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Hi. My name is Ronnie, and I want to share a story; a funny story with you
guys about me. It was me. I promise it was me. I was playing a video game. Do
you remember those old-school, arcade video games where you: "Dan-dan-dan"?
昔のゲームセンターのビデオゲームを覚えていますか?"ダンダン "でしょ?
And it was Street Fighter — yes! Oh, I quite like Street Fighter — vs. X-Men.
So, I was there, minding my own business, playing Street Fighter and
X-Men together, and then a group of young fellas; some teenagers came in.
And the guy just put money in the machine; in the... I know, I know —
money. Remember that? Coins. It wasn't a bank card; he just put money in the
machine, and he started playing against me. And I was like: "Um..." I mean, I
didn't want to play against someone; I was just minding my own business. You
know? Hanging out. So, anyways, long story short: We... we stopped the game
and we decided to play again. He made me. He's like: "You're gonna play
again!" I'm like: "Okay. All right." And I chose my character. Now, my character
that I always choose is Rogue, because she's a girl, and Street Fighter/X-Men —
and she's the coolest. Right? For sure. So, the guy's like: "Oh, why did you
pick Rogu? It's a girl." But he didn't say: "girl"; he said the "b" word. He's
ピックローグ?女の子だよ"でも、彼は言わなかった。"女の子 "ではなく、"b "の単語を言ったのです。彼は
like: "She's a bitch." I'm like: "How rude!" But, honestly, dude, the girl's
name is not: "Rogoo or Ragu". No. He said: "Rogu". "It's Rogue." And he's
の名前はNGです。"Rogoo "または "Ragu "です。いいえ、彼は言いました。"ローグ "です。"ローグだ "とそして彼は
like: "No, it's not!" I was like: "Yeah, it is." He got, like, physically mad or
angry. And I finished the game. I won, of course; I kicked his ass at the game.
Wa-cha! But I left as soon as I could, because I was kind of afraid that he
would try and kick my ass or something, like, physically. So, that's my story. I
was doing laundry at the laundromat, and that's my "Rogue" story.
But the point of the story is: We have silent "u's" in English; not like the
しかし、この話の要点は英語には無音の "u "があります。
lamb or the: "Mew". No. Enough. Focus, Ronnie. Focus. So, the silent "u" in
子羊や"ミュウ"もういい集中しろ、ロニー集中しろでは、"u "の発音は
English — this is the rule — okay? —and there's a rule; it's crazy. After a "g"
英語 -これがルールなんだ - OK?-そしてルールがあります。"g "の後に
— okay? — so, the "u" have... has to come after the "g", but before a vowel.
- そうだ- だから "u "は "g "の後で母音の前に来るんだ。
Example: We have a "g", then we have a "u", and then we have a vowel. So, the
"u" comes before the vowel, but after the "g". And I know; this confuses me,
"u "は母音の前に来るが、"g "の後に来る。そして、私は知っている。これは私を混乱させる。
too. So, it's "g", a "u", and then a vowel. If this pattern occurs, we don't
say the "u". Unh. Even if it happens in the end of a word, like this word:
"prologue" — we don't say: "prologooey", "prologooey". It's a "g", a "u", and a
"プロローグ" - 言わない。"prologooey"、"prologooey"。それは、「g」、「u」、そして
vowel, so it's going to be a silent "u". Now, I hear a lot of people saying — not
の母音なので、無音の "u "になります。さて、多くの人が言っているのを聞きますが、-ではなく
the guy I was playing video games against... a lot of people saying: "Oh,
I went on a tour, and I saw the tour gu-ide." Oh, is his name Guido? "Gwide".
ツアーに参加して、ツアーガイドを見たんだ。あ、彼の名前はグイドですか?"グワイド "だ
We don't say: "tour gwide"; we say: "tour guide". Okay? This guy has the
私たちは言いません。"tour gwide "とは言わず、"tour guide "と言います。"ツアーガイド "と言うんだいいですか?この人は
same rule. We have a "g", a "u", and then a vowel — because we have this
pattern, the "u" is silent, so it's gonna sound like: "guide". This word —
パターンでは、"u "は発音しないので、次のように聞こえるでしょう。「ガイド(guide)」となる。この単語は
we don't say: "gu-est". "Will you be my gu-est today?" We say: "guest". Next,
とは言いません。"gu-est "とは言いません。"今日は私のゲストになりませんか?"私たちは言います。"guest "と言います。次の方
when you have to think about an answer that you're not sure of — we "guess" the
answer. I can say: "Guess how old I was when I was playing the video game." I
don't say: "gu-ess"; I say: "guess".
とは言わない。"gu-ess "ではなく、"gu-ess "と言います。"guess "と言います。
"Guard". At a mall or someplace, there's maybe a security guard. And it's really
"ガード "です。ショッピングモールとかだと 警備員がいるかもしれませんねそしてそれは本当に
funny. I think I've told you before: I am terrible at spelling. And words like
these — they make me crazy because I never write the "u". If I was to write
the word: "guard", I would write: "g-a-r-d", and apparently that's wrong.
