字幕表 動画を再生する
this is behind the counter at a local Gyoza restaurant in Japan.
So today I'm in gym Boschee, one of the most popular drinking spots in Tokyo, especially for Solomon and today I'm taking you behind the counter at a super local restaurant here in this area but like always before I start, if you want to see what I'm doing on the daily, check out my instagram account, if you guys want to channel, check out the Tokyo and Japan merch and if you have any questions about Japan or Japan travel, check out my discord community that said this one is going to be a little different than the ones I've done before and in fact it's probably gonna be a little more challenging but you know I'm always up for a challenge, so let's get this one started.
オラ 今日は 新橋に来てんぞ
So here we go back again with another behind the counter, I'm going beyond my wheelhouse on this one as I take you into the marine in a popular local chinese restaurant in Tokyo that draws its roots from a recipe handed down by grandma located just a minute walk from the Jr shin machi station, Karasu mori exit in Tokyo, Good morning, these are the chefs, they usually arrive together at around 10 a.m. to start the kitchen prep so the kitchen chefs apparently don't speak much Japanese and my chinese is non existent, so yeah I'm a bit anxious about this one I guess if you want to see me struggle in the video then keep watching.
ここは、飲み屋がいっぱいあって 特にサラリーマンに人気のエリアなんだ
Oh another workers here and the owner kami amazon, what time do you open today?
てな訳で、今日は ぎょうざ屋のカウンターの裏側を紹介すっぞ
So the restaurant was originally opened by Kami Amazon more than 20 years ago in 1987.
In Tokyo, it was just her at a small counter bar.
オラの日常を知りたい人は インスタでチェックしてくれ
But after some time the word from her customers about her amazing gyoza dumplings started to spread so much so that all the new business helped her move and open up her very first restaurant at this location we're in today.
In fact in Japan Chinese food is very much part of Japanese food culture making up about 14% of the restaurant which is even more than Sushi restaurants at 8%.
日本や日本旅行に関する質問は オラのDISCORDコミュニティーを覗いてくれよな
Oh now the chef is chopping up white leeks which are used in many of their dishes apparently to keep things stressed.
The kitchen cuts many of the ingredients just before cooking so they don't spend much time cutting in advance.
Are you done with the prep?
I really wish I understood chinese.
よっしゃ! またまたカウンターの裏側に潜入だ
He now prepares a soup that comes with a lunch sets.
I believe.
That's egg drop soup.
ばあちゃんの代から受け継がれた 餃子のレシピを使ってんだ
Now all the prep is done.
That was pretty quick.
Thank you, gave me some coffee.
What are you drinking?
Oh gee do I drink that too?
実は彼ら あんまり日本語が得意じゃねぇ
What did you add though?
Oh honey, that's so healthy.
Good for you.
What's that wristband for uh Energy.
Oh it helps with sore shoulders.
Since the chef has a bit of time before the lunchtime rush.
He goes to check on the central kitchen nearby where they make the Gyoza dumplings here, the workers make all of the Gyoza from scratch and once finished the freshly created Gyoza are delivered directly to their restaurants for in Tokyo and Yokohama and even made available on their online shop.
This central kitchen is the heart of their operation and is the reason why cami amazon is able to consistently produce and maintain the quality of her signature mouthwatering gyoza that our customers have come to love.
He's mincing the meat.
They use a fresh branded pork called from fuji Cogan.
最初はカウンターだけの店で、 一人で切り盛りしてたんだって
Oh there's coming on my son with skilled south, the small central kitchen can produce about 4000 to 5000 gyoza in one day.
すると、彼女の絶品の餃子が どんどん口コミで有名になってったんだ
Even the Gyoza wraps are made from raw ingredients which is why the Gyoza itself has its own unique playful plumpy texture.
人気が出て、広い店舗に移転して、 のちに店舗数も増やしていったんだ
In fact, commie amazon even today is very much involved in the production of our signature gyoza and can often be found here working away.
中華料理ってさ、日本で日常的に食われてて、 日本の食文化の大切な一部なんだ
So did you adjust your recipe for the japanese taste?
Yeah, I love your Gyoza.
It's so good.
今準備してんのは白ネギだな いろんな料理に使われてるぞ
She's originally from Shenyang, a prosperous city in northeast china known to be the birthplace of Gyoza.
新鮮さを保つために、多くの食材は 調理直前に材料を切っていくから、
She grew up with her grandmother who was skilled at cooking amazing meat buns and dim sum and who taught her the traditional chinese gyoza recipe that she uses today, inspiring her to follow her true passion to cook.
Oh now the chefs back at the restaurant.
So before the store opens for lunch, the chef makes food for all the workers.
Apparently the restaurant closed at midnight and some of the workers stay late so they prefer having a later breakfast with each other just before the lunchtime rush, wow.
Look how fast he cooks.
My man's got skills.
This is a popular summer stir fry dish with egg cucumber pork and a jelly here.
Oh the other workers are here from the central kitchen just down the street.
It's really like they're one big family.
You don't eat with them.
お〜青汁だ オラも飲んでんぞ!
Yeah, I guess after their meal, all that's left to do is wait for the customers to arrive at 11:30.
Hey, what's your hobby by the way, studying stock.
You must be banking all that money ever million.
How about you?
You like fishing?
Where do you usually go?
ちょっと時間ができたら 近くの工房を様子を見にいくぞ
Wait, how old are you?
You look a lot younger and you?
出来上がったら直接 店に運ぶぞ
So I wanted to step outside real quick and give a quick shout out to the sponsor of this video squarespace.
If you all don't already know.
Squarespace is the number one way to build your online presence.
In fact, I use squarespace from my site.
