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So basically we have a family member who is in the medical profession and he recently expressed how awful and difficult it was for him to be working.
He said half of his nurses have quit.
So there were 80 and now it's down to 40 for the hospital for the entire hospital.
And he said they're having such a hard time getting any nurses to come back or to even apply.
And he was saying he's pretty much done with it.
He is so over being in the medical profession, being overworked and really suffering from fatigue and you know, among other things, compassion fatigue, this is this is devastating news for me because I send this family member photos of my body parts for diagnosis, constantly, Savannah gets sent to him, you know, as soon as possible from anna vicarious trauma for me, which is a smooth segue into what we're talking about today.
彼は医療に携わることで 過労に見舞われ 本当に疲労に苦しんでいます とりわけ同情的疲労です これは私にとって破滅的なニュースです なぜなら私は診断のために 私の体の一部の写真を この家族に送っています 絶えず サバンナは彼に送られます 私にとってアンナ代理的トラウマからできるだけ早く これは今日お話しすることにスムーズにつながるでしょう。
So, I was actually talking to a licensed therapist about So vicarious trauma, right?
それで、実は、So vicarious traumaについて、ライセンスを持ったセラピストと話をしていたんですね。
It was used to primarily discuss compassion fatigue and burnout in all the helping professions like therapist doctors, nurses and they call this the cost of caring, you have your notes.
So compassion fatigue expert Francois Marta found that between 40% and 85% of helping professionals develop vicarious trauma.
They also develop compassion fatigue in a high rate of traumatic symptoms and the continuous exposure to trauma of others, lead trauma professionals to manifest the same or similar symptoms of primary trauma.
So that basically means like vicarious trauma symptoms are the exact same symptoms as when you have experienced the actual trauma itself, what did you just say?
Oh, I did have a thought before that about, I did have a thought, she said, but it left her head and now it's floating in the area and there it goes outside.
It's gone forever.
It's floating in the mountains now.
You go on now, which puts the air in vicarious.
But the most surprising thing that she said is that we, the public are now experiencing vicarious trauma constantly.
No, and then since learning about it, I feel like I, I see it everywhere.
It's like people are casting an avada kedavra spell or something.
Hey, I'm a fan and I really need to tell you about my family's harrowing experience with death and I'm going to unload it all on you because vicarious trauma, I'm watching the vicious news cycle and it's sensationalized violence.
ねえ、私はファンよ 私の家族の悲惨な死の経験を どうしても伝えたいの あなたに全部お話してあげるわ だって代理トラウマだもの 悪質なニュースを見ていると それがセンセーショナルな暴力になるのよ
You look like a muppet melissa's face.
Vicarious trauma.
ヴィカリウス・トラウマ(Vicarious trauma)。
Your faces are vicarious trauma.
No, it's too late.
I already said it was your face.
We diagnosed your face as you know, your mom, that's your mom to get out of here.
Well, what are we supposed to do with all this trauma?
How do we escape?
That is not possible because I was talking to said that especially for trauma professionals maintaining work life balance is absolutely critical, engaging in relaxing and self soothing activities as well as having a real nurturing self care practice.
So basically the things we should be doing every day anyway, too busy to do.
That's a lot of work, but I guess it's worth it if the alternative, the alternative is trauma and we're just normal people.
Imagine what doctors and nurses and essential workers have to go through.
Thank you so much to the essential workers, particularly your family member who has seen every inch of my body in one form or another picture coming later sir.
Even if you quit, the pictures won't stop.
Your fault for going to medical school.
Your fault for giving her your number.
Honestly, that seems like the number one downside of being a doctor is like all the people who probably hit you up asking like what is this?
Thank you doctor is for putting up with that.
Please keep texting us that even though sometimes the diagnosis at least for ana is that she's a big baby.
Big baby.
He ain't afraid to say it.
That's a professional diagnosis.
Well, I'm an icon.
Oh, thank you to the patrons who supported today's video, to the essential workers who have been working their assess off for the last two years and two.
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