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  • hello and greetings from Lake Constance a lake  bordered by Germany Switzerland and Austria in  

    こんにちは、ボーデン湖からのご挨拶です。ドイツ、スイス、オーストリアと国境を接する湖です。 このビデオでは、ドイツ側に沿った旅行に焦点を当て、

  • this video we'll be focusing our travels along  the German side where we spent a couple of days  

    この目的地が提供するものを楽しん で数日間過ごしました

  • enjoying what this destination has to offer we  got a beautiful Lake Constance travel guide to  

    。美しいボーデン湖の旅行ガイドを手に入れました。探検 する

  • explore we'll first take you on a foodie biking  tour of the hurry peninsula where we'll try all  


  • sorts of fresh and seasonal foods and this  is so delicious like everything is locally  


  • grown we'll spend a bit of time exploring  the city of constance on foot we'll then  


  • hop on a ferry and Cross Lake Constance  from west to east enjoying the scenery  


  • along the way plus when we arrive in lindau  we'll take you on a self-guided wine tour  

    渡り、道中の景色を楽しみます。さらにリンダウに到着したら、ガイドなしのワイン ツアーにお連れします

  • where we'll hike and enjoy a picnic inVineyard that is what we are drinking today  

    。ぶどう園でピクニックを楽しみましょう 今日私たちが飲んでいるものです

  • this is a taste of some of the activities that  you can enjoy around Lake Constance Germany so  


  • hit that subscribe button and join us for the  adventure good morning good morning friends from  


  • the shores of Lake Constance yeah beautiful Lake  we arrived here late last night late last night  

    おはようございます 海岸からの 友達 ボーデン湖 ええ美しい湖 私たちは昨夜遅くにここに到着しました

  • yeah we're currently in the town of Randolph cell  yes and we've got one day to explore here so we  

    ええ、私たちは現在ランドルフセルの町にいます はい、ここを探索する日があるので

  • decided to get some electric bikes and go cycling  along the lake because look at how beautiful this  


  • is It's just totally stunning gorgeous there's  this beautiful path it's lined by trees I mean  

    がどれほど美しいかを見てください まったく驚くほどゴージャスです この美しい小道があり、木々が並んでいます

  • what more could you ask for and we were supposed  to get rain this morning and somehow we lucked  

    これ以上何を求めることができるでしょうか 今朝は雨が降るはずだったのですが どういうわけか運が良かっ

  • out so I mean I'm just counting my blessings  here that we have nice weather for the time  


  • being and we got a beautiful Lake to explore  with swans with swans yes with swans all right


  • so we started our cycling tour in Rudolph  and followed the cycling path that hugs the  

    ことを 祝福 し ます 。

  • lake shore this cycling path took  us past Wetlands Farmland in cute  


  • little towns where it seemed like every  home had its own vegetable garden and  


  • then we arrived at our first stop Glaser  obstin gemuse a fruit and vegetable market

    通り過ぎ、最初の目的地であるGlaser obstin gemuseの果物と野菜の市場に到着した

  • so we've made it to the first stop of our  foodie biking tour oh man we're getting  

    ので、最初のsに たどり着きました 私たちの食通の自転車ツアーのトップ ああ、私たちは

  • spoiled with some great dishes check this out  guys we've got some delectable looking pumpkin  

    いくつかの素晴らしい料理に甘やかされています これをチェックしてください みんな、美味しそうなカボチャ

  • slices I think they've been roasted in oil  see different seasonings get the assortment  

    のスライスをいくつか持っています 油でローストされていると思います さまざまな調味料があり、

  • of bread with all kinds of ingredients on top  some tomato and cheese oh my goodness it is  

    あらゆる種類のパン の品揃えがあります トマトとチーズの上に具材をのせて、なんてこった、

  • the season this is awesome and outside wait  notice some really amazing pumpkins so I'm  


  • excited to be trying pumpkin here for sure  they did just like that and into the mop


