字幕表 動画を再生する
You recently took a…
I took a CPR class
To save human life
That’s what makes me different from you. I have a certificate and everything
There’re four of us in the classroom. I was teacher’s pet.
So I’m gonna tell you what to do in case someone goes in to cardiac arrest
Oh my goodness. They’re having a heart attack. – Okay, they’re having a heart attack
But first I wanna tell you… You have to do…
Okay, the first thing they told me to do is you have to appoint somebody to call 911 and go get an AED kit
So that’s the first thing I’m gonna do.
Go ahead. – So you! The guy in the Roots!
Call 911!
You! Go get the AED kit! It’s by the register
So you need to give out information. Where the AED kit is
Just say you go to this, you gotta be very specific
Meanwhile, I’m doing compressions like this
You know, I gotta get up
Okay, doing compressions, you know, while I’m waiting for the kit
I’m the best chance you’ve got to be alive right now
Okay. It is. This is helpful
This is helpful. This is helpful
Now the AED kit, they’re like over 2,000 dollars
This is worth 15 dollars. You should be ashamed
I’m sorry. This is the NBC. They’ve had this since…
Oh my god, you should be ashamed of yourself
Jimmy? Hi, I’m on the show, yeah
Oh my god, thank you for coming up. – No problem
Oh, it’s an iron!
Okay, so you gotta place the… the kit’s gonna tell you what to do
All you do is you open it up, it’s gonna tell you where you put these
Now they’re sticky. They’re like the size of crab cake. This is old school
But you’re gonna place one here, or somewhere around there. And then one down here
And then you’re gonna turn the switch on, and you’re gonna step away
Okay? You’re gonna step away and let the machine do its best. And you do its thing
Now, the guy could be a heroin addict. He could be drunk
So you wanna wait and see even if the stomach is moving. You see if you need the kit
So you wanna do that, or aye. You know, slap the mouth
I don’t know. I think that’s a little… -To make sure
Okay, it’s to make sure hey, is this working, buddy
And then you know, keep doing that. Keep doing the compressions
And then he comes alive and you’re like oh my god!
You did it! –And I’m like I love…
Whoa! Whoa! Hey
You give him an extra pump in the end. –Yeah
A little extra pump
Well, thank you. So that’s good. We learned that
But now, I have children. This is CPR for baby
What if someone’s choking? Say, kids. They just grab something and put it in their mouths and they’re choking
I’ll talk to you about choking victims
I’m gonna talk to you about choking victims. – Yeah, yeah
Let’s say you go out to dinner for steak
And you go for a chicken dinner, okay
You go out to dinner for steak and you get a chicken dinner
Yeah, you go to steakhouse. – You make a last minute decision
Cracker Barrel. –Cracker Barrel?
Yeah, you go there, you got the chicken mashed potato
You’re on the date, but what’s hazardous about that… -What’s hazardous about this
Is all this stuff you can choke on a chicken dinner
Oh no. –You can choke on the bones. You can choke on the chicken gizzards
You can choke on the feathers. –Feathers. You can choke on feathers
Well, I’m gonna show you now what you’re gonna do
Is you’re gonna… For example, you’re gonna start with gizzard. – Okay
You’re gonna play the gizzard. You put it in the victims mouth
And let me tell you, if you’re pregnant. – You put it in the… okay, sorry
If you’re pregnant or you’re chubby, you’re gonna get behind the person and go above their breastbone
But in this case, you know, we got old man of this sea here
So you’re just gonna really get that… Pump it up. Ah!
It came out! Yes! It comes out
Two pieces of gizzard. You okay there, buddy?
They’re both alive and now…
Oh my god, it’s so stressful. –They somehow have feathers. This is unbelievable.
They somehow both got…
How would he know that… You didn’t think you could choke on this when you’re eating chicken
You go to a nice steakhouse and you get chicken, and you go, “feathers on, please.”
Well, Pluck U Chicken
Pluck U Chicken, right. I appreciate it. Ready?
Let’s take this… 1, 2, 3
Okay, that’s fantasitic! And they’re alive
That’s how you save a human life, and then you kiss him. Then you kiss him