字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント We just spent 4 amazing weeks on an epic adventure in the Amazon, but the drama didn't stop once we got back to Japan, アマゾンから日本に帰国しても ハプニングが続きます for just an hour before getting home our car broke down on the highway, leaving us stranded 家を目前にして 車が故障して立往生 This is not how I saw today ending, but you know... 予想外の展開だね! and when we did finally get home, we had the biggest surprise yet. 家に着いても 更なる予想外が待っていました Even our pretty rose tree, bam! On the ground! バラの木も 全部バーン! That means we're going to MOVE! お引越し! [Life in Japan Theme Song] みんな おはよう! The morning after returning to Japan. 何時に起きた? People of my heart, good morning! 寝れなかった When did everybody wake up? 寝れなかった? We never really went to bed. サラは5時に起きた We never went to bed?! 3時から起きているわ Sarah did and woke up at 5:00 AM. 家のトイレを使った時 とても落ち着きました I've been up since 3:00. I laid down and never really slept. 日常が戻って来ました Last night it was so exciting to get home, use the bathroom, yes the toilet- oh! So wonderful. 私のコーヒーカップ And then I get here today and look what's waiting for me... 朝のコーヒーです It's my coffee cup. ルースが淹れてくれます And the girlfriend actually made the coffee... アナ 何見てるの? Well, I got it ready, she hit the button. 物件 So what are you looking for Anna? 物件? House. 荷解きだね Houses? お土産 And the unpacking has commenced, huh? Yes. 本も買いました All my souvenirs 今日の予定は? Got some books to read. 車を借りに行く Alright guys, do you know what we're about to do? 修理中はレンタカーだね Yea, we're going to see our new tiny car. 大変 Yea, the rental car we're getting while our car is the shop getting fixed, right? すぐ修理されるよ Yea, poor car. 小さい! Poor car. But it's going to be all better. すごい That is tiny! どうだい? What in the world?! 4席しかない What in the world, huh? 当面は助かるね There's only four seats. 修理が終わるまでだよ But at least it's something we can get around and buy stuff in 留守の間に大家さんがしたようです And then when our car is done, we'll have it back. 木が全部刈られている! And look what they did to our backyard while we were gone. 裏庭の手入れについて事前に聞いていませんでしたが 何かが進んでいるのは分かりました They killed our backyard! 根本から刈られてるね We knew as soon as we saw the backyard in this state that something big was happening. カワイイ車でお出かけ We just didn't know what or when. お寿司だね They just cut everything down to the roots it looks like. 新しいお店だね アナ OK, we got our little baby rental car that we all just drove in はま寿司 And now we're going to have sushi, right? 行ってみよう And we're going to try a new place, right Anna? サラはラーメンだね Hamazushi. Let's see what it's like. 見て! OK Sarah got some ramen this time, huh honey? ジョシュア Look what I got 鉄火巻き And Joshua... 鉄火巻き もう1個食べた? Six tuna rolls いいね Six tuna rolls, and you already ate one. Was it good? パパの唐揚げ Good. 長編の動画を編集中 女子は時差ぼけで大変です Oh, Daddy's fried chicken came, yum! アナは半分寝ながら歩いてる I've been working here on this massive video but the ladies are having a rough time adjusting to this new time zone. 眠気と戦いながら 家族と夕食です Well here we go. Anna's practically sleep walking. 久々の再会です We're trying to stay awake and we're going to go have dinner with the family 1ヶ月ぶり! It's going to be fun to see them. 久しぶり! A whole month is too long! アナが眠気と戦っている It's too long! 久々の家族との再会を楽しみました Did you see Anna, look — she's barely awake. 明日から新学期が始まります We had a fun dinner with family and stayed awake as long as possible, and then headed back home. しかし 家の状況が気になります The next day school would start for the kids, so we were trying to get back to normal, いずれ分かるでしょう まずは休息です but with our dubious housing situation, it was difficult to know what normal was. 早起きだね どれくらい寝た? Soon we would find out more. For now, it was time to rest. 8時間 Oh girls, it's early but you went to bed early and how long did you sleep? よかったね! 8 hours. 起床は? Oh, that's good! 3時 Up at what time? 3. ママちゃんは? How about the Momma chan last night? 夜の10時半に起きちゃった So, I got up about 10:30 PM... 10時半?! About 10:30?! 2階に来て And I came upstairs and I sat オーディオブックを聴いた Because if I listen to my audible it will like knock me out, 30分毎に起きる感じ So every thirty minutes I would wake up and turn it back on. 久しぶりの朝のルーティン お祈りと散歩です Well, it's time to get back into the morning routine so I'm going to go out to do my morning walk where I pray. レンタカーです Firing up the rental car. クーラーの前にドリンクホルダー コーヒーが冷えます Look, they have the cupholder right in front of the vent so the vent cools off my coffee! What?! 愛車のノアは修理中です Well, it's not my Toyota Noah but here we go, it will get me where I need to go. 久しぶりの日の出です The first morning back [walking], let's go see the sunrise, it's coming up right now 綺麗な景色です And it's beautiful. Oh yes, look at that. 旅行も大好きですが I really do love to travel, but I'll tell you what 日常生活のルーティンも大好きです It's so nice when you get home, because I miss my routine while I'm traveling. ルーティンは その人自身を形作ります And routines are what make you or break you. 