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♪ Bob and Brad ♪
♪ The two most famous ♪
♪ Physical therapists ♪
♪ On the internet ♪
- Hi folks, I'm Bob Schrupp, physical therapist.
- Brad Heineck, physical therapist.
- We're the most famous physical therapists on the internet.
- In our opinion of course, Bob.
- Today we're gonna talk about alternatives
for 15 common exercises you should never do.
We just did this video and by popular demand,
we had a lot of people requested,
hey, you showed us what not to do.
Now you need to show us what to do.
- Yeah, we did everything except for the alternatives,
so now this is your chance.
- We better move along here, Brad, 'cause we got to.
The giveaway today if you wanna join us on our channel,
bobandbrad.com, our website,
go to the giveaway section
and we're doing a contest to giveaway
a SleepOvation mattress.
This is our favorite mattress by far in the world.
It's got 700 tiny mattresses.
Really good for pain relief, pressure relief.
You can also find the contest on Bob and Brad
on Facebook.com, it'll be Facebook slash Bob and Brad.
It'll be pinned to the top of the page.
If you go to Instagram or Twitter,
you'll see a shorter version of our program
which a lot of people probably desire, Brad.
- We're getting better at this all the time, Bob.
- Oh, I don't think so.
(laughing) That's the problem.
- Oh, the pillows come along
with it too. - Oh yeah, that's right.
We're giving away a pillow too, a couple pillows.
- Right, but you get the full one, not the half.
This is just to show there's springs inside a pillow.
- Yeah, but you don't feel them.
It just gives you good support.
- Okay Bob, the 15 people are saying
and reading the comments,
I'd say 50% of the comments, show us the alternatives
so we're going to.
Obviously if we showed all of the alternatives
for every exercise, we'd be up here
for about 27 hours, maybe 28,
so we're just gonna show you one or two alternatives
and we'll have to go from there.
- Okay, the first one Brad,
we were talking about,
oh no, touching toes. - Toe touching,
- Toe touching, yeah.
- That bend over thing.
If you really wanna stretch the hips.
Let me.
- Anteflexion.
- Anteflexion.
This is gonna do the same thing
except for it's gonna take a lot of stress
off of that and you can simply do this
five to 10 repetitions.
If you happen to be touching your toes
because you want hamstring stretches,
just lay down like this and you know,
there's a lot of ways you can stretch your hamstrings
but this is one of them.
Maybe put this leg down here
and I can feel a good hamstring stretch there.
We have some excellent videos
on how to stretch your hamstrings
and that would be the best way
to go to that. - Right, but this is
a nice one without equipment
and it's in bed and your back is supported.
- Cervical flection.
Anybody who. - We are saying
we didn't want you doing this, stretching this way.
- No good.
Simply do a chin tuck. - Chin tuck, yep.
With cervical flection, the only good thing about it
besides, you know,
the bad thing is you're stretching the lower neck.
The good thing is you're stretching the upper neck.
This does the same thing believe it or not.
- Right, in a much better fashion.
- Chin tucks, you can give a little pressure if need be.
- And you know, repetitions on those, five to 10.
And if you watch our channel,
we recommend those probably a lot.
- You should be doing them every hour.
So V sit ups, friend?
- Yeah V sit ups.
These are really good sit ups to be aggressive
on your stomach and to get the six pack, 12 pack,
whatever you want, but we wanna save the back
and the discs and that happens to put
a lot of pressure on your discs, so option.
Bob, can you grab one of those balls down here
while I show the first option.
It's simply do, I call it a double crunch like this
and this way you're taking a lot of stress
off of the lumbar spine.
Put the ball right there.
This is the way I do them at home, like this.
The ball gives me a little more effort.
- Look how well the back is supported though
the entire time.
- They feel great.
They're wonderful.
(laughing) What are you laughing at?
I can't believe it.
- All right, next one Brad, tricep strengthening.
We were talking, you shouldn't do dips.
- Yeah, this is a dip because it stresses the shoulder.
This is my favorite one.
You just start doing these in the last six months
and you know.
- [Bob] Yeah, look at his arms, they're puffed up.
He looks like he's on steroids.
- I'm strong like bull.
- Now if you got some bands,
you hook them up to a heavy table leg
or get them to a, use a wall anchor here,
whatever you can and it's very comfortable
and you can relax and you simply,
very good. - This really isolates
the triceps, that's what's nice about it
and funny how it is that we managed
to put in a plug for our wall anchor there.
- That's because they work great.
- We're shameless, Brad, we're shameless.
- (laughing) You just got to let people know, Bob.
- [Bob] That's right.
- I've got three of them on mine
because I'm feeling so strong but it really,
and it really works more than just
a tricep stretch there. - How can you call that
three, that's two?
- Well at home, Bob.
At home where I do my work.
- Well people are gonna ask, like can he count?
Okay the next one is we recommend that
you don't wanna run on the same tilt of the road.
