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  • JOHN MUELLER: Hi, everyone, and welcome back

  • to the "Google Search News."

  • I hope life is treating you reasonably well wherever

  • you are.

  • I'm your host today, John Mueller, here

  • from Google Switzerland.

  • Well, it's June already.

  • And today, we have updates for you

  • on a new video series, bubble charts, events, and more.

  • So ready or not, here we go.

  • Starting off, we recently launched a new video series

  • for e-commerce sites called "E-commerce Essentials."

  • The first episode is about one of the most critical elements

  • for user experience, images.

  • E-commerce sites use a lot of images,

  • so this is an important topic.

  • There are also episodes about optimizing JavaScript, making

  • sure the site is mobile friendly, and more.

  • While these focus on e-commerce sites,

  • you can use the information in them

  • for any kind of website, including yours.

  • And now, over to bubbles.

  • In a blog post series, we went through ways

  • of connecting Google Search Console to Google Data Studio.

  • Search Console gives you information

  • about how your site performs in Google Search.

  • Data Studio gives you countless ways

  • of visualizing any kind of data.

  • And so, it's a great match.

  • In this series, we guide you through setting up

  • the connection and help you to create a bubble chart.

  • This shows which queries are performing well for your site

  • and which ones could be improved.

  • It's a neat way of looking at data and just one

  • of the many things you can do with your data connected

  • to Data Studio.

  • Changing scenery a bit, folks like me

  • on this Search Relations team are now back at events.

  • We started off this year with virtual unconferences

  • in Japanese and in English.

  • These are smaller events where everyone takes part.

  • And folks can discuss topics together

  • with people from Google.

  • We currently don't have the next one finalized.

  • But knowing the organizers, I'm sure we'll have more.

  • If you're cautious about going to big events,

  • an unconference might be a great way to get started.

  • So watch out for the next one.

  • On that note, Google I/O took place in hybrid mode this year.

  • The session for search included a preview of a search video

  • report in Search Console.

  • While we don't have a timeline to share just yet,

  • if you use videos on your website,

  • you can get a peek at the current plans for videos

  • in the video for the session.

  • And events are not just virtual.

  • The team has started going back to in-person events as well.

  • Meeting people in real life is exciting after such

  • a long break.

  • We'll add the next events to our usual event calendar,

  • so watch out for that.

  • If you see any of us at an event, come over and say, hi.

  • Next up, we recently launched a ranking algorithm change

  • called the May Core Update.

  • We make these updates multiple times a year.

  • We call them core updates, because they

  • affect the core of our systems and can result in changes

  • across search and discover.

  • If you're curious to find out more,

  • we have a blog post on what site owners should

  • know about these updates.

  • We confirm broad core updates, because they typically

  • produce noticeable effects.

  • Some sites may see drops or gains during them.

  • For more information on our thinking behind these updates,

  • I'd recommend reading the blog post.

  • Aleyda Solis, an external SEO expert

  • has put together some recommendations

  • and a flowchart on how to think about algorithm changes.

  • While we generally can't confirm third-party content like this,

  • sometimes, it's useful to have a framework for looking

  • at changes and to get another perspective when appropriate.

  • In sadder news, Bill Slawski has recently passed away.

  • Bill was extremely active in the SEO community

  • and worked very hard to correct misinformation in SEO.

  • Bill was also very passionate about search-related patents

  • and wrote about them frequently.

  • If you've ever seen someone mention

  • a patent with the context of SEO, then, most likely,

  • Bill was involved.

  • Rest in peace, Bill.

  • Thank you for everything that you've done for the SEO world.

  • And now over to more smaller updates.

  • In Search Console, we recently deprecated the URL parameters

  • handling tool.

  • Google's crawling systems have improved significantly

  • over the years, making this tool less critical to sites.

  • We recommend that websites use the robots.txt file

  • to provide information about crawling instead.

  • Additionally, we announced that we

  • will stop using a handful of sitemap extension tags,

  • such as the image geolocation and video category.

  • These will stop being used in August of this year.

  • This does not affect the use of other sitemap data, which

  • continues to be supported.

  • And last on my list but definitely not least,

  • we recently published our annual Webspam report.

  • To help people find information on questions that they send us,

  • we worked hard to prevent spam and malicious content

  • from affecting search.

  • The report mentions some of the changes

  • in what we've seen over the years,

  • if you're curious to find out more.

  • There we go.

  • That's all for this time, folks.

  • Thank you for tuning in to the "Google Search News."

  • I hope things have been going well for you so far this year.

  • And I look forward to catching up again in the near future.

  • If you have any feedback or comments, please let us

  • know here.

  • If you subscribe to this channel,

  • we'll make sure to let you know when another episode is

  • ready for you.

  • Bye.



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Google Search News (June ‘22) - Ecommerce Essentials, Google I/O Announcements, and more!

  • 9 0
    郭怡欣 に公開 2022 年 06 月 28 日