字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Japan in the summer is hot, 日本の夏も暑いですが 川遊びに最適な季節です and on these hot summer day, there's nothing quite as refreshing as going for a swim in a nice, cool mountain river. 中津川は我が家のお気に入りです We like to come out here to the Nakatsu River for some fun with family and friends. 水がとても気持ち良いです The shallow water and strong current make for perfect playing conditions. 大きな岩がある! I feel like there's huge rocks in here! ジョシュアだね! There goes Joshua! Whoa Dude! 上手なスピン! What a spin, that was awesome. 来たね Here they come. 川はどう? How's the river, girls? 冷たいね Cold. Cold and fun! 夏は冒険の季節ですが こんな "冒険" もあります Yes, there's lot of fun to be had in the summer, but sometimes the fun you find is the form of an adventure. 日本の運転です Take driving in Japan, for example. 道路が狭いので 思わぬ状況に見舞われる事があります You never know what kind of situation you may find yourself in, or if you'll get your car out unscratched. 大きな道もありますが In Japan, of course they have main roads, 狭い路地も多くあります But as soon as you get off the main roads, you can get into some really interesting situations fast. 見て下さい Let me show you. 道路に木?! Is that a tree in the road?! 避けます Let's just squeeze on by here. もし対向車が来た場合は? But what happens when you meet another vehicle on these tight streets only wide enough for one car? 退避できる場所があればいいですが Well, something's gotta give, and usually the vehicle with the best option to get off the road will take it, この時は トラックが道を譲ってくれました in this case the other truck, as I had no where to go but back up a steep hill. 本当にすごいです Did you see what I mean? Holy cow! 狭い道です These streets are so tight 道に木がはみ出ていて 対向車も来ました You have trees in the middle of them, you have trucks coming up, 一方通行の坂に きつい曲がり角 One way and hills and corners and drop offs on the other side 角度もきついです You have to back up, you have to squeeze into little angles. 日本での運転は大変です So if you're driving in Japan, you've gotta be ready for this kind of stuff. この夏 オンラインストアで 新商品を販売します Summer is also a time for us to try out some new items for our online store. あら! Ah! It's the best! ママちゃん これは? OK let's open this. OK Momma chan, what do we have here? Life in Japan の新商品! We have new Life in Japan merchandise! それはバック? Wait, that's a bag Mommy! ピクニックバック Look, it's a picnic [bag] 数量限定なので Oh and these we have very limited quantities, 多分5個限定です I think we only have five to sell on the website. 欲しい方はお早めに! So if you want one, rush there and buy it! 保冷バッグ Aww! スーパーのカゴに収まるの! This is also a thermal bag. いいね! I can take it grocery shopping, it fits in my basket. Wow! これがロゴ Oh my goodness, look at that! 別の保冷バック! This is our "Patch" series. いい感じだわ Oh, this is another thermal! Wow. 新しい Life in Japan バッグ Oh, those are beautiful. 黒! A new Life in Japan bag. 底が赤のと黒のがあるわ Black! Wow. ジョシュアの新しいスウェット Oh, and we have these with red on the bottom or black on the bottom. 赤だね! This is Joshua's new sweatshirt - 黄色もある! - サラが欲しかった色 That is a red dude! 黄色! That's a yellow [sweatshirt] Sarah wanted yellow! アナは青 That is yellow! ベッカは茶色 Anna got a blue! ベッカ And Becca got the brown. いいね! Oo, Becca. スリークォーターよ Oh nice. I'm wearing it, I'm wearing it! これはパパのね And then three-quarters. Ooo, I likey. ロゴ付きよ I think that's yours Daddy. Oh good! これはパーカー These are all our Patch series. - おー! - 素敵ね! Oo la la パパにはこのジャケット And this is your Hoodie. カッコいい! Oooo Ooo, that's nice! - 素敵よ パパちゃん - いいね Oh I got this nice jacket for you! カメラさん Oh, that's nice! かわいい Very nice Daddy chan! That's cool. アナとベッカ Oh, but Cammie's so cute. ジョシュア It's a cutie pie. 寝るのが好きなママ Anna, and there's Becca カメラマンだね! 上手だよ サラ! And there's Joshua. 日本の夏は暑いですが 楽しい季節でもあります And Mommy that loves sleeping in. 夏はレジャーに最適な季節です Look at my new camera operator! Good job Sarah. 涼しい山で過ごすのも その一つです Japan really swelters in the summertime, but that doesn't mean that life has to suffer too. キャンプ場に来ました The summertime is actually the best time in Japan for a lot of things, 今週末はキャンプをします one of which is certainly getting away into the cooler mountains. 忙しい都会を離れる時間は いいですね We've come out to a beautiful campground, 爽やかで楽しい時間です We're having a camp here this weekend, 週末は教会でキャンプをします It's always an amazing time when you're able to get away from the busy life of the city and take a break. リトリートは準備も大変です Super refreshing time, it's exciting to be out here today. 