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Over the last few decades, the Internet has evolved from a niche pastime to an essential part of our daily lives.
But despite the technology's massive progress, critics say it's become too centralized, with power concentrated in the hands of a few big tech companies.
Enter Web3, where a slew of new companies, like the ones at this crypto conference, are aiming to reshape the Internet.
Web3 では、この暗号会議に参加するような多くの新しい企業が、インターネットの再構築を目指しています。
Proponents of Web3 say it has the potential to disrupt the giants of the tech world by giving power to Internet users rather than platforms.
Web3 の支持者は、プラットフォームではなく、インターネットユーザーに力を与えることで、ハイテク界の巨人たちを混乱させる可能性があると述べています。
But Web3's also drawn some prominent detractors, who've dismissed it as simply another Silicon Valley fad that creates more problems than it solves.
しかし、Web3 は、シリコンバレーの流行の一つであり、解決するよりも多くの問題を引き起こすものであるとして、著名な反対者も引き寄せています。
So what is Web3 exactly, and why can't the tech world stop talking about it?
では、Web3 とは一体何なのか、なぜ技術界はその話を止められないのでしょうか?
Web3 is a movement in tech that calls for the creation of a decentralized version of the Internet based on a few technologies, with blockchain being a key one.
Web3 は、ブロックチェーンを中心としたいくつかの技術をベースに、分散型バージョンのインターネットを作ろうという技術界のムーブメントです。
Ethereum is currently the most popular platform on which Web3 services are built, but there are others, including Algorand and Polkadot.
Web3 サービスを構築するプラットフォームとしては、現在 Ethereum が主流ですが、他にも Algorand や Polkadot などのプラットフォームが存在します。
In fact, the term Web3 is thought to have been first coined in 2014 by Gavin Wood, Polkadot's creator and a co-founder of Ethereum.
実は、Web3 という言葉は、2014年に Polkadot の生みの親であり、Ethereum の共同創業者である Gavin Wood が最初に作ったと考えられています。
Web3 is really sort of an alternative vision of the web where the services that we use are not hosted by a single service provider.
Web3 は、私たちが利用するサービスが単一のサービスプロバイダによってホストされていない、まさにウェブの代替ビジョンのようなものです。
To understand Web3 and where it's coming from, it's important to look a little at the history of the Internet.
Web3 とそれがどこから来るのかを理解するためには、インターネットの歴史を少し見てみることが重要です。
During the 90s and early 2000s, websites were mostly static pages where you could consume pieces of information.
90 年代から 2000 年代初頭にかけて、ウェブサイトは情報の断片を消費する静的なページがほとんどでした。
But it was much harder to produce content of your own.
This period has been described as "Web1."
この時期を "Web1 "と表現しています。
With the advent of "Web2" in the early to mid-2000s, we were introduced to applications like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
2000年代前半から半ばにかけて「Web2」が登場し、Facebook、YouTube、Twitter などのアプリケーションが紹介されました。
These sites were more interactive, allowing users to post their own material and engage in online discussions about everything from politics to pets.
While Web2 ushered in a more user-friendly online experience, there were a few significant drawbacks.
Web2 は、よりユーザーフレンドリーなオンライン体験をもたらしましたが、いくつかの重大な欠点もありました。
Bertrand Perez, chief operating officer at the Web3 Foundation, ran me through some of the downsides.
Web3 ファウンデーションの最高執行責任者であるバートランド・ペレス氏は、そのデメリットを教えてくれました。
Right now, you have big organizations who are controlling your data and providing you services that use your data.
When you're using a service, if the service is free, that means that you are you are the product.
Those organizations are having a lot of insight on you, on your life, etc.
And if you add that, together with artificial intelligence, you're able to basically know and kind of model person per person very precisely, and that's, to some extent, a level of freedom that you're giving away.
Because the more those institutions know you, the better they can sell you ads.
So how does Web3 promise to change all that?
では、Web3 はどのようにそのすべてを変えることを約束するのでしょうか?