  • really really nicely cooked very  soft texture basically today what  

    います。非常に柔らかい食感に調理されました 基本的に今日

  • we're doing is just biking and eating all  morning long we have three scheduled stops  

    私たちがしているのは、自転車に乗って午前中ずっと食事をしているだけです 予定されている3つ の停車場

  • this is the first one right here this is right  up her alley this is what we love to do yes and  

    があります これは最初の停留所です これは彼女の路地のすぐ上です これは私たちがやりたいことです はい

  • basically this place is like a fresh vegetable  market it's a bakery it's a cafe so yeah really  

    基本的にこの場所は新鮮な野菜の市場みたい ベーカリー カフェ とても

  • busy lots of people doing their grocery shopping  and this is so delicious like everything is a  

    忙しい たくさんの人が食料品の買い物をしている これはとても

  • locally grown we've been cycling Past Farms  beautiful scenery I mean we've seen some gorgeous  

    美味しい 途中で いくつかの豪華な

  • houses too along the way Gardens really nice bike  paths Orchards we've seen lots of apple orchards  

    家も見ました 庭園 本当に素敵な自転車道 果樹園 たくさんのリンゴ園

  • and people picking their Apples because it is late  September so definitely if you come to this area  

    と人々がリンゴを選ん でいるのを見まし た

  • exploring by bike is the way to go for  sure in typical salmon Audrey fashion

    。 確かに典型的なサケのオードリーのやり方

  • and said we hadn't turned it on properly so  we were just like cycling using leg power  


  • and that's kind of why we've been falling behind  schedule we're like how are we supposed to make it  

    いるようでした。それが、予定 より 遅れている理由です。

  • from one stop to the next in suchshort amount of time it's not enough well  

    短い時間で 1 つのストップから次のストップまで、

  • now that we're going a little faster I think we'll  be able to get back on track and make up the time  


  • we then continued cycling and at this point it  started to rain so we couldn't film very much  


  • but we made it to our next Food stop on the tour  so we have now made it to our second stop on this  


  • biking tour and we are having Tapas and some  apple Shore lift and I just want to show you  


  • what we have here on the plate because there's  a little bit of everything we have a mini onion  

    。少しだけ あるので、ここにあるものを お見せしたいだけです

  • tart which is a local specialty then we also have  some lentils we have some red onions that are also  

    地元の特産品で あるミニオニオン タルト、レンズ豆もいくつかあります 。また

  • grown specifically in this area we have a radish  salad some grilled cheese some cranberries and  


  • there's also an aioli with some butternut squash  and pumpkin so everything looks delightful we've  

    、アイオリもあります。バターナット スカッシュとカボチャをいくつか食べて、すべてが楽しそうに見えます。

  • been working up an appetite here lots of cycling  lots of working those legs especially because  


  • it took us a while to figure out that that the  electric bike has a turbo setting that like just  


  • lets you fly through the countryside so yeah but  we figured it out too late towards the end of the  


  • tour unfortunately so we've put in a lot of leg  work yeah we sure have yeah was it our most genius  


  • moment it's like we just got on the bike andstarted riding it like a normal one and then wow  

    的な瞬間 でした。 そして、私は通常のもののように乗り始めました。それから、うわー

  • yeah so don't make our mistake yeah go straight to  Turbo yeah and another thing I wanted to mention  


  • this apple surely that we're drinking right now  uh the apples are also from the region like we've  


  • been biking past a whole bunch of apple orchards  we've seen people picking the apples because it is  


  • that time of year so this is all local all-natural  and that's one of the nice things about traveling  


  • in this area it is an agricultural area um  so everything you're going to be eating at  

    それはこの地域を旅行する ことの良いところの 1 つです。 ここは農業地帯なので

  • the restaurants is going to be fresh seasonal  local and often organic so cheers to good food  


  • our third food stop wasn't very far next we cycled  to hirschen Horn a seven generation family-run  


  • hotel and restaurant I wish we could have had more  time here because the place was amazing but we'll  

