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  • Sarge carmine I heard.


  • Welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 brutal video game deaths for this list, we'll be looking at the most creative and bloody ways video game characters meet their end, be warned, there are plenty of spoilers ahead.


  • Which demise do you think is the most brutal?


  • Let us know in the comments below Number 20 Norman Jayden, Heavy Rain.

    以下のコメントで教えてください。 20位 ノーマン・ジェイデン ヘビーレイン

  • Mhm.


  • As a game that heavily features quick time events, it's no surprise that it's packed full of deaths, but the one that stood out to us the most is norman Jayden's encounter with Jackson neville.


  • A.


  • K.


  • A.


  • Mad Jack, when the junkyard owner doesn't take too kindly to being investigated, Jaden finds himself trapped in a car on its way to the crusher.


  • If you fail this particular Q.


  • T.


  • E.


  • Jaden meets his demise while still inside the car.


  • We're not sure how he's still able to scream after being crushed though.


  • Number 19, leon s Kennedy resident Evil four.

    19番 レオン・S・ケネディ駐在員 イービルフォー

  • It can't be easy being leon s Kennedy what with having to constantly face off against hordes of zombies or in this case, just plain crazy people.


  • While on a mission to rescue the president's daughter, he comes across a remote village filled with folks who revere the cult responsible for the kidnapping.


  • Unfortunately, they don't take kindly to outsiders and turns out that one of them has a chainsaw.


  • Should leon allow him to get too close, he ends up getting an instant game over # 18 Columbia, Officer Bioshock Infinite.

    レオンが接近を許せば、18番コロンビア、バイオショック インフィニット担当のインスタントゲームオーバーとなる。

  • Now the 1912 raffle has officially begun turns out there's trouble in paradise in the floating city of Columbia, bound together by zealotry violence and prejudice.


  • Booker Dewitt doesn't exactly get a warm welcome.


  • When given the option to toss a baseball to an interracial couple, booker outright refuses and turns on the announcer only to find himself grabbed by the authorities where he's recognized as the false shepherd.


  • That makes you the backstabbing snake in the grass, false shepherd.


  • Booker's way out of this jam is a rather messy one.


  • After distracting one of the guards, he gets his hands on a skyhook after slamming the officer's face into it.


  • Number 17 Benjamin Carmine gears of war two.

    17位 ベンジャミン・カーマイン ギアーズ・オブ・ウォー2

  • It's carmine.


  • The carmine family probably has some of the worst luck in the entire franchise.


  • In the first installment, Anthony carmine was sniped down by a locust while his younger brother Benjamin suffers what can be considered a far worse fate when he swallowed by a rift worm.


  • Despite Marcus phoenix and company's efforts to save him, they find his body half devoured by the acidic and creepy as hell nemesis.


  • Yeah, of course, he doesn't die immediately with just enough breath in him to give Marcus a letter to hand to his last surviving brother Clayton rest in peace.


  • Ben, he didn't deserve to go out like that.


  • Number 16 Adam McIntyre dead rising, Everyone used to laugh at me, nothing like a zombie apocalypse to bring out the worst in humanity as frank West cuts his way through a mall filled to the brim with undead.

    16位 Adam McIntyre dead rising, Everyone used to laugh at me, nothing like a zombie apocalypse to bring out worst in humanity as frank West cuts his way through a mall filled to the brim with undead.

  • He also finds himself encountering a whole plethora of psychopaths who have used the apocalypse to let loose their inner sadist.


  • One such man is Adam taking your childhood fear of clowns and making it a million times worse by adding two chainsaws to the mix.


  • That's why I decided to keep all the happy people a lift on this.


  • After defeating him, Adam decides to end his own life by falling on his own weapons, which start to cut him to pieces All the while laughing like a maniac # 15 Lara Croft, Tomb Raider.


  • In this reimagining of Lara croft's origins, her exploits take on a much grittier turn as she has to survive the elements pushed past a whole heap of pain and fight against an endless swarm of psychotic nomads armed to the teeth.


  • If players aren't quick enough on the draw, they'll soon find themselves watching Laura suffer some very unpleasant deaths out of all of them.


  • The one that gets our skin crawling the most is when she sent tumbling down a river and should she not swerve out of the way, ends up getting a spike through her # 14 Emily until Dawn.


