字幕表 動画を再生する
- This makes you happy don't it?
- これは嬉しいことですよね。
- It does, here have some more.
- そうなんです。
(rock music)
- Beth or Rip, parenting edition.
- ベスかリップか、子育て編。
Who would you rather have the birds and the bees talk with,
Beth or Rip?
- Rip.
- リップ
- Beth.
- ベス
- Beth's gonna be more fun. (laughs)
- ベスの方が楽しめそう。(笑)
- Yeah, for sure.
- ええ、確かに。
- Baby, I love our man-to-man talks,
- ベイビー、マンツーマンのトークが好きなんだ。
but we need to set some goddamn boundaries here.
- I'd rather just get right to the point.
- むしろ本題に入りたいくらいです。
I'm not trying to have a whole conversation about it.
(group laughs)
That's what I think.
And so I think Rip will just... (fingers snap)
- Yeah Rip's birds and bees talk is incredibly simple.
- そうそう、リップの鳥と蜂の話は、信じられないほどシンプルなんだ。
- Pretty quick, just do it.
- かなり早い、やるだけやってみよう。
Like, all right bro.
- Beth's is elaborate.
- ベスさんのは凝ってますね。
- It focuses on the erogenous zones.
- エロティックゾーンにフォーカスしています。
- Is that Latin?
- それはラテン語ですか?
- Beth or Rip.
- ベスかリップか。
You get an F in geometry, you come home from school,
who do you tell, Beth or Rip?
ベスとリップ どっちに言う?
- Sorry, Rip, didn't have the heart to tell ya.
- ごめんね、リップ、言う勇気がなかったの。
- Rip.
- リップ
- Rip, I don't think either of them care though.
- リップ、どちらも気にしていないと思いますけど。
- Rip's so much better, 'cause Beth would be furious.
- リップの方がずっといい、ベスが怒るだろうから。
(hand slaps)
- What the fuck did you do, Jamie?
- 一体何をしたんだ ジェイミー?
- Rip would go, "I don't care about that shit."
- リップは "そんなのどうでもいい "と言うだろうね。
- We don't do the Pythagorean theorem on this ranch.
- この牧場ではピタゴラスの定理はやらない。
- Beth would go up to the school and make it a big deal.
- ベスは学校まで行って大騒ぎをするんです。
- If you're gonna calculate the acute angle of a triangle,
- 三角形の鋭角を計算するのであれば
you calculate it with me!
- Yeah, no you definitely want to ask Rip.
- ええ、いえ......ぜひともリップに聞いてみてください。
- Yeah, for sure not, yeah.
- ええ、確かにそうですね。
Go ahead.
- And so I was gonna do more geometry jokes,
- それで、もっと幾何学的なジョークをやろうと思ったんです。
but that one, we barely got over the finish line with that one.
(group laughs)
(country music)
(people cheering)
- Who's more strict about TV time, Beth or Rip?
- ベスとリップ、どちらがテレビの時間に厳しいですか?
- Beth.
- ベス
- Beth.
- ベス
- I think Rip is more strict about TV time,
- リップはテレビの時間に厳しいと思います。
Rip doesn't have any time for TV.
- That's a tricky one, he doesn't even have a television.
- テレビも持っていないのだから厄介だ。
- I don't know if he has one.
- 持っているかどうかわからない。
- That's a good point. - Yeah, ain't got much.
- それはいい指摘だ。- ああ、あまりないんだ。
- Beth or Rip, these are easy.
- ベスやリップ、これらは簡単です。
You need a parent to volunteer to chaperone
an eighth grade dance, who do you ask?
- First we're gonna dance.
- まずは踊ろう
- Rip.
- リップ
- Beth.
- ベス
- Absolutely Rip.
- 絶対にリップ
- Yeah, he's not gonna say anything,
- ええ、彼は何も言うつもりはありません。
he's just gonna go. - Because no one's
彼はただ行くつもりだ。- なぜなら誰も
gonna get pregnant.
If you ask Beth, you might have some knocked up teenager.
(group laughs) - Everybody's getting-
- She'd be like why don't you show some skin?
- 彼女は「なぜ肌を見せないの?
Why don't you really turn it up a little bit?
- I shoulda known it was you.
- 君だと気付くべきだった
- I feel like Beth would spike the punch.
- ベスがパンチをスパイクするような気がする。
- That's why you don't ask her!
- だから聞かないの!?
- Get the teachers drunk.
- 先生を酔わせる。
Like, do something ridiculous.
- Oh, so that's why you wanted her to be there.
- ああ、だから彼女にいてほしかったんだね。
- I think it would be fun.
- 楽しいと思うんですけどね。
- Need a drink?
- 飲み物は?
- Who would you rather go clothes shopping with?
- 誰と一緒に洋服を買いに行きたいですか?
- I mean, Rip wears the same thing every day,
- リップは毎日同じものを身に着けているんですよ。
and I prefer to wear the same thing every day, so Rip.
- I have five shirts and a pair of boots, Beth.
- シャツ5枚とブーツ1足だ、ベス。
- Yeah Rip wears the same thing every day and it's great.
- リップは毎日同じものを着ていて、それが素晴らしいんだ。
- I don't wanna think- - Beth also wears
- 私は考えたくありません... - ベスも着ています。
a lot of great clothes.
- But I would take Rip, I don't care
- しかし、私はリップを取るだろう、私は気にしない。
to think about clothes. - I would take Beth.
