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when you get welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 most bizarre nostalgic commercials when I was a little lad if I wanted berries and cream, Mommy made me do the little dance for this list.
We'll be looking at 10 of the weirdest commercials from years past.
What are some of the strangest commercials you remember from your childhood?
Let us know in the comments below number 10.
Starburst berries and cream.
While some bizarre advertisements are just hazy childhood memories, others have made comebacks in recent years, either from the company themselves or in the form of internet memes, berries and cream berries and cream berries and cream.
奇妙な広告の中には、子供の頃のかすかな記憶にすぎないものもあるが、近年、企業自身から、あるいはインターネットのミームという形でカムバックしたものもある。ベリー&クリームberry and creamである。
I'm a little lad who loves berries and cream.
The latter happened in 2021 with starbursts, berries and cream add when comedian Justin Mcelroy posted a clip of the commercial to Tiktok berries and cream berries and cream.
後者は、2021年にスターバースト、ベリー、クリームの追加で、コメディアンのジャスティン・マセルロイがTiktok berries and cream berries and creamにCMのクリップを投稿したときに起こりました。
I'm a little lad who loves berries and cream.
The ad, which shows a little lad dressed in old fashioned clothes dancing and singing about his love for berries and cream was a surprise hit, inspiring a number of memes and remixes.
An interview was even released with the little lad himself, Jack Fervor Since doing the commercial, the actor and choreographer has taught at Bard College and choreographed scenes for Alvin, The armadillo in the netflix documentary mascots.
I love putting on the mask and just being inside of him.
It's like I can, I can be, I can move any way I want and I love it.
Number nine Winston cigarettes In 1971 cigarette commercials were banned from american television making this next series of advertisements seemed like a real product of the Stone Age.
The easy drawing filter cigarette that tastes good.
Like a cigarette should.
Winston takes good like a cigarette should was the basis of a jingle advertising Winston cigarettes, but it's the brand spokesperson, not their slogan, which has landed them a spot on this list who was their spokesperson, none other than the family friendly suburban caveman.
Winston takes good like a cigarette shouldは、Winstonタバコの広告ジングルの基礎となったが、それは彼らのスローガンではなく、ブランドのスポークスマンは、家族的な郊外の原始人に他ならない彼らをこのリストで上陸させた人だ。
The Flintstones living in a world where the teen centric show Stranger Things came under fire for the amount of smoking shown on screen, it may seem hard to imagine a cartoon character selling cigarettes, but this was the surreal reality for americans in the 19 sixties.
Number eight Earthworm Jim Blam Oh, this commercial for Earthworm Jim shows plenty of footage from the cartoony side scrolling adventure game, but it may be hard to focus on gameplay when the story is being told by a deranged grandma.
8位 Earthworm Jim Blam ああ、この「Earthworm Jim」のコマーシャルでは、アニメ調の横スクロールアドベンチャーゲームの映像がたくさん流れているが、狂ったおばあちゃんが語る物語では、ゲームプレイに集中するのは難しいかもしれない。
This is the story of video game.
The ad, which aired in 1994 to coincide with the first games released on Sega genesis and super Nintendo features an older woman who begins to eat from a bowl of wriggling live worms.
As she explains the new game as it goes on, the woman becomes more and more excited by the story, her voice becoming deeper and her hair becoming unkempt.
It may seem like a strange way to advertise a video game, but it created a lasting impression on its young demographic and I tried to get marketing to prove that but they said number seven meal energy anthropomorphic animals that is animals with human qualities are a popular character type in animation, especially for Children.
As mayor of Zootopia.
I am proud to announce that my mammal inclusion initiative has produced its first police Academy Graduate characters like mickey mouse, bugs, bunny and even smokey bear have made lasting impressions on american pop culture.
Unfortunately for me, oh energy.
Their attempt at creating anthropomorphic animal characters just comes across as a little well creepy.
Hey look she's got her nose done.
Yeah, I know.
She said it was for medical reasons, medical reasons.
What a crock in the ad, an ostrich and giraffe with uncannily human faces discuss a rhino's recent nose job and ultimately decided to customize their water.
Like she customized her nose with meo energy while talking there, passed by a similarly uncanny camel who is implied to have had her humps done.
I think those are real.
Those do not exist in nature, not any nature.
I've been in number six big banana ink crayons Charles, nelson Reilly was an actor who lent his voice to a number of animated characters, including evil henchman killer In all dogs go to heaven and Mr Toad in the 1987 adaptation of the Wind in the Willows.