    ホテルとレストラン 場所は素晴らしかったので、ここでもっと時間を過ごすことができたらよかったのにと思いますが、そこで食べなければならなかったものを共有します

  • share what we had to eat there instead we just  finished an amazing meal that was our third stop  

    代わり に、自転車ツアーの 3番目の目的地である素晴らしい食事を終えました

  • on the bike tour tell us what did you order oh  my gosh I had duck I think my first time to have  

    ご注文はいかがでしたか 鴨を食べました ジャーマンダックを食べるのは初めてだと思います とても

  • German duck and it was absolutely delicious it was  served with gravy it had pear with a Chutney and  

    美味しかったです グレービーソースが添えられていまし

  • a beautiful potato dumpling to help soak up all  the gravy honestly that's maybe one of the top  

    た 私が食べ た最高の 食事の

  • meals I've had on this whole trip just absolutely  loved it I really liked the place too we got to  

    この旅行全体でとても気に入りました 私はその場所が本当に好きで、私たちは

  • tour around a little bit yes looks like the kind  of place that you could come and have a very  

    少しツアーをしました はい、あなたが来て、非常に

  • relaxing holiday spend time by the sauna all kinds  of things it was great as for me I had fish from  

    リラックスした休日を過ごすことができるような場所のように見えます サウナであらゆる種類の時間を過ごすことができました私にとっては素晴らしい

  • the local Lake right here that was also very nice  with some noodles had a salad so yeah excellent  


  • meal and this is definitely a destination for  like a wellness rest and relaxation type of  


  • holiday I wish we had more time here but well  perhaps we'll return some day yes we'd love to  

    休日の目的地です。もっと時間があればいいのにと思います 。 ここにいますが、いつか戻ってくるかもしれません。はい

  • from there we hopped on a bus and then on  a train to Constance our time here was very  


  • limited since we had a ferry to catch later  that afternoon but we managed to see a bit of  


  • the City by taking a guided walking tour we  mainly focus on the ouchdatz or Old Town we  

    ガイド付きウォーキング ツアーに参加して街を 少し見て みましょう。主に ouchdatz または旧市街に焦点を当てています。

  • first visited the Holy Trinity Church where  you can see the medieval frescoes that were  

    最初に訪れたホーリー トリニティ教会で は、バロック様式の漆喰の下に発見され

  • uncovered beneath the Baroque plaster this is  also called the augustinian church since it  

    た中世のフレスコ画を見ることができます。 それ

  • was built in the late 13th century for the  local Monastery of the augustinian Hermits

    13 世紀後半に建てられたアウグスティヌスの隠者の地元の修道院

  • foreign


  • we also visited Konstanz Constance Moonstar or  Konstanz Constance Cathedral with its mishmash  

    私たちはコンスタンツ コンスタンツ ムーンスターまたはコンスタンツ コンスタンツ大聖堂をロマネスク ゴシック ルネッサンスとバロック様式のミッシュマッシュで訪れました

  • of Romanesque Gothic Renaissance and Baroque  Styles this Cathedral dates back to the 7th  

    。この大聖堂は 7 世紀 にさかのぼります

  • Century but then it collapsed in the year 1052 so  it had to be rebuilt a process that took 300 years  

    が、その後崩壊しました 1052年には300年かかったプロセスを再構築する必要が

  • and then there were Restorations and expansions  which explains the different architectural Styles  


  • and then it was time to get on the ferry and  begin Our Lake Crossing of Lake Constance now  

    行われ、フェリーに乗って ボーデン 湖の私たちの湖横断を開始する時が来ました。

  • for anyone planning to travel here you'll notice  that locally Lake Constance is called bodensee  


  • so don't let that confuse you the two are the  same place this is the largest lake in Germany  

    混同しないでください。この 2 つの湖は同じ場所です。ドイツ最大の湖で

  • 74 kilometers in length and a Ferry Pass ispopular way to go town hopping around the lake  

