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  • Hi everyone, I'm Claire, and I'm back for Brilliant Botany episode two with some summer

  • reading recommendations from some of my favorite botany-related books.

  • Now for my first recommendation, I couldn't pick one of Amy Stewart's books, so I have

  • three of them. Amy Stewart is a science writer who typically writes about plants--she also

  • has a book Wicked Bugs which I don't own because I'm more of a plant person--but the first

  • of these is Wicked Plants by Amy Stewart, which is a really great, it's almost like

  • a reference, you could definitely read it through, but it's basically a history of plant

  • poisons, and their different uses. Ranging from food, to weapons, to famous people who

  • have died, all sorts of things. And it's actually a really gorgeous book. It's a really nice

  • hardback. I'm a book geek so I really like it for that. And it has really great illustrations.

  • The second of these is, the first one I read by her, is Flower Confidential and this is

  • the good, the bad and the beautiful of the cut flower industry around the world. It talks

  • about breeding blue roses, breeding the Stargazer Lily, which I mentioned in my last video,

  • how roses are cultivated and shipped from Ecuador, Guatamala, all around the world.

  • It's super interesting, super well-written, it's more of a narrative than a science book

  • which is something that I really love about it.

  • The third of these is The Drunken Botanist by Amy Stewart, her newest book, and similar

  • to Wicked Plants it's a really gorgeous hardback with great illustrations. And it is little

  • anecdotes, and each chapter or section is a different plant and how alcohol is derived

  • from it. So it's basically any alcohol you can think of is in here with back stories.

  • Fruitless Fall by Rowan Jacobsen, the collapse of the honey bee and the coming agricultural

  • crisis. It was published in 2008, so it's a little bit outdated in terms of talking

  • about colony collapse disorder, the disease or condition that was striking all of the

  • world's--or at least the United States'--bees a couple of years ago. It is a very great

  • book if you want to learn about how bees work and communication and hives; it's very great.

  • As you can see, I have lots of post-it notes in it, because plants and bees, both very

  • important. This is one of my absolute favorite books,

  • The Wild Trees by Richard Preston. It's about Coastal Redwood research in Northern California

  • and how that started within the last couple of decades. And the men and women who started

  • that area of research. One of the first researchers, Steve Sillett, free-climbed into a redwood

  • canopy without any gear just to stand in the crown of a redwood, and it's believed that

  • he was one of, or the first man to stand in the crown of a redwood tree.

  • This is more of a practical recommendation, this is Newcomb's Wildflower Guide, mostly

  • based in Northeastern America, I'm sure it reaches up a little bit into Canada. It's

  • what I've used in my plant systematics courses to identify plants. It's a really great, easy-to-use

  • guide, so even if you aren't a botanist and don't know that much about plants, you can

  • use it to identify stuff in your area. You basically need to be able to tell how many

  • petals a plant has, how its leaves are arranged, which will be explained to you in the book,

  • and what shape those leaves are, also explained to you in the book in terms of options. And

  • then it leads you through questions, so you figure out using pictures and descriptions

  • what plant it is you're looking at. And there you have it, some summer reading

  • recommendations if, like me, you have some down time right now. And if there's a particular

  • topic you're looking for a book on, drop a note in the comments and I'll see if I can

  • come up with a recommendation for you. Similarly, if you have any botany-related

  • questions leave those in the comments and I'll answer them in a future video.

Hi everyone, I'm Claire, and I'm back for Brilliant Botany episode two with some summer


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ボタニカルリーディングのススメ (Botanical Reading Recommendations)

  • 32 9
    稲葉白兎 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日