先乗りのチームで 準備を進めます Whew! Doing it! いい調子! Hosting a camp weekend is a lot of work, but it's work that always pays off in the end. 部屋を見ましょう This weekend we're hosting an Encounter Retreat のどかな景色です so the team is busy prepping the campground before all the participants come. 美しいです Setup looking nice! 忙しい合間 週末に一息ついて Yeah! 日々の生活を振り返る Look at these rooms here 豊かな毎日を過ごす為に 大事な時間です They just have like a pastoral scene outside こういう時間が好きです How beautiful is that?! コロナ禍で自粛していましたが If you don't ever stop and take a moment just to get away for a weekend 対策をしつつ再開できて うれしいです Think about life — how it's going — 今夜はご馳走です You need these times to be able to keep perspective on life. 隔離のホテルみたい And that's one of the big things we like to do でも楽しいね During Covid we weren't able to do events like this 夕食の後 So it's really good to be able to get back and do this again. 周辺を散策しました Oh wow! Dining in paradise tonight, guys! 自宅では 別の企画の真っ最中です Or in quarantine. Ha ha! Or in quarantine. ルースが準備しているはずです It's quarantine paradise. サラの誕生日は プリンセスティーパーティーです Oh yea! 小さい頃 プリンセスが好きでした After dinner we finished up the preparations シュガークッキーの花 and had a moment to enjoy the beautiful surroundings before all participants would come. 本物の花は サラが好きな黄色と紫 But the camp was not the only place where preparations for a big event were underway. クッキーも沢山用意しました Back home Ruth was busy with a big project of her own. ユニコーンが好きです We're having a birthday party for Sarah and it's going to be princess tea party. クッキー Well, not really princess, just fancy because she's not really into princesses anymore. ヘルパーです But look, sugar cookie flowers, もう少し! Real flowers — and she loves yellow and purple. あと少しで終わります We have more cookies... 虹が好き A unicorn, she still loves unicorns, 虹が好き? More cookies キャンプの参加者が到着しました There's my helper! 楽しく賑やかな時です We're working on it! キャンプの間 家ではパーティーの準備中です It's progress, but we're getting there. サラの9歳の誕生日です I like that rainbow. バースデーケーキとクッキーです You like the rainbow? Yeah. - 好きな色は - 黄色と紫! Back at camp, the participants were arriving. 黄色と紫が沢山! The first night was almost done, but the next day would be full. 素敵なセット Session were packed in tight, and back home Sarah was getting ready for her big day. クッキーです We're getting ready to celebrate Sarah's 9th birthday ユニコーンの風船 Here's her birthday cake and cookies. とても綺麗! Her favorite colors are... Yellow and purple. ユウダイが 障害物コースに挑戦します So we have lots of yellow and purple. ベンも行く? And like very girly. OK 行くよ! And look at those cookies, 休憩時間に 障害物コースに挑戦しました And her unicorn balloon バランス感覚が問われます Aww, so beautiful. トシオさん 特に 気を付けて OK Yudai's showing us the obstacle course here. 分かりました? Ben, you got this? Yea, let's do it! "気(木)を付けて" OK, here we go. OK Back at camp, we had a break and took a moment to try out the obstacle course. ぐらつきます It really challenged our sense of balance! これは大丈夫そう Toshio, be especially careful of that tree! これはどうかな Get it? 次は? Get it? これは? (Lame Japanese pun Dad joke) 登らないと Next part is hard — oh great! 登ります! OK ユウダイは近道? These move. どうしよう This one doesn't move, I don't think. 不安だな Yeah, I don't think this one does either. 大丈夫 What about this next one though? あれ?! What is this? 見て You're supposed to go up there. 上手だね! Oh, he's going up! He's doing it! 真剣そうだね Did Yudai take a little shortcut? 見て下さい I don't know what to do here. ユウダイは出来たね But I don't trust this! I was going to say... まだあるの? Alright alright. どれくらい? What?! まだ途中 You can't — you can't do it! ユウダイは順調 Oh look at that, oh! ユウダイはプロだね These guys — you guys are killing it! すごく長い障害物コース! Oh, mask comes off. Things are getting serious. 落ちたら戻らないと Whoa yea, look at that. 誕生日おめでとう! Oh you got it Yudai, no problem. 家ではサラのパーティーです Which one is harder, I wonder. 準備は? I don't know. 座る? It's thin, isn't it? Yeah! 写真撮らないと! What, it's still going?! すごいです How long is this thing? ユウダイが先頭 You're halfway. ユウダイが先頭だね Oh Yudai did it. いいね! Yudai's the pro, he's already done this. 迷わないように This is the longest obstacle course I've ever done. 進みます! If you fall, you have to go back! ユウダイ次第だね Yea! まあまあだね You finished! Congradulations! Well done! 綺麗です 足元に気を付けます Happy birthday Sarah! 川辺はとても涼しいです It might have been hot in the mountain, but it was broiling back home for Sarah's party. 最高! It's so hot! 涼しいね! Are you ready? 