字幕表 動画を再生する
these are Costco products that are only available in Japan.
Okay, so we are here in Costco in Tokyo Japan and I wanted to show you some products that are only sold in Japan.
Well, I think they're only sold in Japan.
I actually haven't been to a U.
Costco in a while and I know that there are Costco is all throughout the world.
But I think these products are only sold in Japan.
You can let me know if you have it in your country.
もしかしたら他の国にもあるかもしんねぇから その時は教えてくれ
But for the most part, I think these are products that are only available in Japan.
And if you guys want to help you with the channel, then definitely check out the Tokyo merch.
If you guys want to see what I'm doing on the daily check on my instagram account.
今日、スッゲーあっちぃから動画の続きは 部屋のソファーからお届けすっぞ
And if you have any questions about Japan, Japan job, check out my discord community.
It is a little bit hot.
マイコ シーフード好きだろ
So I think we're gonna go sit down on a nice sofa and do the rest of this video.
All right, so let's start with the seafood.
”シー(see)” フード 口ん中なんもねぇけど
Don't you like seafood?
Michael sea food.
I have no food in my mouth.
So anyways, yeah, so let's begin with the raw seafood here in the Costco.
This is probably one of the things that surprised me the most here in Japan.
アメリカのコストコでこんなに たくさんの種類を見た覚えはねぇな
There's just so much selection.
日本で売られてる魚介類って 基本的に、生食OKなものが結構多いんだ
First of all, we have all this type of sushi back when I was in the States.
ほら、アメリカで売られてる生の魚介類は 生では食うもんじゃねぇってのが一般常識だろ?
I don't remember having this many options in Japan.
A lot of the seafood, like the raw seafood here is meant to be eaten raw.
Whereas a lot of the fresh seafood that you see in the States is really not supposed to be like eating raw, like you're supposed to cook all of that.
And then also what was kind of interesting is they have also seaweed, which you know, it's not naturally eaten.
A lot of other places, like not normally eaten, whereas it's just like a staple here in japan seaweed.
So definitely have that also.
それから海外にはねぇと思うんだけど 海ぶどうも売ってんだ
I don't, I don't think you'll have this, but they had the sea grapes and then a and to rocco, it's starting to become a little bit more popular around the world, but still it's been like a major delicacy here in Japan.
So there's quite a bit of that.
I think there's like a pretty good selection of pokey here.
最近は海外でも見かけるようになったけど まだ日本ほどではねぇ
Maybe if they had one in Hawaii do they have a Costco in Hawaii?
I feel like they have a lot of pokey there.
So this one is probably an easy one.
It's one of my favorite sections, the alcohol section.
ハワイにはあんのかな? コストコってハワイにもあんの?
Obviously they're going to have so many different japanese brands here from beer.
You have Asahi kitty and just like a lot of minor ones and all the different variations.
Michael, what's your favorite beer?
次はオラの好きなセクションで わかりやすいやつ
Like the super dry Ryan for those of you don't know that is an Okinawan beer.
Oh, hoppy beers, I think hotpot shoe is a low malt beer has a tax category of japanese liquor that most often refers to beer, like beverage with less than 60 per seven cent malt content.
So it has a lower tax.
They do have that as well.
You're just gonna get a lot of japanese brands here.
マイコの好きなビールは? スーパードライとか?
Yeah, and then the sake, now, if you guys love sake, there's a lot of japanese sake.
They had to, I made in japan video with the shoes.
Oh and they have that sake in Costco maru everyday sake.
1200 for three liters.
Dude, that'll get you super wasted way but it is world renowned, so maybe you know it is in other Costcos, but they do have just like a huge variety, japanese sake.
Um the prices might be a little bit different.
I don't know if it's gonna be cheaper.
Not you guys can let me know.
There's also fruit wine as well.
You guys are into that at the end of the day, there's just a lot of japanese brands like when I go to a japanese, Costco, I actually go there to buy Western Prada because of the japanese stores everywhere.
So I go there to buy like a huge thing of ribs or furniture, not furniture, like laundry detergent or something, you know, well if you guys want to see what we bought actually, I'll leave it at the end of the video.
Maybe roll some of that b roll at the end.
日本酒好きな人には間違いなく嬉しい! すんげぇ種類あんぞ
So you guys can see strawberry shortcake, strawberry shortcake.
オラの動画でも紹介した 朝日酒造の久保田とか
They do have strawberry Shortcakes in the States.
I think a Western person created shortcake is a crisp crumbly cake made from butter, which is how it got.
Its name is american shortcake.
This is japanese shortcake.
The use pond's completely covered so it's not crispy.
So what you're saying is the U.
Has a shortcake but they don't have a japanese shortcake, which is pretty much just a regular strawberry cake.
All right, let's move on to the next one.
I'm getting tired of this one.
安いかどうかはわかんねぇ 知ってたらコメントくれ
Okay, Michael, it's not good times.
For example, they have cats everywhere all around the world, but they have one of my favorites Black Thunder.
We have that on the regular in the house because I love it so much.
オラはちなみにコストコへは 海外の商品を買いに行くんだ
They at one point did like um collaboration with Black Thunder.
That was really good.
Was it different flavors or just one flavor.
What's also interesting is they have like a lot of old school festival type candies.
家具? その売り場行ってんの見たことないんだけど
I think people go there for like summer candies and went out of like school parties or something and bio, Michael, what is your favorite snack in the whole wide world right now email campaign but before we continue on, let me tell you about boxers.
We'll also sponsor this video.
I know that many of you have already signed up, which is awesome.
