字幕表 動画を再生する
- ♪ Oh, let our love survive ♪
- ♪ Oh, let our love survive ♪
- There are some who'd make me out to be
- 私のことをこう呼ぶ人がいます。
the villain of this here story.
- ♪ Let's don't let a good thing die ♪
- ♪ Let's don't let a good thing die ♪
- Are you born with destiny?
- あなたは運命的に生まれてきたのでしょうか?
Or does it just come...
...knocking at your door?
- ♪ Hallelujah by and by ♪
- ♪ Hallelujah by and by ♪
- He's a young singer from Memphis, Tennessee.
- テネシー州メンフィス出身の若手シンガーだ。
Give him a warm "Hayride" welcome.
Mr. Elvis Presley!
[mic feedback]
- Get a haircut, buttercup! - [laughter]
- 髪を切れよ、蝶々夫人!- [笑]
- In that moment,
- その瞬間に
I watched that skinny boy transform
into a superhero.
- ♪ Well... ♪
- ♪ Well... ♪
[hard rock music plays]
He was my destiny.
I wish to promote you, Mr. Presley.
- ♪ Going to a party in the county jail ♪
- ♪郡刑務所のパーティーに行く♪
- Are you ready to fly?
- 飛ぶ準備はできていますか?
- I'm ready. Ready to fly.
- 準備はできている。飛ぶ準備はできています
- ♪ Since my baby left me ♪
- ♪Since my baby left me ♪
- Tomorrow, all America will be talking about Elvis Presley.
- 明日、全米はエルビス・プレスリーの話題で持ちきりになるだろう。
- Mr. Presley, try not to move around so much during the takes.
- プレスリーさん、テイク中にあまり動き回らないようにしてください。
- If I can't move, I can't sing.
- 動けなければ、歌えない。
Some people wanted to put me in jail,
'cause of the way I was moving.
- They might put me in jail for walkin' across the street,
- 通りを横切って歩いただけで、牢屋に入れられるかもしれないんだ。
but you're a famous white boy.
- The way you sing is God-given,
- 歌い方は、神様がくれたもの。
so there can't be nothing wrong with it.
- ♪ It's all right, mama ♪
- ♪ It's all right, mama ♪
- Senator Kennedy has been shot.
- ケネディ上院議員が撃たれました。
- Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis.
- マーティン・ルーサー・キングがメンフィスで銃殺された。
- ♪ That's all right for you ♪
- ♪ That's all right for you ♪
- Tragedy, but it has nothing to do with us.
- 悲劇だが、私たちには何の関係もない。
- It has everything to do with us.
- それは、私たちにも関係しています。
♪ Oh, my love ♪
♪ Oh, my love ♪
♪ My darling ♪
♪ My darling ♪
♪ I've hungered for your touch ♪
♪ I've hungered for your touch ♪
A reverend once told me,
"When things are too dangerous to say...
"危険なこと "を口にするとき...
sing." - Sing!
歌え"- 歌え!
- ♪ Time goes by ♪
- ♪ Time goes by ♪
I'm gonna be 40 soon,
and nobody's gonna remember me.
♪ Time can do so much ♪
♪ Time can do so much ♪
I need to get back to who I really am.
♪ Still mine ♪
♪ Still mine ♪
- And who are you, Elvis?
- エルビスって誰だ?
- ♪ Oh, my love, my darling ♪
- "私の愛しい人""私の愛しい人
I just gotta be making the most of this thing while I can.
This could all be over in a flash.
- We are the same, you and I.
- 私たちは同じです、あなたと私は。
We are two odd, lonely children, reaching for eternity.
[cheers and applause]
The greatest show on earth.
- Elvis has left the building.
- エルヴィスは退場しました。