The same camber of the road
because if you keep running on the same tilt all the time,
you're gonna develop injuries.
- Right, 'cause it stresses the knees, the ankles.
It tilts the pelvis so then the lower back
can even be involved.
- I'm really in tune to my body
and I can tell when I'm running one way too many times
on the tilt of the camber of the road.
What you wanna do is when you run down
one side of the road,
you wanna run back the same side of the road
or if you're on a track,
go around one way a couple times
and then go around the other opposite way too.
- Right, break it up
or just run on the sidewalks. (laughing)
- Well yeah, keep a flat area.
- Right, if that's possible.
Bob, we forgot the full sit ups.
- Oh, I skipped one.
- I got them squished in there pretty tight.
We don't happen to have this memorized
(laughing) 'cause we're too old for that.
So you know, the old fashioned sit up, that.
- [Bob] Yeah, the full sit up.
- We're not gonna do those. - Knees bent or knees straight
it's still bad.
- Right and so simply you can just do
partial sit ups like this
or this is, it gives you a little more range of motion,
touch like this and this really
adds a little bump to the abdominal core.
Do you have another option Bob?
- Yeah, why don't you pop off, I'll show.
If you really wanna protect your back,
I put my hands underneath like that.
- [Brad] Good idea.
- I just go like this and I do,
I mean you can just do curl ups like this,
putting the head straight up to the ceiling
but I actually add a little more zest.
I go up like this, I do leg movement like this.
- [Brad] So a little bicycle movement with the leg
and then yeah.
There's a lot of ways to work. - Yeah, to do it that are safe
so now where are we at?
- I don't know.
- Now we're on military press.
- Oh yes, now the military press
is one that we don't like because it impingement
on the shoulder, so we don't have
anything here that I really. - Incline bench.
- Right, so yeah, you're gonna put the bench
at about a 45 degree angle
and instead of pushing straight up above
with your weight, with your barbell,
you'll be leaning back.
Here Bob, wanna be my bench?
- I'm gonna be the bench right here, Brad.
- Oh wow, oh god.
Yeah we're really improvising here,
we don't have the fancy equipment.
Then it takes that impingement and reduces
that impingement level.
- It leaves a little more room
for the tendon to transverse through some equipment.
- We don't even like to promote those too much,
but if you wanna do them,
that's probably the best alternative.
- Upright rolls, Brad.
- Upright rolls to chin.
Whether you're using, you know, a barbell.
- You could use a Booyah Stik
instead of a barbell. - Yeah, go ahead, here.
I don't wanna throw it, Bob.
There you go.
- There you go.
- It's the same motion.
- These like this.
- Depending on what kind of resistance used,
it doesn't matter but when you do this,
it's hard on the shoulders and that impingement again.
You could just, don't go up so high.
Or you can just do shoulder shrugs
and get those upper traps.
- That's what I'd prefer to be honest with you.
- And I really like the band, Bob,
but anyway, that's just my personal preference.
Where else are we?
- We're bent over rolls.
- Show, can you show them with that Booyah Stik
as if that's a barbell with weights on it.
- Especially when your legs are straight
and they just bend over like this and go like this.
Just awful, I mean, just terrible stress on your back.
- If you wanna get, this is exactly how I do them at home.
Again, I'm using a band, attach it to the wall anchor,
whatever you can at home and you're just.
- See how he's really working that upper back
and even a little bit of the low back
to be honest for stability.
But this, Brad, why don't you turn a little bit
so they can see, yeah.
Now watch how his shoulder,
I just tripped over the mat.
Watch how his shoulder blades are coming together.
This is a great one.
This is one that I can't say enough about.
I would get the wall anchor kit just for that.
- Well it works out posture.
Posture makes such a difference in your life.
- In the way you look, too,
I mean posture's good. - Yeah, exercise, looks
and the whole works.
I don't know if we ever talked about that before.
What about the next one, Bob?
We're doing squats where you go all the way down,
the butt to the grass thing
we can't say because it's
a family show. - And to the grass.
- It's a family show, you know.
We got to keep it straight.
So here, you wanna use that for a vertical and I'll show.
- I'm gonna show what I do.
- Oh oh yes.
- I do posture squats.
- Oh that's right.
- I put my arm up here and it really works
my posture what I'm doing
and I stay way back so my knees are behind my,
you know if we, yeah.
My knees are behind my feet and it's amazing.
I do these so much now Brad that as soon as I go
to lift something, it kicks right in,
like the right way to lift. - The body mechanics
are right there, the muscle memory.
- I don't go way down, if I can get down at all,
do you hear my knees crack? - He's cracking away.
It's all his.
- When you go down this far and you go way down,
your back is gonna start to round out.
- And if you're using weights on a barbell
because that's what you wanna do, it's just fine
and it's the same thing.
If you want to stress your back and knees,
do the butt all the way down to the floor.
Otherwise, we recommend doing it without going,
do the 90 degrees and the knees,
90 degrees and basically on the hips.