物事の大小に関わらず ルーティンが人生を形作ります Whatever small thing you put into your daily routine will become a big thing in your life 小さな事から人生が大きく変わります And so just by managing the little things in your life that you day every day, you can determine which way your life goes. 新学期だね First day back to school. 始業式です It's the first day back after summer vacation. まだ時差ボケ And we're still jet-lagging. 楽しみ?ガッカリ? Now what? Are you excited, is it a little sad? 友達に会いたい I'm excited to see my friends. 授業はガッカリ Yea? 悲喜こもごもかな? But not excited that school started. アメリカの夏休みは3か月 宿題も無いのに Yea. It's a happy sad, huh? 日本は1か月で 宿題が山盛り It's not fair. In America there's three months of vacation, no homework. そうだよね In Japan, one month of vacation and a lot of homework. いつか転校するかもだよ I know. That's not so cool, is it? ランドセルが軽い! Well who knows. Maybe at some point you'll be in a school like that. 子供たちが登校した後 不動産業者と話し合いに行きます Right? Yeah. 状況が分かってきました [Singing] This backpack's so light, light, light. 不動産業者と話してきました The little Reutter kids also headed off to school, and then I headed to a meeting with the realty firm that manages our property. ルースに知らせます Things were about to really change. やあ Well, I just had a meeting with the realtors どうだった? And I'll call Ruth and let her know what's going on. 退去してほしいらしい 敷金は全額返金だって Hello. 新居の手数料も 幾らかカバーしてくれるらしい So what happened? 選択肢はいくつかある So they're officially asking us to move, they'll give us all of our deposit back 出来る限り早く 退去してほしいらしい Whatever the cost is to enter into a new house, they'll pay for that 急いで新居を探す必要があります They have a number of options for us to look at. 内側? They want us to get moving on it as soon as we can. 裏側 With the official word in, it was time to really get serious about finding a place. こんな感じ Is this from the inside of it? 庭があるの? That's the back side of it. 小さなリビングダイニング That's all they know. ジョシュア それは? Is it a nice side yard? It looks like a nice size yard. 難しい! It's a small living dining. 綺麗なピアニカが欲しい What is it Joshua? What did you get today? もう使わないけど It's so hard! そうなの? I really want a very very very very very clean pianika again. 引越したらこの景色とお別れです But we never use pianikas anymore. 素晴らしい景色でした You don't? 8年住んだので 複雑な心境ですが 良いニュースもあります Once we move, I'm hoping I won't miss the view. 愛車のノアが直りました! Because this view we have here is awesome. レンタカーを返却します Thinking of moving after living here over 8 years was not easy, but soon got some news that made us feel better. 路地裏でも小回りの効くいい車でした Well I just found out our car is done, our Toyota Noah is fixed でも愛車がいいです So it's time to drive this, take the rental back 楽しみです It's been fun driving this little car and navigating down some small streets I haven't been able to before, ボタン一つでエンジンが始動します But it will be nice to get our van back too. スマートキーは便利です All that space is missed. 愛車の復活を記念して 昭和記念公園に出掛けます Having these keys where you just push the button to start the car... 何回目かな? Without using your key, you just keep your key in your pocket, that is very cool. 数えきれない We decided to celebrate our car's return with a quick outing to one of our favorite parks in all of Japan, Showa Kinen. 最高の公園です Girlfriend, how many times have we done this? 子供は無料! Oh, so many. It's so fun. そうだね! It is so fun. This is one of the best parks. この場所は? And kids are free! オープニングを撮ったとこ Kids are free, yes! ここ So guys, what happened right over here? 丘の下 We have Life in Japan, the first thing The intro あの丘の下?こっち? Right here. 向こうだと思う It was down that hill. ママの記憶は正確だね Was it down that hill or was it down right over here? もう一度撮る? I think it was down over there. そこじゃない Oh, momma chan remembers better. ポールおじさんが撮ってくれた Let's see if we can recreate it. ポールおじさんは今日はいないね It's not right there. 思い出せない And Uncle Paul was taking the video. もう少し向こうかな Uncle Paul was taking the video, so we don't have him here today, but that would be very helpful たぶん I don't remember walking down here. もう一度? I think it was further over there. 今日はいいよ Maybe it was. レンタサイクルで公園をまわります OK so are we doing it? 久しぶりなので楽しみです No, no, we can just go. 一人で乗るのははじめて Today we're renting bikes and they have these amazing trails that go all around. そうだね! And it's just been a long time since we last did it, so it's going to be fun. ジョシュア 楽しみ? Yea, this is my first time going on my own bike. うん Yea, for you! Your first time on your own bike. 初めてだよ So Dude, are you excited for this? ギア付きは初めてだね Yep. Yea? 使ってみよう It's my first time having these. ヘルメットを直そうか Yea, it's your first time with a bike that has speeds (gears) on it, huh? 上り坂です So we're going to see how it does here. お気に入りのトランポリンに向かいます It looks like we need to fix your helmet though. 