  • In all honesty, anyone of until Dawn's death sequences could make this list as their homage to camp, classic horror has provided some real winners that ranged from hilarious to excessively gory in the end, we had to go with one of Emily's more vicious ends during her escape attempt from the Wendigo, She gets put through the wringer while attempting to flee from the monster on a conveyor belt which turns out to hold a rock crusher at the end of it.


  • Should players fail the following quicktime event, she ends up falling in and turned into minced Meat.


  • Yeah, Number 13, everything doom Demon possession ended.


  • Now here's the death we can get behind.


  • Well, to be specific, a whole bunch of deaths through the medium of a much beloved weapon in this latest reboot of the classic FPs.


  • Players not only get to pummel in the heads of demons with their badass new suit as well as shoot them into bloody chunks, but also get to rip them apart with a chainsaw after being recovered from inside a corpse.


  • The Doom guy has the option to let her rip and carve up any enemy he comes across with this beautifully barbaric tool of death.


  • Number 12 Hermes God of War three.

    12位 エルメス ゴッド・オブ・ウォー スリー

  • The Spartan lights the way to dusty Death Credos is an artist when it comes to killing off gods and just about anything else in between him and his goal though, he saves the best deaths for those that lie at the peak of Mount Olympus.

    スパルタは埃まみれの死への道を照らす クレドスは、神々や彼と目標の間にあるあらゆるものを殺すことにかけては芸術家だが、最高の死はオリンパス山の頂上にあるもののために取っておくのである。

  • One such death is that of Hermes, the God of Messengers after taunting cradle endlessly about his quest for vengeance.


  • The ghost of Sparta gets his own back by cutting Hermes legs off in order to take his winged boots for himself.


  • It's not quick either since Kratos makes him crawl away before slicing off the other, leading his body to disintegrate into a swarm of flies.


  • You should have kept your mouth shut.


  • Hermes Number 11 Isaac Clarke, Dead Space two cross my heart and hope to die.


  • Stick a needle in your eye.


  • Isaac Clarke has seen some horrific sights during his time as an engineer and experienced some of the glorious deaths in all the video games, but the blood soaked crown belongs to this infamous moment from the series.


  • Second installment, in a bid to remove the markers presence from his mind, Isaac has to crawl into a claustrophobic machine where a needle slowly descends toward his eyeball.


  • Should the player make the wrong move the needle as well as the rest of the automaton comes crashing down Number 10 Adam Shepard.


  • Silent Hill.


  • Homecoming, it's okay.


  • I don't blame you.


  • Leave it to Pyramid Head to suddenly make things very unpleasant in the midst of apologizing to his son Alex Family patriarch Adam Shepard has little time to speak his piece before his body is gruesomely bisected by the fearsome pyramid head.


  • While we don't see the act in progress.


  • The look on Alex's face says it all.


  • Number nine, David, the last of us, you think, you know me, we sense that this might be overkill.


  • Then again, the situation didn't exactly call for a light touch.


  • Ellie, a teenage survivor had just spent several minutes dodging and fighting off manic survivor, David, before he pins her down.


  • No idea what I'm capable of in a desperate bid.


  • Ellie manages to reach a nearby machete and take a swipe at her aggressor, giving her the brief moment to take the upper hand and take it.


  • She does.


  • # eight Marcello Bronco Max Payne.

    # 8位 マルチェロ・ブロンコ マックス・ペイン

  • III.


  • Many things can be said about Marcelo branco, but deserving of brutal death.


  • Isn't one of them yet.


  • That's how the scene is set when our hero max Payne tries to save Marcello, the Kratcha preto military factions, leader Milo has the young mr bronco stuck in a stack of tires which he sets on fire.


  • It's a senseless moment of violence though, it provides max with an excuse to exact equally brutal vengeance against Marcello's killer.


  • Number seven Vladimir Makarov, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 35.

    7位 ウラジミール・マカロフ コール・オブ・デューティ モダン・ウォーフェア35

  • Captain Price a fitting end for such a tyrannical character in the final mission of Modern Warfare three former soldiers, Captain Price and Nuri conduct a raid on Macron's hideout in Dubai.


  • Unfortunately for yuri, Makarov is prepared executing him in front of Price.


  • Price does not take this well compelled by rage.