ガード "と書くと、"g-a-r-d "となる。"g-a-r-d "と書きますが、どうやらそれは間違いらしいです。
So, you have to write: "g-u-a-r-d". So, keep this tip in mind when you're doing,
だから、書かなきゃいけないんです。「g-u-a-r-d "と書くのです。というわけで、このコツを覚えておくと、やるときに便利です。
like, IELTS tests; don't make the spelling mistake, like I do, because
you've got to make sure that you get that silent "u" when you write it. If
を書くときは、無音の "u "が出るようにしなければならない。もし
you don't write it: "Wanh!" — you're gonna fail. You're gonna fail!
書かないんですね。"ワン!"と書かないと- 失敗するぞ失敗するぞ!
"Prologue". So, a "prologue" is something that comes at the beginning of
"プロローグ "です。つまり「プロローグ」とは、冒頭に出てくるものであり
a story or a book. There's the "epilogue", which is not on the board,
but it follows the same rule; and there's a "prologue". Anytime in English
you have the word... the thing "pro", it usually means before. "Rogue". Now, as I
"プロ "という言葉は、その前の段階を意味します。"ローグ "ですさて、私は
told you, my best friend playing video games with me, pronounced it: "rugue",
一緒にゲームをしていた親友が発音したんだ。"リューグー "と
which... meh. But it's "rogue". So, he said the "u", which is cool; but he
という...メチャクチャ。でも、"rogue "なんです。それで、彼は "u "と言い、それはクールです;しかし、彼は
didn't say the "e". Yeah, you guys know that lady named "Madonna" and that song,
"e "を言ってないああ、君たちは「マドンナ」という女性とその曲を知っているね。
"Vogue"? See? Listening to music will help you improve your pronunciation. So,
we don't say... Madonna didn't say: "vogooey". "Vogooey", "vogooey",
we don't say...マドンナは言ってない"vogooey "だ"ヴォゴォーイ" "ヴォゴォーイ"
"vogooey", "vogooey". She said: "Vogue", like the magazine. Oh, and what's a
"vogooey"、"vogooey"。彼女は言いました"ヴォーグ" 雑誌のようにあ、あと、なんだっけ
"rogue"? A "rogue" is a crazy animal. No, it's not. It's a crazy person.
"Rogue" is someone that doesn't hang out with a group. Ronnie's a bit of a rogue.
"ならず者 "とは集団で行動しない人のことです。ロニーは "ならず者 "なんだ
"Vogue" — it's a magazine — it's... strike a pose.
"Guilty". We don't say: "gu-ilty". "You are gu-ilty of bad spelling, Ronnie."
"有罪 "です。私たちは言いません"ギルティ "とは言わない"スペルが下手でギルティだ、ロニー"
You say: "guilty". So, it's like we just take the "u" out — uh-huh — bye-bye "u".
あなたは言う。"有罪 "です。つまり、「う」を抜いたようなものです - あー、うん - バイバイ「う」。
"Guilty". "Guilty" is the opposite of the word "innocent". If you are
"Guilty"(ギルティ)。"ギルティ "は "イノセント "の反対語です。もし、あなたが
"guilty", it means that you have done something wrong, and someone saw you.
"guilty "は、あなたが何か悪いことをして、誰かに見られたという意味です。
Hmm. Shit! So, if you're "guilty" of something, it means that you actually
did something. If you're "innocent" — the opposite of "guilty" — it means that
が何かをした。無実」なら - 「有罪」の反対です - それはつまり
somebody said you did something, but you didn't do it. Well, nobody's caught you
yet. "Catalogue". Do you remember the "catalogue" to...? No, never? No? Okay,
まだ"カタログ "です。"カタログ "を覚えていますか...?いや、一度も?ない?そうか
nevermind. How old are you? "Catalogue" is like a magazine, where before we had
気にしないで何歳ですか?"カタログ "は雑誌のようなもので、以前は
the internet, you would do catalogue shopping. So, you would look at the
magazine, and go: "Ooh, I want to buy this, and this." When I was a kid, we
雑誌を読んで"ああ、これとこれを買いたい "とね私が子供の頃、私たちは
had the Consumers Distributing Catalogue; and around Christmas time,
they had the pages of toys. Ah! So, what I would do is I would imagine that I
could choose one toy from each page; I think it was two toys from each page
because I wasn't that greedy. And I would circle, like: "Oh, if I can have
two toys on this page, I would choose this one and this one." But then I was
like: "I don't want all those toys; there's no place to put them. I'll just
play with my belly button, like I usually do." So, a "catalogue" is like a
magazine for shopping. Sears Catalogue. This word: "guitar". Do you play the
guitar? "Wow, wow, wow." We don't say... I've heard people say: "Guitar. Hey, you
want to play the guitar?" And in some dialects, that's acceptable; but
usually, because the "u" is silent — because of the rule — we say: "guitar";
通常、"u "は無音なので、-ルール上-、と言うことになります。"guitar "と言います。
not "guitar". "Guitar". This word's always weird, too. I always spell this
"ギター "ではなく。"ギター "ですこの言葉もいつも変です私はいつもこの綴りを
word wrong. And honestly, just now, just now I know why I spell it wrong; I never
put the "u". Oh, wow. I spell it: "t-o-n-g-e". And then when I'm typing
をつける。おお、すごい。スペルは"t-o-n-g-e "です。そして、タイプしているときに
something, it's like: "Spelling mistake! Spelling mistake!" I go: "Not again".
