字幕表 動画を再生する
The universe is pretty big and very strange.
宇宙は大きく とても不思議だ
Hundreds of billions of galaxies with sextillions of stars and planets and in the middle of
it all there is earth, with you and us.
そしてその中に 地球や君や我々もいる
But as enormous as the universe seems looking up, it seems to get even larger when you start
looking down.
You are towering over worlds within worlds, within worlds – each in plain sight and
yet hidden from your experience.
そこは見える範囲にありながら 経験できない世界だ
Let's go on a journey – we'll start in a park, about a thousand meters long, enough
さあ旅に出よう 公園がスタートだ
for a 15 minute walk.
大きさ1kmほど 歩いて15分くらいだ
Every time we click this magic button, we'll become a thousand times smaller.
この魔法のボタンを押すと 大きさは千分の一になる
Please slip into this magic science suit, so you don't die and can still see.
魔法科学スーツを着よう これで死なずに見て回れる
Let's go.
The Miniature Realm
君は砂粒と同じ 2mmの大きさになった
You are the size of a grain of sand just 2 mm high, standing on a blade of grass that
seems as tall as an eight storey building to you.
A square meter of lawn is now a dense metropolitan area, with 100,000 blades, or two Manhattans
マンハッタン2個分の 10万の草が生い茂る
worth of grass towers.
小さかった公園は 新しい視点から見ると
From your new tiny perspective, the park that you could quickly stroll through before, is
now the size of France.
Crossing it would take at least a week.
Human sized humans loom over you, 4 times taller than the Empire state building, their
steps falling from horizon to horizon.
ヘリコプターサイズのハチが 近くに降り立った
A bee the size of a helicopter lands near you, making the ground shake, as its hairy
羽を動かすたびに 地を揺るがしている
carapace vibrates with each wingbeat.
逃げ出そうとしても凄く動きづらい 空気がなんか…ネバネバだ
You try to escape but are barely able to move because the air is so… gooey.
Before you clicked the button air resistance was barely noticeable – but as you're
でも千倍小さくなったから 空気も千倍濃くなった
now a thousand times smaller, it is as if the air has become a thousand times denser.
It feels like you are moving through honey.
空を飛ぶ虫は この利点を使っている
Flying insects like bees use this to their advantage.
彼らの羽は滑空用ではなく 空を漕ぐ櫂のようだ
Their wings are not made for gliding but like paddles that row through the air.
もしハチが人間大なら コンコルドをも凌駕する
Scaled up to human size, the bee would outrun a Concorde Jet – except it couldn't even
ただ羽に比して重すぎるので 離陸することも叶わないが
take off because it would be too heavy for its wings.
ミクロの世界に入った 今、君は2マイクロメートルで
The Microscopic Realm
You've entered the microscopic realm and are now less than 2 micrometers tall, about
この視点では公園の幅は 100万kmにもなる
the size of an e coli bacteria.
休まず歩いても 横断に25年はかかるだろう
From your new tiny perspective, the park you started in is now a million kilometers wide
to you – if you walked non stop it would take some 25 years to cross it.
先程までいたハチは 今やエベレスト並で
It is hard to grasp just how huge the microscopic world is to its tiny inhabitants.
空にそびえ立ち なおも生きて動いている
The giant bee that was close a moment ago, is now the size of Mt.
空気は硬く 溶岩のようなドロドロさで
Everest, towering high into the sky – but alive, humming and vibrating.
The air here feels almost solid to you, on the human scale it would be as viscous as
lava, extremely hard to push through.
The blade of grass now expands so far you can't see its edges, stretching as wide
枯れた川底のような谷や 砂漠のような荒れ地
as Paris would to a regular sized human.
You see valleys that look like dried up riverbeds, dead patches like deserts and giant craters
left behind by voracious aphids.
これらはガラスのような外殻をもつ 家サイズの細胞だ
But if you look closely, this is not terrain.
These are rows of individual cells, each the size of a house with hard exteriors like glass
空気を吸い 酸素を吐き出している
Every few cells, there are huge openings called stomata, like mouths, sucking in air and blowing
その外殻は互いに擦れ合う 鎧のような構造だ
out oxygen.
Suddenly the gigantic bee begins to move – a construct made of rigid pieces that slide
降ってきた水滴は 急速に迫ってくる
against each other, like a suit of armor.
衝撃に備えようと身構えるが 代わりにただ吸い込まれた
It takes off to escape a drop of water the size of an Asteroid, that fell from another
泳ごうとしても水は濃密で のりのように体にまとわりつく
blade of grass and is now rushing at you at breathtaking speeds.
空気の分子は自由に振る舞うが 水の分子は共同生活を好む
You brace for impact but instead of feeling a strong punch you just get sucked in.
