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  • Hi everyone, I'm Claire and I run the brilliant botany blog over on tumblr.

  • This is the first in a series of botany vlogs that I'll be posting on YouTube hosted by

  • yours truly and today I'm here to tell you five interesting botany-related facts.

  • Number 1: Sunflowers are actually made up of hundreds of tiny flowers called florets.

  • The brownish ones in the center are called disc florets, and the yellow ones around the

  • edge that we would think are petals, are called ray florets.

  • Number 2: The tallest redwood, sequoia sempervirens, is Hyperion, a tree in Northern California

  • that measures 379.3 feet tall. That's 151.18 meters, for those of you who are in metric.

  • Number 3: Deadly nightshade, also called belladonna, is toxic because it contains atropine. When

  • ingested, atropine can cause rapid heart rate, hallucinations and even seizures.

  • Number 4: Romans actually had greenhouses. They constructed them making thin sheets of

  • mica and they used hot steam to blow past flowers to make them bloom out of season.

  • Number 5: The first star gazer lily was bred by a man named Leslie Woodriff in 1974. It

  • was special because it faced upwards rather downwards, like all other cultivated lilies

  • of the time. Woodriff actually never saw any profits from the breeding of this new flower.

  • And we don't actually know what two strains of lilies were bred together to create this

  • new stargazer strain. And there you have it, five botanical facts

  • that you can break out at your next party. Which may or may not make you friends, depending

  • on what kind of party you're at. If you enjoyed this video, press the thumbs

  • up button and press the subscribe button if you'd like to keep up with future vlogs that

  • I post here. If you have any plant-related questions, leave

  • them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer some of them in future videos.

Hi everyone, I'm Claire and I run the brilliant botany blog over on tumblr.


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B2 中上級

植物学の5つの事実! (Five Botany Facts!)

  • 64 7
    稲葉白兎 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日