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  • Okay, Welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Devilishly demonic games for this list, we're looking at the most sinful and sinister games that feature demons, Hellfire Hellspawn and or the Dark Lord himself.

    さて、Welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for top 10 Devilishly demonic games for this list, we're looking at the most sinful and sinister games that features demons, Hellfire Hellspawn and or the Dark Lord himself.

  • Have you played any of these satanic games?


  • Let us know down in the comments number 10 After party.


  • Thank God, I don't have to do what better way to serve up some hellish fun than by challenging the Dark Lord himself to a drinking contest.


  • That's the concept behind after party to friends, wake up to discover they have died of unknown causes to get back to the surface.


  • They will have to show satan that they can out drink him.


  • I'm not gonna get into a fistfight with this asshole.


  • I've been kicked out of enough bars in hell to know the punishments almost never worth it.


  • What follows is a hilarious adventure with an incredibly vibrant and beautiful art style and hey, if you like oxen free, this is from the same studio behind that game.

    その後に続くのは、信じられないほど鮮やかで美しいアートスタイルの陽気なアドベンチャーで、もしあなたが「Oxen Free」が好きなら、これはそのゲームの背後にある同じスタジオによるものです。

  • So it might be worth checking out if you've been itching for a good narrative game, I'm sort of adjusting already.


  • Like I've just, I'm getting some level of emotional control at least.


  • Oh my God, Milo, we're dead.


  • # nine hell taker lo and cash.

    # 第9位 ヘル・テイカー・ローとキャッシュ

  • Haven't gotten greedy enough.


  • Well there is one Devilishly great game that you can nab for free on Steam Hell Taker forces you to fight through the bowels of hell in search of the ultimate meaning of happiness, Love beat some skeletons and jam to a kick ass soundtrack as you desperately pursue the demon girl of your dreams.

    そんな中、Steam で無料で遊べる悪魔のような素晴らしいゲームがある。Hell Taker は、究極の幸福の意味を求めて地獄の底で戦い、骸骨を倒し、キックアスのサウンドトラックに合わせて、夢の悪魔娘を必死で追いかける。

  • If you do end up liking this game and want to support the developer, there is a means to financially support them.


  • Pay up $10 for a cool art book and a pancake recipe to impress those who fancy or to just load up on pancakes.


  • Number eight.


  • Hell yeah, Wrath of the Dead Rabbit, The Prince of Hell has found himself in the most notorious scandal imaginable as it turns out, despite his menacing nature, The prince has an affinity for bubble baths.


  • The audacity.


  • Well the prince is pretty pissed about the paparazzi getting this secret out.


  • So now he sets out on his trusty buzzsaw to remind the denizens of hell who their ruler is shred through.


  • Anyone who dares to laugh at you by discovering secrets, upgrading your weapons and taking part in fun.


  • Bloody micro games in this Metroid Vania Twin stick shooter, It's hilarious, violent and a hell of a good time, guaranteed Number seven Help.


  • I if you're a huge fan of three D platformers like Conkers Bad fur day.

    Conkers Bad fur dayのような3Dプラットフォーマーの大ファンであればI。

  • Well this one just might be for you.


  • Someone forgot to get devil's birthday pie made and you're the imp for the job journey throughout the seven circles of hell to recover all of the ingredients and make a pie fit for a dark Lord from burning grocery stores to disgusting sewers, it features everything wretchedly beautiful about the underworld and swinging midair with your cherub makes plat forming a ton of fun.


  • Just make sure you don't play this in front of the kids.


  • Number six Demon's Crest.

    ナンバー6 デーモンズ・クレスト

  • We're going all the way back with this one, an oldie but a goodie from Capcom, Demon's crest puts you in control of firebrand.

    カプコンから発売された「Demon's crest」は、ファイアブランドを操ることができるゲームです。

  • One of the many demons you could encounter in another Capcom classic called Ghosts and goblins.


  • You'll venture through six different areas as you search for the six elemental crests.


  • Right?


  • I don't know.


  • We'll admit the music isn't the strongest aspect of the game, but everything else.


  • The level design platform ng and visuals is pretty solid.


