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Web 3.0 is the newest buzzword taking over the tech and venture capital world.
Web 3.0は、ハイテクやベンチャーキャピタルの世界を席巻する最新のバズワードです。
And if you've found yourself wondering what it means, you're not alone.
Web 3.0 is seen as the third generation of the internet, a decentralized online ecosystem based on the blockchain.
Web 3.0は、ブロックチェーンを基盤とした分散型のオンライン・エコシステムであり、インターネットの第3世代と見なされています。
Web 3.0 represents kind of a new philosophy about how to realize these technologies in a more distributed and democratic way.
Web 3.0は、これらのテクノロジーをより分散した形で、より民主的に実現するための新しい哲学のようなものです。
Venture capitalists have invested billions into this vision, but some tech experts are unconvinced that Web 3.0 could scale globally.
ベンチャーキャピタルはこの構想に何十億ドルも投資していますが、技術専門家の中には、Web 3.0が世界的に拡大することに納得していない人もいます。
Skeptics like Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, have called it a marketing buzzword.
A lot of the skepticism about Web 3.0 comes from the fact that its early expressions are fairly primitive.
As experts debate whether or not this new version of the web can become a reality, here are some of the underlying principles behind the vision for Web 3.0.
この新しいバージョンのウェブが実現できるかどうかが専門家の間で議論されていますが、ここではWeb 3.0のビジョンの背後にある基本原則をいくつか紹介します。
To better understand Web 3.0 and what sets it apart from the web we use today, you have to go back to the early days of the internet, what experts now refer to as Web 1.0.
Web 3.0を理解し、現在のWebと何が違うのかを知るには、インターネットの黎明期、現在専門家がWeb 1.0と呼ぶ時代にまでさかのぼる必要があります。
Most of the participants were content consumers who were limited to navigating through individual static web pages.
Web 1.0, for those who remember, was just, you know, raw HTML and lots of very simple web pages, and it wasn't really controlled by anybody.
This was a more decentralized version of the web, meaning anyone who knew how to code could build on it from their own computers.
But at this time, only a small number of users had the technical skills to create and publish content.
Then came Web 2.0, which is the stage of the internet we're living through now.
Web technologies like JavaScript and HTML5 made the internet more interactive, allowing startups to build platforms like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and many others.
JavaScript や HTML5 などのウェブ技術はインターネットをよりインタラクティブなものにし、新興企業が Facebook、Google、Amazon などのプラットフォームを構築することを可能にしました。
For the first time, anyone could publish content online, even if they couldn't code.
Web 2.0 is this modern, centralized version of the web.
Web2.0 とは、このような現代的な中央集権型の Web のことです。
You know, we're all sharing things on social media which are owned by, you know, only two or three companies, and we're all using Google Search.
私たちは皆、2、3社しか所有していないようなものをソーシャルメディアで共有し、Google 検索を利用しています。
These companies own and manage the data collected from their users, and they frequently track and save this data and use it for targeted ads.
What's at the core of their business model is data.
Olga Mack is a blockchain lecturer at UC Berkeley, and is optimistic about Web 3.0's potential to reshape the internet.
オルガ・マックは、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校のブロックチェーン講師で、Web 3.0 がインターネットを再構築する可能性について楽観的な見方をしている。
The data economy, where the user-generated content, whether it's a conversation or a video, that is exchanged for services.
And so there is a perception that this monopoly of data could be abused.
Here's where the vision for Web 3.0 comes in.
The term Web 3.0 was first coined by one of the creators of the Ethereum blockchain, Gavin Wood.
In a 2014 blog post, Wood envisioned Web 3.0 as an open and decentralized version of the internet.
ウッド氏は2014年のブログ記事で、Web 3.0をインターネットのオープンで分散化されたバージョンと想定しています。
Theoretically, users would be able to exchange money and information on the web without the need for a middleman, like a bank or a tech company.
In this vision for a Web 3.0 world, people would have more control over their data and be able to sell it if they choose.
このWeb 3.0の世界では、人々は自分のデータをよりコントロールし、選択すればそれを販売することができるようになります。
And it would all be operated on a decentralized, distributed ledger technology.
The most common version of this is known as the blockchain.
