字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Oh my goodness, what are we going to be doing?! 何をするの? The violin. The violin! バイオリン Has anyone ever had someone learn a string instrument in your house? 弦楽器を習った事がありますか? Well you know what you're in for, don't you? 大変ですよね [Life in Japan Theme Song] 一番大事な仕事とは? If I asked you what is the most important job in Japan is, what would your answer be? 宿題?偉いね! Are you doing your homework Dude? Good job! "み" だね Looks like you have "mi" Yea. "う" ”ん” "み" "U," "N" and "Mi" 上手 Very good. 私が思うのは 当たり前だけど重要な "あの仕事" です If I were answering, I would say it's the same all over the world: 視聴者が "レディ・セット・エイゴ" という ゲームをくれました the most important job is often overlooked. 挑戦します So one of our viewers sent us a game he had made called "Ready, Set, Eigo" card game. 楽しみです We're going to try it. 言葉に合うカードを切る I don't know how it is, but maybe it's something we can recommend. 3・2・1 You have to flip a card and then you have to match from the things in your hand. "遅い" 3, 2, 1... It is slow 馬は遅い? Are horses slow? 猫は遅くない No, cats are not slow. 猫は素早いよ! They are so fast, Joshua! 誰もカードが無いね Alright, I don't think anybody has it. 次はサラ OK Sarah, do the next one... ”強い” It is strong... - 馬は強い? - そうだね Ah! 馬車を引けるし Are horses strong? Horses are strong. キックバックして They can pull things. So you get that one. "スーパーにある" They can kick back. OK, good job Anna. ベッカ 速い! It's in the supermarket "長い" Oh Becca, fast! 紙? It's long. 刀! Paper? A sword! お見事! Good job! I think so. サラは1枚残っているね Sarah has one card left, can she get rid of it? "7文字" It has seven letters. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...no! Only 6. 1・2・3・4・5・6… Coconut ココナッツ It's seven. That is seven! 7文字 It has an "O" "「O」がある" Daddy did that with one hand! 片手だよ I have two cards left, Sarah has one! 僕は残り2枚 サラは1枚です It can jump. "ジャンプできる" Wait... I don't think pigs jump. - 待って - 豚は無理だよ Wait, yes it does! It can jump a little! うそ?できるよ! I've never seen a pig jump! 豚のジャンプなんて 見たことないわ! It can fly, ah ha ha! "飛べる" Oh Sarah wins!! No that wasn't fair! サラの勝ち! She did it like this and I couldn't even see it! 見えなかったよ! No, I saw it. 見えたわ Sarah, good job! You won our first game of "Ready Set Eigo" サラ お見事! 最初の勝者だね! Can we do it again? Yea, let's try it again. もう1回 There is a job that is so important that you never retire from it, and you never stop doing it. 定年退職のない 大事な仕事があります Vocations come and go with the seasons, but this job remains even after your time on earth is done. 職業には流行りもありますが この仕事は不変です It looks like the girls are coming home from school. 学校から帰ってきました Momma chan! Oh man, go for it Momma chan! ママちゃん! Oh my! Don't hurt Momma! 頑張って ママちゃん! Oh wow! 怪我させないで Yes, this job is of course is parenting, すごい! and before you dismiss this as the most important job, just think about it: その仕事は "子育て" です without parents there would be no more human race. 考えてみて下さい Loud like thunder! 親がいなければ 誰も存在できません! I tell you what, some nights are just so beautiful, 雷みたい! I look outside the window, I see the clouds, I see the sunset, 夜も綺麗ですが And I'm like "I just got to get out there!" 夕陽と雲も綺麗です That's not a special filter — that's really happening right there. 外に出ずにいられない気分です The most important things in life are often the easiest to take for granted: フィルター無しの景色です like a beautiful sunset or time spent together as a family. 