A little more than that actually,
but we're avoiding the deep squat
just to protect our body.
- Some people have shallow enough sockets
that they can get all the way down
and keep their back straight.
Very rare and sort of Europeans
that it's more prominent in.
- There's gonna be a lot of people lifting,
they just say, we don't know what we're talking about.
They're gonna do the. - And they might be right.
- No, it's each to his own on that.
- All right Brad.
- Oh the long arm quads where you're in
the machine and you're doing that kick like this.
If you're gonna do this, I really,
that is an open chain, it's nonfunctional.
If you wanna work your quads,
this is one of my favorite things to do.
Simply just do lunges.
Grab something for balance if you need it.
Otherwise, you may not need it
and do a lunge with the 90 degrees
so that your knee does not go past that vertical line.
You can actually put a stick there if you want
and do it until you get the mechanics down,
but this, you're gonna feel the quad work really well
and if you want more resistance,
put your toe up here.
It really works your balance well
and this is pretty advanced, I think.
- It is.
- Or you could go over the head like that
with your hands or however you want
but it definitely works the quads
in a much more functional and safe fashion.
- Wanna work into it slowly.
Otherwise you can end up with some micro tears
'cause I've done it and also
you wanna make sure you're breathing
all of the time when you're doing those.
Windmills, right Brad?
- Yes, oh yeah.
- We don't want you doing the windmills down like this.
You wanna get some rotation on your back.
You want me to do it Brad?
- Go ahead Bob.
- It's just easy one to do.
You could do windshield wipers.
This is a nice one for your back.
I think for mobility, most people could do this one
'cause you're just gonna put your knees
and ankles together
and you're gonna rotate back and forth.
If one direction bothers you like it's painful,
work the other direction for a while
and go, let's say I could go this way.
Go all the way down if you can and eventually
you'll find out that the right side starts to work better.
- You can't go all the way down on this side.
The cupboard's in the way. - I'm gonna hit the cupboard,
yeah so remove all cupboards from your house
and you'll be fine.
This is a great one for people with back pain
if it doesn't hurt.
Again, we don't want pain.
No pain is a good day, right?
Okay, what's next Brad?
- We'll go on.
You got the weight in this hand
and I see people do this a lot at the gym
and they're doing this one
and it's definitely working your core
on this side but I think there's better ways
to do it because this is putting
a lot of stress on that low back and that spine.
If you had a back problem in past,
it may get it going again.
If you don't have a back problem,
it may start one and there's people who have
been doing it for years and they're okay, but.
- Much better alternative would be side planks
and you can start if you're a rookie,
you can start on your knees like this
and just go like that.
If you're a little more advanced,
you can if I got room here,
you put one foot in front of the other
and you go up like this on this side.
I do these almost every night, Brad.
- [Brad] Really, not in the morning?
- I'll do, well you're not supposed to
do them in the morning right after you wake up, remember?
It's bad for your back.
- Well I never do these 'cause they
hurt my back all the time. (laughing)
- I still think you need to just adjust your arch
and just see if that feels better.
I know you don't believe it, but.
- I'll consider it,
but anyways. - All right, he'll take it
under consideration.
- This is not one I do but I may.
- Wide base push ups, Brad?
- Oh I did wanna say if you're gonna do those,
make sure you do them on the floor.
Don't do those on the bed or your massage table.
Wide base, oh the wide base push ups.
Can you get down onto floor? - Really hard on
the collarbone, on the distal end of the collarbone.
- I used to do these a lot but now I don't.
It's not the worst thing in the world
but I think there's a lot better things you can do.
I think if you do flies with dumbbells,
that's one way to do it.
I'm gonna show here 'cause it's convenient.
Here we got some flies standing
with the bands and again, we're using that wall anchor
but it works well and how far you go back,
if you go too far back,
you want a little stretch on the muscle
but if you overdo it, then you're risking
a tear in those pectorals
major muscles or the minor
or where the tendon connections.
Have good control.
A little bend in the elbow
and that's really gonna work those pecs
a little bit better I think than the.
- The other thing of course is you can just do
normal pushups to a standing pushup.
- Exactly, bring it in closer.
- That'd probably be the best thing of all
and even with those, you can then alternate.
- Forward and backwards as opposed to to the side,
yeah good point.
And last but not least,
we're got people who think they're working
their pecs by doing the horizontal pushup
kind of thing with weights like that
and obviously that's not doing
anything for your pecs,
so again, this one is a really nice option for that.
You just simply get your bands out and hook it up
and this is doing the job because
now the resistance is coming from the right direction
versus gravity. - You look like
Rock'em sock, Rock'em Sock'em Robots.
- Yeah. (laughing)
We do have a video of using this for that punching.
Did you have Rock'em Sock'ems?
- [Bob] Yeah I think so.
- This is a long video.
People asked for it, you know,
this is the alternatives.
You're gonna have to run with it.
- Let's cut her off, thanks for watching.