Like I I try very, very hard to express how much I admire somebody for their work and I like to separate them and their work, so they don't like, just like it's a weird distinction, but it's one that I'm sort of obsessed with and I and and the highest compliment really can be like, I believe you, every time I see you and that to me is I just, every time I see, you know, a certain actor, you know, I will make it a point to say, like, look, I just want to say, I believe you every time I see you on the screen and that I think is the most succinct way that I can express my admiration because otherwise I will go on for 20 minutes about, you know, so and so falling down the stairs and that not being a stunt double and then halfway through going, maybe he hit his head and he doesn't remember that he went down the stairs and then oh my God and you keep talking and then you just keep you ever say that to actors who you don't really mean it about what you mean?