Web3 is basically an evolution of the Internet, going to a place where the Internet would be less centralized.
Web3 は、基本的にインターネットを進化させ、インターネットが中央集権的でなくなるようなところに行くものです。
The idea of Web3 is to decentralize the data, so not a single organization will have full control of your data.
Web3 の考え方は、データを分散化することで、1つの組織がデータを完全にコントロールすることはありません。
So that will provide you more freedom, because you don't need to trust a single organization.
In Web2, your data and content are managed by centralized platforms.
Web2 では、お客様のデータやコンテンツは一元管理されたプラットフォームで管理されます。
Web3 aims to flip this model on its head.
Web3 は、このモデルを覆すことを目指しています。
Ownership of virtual items, from social media avatars to songs, would be placed in the hands of users through nonfungible tokens, while commerce would be driven by different projects' native tokens.
It's all about ownership, right?
Solo Ceesay is the co-founder of Calaxy, a blockchain-based social media app.
Solo Ceesay は、ブロックチェーンベースのソーシャルメディアアプリである Calaxy の共同創設者です。
When you think about the way in which content creators monetize themselves nowadays,
you're relying on platforms and their arbitrary standards to derive income streams, which is something that can be amazing when they're in your favor but honestly something that's unpredictable.
Web3 platforms could be supported by decentralized autonomous organizations, or DAOs, online communities with their own tokens that users can buy to get a seat at the table.
Web3 プラットフォームは、分散型自律組織(DAO)、つまりユーザーが購入することで席を確保できる独自のトークンを持つオンラインコミュニティによってサポートされる可能性があります。
I think Web3 really has to do with ownership.
Web3 は、本当に所有権に関係していると思います。
And the idea about community empowerment, and complete transparency.
Sounds promising, right?
Hmm, not so fast.
Just as there are drawbacks with "Web2," crypto enthusiasts' vision for a third iteration of the net has some trade-offs of its own.
"Web2" に欠点があるように、暗号愛好家たちが考えるネットの第3の反復には、それなりのトレードオフがあるのです。
Web3 has attracted the ire of some notable critics, including Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey.
Web3 は、Tesla の CEO である Elon Musk 氏や Twitter の共同創設者である Jack Dorsey 氏など、著名な評論家の怒りを買っています。
In December 2021, Musk shared a tweet questioning whether Web3 was "more marketing buzzword than reality."
2021年12月、マスクは Web3 が "現実よりもマーケティングのバズワード" であるかどうかを問うツイートを公開しました。
Dorsey, meanwhile, poked fun at how Web3 projects are often backed by venture capitalists, such as Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia Capital.
一方、ドーシー氏は、Web3 のプロジェクトは、アンドリーセン・ホロウィッツやセコイア・キャピタルといったベンチャーキャピタルから支援されることが多いことを揶揄しました。
That led to a public spat between Dorsey and Marc Andreessen, the prominent Silicon Valley investor.
Andreessen's VC firm has invested in some major crypto ventures, including Coinbase, OpenSea and Bored Ape creators Yuga Labs.
アンドリーセンのVC会社は、コインベース、OpenSea、Bored Ape のクリエイターである Yuga Labs など、主要な暗号ベンチャーに投資しています。
Web3's critics worry that a handful of rich tech investors are holding too much sway over its development, giving average users less of a say.
Web3 の批評家は、一握りの金持ちの技術系投資家がウェブ3の開発に大きな影響力を持ちすぎて、一般ユーザーの発言力が低下していると懸念しています。
Blockchain start-ups raised a record 25 billion dollars in venture funding throughout 2021, helped in no small part by the buzz around Web3.
ブロックチェーンのスタートアップ企業は、Web3 の話題も手伝って、2021年を通して過去最高の250億ドルのベンチャー資金を調達しました。
Andrei Brasoveanu, a partner at venture capital firm Accel, explains what's behind the boom.
As investors, we very much follow the talent.
And there are some incredibly smart people, many technical folks devoting all their time to explore this new area, so it's impossible for us not to take notice.
