字幕表 動画を再生する
cough and cuff the wrist part of a shirt
both have three sounds they both start with k and they both end with f the difference
is the vowel in cuff I have a very relaxed mouth and that short uh cuff cuff cuff for cough
my mouth is open wide like you're coughing open in a wide oval shape tip of the time is low
口が大きく開いて、咳をしているように見える 時の先端が低くなっている
back of the tongue is pulled high up cough cough cough cuff cough cuff cough cuff cough cuff
舌の裏が高く引っ張られる 咳払い 咳払い 咳払い 咳払い 咳払い
cough cough cough i try to cough into the cuff of my shirt to be polite give it a try