本当に You want to go sit down? ベンのセルフィーです I gotta take a picture of this real quick! ♪ハッピーバースデー トゥーユー♪ Oh my goodness, look at this! 翌朝は早朝に起床 We're just following Yudai 朝早く出発して 日曜礼拝に向かいます Going, going down. Yeah, wherever you go Yudai! コーヒーを調達します Make it good! 売り切れです Don't fail us now! 売り切れ We're going... We're going! アイスだけです Put our lives in Yudai's hands. 夏のキャンプが好きです So that was the easy part. We still have to go back up! 今年のリトリートも良かったです Wow! パスチャーチの時間です! This is nice. Just watch your step. キャンプから戻りました You get down by the river and it immediately gets cooler. Oh it feels good. あと1分で始まります! This is great! 行くぞ! Dude, it's so much cooler down here! サラの誕生日を 家族でお祝いします So cool. 猛暑だったので 公園で水遊びをしました Much much cooler, isn't it? 撮ってる? Ben's like "It's picture time, let's do it!" 撮ってるよ [Singing Happy Birthday] いいね! The next day was an early start. 3・2・1! We had to get back in time for the culmination of encounter weekend at Paz Church on Sunday morning, 楽しそう! and we couldn't be late. - 今日は誰の誕生日? - サラ! I'm on my way to get my first cup of coffee here this morning. サラ!すごいね! And wouldn't you know it, it's sold out. ベッカはルルと一緒です Sold out. 日本の夏は蒸し暑いですが I'm going to have to go with one of these, but they're cold, oh. 楽しく過ごす秘訣も沢山あります Yes, summertime is the time for camps, 誕生日にもらったの? and this years' Encounter retreat did not disappoint. ベレステイン・ベアーズ Oh it's festive here today at Paz Church! ベレステイン・ベアーズ! お気に入りの本だね We have the Encounter coming back, すごいね One minute to go, it's going to be party time! 読もうか Yea!!! Here we go! "誕生日おめでとう!" お客さんが言いました [Singing] バースデーソングを歌いました With the weekend retreat done, it was time to celebrate Sarah's birthday together as a family. 暑いね! Since it was blazing hot outside, we went to a nearby park to play in the water. 夏本番だね Are you videoing me? 散歩に行きます Yep! Alright, let's see! 散歩を楽しんでいます Oh nice! 日が暮れてからだと快適です 3, 2, 1 ! パドルボーダーがいます Whoa, very fun! 水の中はいいわね Whose birthday is today? Sarah's! 暑い日や雨の日は パパがタクシーです Sarah-Beara! Oh my goodness Sarah! 今日は45分歩かなくていいね Becca's walking with Lulu there. たった5分! Huh Becca? サラ 何してるの? Sweltering and summertime are two words that just go together in Japan, プレゼントを見てるの but fortunately we have plenty of good activities to keep us busy inside. プレゼント?これは誰から? Sarah, what did we get for our birthday? ソフィアから Berenstain Bears. すごい Berestain Bears! Some of your favorite books, huh? 沢山貰った Oh wow. 良かったね I like to read them to you. 誰かがピアノを弾いてます "Happy birthday brother!" shouted the birthday guests as Momma brought in the cake. 誰でしょうか? Then they all sang the birthday song. ベッカ! It is hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. すごく上手だね! Summer is here. ウインク出来た? We're going for a walk. 競争する? We have been enjoying our walks 私が勝つ And when it's so hot outside, let the sun be low on the horizon. そうだね A couple paddle-borders out there. アナ 何してる? It would be nice to be in the water. Yeah. ビックリした! Well on the super hot days or the rain days, it's the Daddy taxi. デュオリンゴ No 45-minute walk today! パパも日本語の勉強で使っているよ アナは? Only 5 minute walk! ポルトガル語 Sarah, what are we up to over here? すごい! Um, I'm looking at all my presents. みなさんが 夏で好きな事は? All your presents?! What is this from? コメントで教えて下さい! This is from Sofia. 日本語の勉強? Oh wow. <次回> I got lots of presents. 家族でお台場に出掛けます That's special. How nice. 話題の屋内施設を楽しみます I hear somebody cranking on the piano. 9月に終了する施設です! Who might it be? Beccster Booster! 触っちゃだめよ That sounded awesome Becca, way to go! すごい! I'm trying to wink. We'll have a stare fest. I will win. Oh, probably. Anna, what are you working on? Oh! You scared me! I scared you? Duolingo. Duolingo?! That's what Daddy uses to learn some Japanese. What are you learning? Portuguese Sweet! Really! Nice. What are your favorite activities in the sweltering summertime? Comment below, and don't forget to subscribe! Are you working on your Japanese? Next time on Life in Japan we're heading to nearby Odaiba for something we've wanted to do for a long time We've heard other people talk about this super unique indoor escape, but we will finally experience it before it closes in September… Whoa! Whoa! Do not touch the lights it says. Whoa! Oh my goodness!
B1 中級 日本語 サラ キャンプ 誕生 クッキー ベッカ 好き Japan's Sweltering Summertime | Life in Japan Episode 168 13 1 Summer に公開 2022 年 06 月 21 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語