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  • our word today is consequence which means a result  of an action or a condition or importance or  


  • relevance I think this word gets really confusing  for my students because we have a lot of schwas  

    関連性 この言葉は、私の学生にとって本当に混乱するものだと思います。

  • in there my point today is going to be to think  about the schwa as just short and quick and soft  


  • you may hear the schwa as an uh an eh or an ih


  • all are fine as long as it's nice and short and  


  • quick and soft and unstressed so the word  is con suh kwuns consequence consequence

    ということで、「con suh kwuns consequence consequence」となります。

  • consequence consequence consequence consequence


our word today is consequence which means a result  of an action or a condition or importance or  


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