to Watch mojoみたいな感じでやってきて、今日は他のアーティストにボツにされたスマッシュヒットソングTOP20をカウントダウンしてみました。

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