互いに引き合って関係を作りたがり 君を離さない
You try to swim but the water feels thick and sticky and holds onto your limbs like
四方八方へと 動くこともやめられない
Air molecules are free spirits while water molecules act more like social creatures that
この小さな湖には 万を超える微生物が漂っている
group together whenever possible.
様々なものがいる 漂うテニスボールほどのウイルスや
They pull on each other and create a relatively strong cohesive force that traps you.
近くを通過する 列車のようなオオミドリムシなどだ
You can't help it but you are still moving, tumbling in all directions, helplessly dragged
along by an invisible current.
超電磁プロペラ並に動く 長い触手をもつ
Floating in this miniature lake are tens of thousands of micro-organisms.
硬い水に囲まれているにも関わらず 1秒間に体百個分も進み
They take on many forms – viruses the size of tennis balls float around you aimlessly,
これは人に例えれば 泥の中を時速600kmで進むようなものだ
others like the Euglena oxyuris cells which pass you like freight trains.
だが微生物は軽く水は硬いため 彼らは慣性を持たず
But most look like oily jellyfish the size of a car, sporting long tentacles that act
like super charged propellers.
結果としてジグザグ動き回り 追跡は難しい
Despite the water holding onto them like glue, some move hundreds of body lengths per second,
この奇妙な動きは更に掘り下げると よく分かるだろう
equivalent to a person shovelling through mud at over 600 km/h.
However bacteria weigh so little and water is so viscous that they basically have no
君は2ナノメートルという 分子の大きさになった
inertia – there is no gliding on this scale.
この尺度においては 水滴は月の大きさとなる
The result is a weird jerky motion that's hard to keep track of.
草の葉はアラスカからオーストラリアに 届くほどになり
Maybe we can learn more about this strange motion if we go even deeper.
だがほとんど何もない空間ではなく モノであふれている
Molecule Realm
You've become the size of a molecule, just under two nanometers wide.
足元の草の細胞壁は 明らかに振動し
At your new tiny scale, the droplet now seems as big as the Moon to a regular human.
The blade of grass it rests on could reach from the tip of Alaska to the end of Australia,
水滴は10垓(がい)の水分子を含むが 全てが動いている
and the park is now almost the size of the Solar System – but instead of mostly empty
space, it is filled with stuff.
Everywhere you look, there are innumerable amounts of molecules and atoms.
互いに時速2300kmの速度で 容赦なくぶつかり合い
The rigid walls of the grass cells beneath you are clearly vibrating, rippling with waves
of energy.
これが千倍大きい世界で体験した 見えない流れの源だ
The water droplet contains nearly a sextillion water molecules that are all in motion.
Water is actually a storm of H2O molecules smashing into each other hundreds of trillions
of times a second.
Each of them is moving at speeds of around 2300 km/h and bombard their surroundings mercilessly,
sending small objects hurtling in all directions.
触ると熱いみたいな 漠然とした感覚だ
This is the source of the invisible current that you noticed when you were a thousand
ここなら熱の正体がわかる 分子の運動だ
times larger.
激しいボールプールの中のように ぶつかりあっている
Scaling this speed up to the human scale is impossible, as a human sized molecule would
冷めると、これらの動きは緩慢に 衝突の頻度も減るが
be 2000 times faster than the speed of light.
温まると、動きはまた加速し ぶつかりあう
All this furious motion comes from heat.
温度とは、これらの動きの 平均速度のことなのだ
Heat is a bit abstract at our human scale, where you touch something and get a vague
sense of whether it is hot or cold.
But down here, you really feel what 'heat' is: the motion of molecules, vibrating, twisting
and colliding as if they're inside a furious ballpit.
空気の分子同士の間にあるもの それは「無」だ
When these molecules lose heat, they move more slowly and collide less often.
空気を構成する分子の間は 真空なのだ
When they gain heat, they speed up and smash together with renewed fervour.
空気の分子は 平均60ナノメートル移動し
Temperature is basically the measure of the average speed of these fantastic dancers performing
今の尺度でなら ホッケーリンク並の長さだ
all day.
Suddenly a molecule hits you especially hard and you are catapulted out of the water droplet
into the air again.
残りの99.9%は真空だ ただ気づけないだけだ
And here you see something unexpected: The stuff between the air molecules: Nothing.
これは呼吸するたび僅かな原子と 無を吸い込んでいることを意味する
Between the molecules that make up the air there is a vacuum.
On average a molecule in the air travels for about 60 nanometers, which is about the length
君は2ピコメートルとなり 尺度は意味を失い始めた
of a hockey rink if it were the size of a human.
今の君に対し 人間は20億kmもあり
If we were to compress all the molecules and atoms buzzing around in the room you are watching
this in, they would only fill about 0.1% of its volume.
