字幕表 動画を再生する
mm Hello everyone waiting for everyone.
皆さん こんばんは
Let's see if they come on here.
Yes, there we go.
We're doing something very different tonight.
Hello Master face.
Good to see you And more and more people are joining.
いつもと違う配信について 気にされていると思います
Probably wondering what is going on?
Why is there no life in Japan?
みなさん 考える事は
I'll let you know very soon.
何が起こりましたか どうして Life in Japan がありませんか
What life in Japan?
Hi everyone um your old ones still up there and there's people waiting there.
So maybe.
You want me to write and say we get out.
Oh, did you want to translate honey?
Well, go ahead.
Come on in.
Anna might help me out with some Japanese.
今日起きた衝撃的な事件に 心を痛めています
Would that be all right?
国内外で報道されていますが 安倍前首相が銃撃され亡くなられました
Do you have to say that then?
私達のチャンネルでは 皆さんに喜びを届けたいと願っていますが
しかし 今晩の悲しいニュースに触れて 愛する日本と友人のみなさんの為に祈りたいと思います
It's good to see all of your comments coming up here.
Yes, we we had an episode all ready to go for you.
A wonderful heartwarming fun episode of life in Japan.
日本の皆さんの為に祈っています 心は共にあります
But in light of today's news, we're just so sad to hear what happened.
No news today nanny.
傷ついた全ての皆さんの為に お祈りしています
For those of you who maybe aren't from Japan, it's world news, but the former Prime Minister um was was killed today.
ファンの皆さんのご理解に感謝します 今日配信予定のエピソードは延期します
Uh the former Prime Minister abe, we are just so sad for what has happened and of course our channel is a fun channel and we like to show you know the wonderful sides of Japan Tokyo.
時期は未定です いずれ良いタイミングが来ると思っています
And yeah, we have, we like to have fun on our channel and we'd like to do fun things.
この延期にご理解いただき 心から感謝します
But in light of the news we just want to let all of our friends and loved ones here in Japan know that we're praying for you, we're praying for Japan a talk kids.
日本と日本の皆さんを覚えて 心からお祈りしています
Mhm you're doing a great job and I just pulled her in and say hey translate for me real quick but we're praying for Japan, our hearts are with you, we're praying for the family of the former Prime Minister abe the mess and and we just really pray for for healing here at the yeah, so so we thank you so much life in Japan family for understanding why we are, we're just postponing the episode.
次回の配信日については 改めてお知らせします
We will, we will show it soon it next week.
Well we're not sure when in this in the new future, we'll show the episode that we were going to show tonight and and we appreciate just all of all of you guys understanding why we're just gonna take a little extra time before we we show this episode and uh yeah, so thank you so much.
繰り返しになりますが 日本の皆さんの事を思っています
We really do love Japan and we're praying for Japan and so thank you so much.
米国でも銃撃事件が起きていますが とてもショッキングです
We be watching on our channel uh for any news of when our next video will come out Yeah, but we really appreciate and love all of you our life in Japan family life in Japan family.
Yes and I'm repeating myself now but we love Japan to these kinds of things are things that you know in America unfortunately we've we've had things like this happen and so it's so shocking to see it happen in Japan like bigger is my stuff.
Yes, so, but thank you everyone so much.
We will be launching our episode here soon.
Within the next couple of days.
皆さん ありがとう
It's got okay.
So that's all for tonight.
We're gonna let you go here, hug your family real tight today and we'll see you again soon.
It yeah, will see you again soon.
Thank you everybody.
Good night.