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♪ (French accordion music) ♪
- (FBE) So today, you'll be trying some Mexican snacks.
- Okay, now I'm nervous.
They all have spicy stuff, so then I get so scared
because I don't know if my tongue's gonna burn off.
- Ooh, hope it's chocolate.
- Ooh! This is cool.
Oh, okay! Let's go!
- I feel like it's gonna be spicy.
- I've seen Mexican candy before.
Some of these involve something spicy.
- If this is either Takis or Hot Cheetos
and you give me a cup of them, I will eat all of them,
and you cannot take them away from me.
- (FBE) Here is your first snack.
- What is it?
It looks like... kind of like a pretzel, but red.
- I've seen these before.
These are Takis. The spice!
- They're spicy!
(moaning gutterally)
- Uno, dos, tres! (crunching)
Spicy. Oh my god, that's hot.
It's hot. Help.
(crunching) - Takis.
Takis. You're not taking these away from me.
- The first time I tried them a couple years ago,
I started crying because it's too hot,
but now I really like them.
- (FBE) So these are Takis.
It's a tortilla chip flavored with chilli pepper and lime,
but Takis comes in a lot of flavors,
including guacamole, habanero cucumber,
and chilli pepper cheese.
- Okay, that's probably why it was so spicy.
- Cucumber? That sounds weird.
- Those are not good.
Who would make that into a chip?
- All those are spicy!
How come they can't just be like Cheetos?
- This is their regular and they have a jalapeno one?!
- (FBE) Here's the next one. - It looks like candy.
- I've seen stuff like this before.
It's squeezable, pretty much like squeezable candy.
(smacking lips)
- It's spicy but then it was--
then it got more fruity.
- Ew! It kind of looks like my dog's food.
Oh. It looks a lot worse than it tastes.
It looks so bad. It smells so bad.
But it's actually kind of fine.
- I'm only taking one little lick.
(smacking lips)
I like it. It's sweet.
- (FBE) So this is Pulparindo.
You just push out a candy made from the pulp
of the tamarind fruit. - (giggling)
Every time we push it, it gets bigger and bigger.
- It's like a Mexican Push Pop.
- Time to squirt out the icing.
(mimicking airplane zooming)
- (FBE) So here is your next snack.
- It looks like a cookie.
(gasping) Whoa!
- The texture is just like a powdery texture
that just breaks apart.
- I love these. Oh my god. I'm digging in.
Mmmm! (giggling)
- Cheers.
It tastes like peanut butter.
- Mmmm. So good.
It's peanut butter.
- Ugh.
It tastes like a good kind of candy,
but it tastes a little too sweet.
- I'm getting a nutty taste, and then it's kind of like--
everything else is kind of dusty.
- It's just a little peanut buttery.
Like, people who really love peanut butter, like my dog,
would like it-- I'd recommend it for them.
- (FBE) This is marzipan.
It's a peanut and sugar candy. - Yeah, it does have sugar in it.
- I love it. It's just really good.
- As soon as you bite in, it crumbles,
but then you have it and it's like...
- (FBE) Here's another one.
- Milk and cake?
- This looks like a ginormous Kit Kat bar.
- What the heck is this?
Mm-mm, I don't like it.
- It's good.
It tastes like strawberry, like a little bit like
strawberry pink-- like a little strawberry cream,
then there's vanilla and chocolate.
It just tastes like really good cake.
- Mmmm! This is good.
It's like cake covered with chocolate.
- I really like the chocolate part of it
and not the, um, spongy part.
- (FBE) This is Gansito. It's a spongecake with cream
and strawberry jelly filling. - Nope.
This is terrible.
You just get a whole bunch of bread with a teeny bit of flavoring.
- It's really good. I like it.
I would have this a lot.
- Yeah, it does taste like strawberry.
- Wow, I just realized it has jelly filling, and this is good.
That was my favorite one so far.
- (FBE) Here is your last one.
- It looks like a baby bottle.
- What the heck is at the bottom? That looks like sand.
- See, I already know it.
Okay, come on, Sydney! Let's go!
Aah! Okay... it's spicy.
Not as spicy as I expected.
- This is gonna be spicy, I just know it.
- This is my name. I call it the "Lucas candy."
Ugh! No, no, ugh, ugh.
(gagging) It's salty to me.
Ugh, I don't-- (groaning)
- Ew! It tastes like I just had some raw spices
that my mom was cooking.
- It's kind of like a spicy orange-ish taste.
- It's like that baby bottle thing, except that this
is a spicy version.
- (FBE) This is Lucas Muecas.
It's a lollipop with spicy mango chilli powder.
- Why would you do that?
Why would you put chilli powder on a lollipop?
Isn't-- a lollipop is supposed to be sweet.
- I really like Fun Dips and stuff like that,
so if they just added some more sugar
and make it less spicy, then yeah.
- (FBE) So which one of these Mexican snacks
would you recommend people eat? - The Gansito.
- Gansito.
- Takis. Feel the heat!
- The Taki one.
That was the best out of all of them.
- I would recommend you eat the Gansito.
It's really good.
- The Takis is off the chart of goodness.
- The Gansito because it's really good.
It's just like chocolate mini-cake.
- The Gansito.
I really like it. This is getting fun.
I want to try some more
different cultural snacks or whatever.
So I'm ready for more!
- Thanks for watching this episode of Kids Vs. Food
on the React channel.
- Don't forget to subscribe. New shows every week.
- Bye, everyone!
- Hey, guys, I'm Katie, a producer from the React channel.
Thank you so much for watching.
If you want to see your country's food represented,
let us know in the comments.
Thanks, guys!