人生で大事な事は 時にシンプルです If we are too busy doing other things 美しい夕陽や 家族で過ごす時間 then our priorities are not right and we will suffer the consequences sooner or later. 忙しさの中で 当たり前の時間が取れない事もありますが But keep these things in balance, and life is its' own great reward. 良い優先順位こそが 幸せの源泉です What's happening? What's happening? 何してるの? I'm videoing Rebecca. She's cutting her bangs now. 本当に? Eh?! She's doing it for real?! ベッカが前髪を切ったね! Becster-Booster did it! Oh my goodness, Momma chan! 様々な研究から 成功の源は教育や出身ではなく The most exhaustive and conclusive studies have shown 良い家族関係にあると 分かっています that the biggest indicator of success doesn't come from your education, your race or your gender 待って! it comes from a well-structured home life. すごい! Wait! 待って! Oh my goodness! Anna wait for me! それは? What is it Anna? どうした?! What is this?! この服は? What is this for?! Karate. 空手 Karate. Karate?! どうかな I don't know... それは? What! What? Do you do Karate in school? 空手の授業? Do you do Karate in school? Oh! 空手の授業? And Becca! Whoa! This is my Karate... ベッカ!うわあ! How about that? 僕も空手! Oh yea, that looks pretty intense! できる? A well-structured home is a place of joy, one in which life moves forward with purpose 強そうだね! It doesn't just happen by itself and it isn't the responsibility of the government or schools. 良い家族関係には 喜びがあります This is quite the Zumba fest going on here. 学校では学べない 大事なことです Even Sarah's doing it! ズンバの練習中 Sarah hates Zumba! She's doing a good job though! サラもしてる! A strong family is built on a strong marriage, - サラは嫌いなのに - 上手だよ! and for a strong marriage, you've got to prioritize one another 良い家庭は 良い夫婦関係から and take time out of your busy life to celebrate the milestones along the way. 夫婦の関係を育むには Election time. 時にはお祝いも大切です Well we've come down to Shinjuku to celebrate our 19-year anniversary! 選挙 Nineteen years married, wow! That's a long time. 結婚19周年を記念して 新宿に来ました! A long time! I wouldn't have it any other way. That's right. 19年です! Happy anniversary to us! 長い Well, we did it, didn't we girlfriend? 本当に長いです Oh sorry! As I about knock you out! We did. 結婚記念日おめでとう! Oh uh. Donut time. 買っちゃったね This is dangerous, because the longer we stay, the more we spend. ぶつけちゃったね We gotta get going! 大変 It was super sunny in Shinjuku ドーナツ And you get here and it looks like rain! もっと買い物してしまいそうです Whaa!!! 帰ろう! Oh. Oh! Whoa!! 新宿では晴天でしたが How is it?! こちらは雨模様です Are you enjoying Mommy and Daddy's anniversary donuts? 美味しい? What? This is an anniversary donut? That's our anniversary donuts ママとパパの 記念日のドーナツは? Yesterday Mommy and Daddy were married 19 years. Wow! Pretty cool, huh? - 何? - 記念日のドーナツ Oh boy oh boy oh boy. 昨日でママとパパは 結婚して19年になったんだよ Got me some coffee, got me a donut. Look out! 見て下さい Anna, what is about to happen here? コーヒーとドーナツ My first violin lesson. アンナ それは? What?! Your first violin lesson? Get out of here! 初めてのバイオリンの授業 What? Ok. 初めてのバイオリンの授業? Are you cheering your big sister on? なに? You're going to do so good. お姉ちゃんの応援? There's a lot of cousins on this slide! すごいよ! Here comes Lulu and Sarah and Evi and Joshua! いとこと滑り台です Alright, here we go! ルルとサラ エヴィとジョシュア! Yes! いいね! So to all the parents out there, we salute you! 全国のパパとママちゃんを尊敬します! 子育ては当たり前のようですが We know it's not easy and parenting is often overlooked, 良い家族あっての社会です but the foundation of a great society is strong families. 