字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Our application for a new rental apartment was just accepted, 新しいアパートが決まり but as we quickly move towards our moving date, problems compound that threaten to put our whole move in jeopardy. 引越し準備を始めましたが 早速トラブルです But as things keep falling into place, the kids are finally able to see their new home for the first time. 何とか準備は進み 子供達と初めて新居を訪れます OK guys, welcome home! ようこそ! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 日本は台風シーズンです Well, it's typhoon season in Japan, 雨と風が激しく 危険な場合もあります So it means that when typhoons come you get a lot of rain and sometimes wind too, and it's dangerous. 強力な台風が 日本に接近中です A category 4 typhoon is approaching Japan and is supposed to move through over the next day. 日本の台風対策は万全ですが 侮れません Japan is pretty well prepared for most typhoons, but the big ones can really cause havoc. 外は雨でも 屋内は快適です It might be raining outside, but oh it's nice inside. サラ どうした? Sarah, what's going on? 雨がすごいの It's raining like crazy. こっちに来て 音がすごい Yeah. 台風は予想より弱く 無事通過しました You want to come see it? And it's super loud. しかし 別の2つの台風も 日本に接近しつつあります Fortunately this storm wasn't as bad as predicted and moved through in the night. 引越しの日は 晴れるように祈ります But it's not just this storm that has us concerned, but two others storms that are backed up, as if in line behind this one. 今日は湿度が高い Everyone wants good weather when they're moving, and that's certainly true in our case. 雨も降りそうです We're praying for good weather. 秋だということを 忘れそうです It is so incredibly humid today, my goodness! 暑くて 湿度が高い It's supposed to rain later too. 英語には”暑い”と ”湿度が高い” という表現があります Well it sure looks like the fall, but it does not feel like the fall. 日本語の ”蒸し暑い” のような 表現がありません It is so warm and super humid. 便利ですね In English we have to say two words: hot and humid. 変化の風と伴に 我が家も一変しました But in Japan they actually have one word for it all: "mushiatsui" 荷造り真っ最中です Very convenient, this word. 様子を見てみましょう The winds of change were blowing, and in this case right through our house as we were preparing for our big move that was still not finalized yet. どうだい? This is what packing looks like, oh my goodness! レゴのマリオを しまってるの? Let's go see what is going on over here... 忘れないようにね What's going on in here? 完成ね! Lego Mario? Mommy's getting them all together for the move? 黄色い方に付けて Make sure no Lego Mario is left behind. いいね We're all done. That's one's done. That was a short one. これからパズ・チャーチの ミーティングです Let's add it to this yellow one. 終わったら 引越し準備に戻ります Oh nice. 新しい口座も必要です So we are on our way. We have a number of meetings today. Paz Staff Meeting 住所も学校も変わります Then afterwards we have to get busy on all the stuff you have to do for a move. インターネットも必要 One of the first things is we need to sign up for a [specific] bank 急がないといけません We have address changes, we have schools that need to change どう? We have internet that needs to change. 引越しは楽しいけど やることが多いわ What else? There's a lot of stuff that needs to happen here soon. 外国人だから 通常より大変かもね Well how do you feel about moving? 助けてくれる友達に感謝 Well it's exciting. It's overwhelming all the things you have to do. パズ・コーヒーショップです! As a foreigner I think it's just a little more overwhelming. 今年で4周年 Thankfully we have friends who help us. パズ・チャーチのスタッフは よくここで集まります Here we go. Here's our Paz Coffee Shop. このチャンネルと同時期に カフェが開きました Four years running now. That's pretty cool. 新居選びでも カフェとの距離を優先しました Paz Coffee Shop is just about to open for the day, and the Paz Church staff meets here regularly for meetings. 他のスタッフと話し合ったり 時間を過ごすのは We opened this shop around the same time we started this channel, 良い息抜きになります and it is one of the big reasons we chose a smaller place that was close over a larger place far away. 