  • A sneeze gem.


  • Worth giving a shot if you haven't already.


  • Number five brutal legend.


  • Sure, now we do understand that brutal legend isn't exactly as close to the hellish vibes as our previous entries, but hey, fire demons, Demon powers.


  • Close enough, brutal legend is a fantastic action RTs inspired by heavy metal music as Eddie riggs, raise your own army with the power of rock and bring down the malicious emperor Divvy colas.


  • Use guitar solos to uncover secrets attack enemy units and buff your own and blast the ballads of your favorite bands from your own screaming Hot rod.


  • With these satanic reputation.


  • Heavy metal has had.


  • This one is worthy of being called a Devilishly good game.


  • Figure it out.


  • Right, okay, I'll be back soon, covered in metal.


  • God love number four Diablo series.


  • Speaking of games with satanic imagery, Diablo is pretty on the nose with its demonic aesthetic, regardless of which game in the series you're playing, you can expect the same level of quality every time how satisfying deep lore, character customization, imaginative environments, tough boss battles, immersive, sound design and compelling writing are all what makes Diablo such a spectacular RPG and it is why so many players are still playing these classics today really, you ought to pick up one of the games and give it a shot before Diablo four comes out.


  • I'll put it bluntly kill him before he kills you and adds your course to his collection.


  • Number three, Devil May Cry series.

    3位 デビル メイ クライ シリーズ

  • Okay, look, the word devil is in the title, but that isn't the only reason why Dante and Company are on this list.


  • Devil May cry truly is a blast to play from start to finish.

    デビル メイ クライは、本当に最初から最後まで楽しく遊べるゲームです。

  • The dopamine you get comes from figuring out how to juggle enemies and chain attacks together your reward being the music getting louder and more elaborate.


  • Of course there is also some of that cheesy dialogue and can't be fun that makes the story way more entertaining than one might expect and the best part you can experience them all on modern hardware.


  • Number two, cult of the lamb, the most recent game on our list, cult of the lamb is worth every penny and one of the best games we've played in 2022 with the help of a dark entity known as the one who waits you form your very own cult harnessing the power of your followers to gain new abilities, improve your village or acquire modifiers to your next journey into the forest, Bring down the four false profits and show your followers there is no other ruler for them but yours with simple yet fun combat, complex management mechanics and unique streaming integration for content creators, cult of the lamb offers plenty of creative ideas that will keep you busy for days before we continue.

    待っている者」と呼ばれる闇の存在の助けを借りて、自分だけの教団を結成し、信者の力を利用して新しい能力を得たり、村を改善したり、次の森への旅への修正要素を得たりする。シンプルで楽しい戦闘、複雑な管理方法、コンテンツ制作者向けのユニークなストリーミング配信など、「Cult of the Lamb」はクリエイティブなアイデアが満載で、何日でも遊んでいられそうです。

  • Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos, you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.


  • If you're on your phone, make sure to go into your settings and switch on notifications Number one Doom series.

    スマホの場合は、必ず設定から通知をオンにしてください。 Number one Doomシリーズ。

  • Mm Of course we had to put Doom at the top.


  • This was the legendary FPs franchise that scared super religious parents for its demonic imagery to this day, these games are still a riot to play.


  • Whether you're playing the original 1993 classic or the 2016 reboot Doom is the gift that keeps on giving unleashing hordes of demons to unload your shotgun shells into on top of that.


  • You have that intense and energetic music to keep your blood pumping throughout each level.


  • Honestly, if you haven't played the granddaddy of first person shooters.


  • What have you been doing in the mood for more awesome gaming content?


  • Be sure to check out this video here on mojo plays and don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

    このビデオはmojo playsでぜひご覧ください。また、最新のビデオについてお知らせするために、購読とベルを鳴らすのを忘れないでください。

Okay, Welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Devilishly demonic games for this list, we're looking at the most sinful and sinister games that feature demons, Hellfire Hellspawn and or the Dark Lord himself.

さて、Welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for top 10 Devilishly demonic games for this list, we're looking at the most sinful and sinister games that features demons, Hellfire Hellspawn and or the Dark Lord himself.

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