ネルソン・ライリーは、「In all dogs go to heaven」の悪の子分殺しや、1987年の「柳に風」のトードなど、数多くのアニメキャラクターの声を担当した俳優である。
He also played the alien game show host D.
On space Cats where he was represented by a green disembodied head prior to these roles.
However, Riley could be seen on american television in a rather wacky big banana ink crayon advertisement commercial which ran in 1973 showed Riley dressed in a banana costume, singing about how great the new crayons were to a classroom full of students who were also dressed as bananas.
Number five Airheads fruit spinners.
5番 エアヘッズのフルーツスピナー
You may not think that a regular human face would make for a bizarre commercial mascot, but what if that face was spun upside down?
This is the case for the 2010 Airhead fruit spinners commercials which show excited chins and mouths talking about the fruity flavors of fruit spinners.
Okay, like trying to describe the juicy fruity flavors of fruit, you know what I mean?
To complete the look the strange creatures are given googly eyes, eyelashes and small human arms, making them feel a bit reminiscent of the late nineties slash early two thousand's thumb based parody franchise beginning with thumb wars, the phantom cuticle look, I'm trying to keep a low profile.
I oh God, but the but a lot of money and he's right over there at the end of the ad, the chin creatures are cleverly turned into the Airheads logo.
I oh God, but the but a lot of money and he's right over there at the end of the ad, the chin creatures are cleverly turned into the Airheads logo.私は............................ああ、神様。
A red balloon with a face.
Airheads fruit spinners with a big fruity flavor crazy enough to make your taste buds spin number four Hummer H three.
エアヘッズのフルーツスピナーは、大きなフルーティーな味がクレイジーで、あなたの味覚が4番ハマーH 3番を回転させるのに十分です。
What better way is there to sell your product than with a depiction of true love?
What makes this Hummer H three ad bazaar is that the true love on display is between a giant robot and Godzilla like monster the unlikely pair meat while destroying a city and immediately hit it off with a monster getting pregnant and eventually giving birth to a Hummer age three.
Yes, you heard correctly, The monster gives birth to a Hummer.
The tagline for the ad, which played during Super Bowl 40 was fittingly it's a little monster paired with the Hummer slogan, like nothing else truer words were never spoken.
スーパーボウル40で流れたこの広告のキャッチフレーズは、まさにit's a little monsterとハマーのスローガンが対になっており、これ以上真実の言葉はない、と言わんばかりのものでした。
Number three, pole position video game graphics have improved a lot since the 19 eighties as witnessed by the pole position ads for the games released on the Atari 2600.
その3 ポールポジション ビデオゲームのグラフィックは、アタリ2600で発売されたゲームのポールポジション広告に見られるように、1980年代から大きく向上しています。
Hey, you look like a real jerk.
Well I am a corporate executive.
One ad features a corporate executive who stops exciting things from happening, taking a sunday drive with his family, They get shaken out of his car by a giant disembodied hand and dropped into a race car.
The family then race against each other with some cars running into signs and exploding.
All of this live action action is juxtaposed against actual gameplay footage which is laughably tame by today's standards position.
Most realistic video game ever to hammer in the absurdity.
The commercial ends with the slogan number two bud ice.
It's not every day that a company tries to sell you its product by implying that you'll be stalked if you have it.
But that was the premise of a series of bud ice ads that aired in the mid-1990s, authorities say it is now safe to serve, but that's right.
Just bring it all out in the open, there nothing to worry about, everything's fine.
Most of the ads played out like a short thriller or horror scene ending with a shot of a penguin hauntingly singing the tune as the human protagonist screamed and ran away in fear, the slogan drink.
But despite the ads, strange content, it was a hit with american television viewers with the series dark comedic edge working in bud ice's favor.
Police have no clues except for a sound heard by one of the night watchman Dooby dooby doo Dooby dooby.
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Number one Quiznos.
1位 クイズノス
If you lived in America in the early 2000's chances are you saw one of these bizarre commercials for the sub shop Quiznos.
Mhm ads, puzzled and occasionally charmed those who saw them featuring abrasively weird creatures, Photoshop to have buggy eyes, human mouths and hats naturally these creatures screamed about their love for tasty, toasted subs.
If you do some digging, you can find that these animals are called sponge monkeys and were created by a man named joe l've.
Each for a video called We Like the Moon.
それぞれ「We Like the Moon」というビデオのために。
The Quiznos, chief marketing officer, was a fan of the video and ordered a series of attention grabbing ads from beach for the company unleashing the sponge monkeys onto TVs across the country.
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