好きな仕事ができて祝福です While are meetings are productive, we really enjoy our time together too, それは? so it's nice to do some business as usual in the midst of the moving mayhem. ダブルショットのマキアート No job is perfect, but having work you love to do is a blessing of its own. スターバックスより美味しい What do you got here? 最高だよ This is a double-shot macchiato, a real one 人生変わるかも Not the weird Starbucks stuff, this is the real stuff 至福の一杯 And it's awesome, it's really good. いただきます It's amazing. It will change your life, actually. 癒されてる It will bless you in the deepest way that's possible. ベンは完全に冬モードだね Here we go. パーカーを着て コーヒーを楽しんでる Ahhh! 最高 That's chicken soup for the soul. 秋は最高 Ah, look at Ben. He's full-on winter mode here. 毎年待ち遠しい Just enjoying his coffee with his parka on... 引越しの日が近付き 書類の準備に追われ Oh, it's so good. 段ボールも 届いていませんが I've been waiting for fall. 変化の兆しが見えました It can't come soon enough. 段ボールが来ました Work and fun aside, moving day was coming closer, and we still didn't have any papers signed or any boxes from the movers, トラックに山積み but on of those things was about to change. 荷造りできます Our boxes are being delivered. あっという間に 段ボールだらけです There's a truck full of boxes... 現実味が湧いてきたね And all the boxes here for us to start using. すごい数 We soon had a formidable stack of boxes in our entryway. 本当にすごい! Well, it just became even more real, didn't it? 何個? That's a lot of boxes. 大きいのが70個 It's a lot of boxes, my goodness! 食器用 How many do we have here? 小さいのが60個 [Counting] 70 big ones... 断捨離しないと Put these on my dishes... 大きさを見てみよう [Counting] 60 little ones. 重い物を入れて 軽い物は私達で運ぶ We have a lot of crap in this house. テープがいるね Here let's try one and see how big they are. 段ボール第1号です Let's at least put the heavy things in them and the lighter things we can transport on our own. やるわよ! Then we tape! 大きいけど そこまでじゃない This is the first box, here it is right now. そうだね Let's do this thing. これは植物用 See, it's good size but it's not a beast. 植物は大事に梱包します That's right. サイズはつかめたね I'm going to put all my plants in here now. - 実行あるのみ - その通り Looks like the plants are the first to safely be stored. 台風は上陸しませんでした Get an idea of size... 蒸し暑さと雨が続きます Ready or not... 不安定な天気です Ready or not, here it comes. 風が強く 晴れたり雨が降ったりです Well the typhoon missed us, which is really nice, 変化の風は吹き続きます But all of that warm, windy, rainy weather came this way 次に住む場所も 気に入ると思いますが And it's been quite the weather today. ここは思い出の場所なので 別れが寂しいです Just with the rain, and then the sun— but lots of wind, always. 子供達は8年半 ここで育ちました Well the winds of change are blowing, and they're certainly blowing our way. YouTube が 思い出そのものです And while we know there's going to be lots of things that we like about the next place that we're going to live in こちら側は 綺麗な空ですが We're going to be very nostalgic about the place where we've lived. This is very special for us. 雨雲が迫っているので 帰ります 8 1/2 years here, our kids grew up here, 急な土砂降りで ずぶ濡れです Special memories. I'm glad it lives on in the YouTube archives. あの人と同じです Well I was out getting shots and it's beautiful over here, 引越しは子供達にとって 大きな変化です But over here it's just black and the rain has started, so I got to get back. 子供達と転校の話をしています From sunshine to downpour, let me tell you what, I got wet! ジョシュアとサラは10月ね Kind of like this guy here. 私達より早い? But the biggest change of all will no doubt be for our kids. 私達は転校 Talking about school transfers, when's it going to happen. Oh my goodness. そっか Joshua and Sarah will be in October. ベッカとアナの学校は徒歩40分なので よく車で送ります Wait, they're going to start earlier than us? そうだね? Yes! 'Cause we're moving! 今の中学校を 離れるのは残念ですが Oh yea, we are. 新しい中学校は 新居のすぐ近く I often drive Becca and Anna to school because they have a 40-minute walk from here to their junior high school. 徒歩10分以内です Right Anna? Yes. いい1日を! The move means we have to move junior high schools which isn't so great, アナ 寒くない? But the nice thing is that the new junior high school is very close, 上着忘れた Less than 10 minute walk from where we'll be living. 