公園の反対側です Oh here comes an uphill ベッカ? We are working our way back to the kids favorite: the white bouncy domes 楽しい And they're back at the other side of the park. どこに置く? How is it, Becca? やっとくわ Good. Good? 我が家が一番来るのは この公園かな? Where should I put this? そうね Just leave it, I'll deal with it. 良い所は? So of all the parks here in Japan this is probably the one that you would say that we come back to most? 家から近くて 子供向けの遊び場が多い Probably. いい公園 そこまで遠くないし What's the best part? ジョシュア There's so many different activities for the kids and it's not that far from our house. 少し疲れた様子です So that's nice. I mean it's far, but it's not as far as some. 熱い Joshua アパートが古くなったので 他の住人も全員退去するそうです It didn't take long and everybody got tired and hot... 状況は理解しますが 悲しいです I'm hot. You're hot. 公園で気分転換します Our house is older now and has too many issues to fix, so it's easier to have all the tenants move out and tear it down. 舌がすごいよ!かき氷かな? I completely understand, still it's a bit sad to think about. かき氷! Getting out today helps us get our mind off of all the changes for a bit. ピンク色だよ What in the world? Look at that tongue! It must be Kakigori (shaved ice) 緑が綺麗です Shaved ice, let's see! 9月になりました You got some pink tongues there, huh? スモークが出ることがある Everything is so pretty and green today. 綺麗な景色だよね Even though it's September. 鬼ごっこができる! Sometimes there's smoke out there. サラもできる? I know, it's cool when smokes in here and it just fills this whole area. レンタサイクルに乗ります You can play tag! Yea. イエス様の言葉に励まされます Whoa! Whoa, can you do it Sarah? "食べ物や飲み物 着る物のことで心配してはいけません いのちのほうが 何を食べ 何を着るかということより ずっと大事です" We're ready to ride the rest of the circuit heading this way, oh boy. "野に咲いているゆりの花を見なさい" Our approach towards life can be summed up by something Jesus said "栄華をきわめたソロモンでさえ この花ほど美しくは着飾っていませんでした" “I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear." オレンジ色の花が見える? "Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow." 綺麗 "They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are." 駐輪場があったら見に行こう Can you see these orange flowers over here? 近いよ! Yea, they're so beautiful. 停めて見に行こう Oh, let's see if we can find a parking spot to go see them. パパ そこじゃないかも Here we go, it's close! もう少し後ろに停めるね We'll park there — oh! And then come up there. That's awesome! 見て下さい!すごいです! Daddy, I don't think that's a parking spot... "今日は咲いていても 明日は枯れてしまう草花でさえ 神はこれほど心にかけてくださるのです" It's not parking? Oh, I think you're right, I need to back up a little bit, don't I? ”神を第一とし 神が望まれるとおりの生活をしなさい そうすれば 必要なものは 神が与えてくださいます" Oh look at this! This is awesome, that's what this is! 暑い! "And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you." 暑い? "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live the right way and he will give you everything you need." 帰ろう It's too hot! パパも入ろう You're too hot? Well, we'll have to go get back... 新しい家 子供の学校 分からないことばかりですが Here, Daddy will get in it. 神様が最善に導いて下さる確信があるので 前に踏み出せます We don't know where we'll move to, what schools the kids will be in, or even what the near future holds. 桜の葉が変わっています But we do know that it will all work out for the best, and that gives us hope moving forward into the unknown. もうすぐ散りそうです The Sakura trees are already changing their leaves. 到着! They're the earliest to bloom and the earliest to lose their leaves. この家を出ると思うと 不思議な気持ちです We made it! 素晴らしい家でした 後悔はありません Well, it's a little crazy getting back home and thinking we're not going to be here much longer. オンラインショップもぜひご覧下さい Well I have to say, it's been a real good run at this house. No regrets here. トレーナーなど新商品もあります By the way, if you haven't checked out our online store, it's for Japan residents only ジャケットやバッグもあります But it's full of sweatshirts that we've been wearing recently, just in time for the fall. 動画制作のサポートになります Amazing jackets, bags, some other awesome things. ありがとうございます! Hey, a purchase will even support our move! 大変だ! So thanks! 何してるの? Oh my stinky stinky-ness! 引越しの準備よ What is happening in here?! 幼稚園から今日までの思い出がたくさん Well, we're going through everything, because we have to move すごい! So it's a walk down memory lane from kindergarten all the way to where they're at now. どうした? Oh my! 内見をするの Next time on Life in Japan 広い! What are we about to do? ママの顔を見て We are about to see our first three houses いい家ね 候補その1よ Look how big it is, oh! 巨大台風が接近中 Ne? Look at mommy's face. ここに来る? Well, let me tell you what, this first house, definitely a contender. カテゴリー4の 大型ハリケーン Japan braces for flooding and destructive winds from super typhoon Wait, is it going to come hit us?! Yea, category 4 major hurricane.
A2 初級 日本語 公園 ルーティン 修理 アナ 久しぶり 景色 We Can't Stay Here Anymore | Life in Japan Episode 176 20 0 Summer に公開 2022 年 06 月 21 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語