    、長さは 74 km です。フェリー パスは、街歩きに人気の手段です。湖の

  • guys we are on a boat we I should check in I mean  we arrived in Konstanz Constance on the train we  


  • had an hour there so we did a guided tour for  one hour which was really fun but so much to  


  • soak in in only 60 minutes but we got to see some  of the highlights and now we are on a boat we are  


  • going across Lake Constance Bodensee it's going  to be a journey of about three and a half hours  


  • we're getting off at lindau so even though this  is like Transportation I'm kind of thinking of  

    私たちはリンダウで下車するのに 何時間 もかかるので、これは交通手段のようなものですが、ドイツ

  • it as a sightseeing activity because we're onboat in a beautiful Lake surrounded by Germany  

    、スイス、オーストリアに 囲まれた美しい湖でボートに乗っているので、観光活動と

  • Switzerland and Austria hey how cool is that and  we've got some drinks it looks like they look like  

    考えています。 私たちはいくつかの飲み物を持っています.ビールのように見え

  • beers but they're not it's actually just Apple  shortly and you've got one it's either currant  


  • or Gooseberry let me try yours yours is a bit  more tart oh yeah this is great and we have a  

    またはグーズベリー のいずれかを持っています. あなたのものを試してみましょう.あなたのものはもう少し酸っぱいです.

  • little snack coming and what we'll end up doing  is giving you a full tour of the boat then show  

    ちょっとしたおやつが来て、最終的にはボートの完全なツアーを提供し 、

  • you some of the beautiful scenery we encounter  along the way it is a simple meal I'll show you  


  • it's sausage with a curry sauce so kind of like  a curry worst I guess we can say and we also have  

    ソーセージを お見せします カレーソースは最悪のカレーのようなものです 私たちは言うことができると思います

  • a little bun to dip in the sauce and we're trying  to keep it light because we're having dinner once  


  • we arrive to lindau yeah so this is just likemid-afternoon snack because we were planning to go  

    カフェ に行って食べる予定だったので、これはちょうど午後のおやつのようなものです。

  • to a cafe and have some cake and coffee but there  just wasn't enough time so we eat on the boat now

    ケーキとコーヒーでしたが、時間が足りなかったので 、フェリーが乗客を迎えるために立ち寄っ

  • even though it rained for most of the  journey we did get to see some of the  


  • towns that the ferry stopped at to pick up  passengers and there were some beautiful  

    今はボートで食事をしています。そこにある 美しい

  • places out there one recurring theme was  Vineyards Vineyards and more Vineyards  

    場所 1つの繰り返しテーマはVineyards Vineyards and more Vineyards

  • I can only imagine what this place  looks like on a sunny Summer's Day


  • this is a little embarrassing to admit but  we are eating again in my defense it is three  

  • and a half hours on a boat so what else are  we gonna do so we've moved on to the Suites  


  • a cappuccino with whipped cream it looks  so good I'm a little bit concerned about  

    ホイップクリームのカプチーノ美味しそうこれ で今夜は眠れるか ちょっと心配

  • whether I'm going to be able to sleep  tonight or not with this caffeine in me


  • but we just couldn't resist that and we  got a cake this is like a berry mousse

    が、私たちはそれに抵抗できず、ケーキを手に入れましたs はベリーのムースのようなものです

  • nuts little nuts

    ナッツ 小さなナッツ

  • I love the chocolate nut combination  

    私はチョコレート ナッツの組み合わせが大好き

  • very tasty very good this is a nice way to pass  the time just eat cake and enjoy the scenery watch  

    です とてもおいしい とても良いです これは素敵な時間の過ごし方です ケーキを食べて景色を楽しむだけです

  • the little towns go by there are so many towns  that I now want to visit along Lake Constance  

    小さな町が通り過ぎるのを見てください 今欲しい町がたくさんありますボーデン湖沿いを訪れるに

  • some of them are just surrounded by Vineyards  like this would be my kind of place cute Charming  

