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  • Good morning everyone.

  • Good morning peter.

  • Why did you call us up early?

  • Did you forget where we are going today?

  • Uh huh, I can't wait to visit Lyra's friend.

  • Is it dangerous?

  • I heard polar bears are huge.

  • It also has claws and strong paws It's okay if he’s Mia's friend.

  • I hope so.

  • It'll be fine, let's go.

  • The weather is nice today Good morning everybody.

  • Good morning, Mia, how are you?

  • I'm great.

  • So glad you came here.

  • Let's start our journey.

  • You go ahead and lead the way.

  • Go this way.

  • Wow, the scenery here is so beautiful.

  • There's my bear.

  • It looks like it's sleeping.

  • Look, there's a red streak in the snow.

  • Oh my gosh, it's trapped.

  • Poor bear.

  • It must be very painful.

  • What do I have to do now?

  • Let me have a look.

  • Do you know what you're doing?

  • Of course, I know, I took a first aid course.

  • But this is a bear.

  • Probably the same.

  • Calm down and let him work, we don't have any other choice.

  • You have to remove the lever first.

  • We have to remove the trap first.

  • We have to stop the bleeding quickly because he's already lost a lot of blood.

  • Can anyone give me the first aid kit on the snowmobile?

  • Done, now we'll put it in the snowmobile and bring it back to the ship, there's a vet there.

  • Poor you, it will be okay.

  • Do you have a name for him?

  • His name is Buddy.

  • That's a good name.

  • The name means a close friend in English.

  • Don't worry, it's not too dangerous.

  • That bear is snarling at us.

  • It's Buddy's friend.

  • We should go, maybe he thinks we're hurting Buddy.

  • It's okay, it knows me and Mia so it won't attack us.

  • Let's get in the car now, well if we carry bears we won't have enough room.

  • We have to leave some things behind because the bear is too heavy, the snowmobile won't

  • work.

  • You just take Buddy back to the ship first.

  • We will be here waiting.

  • I want to go with Buddy.

  • Please wait here and don't go far, we'll be right back.

  • We will be fine.

  • There's our ship.

  • How to get Buddy on board?

  • I will call the captain to support.

  • Hi Peter, what's going on.

  • I have an injured polar bear.

  • Why do you have a bear?

  • It's a long story, I'll tell you later.

  • Okay, how can we help?

  • I gave first aid to the bear, now I need a vet to check it out.

  • I will call the vet right away.

  • He looks so gentle.

  • He's a friendly bear.

  • Is he okay?

  • The wound wasn't too dangerous, but he lost a lot of blood.

  • Man: So what do we do with him?

  • He needs special care for at least three weeks before being released into the wild.

  • But we have to leave soon.

  • So let him follow us.

  • We don't have a cage He's so friendly, he could be on a ship like

  • everyone else.

  • It's very dangerous, everyone on the ship will be very worried.

  • If I follow him to take care of him, will you accept it

  • You have to ask your father's permission first.

  • I'm so nervous, you've never been so far from home.

  • Please, dad, Buddy needs me, and I'm on vacation so it won't affect my studies.

  • You can rest assured that we are here.

  • Moreover, this is a good opportunity for her to learn English.

  • Alright, I hope everything will be fine.

  • Thank you, daddy.

  • You stay here with Buddy, Peter and I will be back to pick up the rest.

  • Well, we'll have to wait here for hours.

  • This is probably going to be boring.

  • What are we going to do while we wait?

  • Let's enjoy the scene.

  • Here is just a white of ice and snow.

  • I have a survival manual in this cold place.

  • You're being too careful, but we should also check it out.

  • The knowledge that sometimes we will need.

  • The first part is how to avoid the bears.

  • Sounds interesting, but we found a bear ourselves.

  • Buddy is our friend so it doesn't count.

  • Some of the most important things are to keep your distance and not surprise the bears.

  • Most bears will avoid humans if they hear us coming.

  • How to deal with an encounter with a bear?

  • Speak calmly so the bear knows you are a person and not a predator.

  • Be calm because most bears don't want to attack you, they usually just want to be left alone.

  • Follow groups of people, so bears will perceive noise at a longer distance, groups are scary

  • to bears.

  • Make yourself look as big as possible.

  • How can I make myself bigger?

  • Move to higher ground, you will be bigger.

  • Should I run?

  • Do not run.

  • Bears can run as fast as racehorses both uphill and downhill and will often chase animals

  • that are running away.

  • What should I do?

  • If the bear runs after you, stop and stand your ground.

  • What do I do when the bear is stationary?

  • Move away slowly and sideways.

  • Why do I have to do that?

  • This will help you avoid tripping and keep an eye out for the bear.

  • Should I climb a tree?

  • Where can I find a tree in a cold place like this?

  • Both black and grizzly bears can climb trees.

  • Please leave the area or take a detour.

  • What if I can't leave?

  • Always leave the bear an escape route and wait until the bear moves away.

  • Let's change the topic.

  • Is this topic not interesting?

  • No, I feel a bit scared when I remember Buddy's friend's eyes looking at us.

  • He knows we're Buddy's friends.

  • What if another bear attacks us.

  • I have Bear Pepper Spray.

  • Is it to spray on bears?

  • It is used defensively to stop an aggressive bear, when the bear rushes in or attacks.

  • Why do you have it?

  • A friend on the ship told me I was going to see a bear.

  • A friend on the ship gave it to me when he knew I was going to see a bear.

  • Having it makes me feel more secure.

Good morning everyone.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

動物を助けることについて話す |英会話(Talk about helping animals | English conversation)

  • 52 4
    面梟 に公開 2022 年 08 月 19 日