凍えちゃう Have a blessed day! ルースにとって 電動自転車は不可欠です Are you going to be too cold, Anna? カフェから 少し離れた所に住むので I forgot my jacket! Oh my goodness. ”パパチャリ” を買います Oh no, I'm going to be freezing today! 楽しみです The Mamachari [e-bike] was a real game-changer for Ruth これで私の自転車を 貸さなくて済みます And now that we're going to be living a little further away from the coffee shop, ”パパチャリ" を探します we're going to get a "Papachari" for me, an electric bike. 色んな種類があるね Here we go. すごいわ And I'm super excited because he'll stop borrowing my bike all the time. どうしよう Here we go, it's papachari time. 自転車ゲットです There are a lot of options, aren't there? 僕の自転車です A lot of options. やることが 1つ減りました Oh my goodness. 荷造りは続きます We got our bike どうした? We got my bike, actually. うまくいくかな So another thing scratched off our list. 準備は? And the packing continues! スローで撮る? What's going on up here?! ドーンってなるやつがいい If it works... 失敗 Ready? ペットボトル以外は 成功だね Should I do this in slow motion again? パパが買ったのは? Yeah you can, like the boom! "パパチャリ"! It didn't work. 初めて "パパチャリ" に乗るよ The PET bottle didn't work in there. The rest of it was pretty cool though. 乗りたい! Guess what Daddy's going to do? 見るだけだよ Papachari! パパ登場! Going to go ride my Papachari for the first time. もう私のは貸さないわよ Can I go with you?! 日本といえば電動自転車です Yeah, you can watch, OK? Come on.. 日本に来て8年半 遂に買いました Daddy! 乗り心地最高 Whoa! 本当だ Now he doesn't have to borrow mine. ぶつかっちゃうぞ Japan and Electric Bikes are a match made in heaven. 短パンの色とマッチします After 8 1/2 years living here, I'm finally getting my own. これはドレスとセット? This feels nice. そう It does. - これは? - 可愛い You going to crash into me!? 手袋は? Look at that, to match my shorts. またしても台風です This goes with your dress? 引越しまで1週間程ですが 書類が残っています Um hum. さすがに不安でしたが 待ちに待った日が来ました This? Cute. 契約完了です! Gloves? I can get rid of? 2時間です Wouldn't you know, it's a typhoon outside. My goodness. 他にも書類仕事が残っています We were a little over a week away from our moving date, but still no papers had been signed. 残り1週間です It started to feel like the move was in serious jeopardy, but finally we got the news we were waiting for. あっという間 Well we did, we got all the papers signed! 子供達とお祝いです It took about 2 hours マックです There's tons of papers, and there's stuff that we still have to fill out. 契約したよ! But it's only one week until we get in there. 1週間で引越しだよ I mean it's going to be fast. 豪雨ね! And what did we get to celebrate with the kids? パズ・チャーチで働く ルースの妹の近くが新居です They wanted McDonalds. 10件以上内覧しましたが この部屋で直感しました Well guys, the papers are signed! 子供達はやっと新居を 見ることができます We are going to get into our apartment in one week! 本格的な台風シーズンです It is really pouring down! 見てください Ruth was so excited we were going to live close to her younger sister, whose family also works with Paz here in Japan. 通知が来ると We visited over 10 different places looking for the right one, and when we saw an apartment here, we knew it was the right place. この壁紙です! Now our kids were anxious to visit the apartment for the first time. ビーチで髪が重力に 逆らっている妻です Tis the season for typhoons, I'll tell you what. 日本に帰国してから 台風のような日々でしたが OK, you want to see something cool? 台風の後は必ず晴天です Whenever I get a notification 新しい始まりに 相応しい天気です Bam! Look at that! 今日は何の日? It's the girlfriend, but after she went to the beach and her hair could stand up on end 新居に行く Ever since we came back to Japan from traveling this summer life has been in a typhoon-like whirlwind. 初めて見るね But after the typhoon comes clear weather, and that's exactly what we experienced the next day. ♪ 生まれて初めて… ♪ It was a perfect setting for what was about to happen. ワクワクしつつ 緊張しています Well guys, do you know what today is? ようこそ! We're going to go and see our new house. 