But for those of you who don't know, they provide a gourmet experience of japanese snacks and tea pairings delivered to your front door.
They work with traditional japanese factories some over 100 years old to provide you with authentic japanese flavors.
First time users will get a seasons of japan box and after that you'll get a theme box.
Like this one, this one's theme is Matsuki nights transport you to a japanese festival where you'll taste delicious treats you'd find there like taco yucky in snack form.
My favorite this month is the kata amount strawberry sandwich cookie, which you can try for yourself.
So get $15 off your own authentic japanese snack box subscription from box.
ショートケーキはバターを使った サクサクのケーキで
Ooh, by using my code.
Apollo 15 and link in the description.
The next section is when I kind of pretty much grew up on when I was a little kid, it's the frozen food section.
Just a little story background like lived in Seattle Redmond area and we went to Costco pretty much every week.
スポンジが中にあって ホイップクリームでビッチリ覆われてるの
And so my parents were just load up on frozen Costco food so I could just pick whatever food I wanted for that week.
Probably not the healthiest growing up and it is what it is.
つまりアメリカには日本みたいな ショートケーキがねぇってことだな
I'm quite familiar with a lot of the different stuff.
そう 違うのよ
I mean obviously it's changed over time, but they, they have a lot of the foreign brands here in japan.
But one thing I did notice was that they had long gone ISA, which is like a filipino sausage.
I don't remember seeing that in the US, which is interesting because you won't actually see filipino sausage in anywhere here in like in regular japanese supermarkets.
次 いってみよ! ちょっとわかんなくなってきたぜ
They had a couple different kinds, they had sweet longan ISA and they had hot lisa and then they also had like this sweet casino, which is another kind of like filipino meat.
お次は スナックの時間だぞ
Yeah, it's really not the best for you though.
世界中どこでもある キットカットとかももちろんある
It's so oily after you cook it all the leftover oil.
オラが好きな ブラックサンダーもあるぞ
It's like sitting in the pan, you don't feel the best.
It is so good.
This next one is definitely not my favorite section.
I think it has the most demand seasoning, dressing, sauces, sauces, cooking sauces, cooking supplies.
If you guys have a suggestion how we can name this.
じゃかりことか ハッピーターンとかもあったよね
Like if you go there, you'll see like a lot of QP which is a japanese brand.
They have like different dressings, they have meeting, which is another like japanese cooking product, they have cooking sake ponzu.
じゃがりこは1種類だったかな ハッピーターンも
Let us know if you guys have these in your country.
昔ながらの祭りでありそうな 駄菓子もいっぱいあったよな
So one other note, if you go to the pharmacy health and like kind of nutrition section of Costco, you can find a lot of japanese prod again, mainly because I think it's really difficult to import.
夏祭りとか学校の行事用に 買いに行くのかもな
They do have like centrum and all those kind of things, but they do have like japanese specific ones.
They have like all the painkillers, cold medicine.
Just everything that you can find at the drugstore a little bigger and cheaper.
They even have diet stuff.
次の商品に行く前にここで 「BOKKSU」の紹介だ
Yeah, I guess it might be different than a lot of other Costco's but I can say like the majority of the products were from Japan.
たくさんの人に試してもらってるみたいで ありがとな!!
What's interesting is if you buy stuff in that area then you can't actually buy it in the regular standing by at the pharmacy.
I don't know if that's something just Japan does.
「BOKKSU」は日本のお菓子グルメが詰まった箱を 家まで届けてくれるサービスだ
I'm sure it's like the last one is our favorite.
老舗メーカーなどからユニークなお菓子を提供してて 中には創業100年の老舗もあるぞ
The food court actually gone there and had lunch and dinner.
初回はSeason of Japan ボックスが届くようになってて
We've gone there so many times to be honest with.
It's quite a long ways for us to get there.
We literally have to rent a car because we don't have a car and we have to drive about an hour to get there in our back.
So it's really a big trip for us.
It's like a mini vacation.
Wolfie loves it actually.
日本のお菓子が詰まったボックスを みんなも試してくれよな
He loves all the food at the food court.
Okay, so we are at the food court now and there are some foods here that are sold in japan.
Um Walking is also having a good time right now.
次の売り場はオラが子供の頃から 親しんでるやつだ
This time we got the golgi bake chicken nuggets, potato and the quinoa chicken sandwich.
The thing that was really surprising.
Like I don't really ever have like chicken nuggets and potato that's like a big bucket of chicken nuggets and potato, it's like more than 20 pieces for like that one.
ほぼ毎週コストコに行って オラの親は冷凍食品めちゃ買ってたんだ
It's like crazy to be fair though.
It was a little bit soggy I guess It wasn't like your Mcdonald's crispy chicken nuggets, like the newest one out of all of them is the quinoa chicken sandwich.
健康的ではねーかもしれねぇけど まっしゃーねぇな
I was decent.
The bread has actually sold in the store.
The tender was decent overall.
Like the bread was like a little too heavy for me if you're really, really hungry and it's going to fill you up.
The cookie bake was really good.
ロンガニサっていう フィリピンのソーセージも売ってて
Meat was really sweet for me to use the cookie mix thing, but it is pretty good and it's huge.
It's like as big as his arm is like, what are you guys doing?
日本の普通のスーパーでフィリピンソーセージを 見たことねぇから、謎ではあるけど
What do you keep on putting this piece of bread in?
Okay, so that's pretty much it, those are items that you can find here in Japan that you might necessarily not find in other cost goes all around the world.
It is not what you thought about the prices, but that's pretty much it.
スイート トシーノってやつもあったな
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