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"Hyperbole". What is a "hyperbole"? Wow, it's hot in there. My name's Ronnie. And
"Hyperbole"(誇張表現)。"誇張表現 "とは何ですか?うわー、そこは暑いね俺はロニーだそして
this is a funny story — as they all are — is when I first started doing things,
I saw this word as a "hyperbole". And I thought: "Wow, 'hyperbole' — that's a
weird word." But it's actually "hyperbole". Huh? And it's the first
time ever that I've looked at this English word and gone: "Wow, we've
actually pronounced the... the 'l' and the 'e' together." So, this is a
"hyperbole". It's not. This is a "hyperbole". What is a "hyperbole"? A
"大げさ "だと?そうではありませんこれは「大げさな表現」です誇張表現」とは何ですか?A
"hyperbole" is basically acting like a drama queen, as I was doing in the
"誇張 "とは、基本的にドラマの女王のように振る舞うことであり、私が
video. If you want to exaggerate something; exaggerated statements —
these are not literal statements; they're exaggerating. They're for all
the drama queens out there. If you want to improve your vocabulary — mm-hmm —
then hyperboles are a great way to do this. And the only problem is they're
not formal language; it's very slang, very street, very today. So, you have to
understand that it's not literal. So, I wouldn't write these in scientific
essays, or experiments, or PhD dissertations. So, let's go.
They can be describing many things. For example, time. "Oh, man, this is taking
forever!" But it's not, though; because "forever" is just like eternity. So,
forever!"とはいえ、そうではありません。"forward "は永遠と同じですから。だから
it's... if you want to say something's taking me a long time, we exaggerate it.
We say: "This is taking forever". Oh, god. "Ages": "It's taking ages for me to
私たちは言います。"これは時間がかかる "と。ああ、もう。"何年も "です"It's taking ages for me to
get the document from the government." You're just saying: "It's taking me a
政府からドキュメントを入手する"あなたが言っているのは"かかる "んです。
long time." And, like most things, if it's important, it can take a
"lifetime". Again, not literal. A "lifetime" means a long time. Quality.
"lifetime "です。繰り返すが、文字通りの意味ではない。一生」とは、長い時間という意味です。品質です。
This one's not really slang, but we use it a lot, like: "Oh my god, my mom is
the best mom ever." And we use words, like: "the best" or "the worst". And to
最高のママ"といった言葉を使うのです"最高 "とか "最悪 "といった言葉を使います。そして
make them even stronger, we say: "ever". "This is the worst food ever. I'm never
をさらに強くする、そう言っています。"今まで "です。"史上最悪の食べ物だ "と私は決して
eating again." But you are going to, cause if you didn't eat again, you would
また食べる"しかし、あなたはそうするつもりです なぜなら、もしあなたが再び食べなかったなら
die. So, be careful. "Massive". Size. We talk about the size of things. Classic,
が死ぬ。だから、気をつけよう。"マッシブ "だ大きさのこと。物の大きさについて話す。古典的な。
classic. People go fishing and they catch a fish this big, but that's kind
of boring. So, you might hear some people talk about how things that they
have are "massive". People might say: "I have a massive snake. Would you like to
see it?" Or things can be "huge"; "huge" and "massive" are the same — they mean
を見ることができます。あるいは、物事は「巨大」であることもあります。"巨大 "と "巨大 "は同じ意味です。
very big. The opposite of this is "tiny". Somebody might say: "Oh, I have
a massive snake!" And then when you look at the snake, it's actually tiny. And
you say: "Yeah, yeah, your snake is super tiny there, buddy". Tiny snake.
My Mom always said this: -"Ronnie, I told you 100 times: Don't pick your
nose." -"I counted. It was 42. And that was 43, Mom, so you're still not at
鼻"- "数えました。42だった。そして43だった、母さん、だからまだ
100." So, we use this to exaggerate how many times we tell someone. We nag at
100."だから私たちはこれを利用して 誰かに何回伝えるかを大げさに表現します。私たちは、口うるさく
them: "I told you 100 times not to do that!" No, that was seven now. This is a
classic. Classic. So, you go out drinking, and you wake up the next day
with a terrible hangover. And a "hangover" is something that you get the
next day after drinking too much; you're dehydrated. And you promise, you say:
"I'm never going to drink again." Or: "I'm never gonna drink again." Hey,
guess what? That's a "hyperbole". Of course you're going to drink again;
you're going to have water. I know in like next weekend, you're still going to
have a beer or a delicious glass of wine. So, you're lying. You're just
lying. "My leg is killing me." Did you know that my leg was a killer? My leg
can come off and actually go: "Ah!" and kill me. But it can't. We just say: "Oh,
you know, my leg's killing me." Or: "Oh, my head's... I have a headache. It's
killing me." Just feeling a lot of pain, aren't you? It' not actually dying from
it. And this is kind of creepy, too, this last one. "My arm hurts so much" —
それ。そしてこれもちょっと不気味なんですが、この最後の1枚。"腕がすごく痛い" -
okay? This... this arm hurt — "so I just want to cut it off". Well, do you know
what? I don't think that's a good solution because if you actually
とは?それは良い解決策とは思えません なぜなら、もしあなたが実際に
"amputate" — which means cut off your arm — you're not gonna have an arm. And
I think that actually cutting your arm off, would have more pain than whatever
your ailment is now. So, for all you drama queens out there, this lesson's
for you. Improve your vocabulary with hyperboles or hyperboles, if you'd like.
I'm out of here for now. Gonna go chop off my own tongue.