"Tongue". Even the pronunciation's weird. "Tongue". I think, like, "tongs"
"Tongue"(舌)。発音も変だし"トング""トング "みたいな感じかな?
— okay, that's cool. There's no "u"; it's easy, but it's: "tongue". So, it's
- オーケー、クールだね。う」がない。簡単だが、「舌」だ。だから、それは
"t-o-n-g-u" — don't forget the "u" — and the "e". "Tong"; "tongue". "Tongue,
"t-o-n-g-u" - "u "を忘れずに - "e "も。"トン"; "舌 "です。"トン
tongue, tongue". Talked about a tour guide.
Oh, I don't like this word: "ought". To me, it's very old-school. It's like
"should"; you're giving people advice, like: -"You ought to do this, Ronnie."
"should "は、人にアドバイスをするようなものです。-"こうするべきだよ、ロニー"
-"Hmm. Yeah, okay." We would more casually say: "should"; "you should do
- "うーん、うん、わかった"私たちはもっと気軽に言うでしょう"べき"; "したほうがいい
this"; not: "you ought to", but it's still a word; it still circulates in
this "であって、"you should to "ではない。「しかし、これはまだ言葉として残っており、今でも世界中を駆け巡っています。
some circles. When you look at this, I say: "Oh-gutta". "You oh-gutta to do
あるサークルです。これを見たとき、私はこう言います。"オウガッタ "です。"する "のがオウガッタ
that." Maybe that's why I don't like the word, because it's one of those words
that "です。たぶん、だから私はこの言葉が嫌いなのでしょう、それはこの言葉が
that I can never say properly. But it's: "ought". "Ought". I would spell it:
というのは、決してうまく言えません。でも、それは「べき」なんです。"べき "だ私ならこう書きます。
"o-u-t". "League". I spell this wrong... word wrong all the time, too; I put:
"オ・ウ・ツ"。"League "です。これはスペルが間違っています...単語もいつも間違っています;I put:
"l-e-g-e". "League". But it's got our lovely silent "u", there, so it's:
"l-e-g-e "です。"リーグ"しかし、そこには私たちの美しいサイレント "u "があります。
"league". This is a French word; we stole it from French. Shh. "Fatigue". I
"league "です。これはフランス語の言葉です。私たちはフランス語からそれを盗みました。シーッ"疲労"I
remember learning French when I was a child, and they had a word for tired:
"fatigue" — I was like: "That's so funny." But now it's not funny anymore.
"疲労" - 私は、"面白い "と思ったでも今はもう笑えません。
It's still funny. But we say: "fatigue". When I look at it, I say: "fat-ti-goo".
やっぱり面白い。でも、私たちは言います。"疲労 "です。見ていると、こう言うんです。"ファット・ティ・グー "です。
"Wow, I am really fatigoo today", but it's "fatigue". This word always,
"Wow, I am really fatigoo today "と言っても、「疲労」なんです。この言葉はいつも
always, always such a terrible word for people to pronounce, because look — I
don't blame you — look at: "colleagooey". This is my worker; my
don't blame you - look at:"colleagooey "です。これは私の労働者であり、私の
co-worker or my "colleagooey". Here's the way we say it; we say:
co-worker、またはmy "collegooey "です。これが私たちの言い方です、私たちはこう言います。
"call-league". So, you're gonna call the person: "call-league". "Colleague" means
"call-league "です。それで、その人に電話をかけるのです。"call-league"(同僚に電話)です。"colleague "の意味は
co-worker. So, maybe you're fatigued at your work because your colleague keeps
on talking all the time. You're like: "Please just be quiet, colleague." So,
learning about the silent "u" will help you with your pronunciation; so don't
無音の "u "を学ぶことは、発音に役立ちます。
say: "gu-ard", "security gu-ard" or "the tour gu-ide". Also, as I realized doing
と言ってください。「gu-ard」、「security gu-ard」、「the tour gu-ide」と言います。また
this — it will help you a lot with your spelling. Ronnie needs a lot of help
with her spelling. It'll help you at IELTS tests; it will help you on
whatever tests you have to write. And if you need more tips, or pointers, or help
— you can go to my website: www.EnglishWithRonnie.com, and there's
- 私のウェブサイト(www.EnglishWithRonnie.com)をご覧ください。
lots of fun stuff there. It's just actually me, but I'll see you soon.
Don't forget the silent "u" when you're spelling, okay? "u".
スペルを書くときは、無音の "u "を忘れないでね。"u".