    は、いくつかはブドウ畑に囲まれているだけで、私のような場所です かわいい

  • historic town with Vineyards in the outskirts  you just drink wine biking and drinking all  

    郊外にブドウ畑がある魅力的な歴史的な町 あなたはただワインを飲み、自転車に乗って

  • day and then falling asleep in the vineyard that  sounds like my idea fun we are going to a veneer  

    一日中飲んでから、私のように聞こえるブドウ園で眠りにつく楽しいアイデア 明日ベニヤに行く

  • tomorrow so we're getting a taste of him stay  tuned well it's wet hello hey so we're outside  


  • now on the deck we've been traveling for a few  hours and yeah it is raining very windy waters are  


  • a little more choppy now but this is what it looks  like out here you can imagine on a nice sunny day  


  • you would have probably half of the boat would be  out enjoying the the Sun out on the deck it's been  

    には、おそらくボートの半分が外に出て、デッキで太陽を楽しんでいると 想像できます。それ

  • a great ride though it's just makes you realize  how many places there are to visit along Lake  

    は素晴らしい乗り心地でしたが、方法を理解させるだけです ここの小さなコミュニティを 訪れる

  • constants like in I think you could do a whole  trip based on visiting the little communities here


  • and then we reached lindau we were staying on  lindau insan which is the island on Lake Constance  


  • and can I just mention what a beautiful Port Entry  this town has you are greeted by a lighthouse in a  

    た 。 この町の美しい入港口には、バイエルンのライオンと呼​​ばれるモニュメントの灯台が迎えてくれますが

  • monument called The Lion of Bavaria but we'll  show you more of the town later in the video

    、 ビデオの後半で町の詳細をお見せ

  • this is the right place no yes okay


  • after disembarking we walked to our hotel  dropped off our luggage and went out for  

    。 荷物を降ろして

  • dinner we ate at a place called algutale  it's a restaurant in car museum so Sam  


  • really enjoyed that as for the meal  the portions were small but the food  


  • was good so if you're looking for an upscale  restaurant experience this fits the bill foreign

    は良かったので、高級レストランを探しているなら、 とても楽しかったです。 経験 これは法案に合っています 外国

  • foreign

    人 外国人

  • the following morning we enjoyed  a quiet walk around lindau while  


  • the island was still waking up and then  it was time for a visit to the vineyard  


  • good morning good morning everyone everyone oh  so it is day two yes we are here in Lindell on  

    おはようございます 皆さん おはようございます2 日目です。ボーデン湖のイースト エンドにあるリンデルに来ました。

  • the East End of Lake Constance and this morning we  hopped on a bus traveled about 20 minutes to the  


  • mainland arrived at a winery where we are about  to embark on a little self-guided hike and wine  

    本土まで 20 分ほど移動しました。ワイナリーに到着しました。ここで、ちょっとしたガイドなしのハイキングを始めようとしています。ワイン

  • picnic I mean check out the backpack I've got here  yeah this is what they provided they provided us  

    ピクニック ここにあるバックパックをチェックしてください ええ、これは彼らが私たちに提供したものです

  • with picnic yes and wine free time and a beautiful  Scenic place to go on a hike and a map so we don't  


  • get lost what could be a better way to end our  time in Germany than this seriously this is the  

    何が迷子に なることはありません ドイツでの時間をこれで終わらせるよりも良い方法かもしれません真剣にこれは

  • ultimate this is like right upper alley we love  food we love wine we like to be out in nature  


  • and we also like to have a you know have a bit of  time to ourselves and a schedule that is is going  


  • to allow us to relax and just go for a really nice  walk yes exactly so this Winery that we're doing  


  • the tour with they've got their little sign there  it's called weingo taug and yeah I'm I'm eager to  

    ツアーを行っています。彼らはそこに小さなサインを持ってい ます。 私は

  • try their wines they asked us what kind we wanted  we said white because this is Germany so we'll  