VCs are increasingly buying tokens of new blockchains at an early stage through private sales.
They're sort of like traditional equity investments, but with investors owning a portion of crypto rather than shares.
These tokens are later distributed more widely to members of the public.
Web3's skeptics say that puts users at a disadvantage.
Web3 の懐疑論者は、それがユーザーに不利になるといいます。
Not all blockchains are equal.
Some of them are really pure speculation.
They're not building for the long term, they just want to, as we say, pump and dump.
I would say the key in that kind of investment is how much the VCs are taking on the governance of the project.
そのような投資では、VC がどれだけプロジェクトのガバナンスを担っているかがポイントになると思います。
If the governance is 100% driven by the VCs, then you can say, yes, arguably they are taking the control.
But if they are smart enough to say, we are here to invest, and we want the project to grow, and we want to participate in the governance, but there's room for others who also participate into it.
I would say that's the good way to see VC investments in the Web3 world.
Web3 の世界での VC 投資の良い見方と言えるでしょう。
The term Web3 is sometimes used in connection with the metaverse, a hypothetical virtual world in which users can work, play or even party.
Web3 という言葉は、ユーザーが仕事も遊びもパーティーもできる仮想世界であるメタバースと関連して使われることもあります。
But just like the metaverse, Web3 still isn't that well defined.
しかし、メタバースと同様、Web3 もまだそれほど明確な定義があるわけではありません。
Several brands, from Gucci to the NBA, are trying to figure out their own approaches to Web3.
グッチから NBA まで、いくつかのブランドが Web3 への独自のアプローチを考え出そうとしています。
Results have been mixed so far, particularly in the video game industry.
Attempts from big studios like Ubisoft and Square Enix to launch their own NFT initiatives have been met with swift backlash from their communities, for example.
ユービーアイソフトやスクウェア・エニックスなどの大手スタジオが、独自の NFT イニシアティブを立ち上げようとしたところ、コミュニティから猛反発を受けたことがあります。
Embracing blockchain comes with its own perils.
I think just slapping blockchain on a piece of old content won't work.
It has to be an organic effort that's well thought out.
You have to have a strong community approach.
No shortcuts here.
Web2 giants like Meta and Twitter have faced a reckoning over how they moderate online content.
Meta や Twitter のような Web2 の巨人は、オンラインコンテンツをどのように規制しているかという点で、清算に直面しています。
With Web3, it's unclear how they'll be able to respond to toxic and harmful content when the whole point is to decentralize how platforms are run.
Web3 では、プラットフォームの運営を分散化することが重要なのに、有害なコンテンツにどう対応するのかが不明です。
This is all really solved with like, public governance.
The idea of the community being able to have an influence on the way in which that there are content moderation or different sorts of standards that impact the user experience for anybody that lives within an ecosystem.
Just like with anything, you know, everything is good in moderation.
And so there might be things that make sense to be fully decentralized.
But there also are equally a lot of different things that may not make sense to be completely decentralized.
So, is Web3 the future of the Internet?
では、Web3 はインターネットの未来なのでしょうか?
Could it kill the big tech platforms?
Web3 is still a hazy concept, and it comes with numerous issues that will need ironing out if the technology is to mature.
Web3 はまだ漠然としたコンセプトであり、技術が成熟するには多くの問題を含んでいます。
But some experts say the true promise of Web3 technologies is yet to be realized.
しかし、専門家の中には、Web3 技術の真の有望性はまだ実現されていないと言う人もいます。
Like any new innovation, the power of NFT is much more than a selling a bunch of apes over the Internet.
他の新しいイノベーションと同様に、NFT の力は、インターネット上で猿の群れを売ることよりもはるかに大きいです。
Because, thanks to NFT, you can really have digital ownership, digital property, whether it's for real estate, whether it's for cars, or for lots of areas that currently you need a third party to warranty that you have the property of something.
Right now, we're at this juncture where there's an opportunity for this technology to be made impactful for mass audiences.
Right now, we're kind of still trying to figure it out, it still feels like early days.
It's very much so is early days.