While still considered relatively new and unproven, it could offer more transparency and autonomy for users.
The computers that are actually doing that computing for you or storing that data, anyone could own those computers, anyone can become a part of that blockchain.
And so it's not Facebook and Google's computers doing that.
だから、Facebook や Google のコンピュータがやっているわけではないのです。
With a single, personalized account, users would theoretically be able to move seamlessly from social media to email to shopping, creating a public record on the blockchain of all that activity.
But how exactly would Web 3.0 remain operational if it's not controlled by a central corporation or entity?
しかし、中央の企業や団体にコントロールされていない場合、Web 3.0は一体どのように運用され続けるのでしょうか?
Theoretically, people would be given virtual tokens, or cryptocurrencies, to incentivize them to participate in the operation of Web 3.0.
理論的には、Web3.0 の運営に参加するインセンティブとして、人々に仮想のトークン、つまり暗号通貨を与えることになります。
A central element of the system is so-called DEFI, or decentralized finance.
その中心となるのが、いわゆる DEFI(Decentralized Finance)です。
And the idea is that if you can issue a token for everything in the universe, if you can financialize every possible interaction of computers and software and humans,
then you can create this vast ecosystem of cryptocurrencies which can be traded, which can be valued relative to one another.
Still, it's unclear how this decentralized token system would be regulated, how it could operate on a large scale, or even how well it would distribute control of the internet.
Critics of the idea, like Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, called Web 3.0 "a centralized entity with a different label".
Twitter の共同創業者であるジャック・ドーシーのようなこのアイデアの批評家は、Web 3.0 を「ラベルの違う中央集権的な存在」と呼びました。
Developers who really dug into this think that the underlying blockchain structures of Web 3.0 are very insecure, not decentralized as promised; they're actually as centralized as previous technologies.
これを本当に掘り下げた開発者は、Web 3.0 の基礎となるブロックチェーン構造は非常に安全ではなく、約束された分散型ではなく、実際には以前のテクノロジーと同様に中央集権型だと考えています。
Some see Web 3.0 as a critical building block in creating the metaverse, an immersive online world where people can use avatars to socialize, shop, work, and play.
Web 3.0は、人々がアバターを使って交流し、買い物し、仕事し、遊ぶことができる没入型のオンライン世界であるメタバースを作るための重要な構成要素であると考える人もいます。
But others say Web 3.0 and the metaverse are two very different concepts.
しかし、Web 3.0とメタバースは全く異なる概念であるという人もいます。
Because the Metaverse is being hyped a lot right now and Web 3.0 is,
なぜなら、今メタバースが盛んに宣伝されていますし、Web3.0 もそうです。
there are some companies at the intersection of the two, like, let's create a metaverse that, you know, somehow is connected to the blockchain.
Right now, Web 3.0 is still very much an abstract concept with little real-world foundation.
現在、Web3.0 はまだ抽象的な概念で、現実的な基盤はほとんどありません。
Skeptics, like engineer and blogger, Stephen Diehl, argue that Web 3.0 doesn't have the computing power, bandwidth, or storage to work on any practical level.
エンジニアでブロガーのスティーブン・ディールのような懐疑論者は、Web 3.0 は実用的なレベルで機能するための計算能力、帯域幅、ストレージを持っていないと主張します。
For skeptics of Web 3.0, their argument is that, you know, tokens and cryptocurrencies, in general, are just a giant bubble,
Web 3.0 に懐疑的な人たちの主張は、トークンや暗号通貨は一般に巨大なバブルに過ぎないというものです。
and as soon as it pops, in their view, all of this nonsense about how that's going to build the next internet will go away.
While it remains to be seen whether or not Web 3.0 will become a reality,
the philosophy behind it is driving billions in investments in the venture capital world, funding a vast ecosystem of decentralized internet services.
So, there's so much real-world money going into building Web 3.0 startups that even if, as a concept, it proves unworkable, we're gonna be hearing about it for a long time yet to come.
つまり、Web 3.0 の新興企業を作るために、現実の世界で多くの資金が投入されており、たとえコンセプトとして実行不可能であることが証明されても、私たちはこれから長い間、その話を聞くことになるのです。