ここでまとめて作ることで、どの店でも同じクオリティの 美味い餃子を提供できるようしてる
Tokyo Zebra.
神山さんが作る餃子はヨダレが 止まらなくなるほど美味くて、客が集まるんだ
Here's just some of the reasons why I love using squarespace so much.
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ブランド豚のルイビ豚ってのを使ってるぞ 富士高原のやつだ
Squarespace has all the tools to get it done while also looking ultra sleek and professional at the same time.
They support numerous portfolios and gallery designs which you can customize and even password protect?
熟練の職人が、 1日4000-5000個もの餃子をここで作るぞ
So the right people see your work use its fully integrated blogging tools and commenting features such as thread comments, replies and likes to help engage your community And my personal favorite built in analytics to see how your visits, unique visitors and patrias trend over time.
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When you're ready to launch, go to squarespace dot com for paolo from Tokyo and get 10% off your first domain or web site.
神山さん 今でも一緒にぎょうざ包んでるぞ
Listen to the dog.
Yeah, the first customers are here.
Oh Kami amazon is explaining the menu to the customers herself.
Although there's a waitress, she says that she still enjoys talking directly with customers and telling them about her food.
I guess this is another reason why so many locals just love this place.
And of course the customers ordering their famous Gyoza.
That yellow ingredient in the water is corn powder which helps to create the crispy outer shell while still maintaining the juicy flavors inside.
肉まんや点心も得意な ばあちゃんと住んでたんだ
Oh nice.
店の餃子のレシピは、ばあちゃんから教わった 中国の伝統的なレシピなんだ
The gyoza is ready.
料理上手なばぁちゃんの影響もあって、 神山さんは料理に興味を持ったんだって
開店の前に まかないを作ってるみたいだぞ
It looks good.
店は深夜0時閉店だから 遅くまで働いてるスタッフもいる
だから遅めの朝食を 昼めしのラッシュ前に食うんだって
There goes a here is dripping with flavor that you don't even need sauce but I do love to get sloppy with it here and alternate between the various offerings to mix up the flavor profile.
調理すんの 早っ
Either way that is addictive.
料理 うまっ
So how many girls do you sell a day?
What's popular?
卵 きゅうり 豚肉にきくらげだ
Tell me the truth.
英語ではJelly earって言うぞ
What's the secret to your food?
Interestingly boiled and steamed dumplings are more commonly eaten in china and the leftovers are pan fried and eaten the next day at least.
That's what I understand this shop of course has many different kinds of dumplings, but since the majority of japanese prefer pan fried gyoza dumplings, it's become the most popular item matter shop.
Now the chef is making sushi boo to sweet and sour pork.
メシ食ったら あとは客が来るのを待つだけだ
So if you haven't figured out by now, he's the main chef at this restaurant.
He originally studied at a cooking school in chang chun china which is just north of Kami amazon's hometown after building and honing his skills as a chef.
He moved to Japan in 2000 and eight and has been working as a chef now for about 30 years with so much skill, Kami amazon was eager to hire him two years ago as a head chef at the main restaurant that's actually one of the most popular dishes on the menu, shrimp, fried rice and of course it's usually ordered with their Gyoza.
Oh and once again he's flying, he's just so efficient with his movements and he washes the pan fast as well.
I guess.
釣り!! どこで釣りすんの?
It's nice to have the water faucet right next to the cooking stove.
I didn't notice this a lot in japanese kitchens, but I believe the design is pretty common in chinese restaurant kitchens getting quite busy.
Let's go talk to the customers.
Excuse me.
ちょっと外に出て スポンサー SQUARE SPACE の宣伝だ
Is this your first time?
SQUARE SPACEはオラが信頼を置いてる ウェブサイト制作サイトだ
So what do you like here?
オラのウェブサイト TOKYO ZEBRAも もちろんSQUARE SPACEを使ってる
What's your recommendation?
いろんなツールで プロみたいに洒落たサイトが作れるぞ
Oh the chef is making Mabo tofu now the smells from the spices are intoxicating.
例えば ポートフォリオ&ギャラリーデザインで
In fact the head chef Lanza shops original spicy oil called mullah jang used in their Mapo tofu in addition to the signature flavored oils like scallion oil, sansho pepper oil and garlic oil which is bought by kami amazon herself in china to guarantee the true taste of her homeland.
You're working so hard aren't you tired?
I guess not now the lunchtime rush is in full swing and the chefs are in sync with one another, cooking one dish after another at incredible speeds.
パワーアップしたブログ コメント機能を使うと
It's like watching a Formula One pit crew on repeat Apparently though nighttime is far busier than lunch.
スレッドやコメント 返信 いいねもできて コミュニティの繋がりをもてる
As many locals italian men area come here evening after work to enjoy, goes and drinks.
オラみたいな分析オタクにも嬉しい 統計機能もついてるぞ
Sounds like a fun night to me.
閲覧者やユニークビジター ページビューが 期間別に確認できるんだ
Oh the chefs are also responsible for washing all of the dishes here.
squarespace.comにアクセスして まずは無料トライアル
They really do everything in this kitchen.
準備が整ったら squarespace.com/paolofromtokyoにアクセス!
That's the last customer.
Yeah, someone's happy.
So after lunch the chefs take a break at 2:00 until they need to start preparing for dinner at four after such a high paced work shift, they definitely deserve a break.
Taking advantage of the time to sleep or work on their hobbies.
スタッフもいるけど 客と料理について話すのも好きなんだって
They're really all like one big family so that's another one in the books.
If you want to visit this shop and experience it yourself, I'll be sure to leave a link in the description.
So there you go.
この黄色いやつは コーンの粉と水を混ぜたやつで
That is behind the counter at a local Gyoza restaurant here in Japan.
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