字幕表 動画を再生する
Thankfully, entering Japan has recently become much easier again.
However, there are still certain things you should prepare before entering the country in order to make your future visits as smooth as possible.
Here is a quick video on how to enter Japan after its reopening to international tourism on October 11th 2022.
Required documents.
All you need to enter Japan is either a negative test or a vaccination certificate showing you have been vaccinated at least three times, as triple vaccinated people are exempt from testing.
The test needs to be done within 72 hours before departure at a medical institution.
Note that Japan recognizes only certain testing and sample collection methods.
Qualitative antigen tests are not accepted.
It is recommended to use a template form by the government to make sure all required information is included,
such as personal information, testing and sample collection methods, the name of the medical institution, and the date and time of the test.
Check the link in the description of this video for the recommended format.
If you are vaccinated three times or more with the W.H.O. approved vaccine and have a vaccination certificate, the test is not required to enter Japan.
The certificate needs to include personal information and vaccination details in English or Japanese.
This test exemption also applies for children traveling with a triple vaccinated parent or guardian.
Fast track entry.
To make the entering process into Japan smoother, it is recommended to use a fast track service to preregister required documents and data.
But note that different tools should be used depending on whether you enter Japan before or after November the 14th.
For entry before November the 14th, use the MySOS app.
11月14日までのエントリーは、MySOS アプリをご利用ください。
For entry from November the 14th, use Visit Japan Web.
11月14日からの応募は、Visit Japan Web をご利用ください。
If you enter Japan before November the 14th 2022, download the MySOS app and fill in the required information at least a few hours before departure to allow for a fast track entry.
2022年11月14日以前に日本に入国する場合は、出発の数時間前までに MySOS アプリをダウンロードし、必要事項を入力することで、速やかな入国が可能になります。
Once the app is downloaded and registered, you will be asked to enter some personal data.
Upload a photo of your passport.
Upload a picture of either your vaccination certificate that certifies you have received at least three vaccination doses, or of your negative Covid-19 test result.
3回以上のワクチン接種を受けたことを証明するワクチン接種証明書、または Covid-19 の検査結果が陰性であることのどちらかの写真をアップロードしてください。
Note that if you are traveling with children age 12 or younger, the app will allow you to register each one of them separately.
After the submitted information is reviewed and verified, the top screen will turn from red to blue.
If the top screen turns yellow, the review process has not been completed yet or could not be completed
After landing in Japan, show the QR code found in the MySOS app to the quarantine officer which will allow for a much smoother and faster entry in the country.
日本に到着後、検疫官に MySOS アプリの QR コードを見せると、よりスムーズに入国できるようになります。
Visitors planning to enter Japan on or after November the 14th 2022 should use Visit Japan Web for a fast track entry.
2022年11月14日以降に日本に入国予定の方は、Visit Japan Web を利用したファストトラック入国をご利用ください。
Unlike the MySOS app which handles only Covid-19 related documentation, Visit Japan Web will additionally allow fast track for immigration and customs.
MySOS アプリが Covid-19 関連の書類のみを扱うのとは異なり、Visit Japan Web ではさらに、入国審査や税関のファストトラックが可能になります。
Finally, a word on masks.
Mask wearing has never been legally enforced in Japan.
However, masks are still being used widely in indoor and outdoor situations to this day.
The government's official mask guidelines state that masks are not required outdoors unless talking with others in close distance as well as not required indoors when social distancing and not much conversation is made.
They should be worn in all other indoor situations on public transportation and in places that ask people to wear them.
However, in reality, people in Japan go beyond the experts guidelines and most will wear masks in all indoor situations and many wear them even in uncrowded outdoor places.
For more information on Corona virus manners in Japan, feel free to check the link in the description for our dedicated page on the subject.