  • He beats Makarov into submission before tying a noose around his neck and smashing a window out from under them.


  • The two men plummet One man lives to fight another day, harsh as this may seem, It pales in comparison to the immense human suffering Makarov has caused.


  • Yeah.


  • Number six D the Walking Dead 400 days.

    6位 Dザ・ウォーキング・デッド 400日。

  • You guys sure gang up on me a lot lately, honey, that ain't true.


  • Tell me one time you sided with me in the last week, the last month, she wasn't exactly the nicest lady, but Deep probably didn't deserve this.


  • One of the stories in 400 days focuses on Bonnie, a recovering addict traveling with married couple Leland and D.


  • When Bonnie is separated from the two in a daring escape, she flees into a cornfield and prepares to fight her pursuers with a river as her weapon, sadly Bonnie misjudged her target and it's d that ends up taking a blow.


  • What are you two up to her?


  • Slow and painful passing complete with harsh final words for Bonnie.


  • Makes it all the more brutal.


  • You're gonna be fine.


  • D You're going to be fun.

    D 面白くなりそうですね。

  • Number five Douglas holiday fear extraction point Mhm Douglas Holiday leader of a Delta force unit working with the first encounter.

    ナンバー5 ダグラス・ホリデー 恐怖の脱出ポイント Mhm ダグラス・ホリデー デルタフォース部隊のリーダー 最初の出会いに協力する。

  • Assault recon team probably wasn't expecting to get harassed by a ghost and yet that's exactly what happens as Holiday is surrounded quickly by demon like entities and thrown about like a rag doll.


  • What's unsettling is how calm he is throughout the extended sequence, even as his limbs are twisted and his body is dragged around, although we're morbidly impressed by the explosive conclusion.


  • It's still a terrible way to go.


  • # four Andrew Ryan bioshock.

    # 4位 アンドリュー・ライアン バイオショック

  • Would you kindly, would you kindly, would you kindly end the brutality you as the voiceless hero, Jack are set to deal with.


  • Andrew Ryan, the co founder of the underwater city of Rapture.


  • However, Ryan is one step ahead of you delivering not only a speech, but also one of the best twists in video game history, powerful phrase, familiar phrase.


  • What results is a case of swift yet harsh violence As Jack beats Ryan to death with his own golf club, there's no way to stop it.


  • No matter of controlling Jack's actions in the scene, leaving us as a witness to the end of an age.


  • Number three, Joel, the last of us part to get off.


  • Speaking of golf clubs, nothing caused as much outrage within the gaming community as the death of fan favorite, Joel miller.


  • Following his questionable acts.


  • At the end of the first game, Joel finds himself captured by Abbi, the daughter of one of the fireflies that he had murdered.


  • She proceeds to exact her revenge on him with her friends before finishing him off with a golf club.


  • What makes this one worse is that Ellie is forced to witness all of this first hand joseph, please get up # two Molina, Mortal Kombat X.


  • Take her away in a game that gives you intimate control over the brutal violence you enact upon your enemies.


  • It makes sense that any debt that you don't control would be, especially over the top at this point in the single player campaign, Alina is captured by Kotal Kahn.


  • Being emperor of the outworld means you have to make some tough choices.


  • So Khan orders his second in command devora to execute Molina with what can only be described as the ultimate kiss of death.


  • Fun fact.


  • That's not acid eroding Molina's face.


  • It's actually hundreds of tiny flesh eating insects.


  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.


  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.


  • If you're on your phone, make sure to go into your settings and switch on notifications.


  • Number one Helios, God of war three.

    ナンバーワン ヘリオス、ゴッドオブウォー3。

  • Save me now.


  • As you once saved me from atlas.


  • When Kratos gets angry, it's easy to lose your head.


  • Sorry.


  • We just had to do it.


  • As we saw in a previous entry, Kratos has been unflinchingly brutal in his massacre of the entire greek Pantheon.


  • Now setting his sights on the sun.


  • God cradles takes the time to beat Helios into submission and then proceeds to slowly and painfully tear his head off.


  • It's neither quick nor pretty as we witness every bit of flesh and muscle.


  • Slowly tear free under cradles, Meaty hands.


  • Yeah.


  • In the mood for more awesome gaming content.


  • Be sure to check out this video here on mojo plays and don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

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Sarge carmine I heard.


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