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- [Voiceover] So I have the function F of X here
and we're defining it using a polynomial expression.
And what I would like to do here is
take the derivative of our function
which is essentially gonna make us take
the derivative of this polynomial expression
and we're gonna take the derivative
with respect to X.
So the first thing I'm gonna do is
let's take the derivative of both sides.
So we can say the derivative with respect to X
of F of X
of F of X
is equal to the derivative
with respect to X
the derivative with respect to X
of X to the fifth
X to the fifth
plus two
plus two X to the third
minus X squared.
And so the notation, just to get familiar with it
you could do this as the derivative operator.
This is, I want to take the derivative
of whatever's inside of the parentheses
with respect to X.
So the derivative of F with respect to X
we could use the notation
but that is just F prime of
F prime of X.
And that is going to be equal to.
Now here we can use our derivative properties.
The derivative of the sum or difference
of a bunch of things.
The derivative of is equal to the sum
of the difference of the derivative of each of them.
So this is equal to the derivative
let me just, with the derivative with respect to X
of each of these three things.
So the derivative with respect to X.
Let me just write it out like this.
Of that first term
plus the derivative with respect to X
of that second term
minus the derivative with respect to X
of that third term.
Of that third term.
And I'll color code it here.
So here I had an X of the fifth
so I'll put the X to fifth
X of the fifth there.
Here I had a two X to the third.
So I'll put the two X to the third there.
And here I have a X squared
I'm subtracting an X squared
so I'm subtracting the derivative with respect to X
of X squared.
So notice all that's happening here is
I'm taking the derivative individually of
each of these terms and then I'm adding
or subtracting in the same way that the terms
were added or subtracted.
And so what is this going to be equal to?
Well, this is going to be equal to
for X of the fifth
we can just use the power rule.
We can bring the five out front
and decrement the exponent by one
so it becomes five X
we can say to the five minus one power.
Which of course, is just four.
And then for this second one
we could do it in a few steps.
Actually, let me just write it out here.
So I could write
I could write the derivative
with respect to X
of two X to the third power
is the same thing
it's equal to
the same, we could bring the constant out.
The derivative with, two times the derivative
with respect to X
of X to the third power.
This is one of our
this is one of our derivative properties.
The derivative of a constant
times some expression
is the same thing as a constant
times the derivative of that expression.
And what will the derivative with respect to X
to the third be?
Well, we would bring the three out front
and decrement the exponent.
And so this would be equal to
this two
times the three
times X to the three minus one power.
Which is, of course, the second power.
So this would give us six X squared.
So, another way that you could have done it
I could just write
I could just write a six X squared here.
So I could just, so this is going to be
six X squared.
And, instead of going through all of this
you'll learn as you do more of these,
that you could have done this pretty much
in your head.
Say look, I have the three out here as an exponent.
Let me multiply the three times this coefficient
because that's what we ended up doing anyway.
Three times the coefficient is six X
and then three minus one is two.
So you didn't necessarily have to do this
but it's nice to see that this comes out of
the derivative properties that we talk about
in other videos.
And then finally,
we have minus.
And we use the
power rule right over here.
So, bring the two out front
and decrement the exponent.
So it's gonna be two.
It's going to be
two times X
to the two minus one power
which is just one.
Which, we could just write as two X.
So just like that we have been able
to figure out the derivative of F.
And you might say, well what this thing now?
Well now we have an expression that tells us
the slope of the tangent line.
Or you could view it as the instantaneous
rate of change with respect to X
for any X value.
So, if I were to say
if I were to now to say
F prime, let's say F prime of two.
This would tell me what is
the slope of the tangent line of our function
when X is equal to two.
And I do that by using this expression.
So this is gonna be
five times two to the fourth
plus plus
six times two squared.
Six times two squared.
Minus minus
two times two.
Minus two times two.
And this is going to be equal to
let's see, two to the fourth power is 16,
16 times five is 80.
And that's 80, and then
this is six times four,
which is 24.
And then we are going to subtract four.
So this is 80 plus 24 is 104
minus four is equal to 100.
So, when X is equal to two
this curve is really steep.
The slope is 100.
If you look, if you were to graph
the tangent line when X is equal to two
for every positive movement in the X-direction
by one you're gonna move up in the Y-direction
by 100.
So it's really steep there and it makes sense.
This is a pretty high degree.
X to the fifth power and then we're adding that
to another high degree
X to the third power.
And then we're subtracting a lower degree.
So that's what you would expect.