楽しみ! You guys are going to see it for the first time ever! 叔母さんの家みたい [Singing] For the first time in forever.... こっちよ Everyone was excited and maybe a little bit nervous to see the new place for the first time. こっち? OK guys, welcome home! 私達の部屋? I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so excited! これはジョシュアとサラの部屋 It's just like Aunt Debbie's 私達の部屋は小さい? Let's go this way. 大丈夫かな This way? くぼんでる Which one is our room? 大丈夫だよ This is Joshua and Sarah's room... 行きましょう Wait, our room is smaller than this? 大きい部屋 Can we survive?! これが大きい部屋? Oh this is scary right here. It goes down. ママとパパの部屋 Oh it's fine. これは? OK, let's go スクリーンを外したのよ 踏まないで And then this is the big room... ベランダの工事で This is the big room? デビー叔母さんの 家が見えるよ It's mommy and daddy's room. 歩いてきたら 見えるわね What happened here? 楽しみ They had to take out at the screens and stuff because of the — don't step on that 私達の部屋? Because they're doing the balconies. 目を閉じて This is where you can see to Aunt Debbies. 目を閉じて Yea so if Aunt Debbie is coming, you can see her coming down the path. 小さいわよ Oh my, I'm so excited いいよ Wait a second... Our room is right here?! 机とベッド入る? OK, close your eyes. - ベッドはここ - 私 上がいい Close your eyes, close your eyes. 机はこっち It's tiny. 入る? OK 測ったよ How's a desk and a bed going to fit in here? - 棚を作るわ - クローゼットだね The bed will go right here. I'm on the top. 色鉛筆とか置いてた棚は? And then we'll put your two desks right here. 小さな棚を置けるかも Can that fit? 待って Yea it will, we measured it. - トイレ? - そうよ We're going to put shelves in there You have a little closet. 大きい! We have all those like colored pens that we put on that shelf. きれい Well you know what? 洗濯機は? We might be able to put a tall little shelf right here. 開けていい? Wait for mommy... キッチンに行ける Is this a toilet?! Yea, that's the toilet. すごい! Oh my! It's pretty big. ランドリールームだ It is big. Oh my goodness, it's so pretty. お風呂はこっち Where's the washing machine going to go? 小さい Is this a like a door right here? Can I open it? 1人ずつだね Yea, that goes into the kitchen and washing machine. 綺麗よ Oh my freaky-freakiness! 次はこっち You have your own washing machine room, Mommy. 悪くない And then here's the shower/bath. - 冷蔵庫は? - ここでしょ It's tiny. ここよ One person at a time. ここに棚 But it's nice. 私達の部屋はここがいい Yea it is. この部屋がいい OK, now we're coming out this way. Come this way Joshua. - だめ? - だめ This isn't bad. ぐるぐるするには最適? So the refrigerator...goes like right here, right? うん Right here. この部屋いいね And then you have shelf space right here. ベランダが広い! Oh my freaky freaky, hey, can this be our room? 確かに広いね I want this to be our room! 気に入った? Can this be our room? No. あっち見よう Is it good for spinning, Dude? 新しい学校? Yea. Yea. サラ! Is this part really cool here though? 呼び鈴のテスト Oh my goodness, the balcony is huge! どこにあるの? Well the balcony is huge! すぐ外よ That is nice, isn't it? 入れて I want to see something どうぞ Is that our school?! 汚いから気を付けて Oh Sarah! 彫像ごっこに最適だね Go ahead Sarah's checking it out. なんだか不思議 Where is it? Where is it? 空っぽだから 生活感が無いね It's right outside the room. <次回予告> Can I come in? さすが! Yea, come in. ママチャリ! It's a little dirty, so be careful. 引越し間近で 本気モードです Yeah, that is a good statue place, huh? 遂に来た This is weird to think that this is our house. 鍵! Well, it doesn't feel like anybody's house at the moment because it's empty. 8年半住んだ我が家に 最後のお別れです My freekin' goodness - 大丈夫? - カーテンがない! The Mamachatti Packing kicks into high gear as moving day approaches, Look what we got Keys and once it finally does, we say our final farewells to the home of our Life in Japan for over 8 1/2 years, Oh my goodness! I'm trying to find curtains!
A2 初級 日本語 台風 引越し 部屋 日本 自転車 サラ Seeing Our New Place for the First Time | Life in Japan Episode 178 27 0 Summer に公開 2022 年 09 月 06 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語