良い家庭は 素晴らしい親達の働きの上に 成り立ちます And strong families are built by people who have the greatest job anywhere in the world サラ 今日は? Parents 土曜日 Sarah, what is happening today?! 土曜日にランドセル? It's Saturday... Um hum 今日は登校 But why do you have your school backpack on if it's Saturday? 登校!何するの? Ah, because we're going to school. 地震訓練 Going to school! What are you going to do today? 大事だね Practice major earthquake. 大地震じゃないかも Oh yea that's important, isn't it? 先生が水を飲んでって言ってた Maybe it's not major but I just call it major. 水を沢山? The teacher said to drink a lot of water 土曜日に登校? Oh, drink a lot of water? Yeah. 月曜日は? Hey, what's cool about going on Saturday though? お休み! What happens when Monday comes? いいね It's off! 行こうか? That's nice, huh? どうした? Alright, let's go? ランドセルでバトル! What is going on here? ランドセルで?気を付けて! We fight with backpacks. すごいね! What, a backpack fight?! Careful! 起きないといいけど 地震の訓練だね Easy! Oh my goodness. 訓練は大事だね Alright, big earthquake. We're going to practice for it. Hopefully we never need it. 今日は子供達の 学校での様子を見ます But it's good that we're practiced, huh? 授業参観です Well, we're on our way 授業を見ます The kids are at school and we're going to go check in on them ルースが子供を迎えに行きます Because it's a parent/teacher day, right? サラは地震の訓練 Where you can go and observe and see what's going on? ジョシュアも And then later Ruth will pick them up. Yep. 子供と帰宅する訓練です Sarah just practiced her big earthquake drill 防災頭巾をして帰ります And me. So did Joshua. 学校は? So the assigned person has to pick them up at school 大地震は怖かった And they have to walk with these head protectors on. 訓練だけど Hey guys, how was school then today? 訓練だよね? Everyone was scared, and me, because of the big earthquake. 怖かった? It wasn't real. 大地震を思い浮かべると 怖いよね Oh, but it wasn't real though, huh? 初めての避難訓練ね Why was everyone scared? 何してる? Well it was their first time hearing what to do, I'm sure it was a bit freaky. おばあちゃんの誕生日 It's his first time doing the big evacuation... Yea. ゲームをするの What are we working on here ladies? ”ピートを食べないで" Grandma's birthday party. おばあちゃんの好きなゲームだね We get to play games... Oh yea. - 見て - いいね! Wow. 出来たね "Don't Eat Pete" ジョシュアの見た? "Don't Eat Pete" game, huh? One of grandma's favorites. ジョシュアのだね Look. Oh cool. ジョークは? There's yours. 言って! Did you see Joshua's? それは後で This looks like Joshua's, huh? Yea. 牛はチャットで何て言う? You can ask your joke No, it's ok, you can do it. エ・モォージ No, do your joke! エモジ? It can be afterwards, afterwards. エモジ! What do cows use in their text messages? パパが教えてくれた? "E-moo-ji" そう パパだよ "E-moo-ji?" ごめん "E-moo-ji!" 歌うよ! Your dad helped you with that one, I heard him. Yes. ♪ ハッピーバースデー・トゥーユー ♪ Yes Daddy- it was our joke! 今日は父の日です Oh OK, forgive me. 全てのパパの為の日です OK start singing! 父親の仕事は 神様から与えられた仕事の中でも重要なものです [Singing Happy Birthday] パパは沢山働いてくれます Here in Japan like many other places in the world it's Father's Day today. 尊敬に値します お父さん ありがとう! So Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. 教会の時間です! You have such an important job that God has given you and it's so important. Your love and your support of your family And your working hard to provide for them These are all things very admirable. Thank you to all the fathers out there. Here we go, it's church time!!
A2 初級 日本語 サラ 訓練 パパ 地震 授業 大事 Japan's Most Important Job | Life in Japan Episode 166 20 0 Summer に公開 2022 年 05 月 17 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語