  • see what that's all about but in the meantime  let's begin our hike we have a beautiful Trail  


  • up here that leads up through the vineyard sothink we're gonna have a good time let's do it

    ます 。楽しい時間を過ごせると思います。

  • we're gonna work up an appetite yeah

    食欲をそそります ええ、

  • we are thumb steps carry those  bottles of going there we go  

    私たちは親指のステップでそこに行くためのボトルを運びます 私たちは

  • foreign

    外国 に行きます

  • okay so we found a little picnic bench like  a little Refuge here under the bushes it  


  • might rain soon so we're gonna start our  picnic that's exactly why we're doing it  


  • right now the clouds are lookinglittle more ominous and distant so  


  • we are going to get going with the food  and the wine all right so what do we have  


  • two four minutes eight one and there's a second  one in there okay um what else do we have


  • oh wonderful selection of veggies look at that  carrots cucumber radishes yep all pre-sliced  

    野菜の素晴らしいセレクションを見てください ニンジン キュウリ ラディッシュ はい、すべて事前にスライス

  • pre-washed and inside of here oh look at the  bread the German bread how could you have  

    され、事前に洗浄され、ここの中にあります ああ、パンを見てください

  • a picnic without German bread that's not even  possible cutting board oh they really thought  

    ドイツのパン可能なまな板 ああ、彼らは本当に考えました

  • of everything second cutting board all these can  also work as little plates yeah that actually  


  • might be their main purpose now that I think  about it a bag to put your garbage okay very  

    はそれが主な目的かもしれませんが、考えて みると

  • good there you go this looks like a dill likespread exactly that's the word I was looking for

    、ゴミを入れるバッグは大丈夫 です。素敵な 言葉を探していました

  • nice oh yes all different types of  cheese a bunch of different ones  

    ええ 、すべての種類のチーズ さまざまな種類のチーズの束

  • four different types of cheeses  wow look at this one covered in  

    4 種類のチーズ わあ、これを見てください。

  • like different herbs and flower petals fancy  schmancy oh the wine glasses and the plates  

    さまざまなハーブと花びらのように覆われています ファンシーなシュマンシー ああ、ワイングラスとプレート

  • oh my gosh we have nice Cutlery too real wine  glasses legit real wine glasses wow this is way  

    ああ、私たちが持っている素敵なカトラリー あまりにも本物のワイングラス 合法的な本物のワイングラス うわーこれは道

  • so we might might have been chugging from the  bottle but I I thought so too I was thinking  


  • this is a casual picnic and the bottle of wine  want to show us what we got yeah take a look

    これはカジュアルなピクニックだと思っていた ワインのボトルは、私たちが得たものを見せたいと思っていた よろしいので、 weingo

  • okay so we got the lindauer shpital halde  from weingo tov so it's a Solaris 2021  

    tov からリンダウアー シュピタル ハルデを入手したので、

  • that is what we are drinking today  

    今日飲んでいる のはソラリス 2021 です。

  • different kinds  


  • foreign


  • guys we just finished our picnic we sure did  awesome has arrived in Germany Autumn is here  

    人がピクニックを終えたところです。素晴らしいことをしたと確信しています。ドイツに到着しました Autu mn はここ

  • I'm okay chilly I'm okay right now like I'm  not warm by any stretch of the imagination  

    にいます 寒くて大丈夫です 今は大丈夫です 想像を絶するほど暖かくは

  • but I don't find it chilly we have opposite  temperatures Sam insisted he didn't need a  

    ありませんが、寒いとは思いません 私たちの気温は正反対です サムは

  • rain jacket and he didn't need an umbrella yeah  so I don't know I'm in disagreement but yeah that  


  • was a really nice picnic I love that they give  you the option to do two different hikes so you  

    は傘は必要ありませんでしたので、意見の相違があるか どう かはわかりません

  • can choose how active you want to be we opted for  the shorter hike so that we could enjoy a longer  