服のことを考えるために- 私はベスを連れて行きます。
I would rather go clothes shopping with Beth.
- Get a pair of boots, decent jacket, and a hat.
- ブーツ、上着、帽子を用意する。
- Don't like wearing hats.
- 帽子をかぶるのが好きではない
- Well then you picked the wrong line of work, buddy.
- それじゃ、選んだ仕事が悪かったな、相棒。
- Who are you going to for a motivational speech
- モチベーションアップのためのスピーチを誰に依頼する?
Beth or Rip?
- Beth.
- ベス
- Oh man, they're both gonna be so bad.
- やばい、どっちもやばそう。
- You have no future, none.
- あなたには未来がない、ない。
- I need my assistants to put all their efforts
- アシスタントに全力を尽くしてもらいたい
into not being pussies.
- Who can tell you, "You're gonna make it."?
- あなたは成功しますよ」と言える人はいますか?
- Rip's gonna, Rip.
- リップのつもり、リップ。
- Rip's gonna tell you- - Beth's gonna make it worse.
- リップが話すわ ベスがもっと酷くするわ
- Beth is gonna tell you why you should probably-
- ベスが教えてくれるよ、なぜ...
- You should quit.
- 辞めた方がいい。
- If you're feeling insecure, you're probably right.
- 不安を感じているのなら、その通りなのでしょう。
- You're one of those, huh?
- お前もその一人なのか?
- One of what?
- 何の1つ?
- The kind of man who uses flowers to say I'm sorry
- 花でごめんなさいを言うような男だ
'cause he doesn't have the balls to say it himself.
- Yeah, it's gonna get worse before it gets better.
- ええ、良くなる前に悪くなりそうです。
- I feel ugly, well you are.
- 私は醜いと思っています、まああなたはそうですね。
Wow, that's not great. - Exactly.
うわー、それはすごいことじゃない。- その通りです。
Oh that's my greatest fear.
(Denim laughs)
- Yeah, yeah, Rip has given some
- ええ、ええ、リップはいくつか与えました。
pretty incredible motivational speeches
over the course of the show. - Especially to Beth
を、番組の中で紹介しました。- 特にベスに
and to Jimmy. - To Beth, to Jimmy.
そしてジミーに- ベスに、ジミーに
- I'm gonna show you how to get rid of problems
- 悩みを解消する方法を教えます
so they don't become new problems.
If you don't like the room, then eat in a different room.
Life is plenty hard, you don't need to help it, you hear me?
- That's true. - Just watch him
- その通りです。- 見ているだけで
earn like father of the year awards in the upcoming seasons.
- Oh yeah! - He's gonna turn into someone
- そうそう!- 彼は誰かに変身するんだ
that we're all like... (gasps)
- Beautiful.
- 美しい。
- Who would you rather have as a parent?
- 親にするなら誰がいい?
- You either have Beth as your mom or Rip as father?
- ベスが母親かリップが父親か?
- Say they're single parent, single mom or single dad.
- 片親、シングルマザー、シングルファーザーだと言う。
- Rip. - Same.
- リップ- 同じです。
- I would Beth.
- 私ならベス。
- Rip seems like he'll at least be there.
- リップは少なくともいるような気がする。
I don't know if... - He's gonna be there,
but he's not gonna open up.
He's gonna be one of those dads
that you spend your whole life trying to impress.
- Yeah, but I feel I'd rather take that,
- うん、でも、むしろそっちの方がいい気がする。
I don't know what Beth is gonna be-
- It's not great it either way.
- どちらにしても、素晴らしいものではありません。
- We'll just continue with the illusion
- 私たちは、ただ錯覚を続ける
that we're one big happy family.
- Who would you rather be punished by?
- あなたは誰に罰せられたいですか?
- I'm having trouble. - Already?
- 困っているんです。- もう?
- Oh, Rip it's physical, Beth it's emotional.
- ああ、リップは肉体的なもので、ベスは感情的なものです。
- Who would you say?
- 誰だと思う?
- Rip. (bomb explodes)
- リップ(爆弾が爆発する)
I think it's fair.
- Goddamn you for making me do this.
- 私にこんなことをさせるなんて...
(fist punching) - Beth's gonna be like,
10 years later, she's gonna be stabbing you
under the table with a fork.
- Oh!
- おお!
- You took the car out past curfew and crashed it,
- 門限を破って車を持ち出し、事故を起こした。
which parent would you rather tell?
- What did I do wrong?
- 何がいけなかったのか?
- You know what you did wrong.
- 何が悪かったのか、わかっているはずだ。
- Again, I'm going with Rip.
- 今回もリップがいい。
- I'm gonna stay with Beth.
- ベスと一緒にいるつもりだ
I don't know maybe it's my own weirdness.
- Beth doesn't care about a fucking car
- ベスは車なんてどうでもいい
she'd be like, who cares?
- Right and wrong, good and evil, there's no such thing.
- 正義と悪、善と悪、そんなものはない。
- Rip has like a sense of responsibility
- リップは責任感のようなものがある
and Rip would be like,
"Oh no, we broke one of John Dutton's cars."
Beth would be like, "Who gives a fuck?"
- I'm gonna teach you a trick
- 君に技を教えよう
so that you don't blow this opportunity.
Don't think that you deserve it.
You don't deserve it,
and you never will.
(rock music)