原子核は指先の 砂粒くらいの大きさで
99.9% of the space around you is a vacuum, you just don't notice it.
Which also means that every time you take a breath, you breathe in mostly nothing with
残りは、エッフェル塔くらいの大きさの 電子雲の中にある
a few atoms.
電子雲とはある瞬間に 電子がいそうな場所のことだ
電子は原子核の外を 自由に飛び回り
Subatomic Realm
新しい瞬間ごとに 違う形の振動を作り出している
At your size of under 2 picometers, scale starts to lose its meaning.
惑星の優雅な動きとは違い 原子核は混沌のモヤのようだ
A human would be nearly 2 billion kilometers tall relative to you, so large they could
stretch their arms from the Sun to Saturn.
原子核は核爆弾と同じ根源をもち それは静止しない
An atomic nucleus would be the size of a grain of sand you could hold on the tip of your
That grain holds 99.97% of the atom's mass.
The rest, a sphere of influence about as large as the Eiffel tower from your perspective,
is filled with an electron cloud.
That's basically all the places where electrons might be at any given moment in time.
底辺に到着した ここは現実と非現実の境目だ
Electrons are shapeshifters that morph around outside a nucleus, creating a new and vibrating
ここはプランク長の世界 光がプランク時間に進む長さのことで
mess of different shapes with every new moment.
プランク時間は 光がプランク長を進む時間だ
Unlike the graceful motion of planets, the atomic nuclei are chaotic blurs.
They bulge, roll, quiver and breathe.
現在の宇宙モデルによると これ以上小さい世界は意味をなさない
They hold back the same energy that powers nuclear bombs and it doesn't let them sit
更に小さい世界では粒子が泡のように 生まれては消え
They twist and vibrate sextillions of times a second.
It is time to end our journey and return to…
What are you doing?
見上げると 宇宙は大きく不思議だ
信じられないほど大きく 不思議だ
Stop it!
しかし見下ろせば 小さな世界の中には
click, click, click, click, click, click, click….
The Smallest Place (?)
結局、今いるところが 最適なのかもしれない
We have reached the bottom, the border between reality and unreality.
大きすぎず 小さすぎずね
The scale here is the Planck length, which is the distance light travels in a Planck
Planck time is the time it takes light to travel a Planck length.
Ah ok.
我々の目の前には 奇想天外な構造や生物など
None of our models of the universe make sense at scales smaller than this, so for now, this
目には見えない領域が 隠されている
is it.
Sad click :(
単細胞生物が互いに連携して 菌類のような森を作っている
We think that down here, particles bubble into existence and then spontaneously disappear,
creating a quantum foam of unimaginable energy.
シーッ!ここはクマムシの王国だ 彼らの死のような眠りを妨げちゃいけない
Can we go even smaller?
心配しないで 状況が良くなれば目を覚ますだろう
We don't know.
It is time to return.
細胞は無数のタンパク質を調整し 生を維持している
If you look up, the universe is large and strange.
ここは上も下もない 最も変な場所かも
So incredibly large and strange.
ここは色々ありすぎるよ 次に行ってみよう
But if you look down, into the tiny and extremely tiny, the universe seems even larger, and
この動画を再生している 機械の中に入ってみた
even stranger.
マイクロチップは小さすぎて 量子力学の法則も破りそうだ
In the end, the perfect place might be where you are right now – not too big, not too
これらの隠された世界は 人類紀元12,023年カレンダーの一部です
These hidden worlds are all part of our 12,023 Human Era Calendar.
This time you can join us on a journey through the microcosm.
ページをめくるたび足元に隠れていた 新しい世界が現れます
With each turn of the page you will reveal a new world you didn't know existed right
御存知の通り、今回も超高画質で キラッキラのカレンダーで
beneath your feet.
You know the drill by now: as always it's a super high-quality calendar, very shiny
and – only available for a short time.
このカレンダーはまさに 持ち帰り可能な Kurzgesagt の一品です
We also have a few special deals for you in our shop.
毎年言っていますが カレンダーの購入は我々を直接支援する方法です
The calendar is a true piece of kurzgesagt you can take home with you.
それは動画制作だけでなく 好奇心を刺激することでもあります
And we say this every year but it's true: every calendar purchase directly supports
皆さんのおかげで我々は知識を広め 宇宙や自然に対する
what we do here at kurzgesagt.
And that's not just creating videos but – sparking curiosity all around the world.
これを可能にしてくれて ありがとうございます
So because of you, we can spread knowledge and ignite an appreciation for space, nature
and life in people everywhere.
Thank you so much for making this possible!
Have a wonderful 12,023!
See you down in January!