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  • This is Argentina's attempt to fry the world's largest torta free to the team of 12 m.


  • Make individual mounds of flour forming a crater in the center.


  • Another volunteer comes around and adds a large ladle of fat into each mound, meters, then mix the flour and fat together, gradually adding about a picture of water as they mix and knead the dough, Working together, bakers, walk around the dough in covered shoes until it starts to resemble a giant desk.


  • The metal grid helps sandwich the torta free to so it can be lifted by the crane.


  • When the bread is done, workers peel off large sections and hand them out to the hungry crowd.


This is Argentina's attempt to fry the world's largest torta free to the team of 12 m.


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B2 中上級 日本語 生地 パン 小麦 脂肪 混ぜ クレーター

世界最大の #トルタ #フリタ は、24人のパン職人が仕込みから揚げまで担当します。#ショートパンツ #フード (The world's largest #torta #frita takes 24 bakers to prepare and fry. #shorts #food)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2022 年 08 月 22 日