    が、本当に素敵なピクニックでした 短いハイキングを選んだので、より長い

  • picnic and just relax eat drink enjoy the views  of Lake Constance here in front of us yeah the  


  • wine was fantastic too I mean that was just oh  delicious smooth wine and it went well so well  


  • with the sandwiches that we had yes so the wine  we opted for a white and it was very fresh fruity  


  • light notes of like pear and apple which I like  it was my kind of wine I know you're more of a red  


  • full-bodied guy but I liked it I still enjoyed it  though and I mean the thing that's really nice too  

    フルボディの男だ と知っています しかし、私はそれが好きでした 私はまだそれを楽しんでいました

  • is just the surroundings were literally out here  by ourselves we have just the most amazing view  


  • of the lake and some mountains off in the distance  we have The Vineyards we see some beautiful Fields  


  • some amazing little towns I was just like wow what  a what a great way to end things off yes and some  

    いくつかあり、素晴らしい小さな町がいくつかあります 。 はい、

  • neighboring countries like we can see Switzerland  and Austria that's that's true so it makes you  

    スイスやオーストリアのようないくつかの近隣諸国は そうです。

  • realize that to properly explore the lake you  need to go and visit a couple more countries  


  • and also we noticed some German spots some German  towns we'd like to visit in the future too so on  


  • yesterday's boat ride yeah so many beautiful towns  along this Lake like honestly you could spend at  


  • least a week here just good town hopping around  the lake yeah and they all look really different  

    。 湖の周りを飛び回る良い町です。

  • from each other like every time we pulled into  a different port every place had a different  

    別の港に引っ張られた すべての場所は異なる

  • vibe some seem more remote and Rural others seem  more developed others seemed more like the place  

    雰囲気を持っていた 人里離れたように見えるものもあれば、田舎のように見えるものもあれば、より開発されたように見えるものもある

  • we stayed in last night was had one of the most  interesting Port entrances with a lion and the  


  • tower Powers Yeah that's lindau and you arrive on  the island which is unconnected to the mainland by  

    タワーパワーズの入り口 ええ、それはリンダウで、本土

  • two Bridges very close to the mainland but it's  kind of cool to stay on that island so yeah yeah  


  • I highly recommend this and this is the kind  of Tourism that we love like just this kind of  


  • independent grab some wine grab some food also  makes me want to get one of those special wine  


  • backpacks because it perfectly fits the glasses  and the wine and your water and your everything  

    バックパック を手に入れたいと思うようになり

  • you need you can pack it all and it's really easy  to to pack up again and take back so we've already  

    ます 。 あなたはそれをすべて詰め込むことができ、再び

  • packed up our bag and we'll go for a bit of a walk  and uh yeah what a great experience sounds good


  • and that concludes our trip to Lake Constance  Bodensee on the German side of the Border we  

    ます 。 国境のドイツ側にあるボーデン湖ボーデン湖への旅行で、

  • hope you guys had a good time exploring this  part of the country with us we really enjoyed  


  • the mix of being active and be it biking or  hiking while sampling local foods and drinks  

    を 願ってい ます .

  • plus we got to ride so many different modes  of transportation on this part of the trip  


  • buses trains ferries and bikes which is alwayslot of fun now over to you guys would you visit  


  • Lake Constance Bodensee or have you already  been did you make it across to the Swiss or  


  • Austrian side of the Border if you enjoyed  this video we also invite you to like And  

    国境のオーストリア側 このビデオを楽しんでいただけた場合は、「いいね!」と

  • subscribe to the channel and we'll be seeing  you soon with more Adventures juice foreign

    チャンネル登録をお願いします。外国のアドベンチャー ジュースでお会いしましょう。

hello and greetings from Lake Constance a lake  bordered by Germany Switzerland and Austria in  

こんにちは、ボーデン湖からのご挨拶です。ドイツ、スイス、オーストリアと国境を接する湖です。 このビデオでは、ドイツ側に沿った旅行に焦点を当て、


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます